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Ninth Circuit Rejects Claim that University Libeled Students and Coaches by Falsely Accusing Them of Blackface Skit
From Day v. California Lutheran Univ., decided yesterday by Ninth Circuit Judges Gabriel Sanchez and Salvador Mendoza, Jr., and District Court Judge Brian Jackson (M.D. La.) (reversing a decision I blogged about last Fall):
In January 2020, a group of students from the California Lutheran University ("CLU") women's softball team performed a lip-sync routine to the theme song from The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air, allegedly wearing "hip-hop clothing," dark makeup to portray facial hair, and curly wigs. After the team posted the performance on social media, CLU's leadership received a complaint that the performance was "blackface."
In the following weeks, CLU's leadership addressed the performance in emails to the CLU students, campus-wide community forums, and a meeting with the softball team and their parents. These communications characterized the performance as a "racist incident," remarked that "blackface" "evoke[s] white supremacy" and "anti‑blackness," and expressed the view that "students were recorded doing performances in which there were exaggerated characterizations of black people and culture" and that "[m]any viewers in [the] campus community took offense and identified" the images as "blackface." Plaintiffs sued CLU and certain officers for defamation, false light, and other state law claims arising from these assertedly false statements.
The court held that defendants' speech wasn't legally actionable:
[T]he common-interest privilege … [protects] "… a communication, without malice, to a person interested therein, by one who is also interested" …. The privilege applies "where the communicator and the recipient have a common interest and the communication is of a kind reasonably calculated to protect or further that interest."
The common-interest privilege applies here because the statements by CLU's leadership were made to the campus community, who share an interest in addressing matters of racism and racial justice as it pertains to student groups and campus activities. Plaintiffs' assertion that defendants "call[ed] attention" to the performance in various news outlets does not defeat the privilege. California courts have recognized that the privilege can apply even when challenged statements are later disseminated to the news media…. Here, in contrast, CLU's statements were directed not to the world at large but "mainly towards those involved" with the same "narrow private interests," the campus community. In any event, … plaintiffs here do not allege that any statement made to a news outlet was itself defamatory….
Plaintiffs have not plausibly alleged actual malice by any defendant sufficient to defeat the common-interest privilege, i.e., that the defendants were "motivated by hatred or ill will" towards the plaintiffs or "lacked reasonable ground for belief in the truth of the publication." The district court concluded in error that some of the statements "were offered in bad faith and with some awareness that they were not truthful" because then-CLU President Chris Kimball allegedly acknowledged in a meeting with the softball team that he believed the students "did not intend to do anything racist," even as he later characterized the performance as "blackface." This acknowledgement does not establish that Kimball lacked reasonable grounds to believe in the truth of his emailed statements. Kimball also stated in that meeting that "there is a distinction between intent and impact" and others perceived the performance to be hurtful. Kimball added that in his view, the performance was "blackface" given how the group was dressed and differing definitions of the term. These statements to the team are consistent with Kimball's campus-wide email defending the use of the term "blackface" to describe performances that involve "exaggerated characterizations of black people and culture." In short, plaintiffs have not plausibly alleged any bad faith or knowledge of the falsity of the challenged statements.
For the same reasons, plaintiffs fail to sufficiently plead their false light claims, which are based on the same allegations as their defamation claims.
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I can't remember, was Virginia Governor Northern (D) the one in Black Face, or the guy in the Klan robe?? I thought his 70's Vette with the Rainbow Glitter pinstripes was worse than either.
Frank "Never done Blackface, but often get the Chinese Eyes"
These communications characterized the performance as a "racist incident," remarked that "blackface" "evoke[s] white supremacy" and "anti‑blackness," and expressed the view that "students were recorded doing performances in which there were exaggerated characterizations of black people and culture" and that "[m]any viewers in [the] campus community took offense and identified" the images as "blackface."
