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Professor Barrett Flunks Brackeen's Lawyers
Justice Thomas would place the burden on the government, and follow a presumption of liberty.
I have much to say about Brackeen. I noted in my earlier post that the primary intellectual joust occurred between Justices Gorsuch and Thomas. Here, I'll start with Justice Barrett's majority opinion. In one sense, the majority opinion is underwhelming. The Court does not break any new ground with regard to the Indian Commerce Clause, fails to fully-explain the so-called plenary power doctrine, and adopts a really narrow conception of redressability to avoid tackling the equal protection issue. (Justice Barrett readily cited California v. Texas on that last point.) But if you read between the lines, Justice Barrett seems annoyed that the plaintiffs did not present a better case. It seemed like she was open to ruling in favor of the plaintiffs, but their lawyers didn't make the case.
Here's the tell. Search for the word "Petitioners." Over and over again, Barrett refers not to the actual Petitioners--that is, the families challenging ICWA. Rather, she is referring to counsel for Petitioners, and the arguments they make. Barrett consistently knocks the lawyers, led by the Texas Solicitor General, for failing to present fully-developed arguments. I felt like I was reading a Professor grading a student's paper. And Professor Barrett was not pleased.
Consider a sampling:
Petitioners are trying to turn a general observation (that Congress's Article I powers rarely touch state family law) into a constitutional carveout (that family law is wholly exempt from federal regulation). That argument is a nonstarter.
Ticking through the various sources of power, petitioners assert that the Constitution does not authorize Congress to regulate custody proceedings for Indian children. Their arguments fail to grapple with our precedent, and because they bear the burden of establishing ICWA's unconstitutionality, we cannot sustain their challenge to the law.
Even the judges who otherwise agreed with petitioners below rejected this narrow view of the Indian Commerce Clause as inconsistent with both our cases and "[l]ongstanding patterns of federal legislation." 994 F. 3d, at 374–375 (principal opinion of Duncan, J.). Rather than dealing with this precedent, however, petitioners virtually ignore it. [If only the students at Stanford had read Judge Duncan's opinion!]
Once again, petitioners make no argument that takes our cases on their own terms.
Presumably recognizing these obstacles, petitioners turnto criticizing our precedent as inconsistent with the Constitution's original meaning. Yet here too, they offer no account of how their argument fits within the landscape of our case law. For instance, they neither ask us to overrule the precedent they criticize nor try to reconcile their approach with it. They are also silent about the potential consequences of their position. Would it undermine established cases and statutes? If so, which ones? Petitioners do not say.
We recognize that our case law puts petitioners in a difficult spot. We have often sustained Indian legislation without specifying the source of Congress's power, and we have insisted that Congress's power has limits without saying what they are. Yet petitioners' strategy for dealing with the confusion is not to offer a theory for rationalizing this body of law—that would at least give us something to work with. Instead, they frame their arguments as if the slate were clean. More than two centuries in, it is anything but.
If there are arguments that ICWA exceeds Congress's authority as our precedent stands today, petitioners do not make them.
If ICWA commandeers state performance of a "core sovereign function," petitioners do not give us the details.
When a federal statute applies on its face to both private and state actors, a commandeering argument is a heavy lift—and petitioners have not pulled it off.
The individual petitioners do not dispute—or even address—any of this.
And even when Texas tried to reconcile the disparate precedents, Barrett faulted the SG for failing to explain why Congress's powers were so limited:
- Texas floated a theory for the first time at oral argument. It said that, taken together, our plenary power cases fall into three buckets: (1)those allowing Congress to legislate pursuant to an enumerated power, such as the Indian Commerce Clause or the Treaty Clause; (2) those allowing Congress to regulate the tribes as government entities; and (3) those allowing Congress to enact legislation that applies to federal or tribal land. Tr. of Oral Arg. 55. According to Texas, ICWA is unconstitutional because it does not fall within any of these categories. We have never broken down our cases this way. But even if Texas's theory is descriptively accurate, Texas offers no explanation for why Congress's power is limited to these categories.
Readers may recall that in Lopez, Chief Justice Rehnquist create somewhat arbitrary categories to describe the Court's Commerce Clause precedents. Texas attempting to do much the same. And Justice Barrett did not even attempt to explain why Texas's buckets were wrong.
Throughout the opinion, Justice Barrett placed the burden squarely on the petitioners--and that burden was staggeringly heavy. In dissent, Justice Thomas acknowledged that some of the arguments were lacking:
While I share the majority's frustration with petitioners' limited engagement with the Court's precedents, I would recognize the contexts of those cases and limit the so-called plenary power to those contexts.
But Justice Thomas countered that the majority inverted the burden:
In the normal course, we would say that the Federal Government has no authority to enact any of this. Yet the majority declines to hold that ICWA is unconstitutional, reasoning that the petitioners before us have not borne their burden of showing how Congress exceeded its powers. This gets things backwards. When Congress has so clearly intruded upon a longstanding domain of exclusive state powers, we must ask not whether a constitutional provision prohibits that intrusion, but whether a constitutional provision authorizes it.