I remember reading in college about the constant Byzantine battles over iconophile/iconoclasm and it seemed so alien-- why did the simple display of icons lead to so much grief? If you want to display icons, then great, if you don't then don't, simple, done, next issue. I really judged them too harshly, because our modern regime where there's a moral panic over makeup is equally preposterous although thankfully less lethal. People wear all sorts of makeup all the time, but there's the One Makeup That Must Never Be Worn and it's also like really cautious talmudic law-- you can't come too close to crossing the line either. Meanwhile, whitening cream for the face is sold over the counter and nobody cares. I don't think the lawsuit was particularly meritorious, but the reaction to the incident is certainly preposterous.
Biden judge, Biden judge, Obama judge
Amazing that the left can manage to twist itself into knots to find that any libel against conservatives, like NBC editing the George Zimmerman police call, while finding a $900 million settlement for Fox talking about Dominion's shenanigans.
This is why I say liberals should be gassed.
"is not libel" should have been at end of first sentence.
"Biden judge, Biden judge, Obama judge"
It's worth noting that the district court judge (Stanton) who said the students' case could go forward was also an Obama appointee.
Is it?
Seems to me that this broadens the Common Interest Privilege so much that just about any statement would be covered -- "of course my community shares an interest in knowing that X is a pedophile or that Y is a dishonest contractor."
The result is that there would no longer be a negligence standard for defamation, but rather "actual malice" across the board.
I mean, assuming the common-interest privilege applies, the decision is indisputably correct.
That said, I can't see it applying under my jurisdiction's application of the privilege. I am unfamiliar with the line of cases in California (assuming, without reading the opinion, that they are applying California law), so I can't comment on whether it's appropriate under California law.
But yeah, I have to admit that I had ... questions ... when I saw that.
I agree. That application of the "common-interest privilege" is a near-classic example of 'the exception that swallows the rule'. Under that definition, almost nothing is left of defamation.
I would have called it opinion based upon disclosed facts. It might not be traditional blackface but the analogy is certainly present.
When I hear "blackface" it conjures up a pretty specific image which is not drawn-on beards and napoleon dynamite wigs.
Nothing is more malicious than falsely labeling someone racist.
It's also malicious apparently to correctly label a "trans woman" as a mentally ill man.
Does accusing a person of tranracial behavior cause any more damage to their reputation than accusing someone of transexual behavior? What about accusing someone of having black ancestry? Being gay? So what if they were or behaved trans? Why should it matter to their reputation any more than if they behaved gay? Why should the opinions of bigots who may care about things count so far as reputation among ordinary, law-abiding people who abide by discrimination laws is concerned?
This is quite a broad rendering of the common interest privilege.
If this is the standard, it's hard to imagine what could not be encompassed by it when communications are limited in audience to (as here) from school admin to school's students, or from a corporation's management to employees of said corporation.
The other disturbing part is 9Cir seems to have glossed over the idea that the speaker needs a reasonable belief in the truthfulness of the statements. How the school management managed to believe that color-on beards and crazy wigs were "blackface" is beyond me.
Again, if a Democrat judge wants to protect liberal libel, they'll find a way to do it.
Interesting how different the "malice" is that defeats the common interest privilege from "actual malice" in defamation law.
Also, the coach's name was "Derby Day"? Really????
Yeah, just a few thousand of their closest, most interested friends. What a pathetic cop out.
I used to work for a company whose CEO was leaving to take a job as a minister of something or other. He sent out an email to all 2000 employees, “I’m outta here. Pssst! Don’t tell anyone!”
It's really outrageous that in a case about race related libel against whites, the case was allowed to be heard by a panel that included two mestizos and one black.
Why is this not mentioned? Why is it relevant when an "all white jury" sentences a black criminal to death, but not relevant when an "all person of color" judicial panel treats a white plaintiff unfairly?
Blackface!!? The sacred and exalted feelings of the special people might be endangered by that! We all know the special people have an absolute right to never be at risk of experiencing negative emotions.
Obviously it's justified to try to destroy the lives of some wrong-race college students in order to spare the special people a moment's emotional discomfort.