The dissent followed a presumption of liberty. The majority hewed to a presumption of constitutionality. Justice Gorsuch, who in every other context places burdens on the federal government, joined Justice Barrett with alacrity.
There is an unfortunate asymmetry on the current Court. Progressive lawyers can present the most half-baked ideas and still cobble together five votes with ease, because legitimacy. It doesn't even have to be baked! A raw kernel of an idea is enough. The Chief chef will cook up a blue-plate special, and Justice Kavanaugh will ladle it out. But to get Justice Barrett's vote, conservative lawyers need to submit the equivalent of a peer-reviewed law review article that fully considers every possible implication of how the theory affects every Supreme Court decision ever written. Short of that, they are going to lose.
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Ah, Blackman still hewing to that legendary medieval scholar, St Clarence de Thomas.
Yes. If Thomas can just go back far enough in time - perhaps 3000BC - he could have his historically perfect society where the Indians and Mexicans didn't exist, black people were all in Africa, and white women were under the complete subjugation of white men.
I get the impression Thomas doesn't like black people at all. His wife is white. His friends are all white. He turned his mother over to the care of his white sugar daddy. And he is trying to overturn every manner of redress black people could avail themselves of (as he once did himself).
Jesus Christ.
You should read up on the history of Thomas.
I feel very sorry for Prof. Blackman's students — fourth tier though they are — if this is the sort of analysis he provides to them of court cases. He is actually trying to pretend that (or worse, actually believes that) SCOTUS analyzing the arguments that the lawyers make is some sort of secret signal.
Please don’t disrespect the fine academic’s opinions; they are idiosyncratic.
I was quite puzzled by Blackman's complaint about that?
Isn't it always the case that the arguments are made by the lawyers for the litigants? When a decision says, "Plaintiffs argue so-and-so," I assume it was the attorneys, not the plaintiffs themselves, who advanced the argument.
It makes sense when you realize that he believes that the only legitimate source of law is what comes from Thomas’s and Alito’s chambers. So however the actual lawyers involved, the rest of the court, or indeed anyone else approach a legal issue must be a weird and confusing side-show to him.
No one is "confused" except you, LTG.
Blackman seems confused about why the Court would analyze and criticize the petitioners’ arguments. I mean it’s a pretty basic task courts engage in and yet he seems mystified by it here. But that makes sense because Thomas often doesn’t engage with what parties argue and instead goes on weird tangents citing his prior writings on a subject. And Blackman clearly thinks this is the correct way to do things even though that’s not how the vast majority of the legal system works.
I feel sorry for anyone forced to encounter your dim wattage in real life. Thomas explains why Barrett has the burden backasswards, but you refuse to take it in. And Blackman says nothing about a "signal" (to whom?).
Yeah $20 says he’s more pleasant to be around than you.
That's because Thomas, as always, does not understand how judging works. Cases do not start on a blank slate. They start with precedent. And while precedent can be overruled, it is the burden of the litigant to make that case, not for a judge to sua sponte decide that he personally knows better than all the judges that came before him.
Try re-reading Blackman's post as if you were more than semi-literate.
It’s really something to see the guy who pushed California v Texas to complain about liberal lawyers putting forward half-baked ideas.
The ACA was famously upheld as a tax. With the tax reduced to zero it could no longer be a tax. Yet, somehow, Texas no longer had standing to bring that to the attention of the Court. Yet LTG thinks Texas’ attempt to do so was “half baked”. Because as an object which is supposed to think LTG’s brain has all the wattage of a half-baked potato.
It was half-baked. It was an insane attempt to get the courts to destroy a federal statute that Congress very famously failed to repeal. The Court rejected it 7-2. Including Thomas.
The standing theories were half-baked and insane: individuals were harmed because they felt compelled to follow a “mandate” that had no consequences and states would somehow suffer from people enrolling in benefits programs because of that. Total idiocy.
The sought remedies were half-baked insane too: someone feels compelled to get health insurance even though nothing will happen if they don’t, therefore millions of people need to kicked of Medicaid and be subject to pre-existing condition exclusion, yearly and lifetime caps again. Again total stupidity. It’s like bringing a nuisance suit against a neighbor for being noisy and demanding the court enter an injunction to destroy the entire town.
So if a half-baked potato brain can see this for what it is, imagine how fucking stupid you would have to be to believe that Blackman was right.
Correct. Standing has an actual definition. One must have suffered an injury-in-fact, it must be traceable to the thing one is challenging, and it must be redressable by the relief sought.
A tax that is zero by definition does not cause an injury in fact. That wipes out most arguments for standing. And Texas's other arguments were not traceable to a mandate with no enforcement mechanism.
"The ACA was famously upheld as a tax."
The ACA's mandate was notoriously upheld as a tax. I personally think it had some MAJOR constitutional infirmities besides that, but the Court didn't agree with me.