Guys like Ben are intensely outraged by distinctions among people . . . except when they aren't.
Prof. Volokh offers a second helping of this, but has nothing to say -- currently and publicly, at least -- about John Eastman and Donald Trump.
Prof. Volokh had plenty to say about John Eastman a few years ago, but lately he doesn't seem quite as interested in discussing Prof. Eastman.
Prof. Volokh's cowardly silence is not as un-American as Prof. Eastman's disgusting conduct.
Here is an interesting video on AAVE (African American Vernacular English)
Former president Trump should be prosecuted for orange-face.
C'mon (Man!) give a Brutha a "Spoiler Alert" that's JackSmith/Hunter Biden's announcement for just before Labor Day!
Not an argument.
Yes, the iconoclasts and iconophiles had their historical arguments too. They were equally preposterous; nobody is being forced to wear makeup. Objecting to somebody else wearing makeup is as absurd as complaining about somebody else putting up a stain glass window with the Virgin Mary on it. To be scrupulously fair, this is at least a bipartisan device; the moral panic over drag queens wearing lady makeup is equally silly. They have their historical arguments too.
You can "utter those worlds." You can also use "on the spectrum" as an insult if you want. Or call Clarence Thomas an Uncle Tom, for that matter.
But this post isn't about any of those things.
Bostock held that simply accusing gay people of “sexist” behavior and maintaining “segregated” families no more makes any difference so far as the Civil Rights statutes are concerned than accusing black people who sit in the front of the bus of “racist” behavior, behavior designed to deliberately offend white people.
Would it be a defense to firing a transgender person to claim that cisgender people perceived dressing like the other gender as mocking them, and hence regarded it as sexist behavior? Does a jury get to decide that defense?
Why should these people be any different? You have to do more to eviscerate people’s right to equal justice under the law, including their right to sit in places and dress in a manner that bigots think ought to be reserved to only one race or sex, than simply to call them bad names. Simply figuring out a way to fit ones animosity into ersatz civil rights terminology doesn’t cut it.
Maybe they actually identified as Black. Who are you to mis-race them?
Yours usually don't.
"Your?" Did you learn grammar from an affirmative action Teach for America hire?
Only a retard would think your analogy is spot on.
I don’t mind that one, it’s the killing Hey-Zeus slam that bothers me I mean, wasn’t that the point of His coming to Earth? (if you believe in that kind of thing) Used to get mad when peoples would talk about the “Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion” but that’s all medicine is nowadays, Protocols for this, for that, there’s even Protocols for the Protocols! and shouldn’t “Learned Elders” be admired ?? (My Favorite Judge, “Learned Elder Hand”)
That being said, having an Irish last name opens doors (to Bars mostly) but no mistaking my Hebrew Schnoz....
Frank "Maholo! (I know that's Hawaiian, Hawaiian Jews are the best)
You really like this analogy, but it’s completely flawed.
The person wearing makeup is wearing makeup only for themselves. They’re not making a commentary on anybody else. They’re completely free to say, “I love money.” The analogy here would be criticizing somebody from wearing makeup or criticizing somebody for saying that they love money. In each instance, they are engaging and commenting solely on themselves; nothing is said about anybody else, let alone any other group. If anybody is offended or reads implications into a group, then that's solely on them.
Your analogy is preposterous for reasons explained downthread. Somebody putting on makeup for themselves is analagous to saying something about themselves ("I'm wearing blackface makeup; I love money"). It has nothing to do with stereotyping other groups ("All blacks are criminals; all jews love money."). Please tell your mom you learned something today, because up to this point it sounds like you're struggling with 8th grade analogies.
Queen went to Pubic Screw-els, had to repeat a few grades.
In this case the plaintiffs failed to meet the defendants’ racialized expectations. The defendants expected that white people shouldn’t dress, talk, modify their appearance, or behave in a way that appears to imitate black people. The defendants considered the plaintiffs’ violation of these racialized expectations to be an insult to black people and hence a form of racism.