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Congress Should Improve and then Pass the Venezuelan Adjustment Act
The bipartisan legislation would grant permanent residency and work rights to some 400,000 refugees from Venezuela's brutal socialist dictatorship.

Yesterday, a bipartisan group of members of the House of Representatives introduced the Venezuelan Adjustment Act, which would grant permanent residency rights to some 400,000 Venezuelans currently in the United States, who have fled their home country's brutal socialist dictatorship:
A bipartisan group of lawmakers has introduced the Venezuelan Adjustment Act to adjust the legal status for Venezuelan nationals. Florida Rep. Maria Elvira Salazar (R), who's promoted the Dignity Act, joins Democrats in looking to address pressing concerns regarding Venezuelan nationals. With Florida Reps. Darren Soto (D), Debbie Wasserman Schultz (D), and Frederica Wilson (D), Salazar has introduced H.R. 4048.
According to a press release from Salazar's office, the bill "would adjust the legal status for certain Venezuelan nationals to that of lawfully admitted permanent residence if they meet certain criteria, including entering the United States before or on December 31, 2021."
Moreover, it "would provide a path to lawful permanent residency status to many Venezuelan nationals who have been living in the United States for years and allow them to continue making significant contributions to their communities, the state of Florida, and the country…."
Mildred Rodriguez, the CEO of My Voice Counts, praised the effort, commenting that the bill "will allow more than 400,000 Venezuelans who are fleeing an oppressive regime where totalitarianism prevails to obtain Permanent Residence…."
As Rep. Salazar (herself the daughter of Cuban refugees from communism), put it in her statement introducing the act, "The oppression of the Maduro regime and the failure of socialism of the 21st century has led to the world's worst refugee crisis. As a result, thousands of Venezuelans…. face an uncertain immigration situation and cannot return to Venezuela. I am proud to co-lead the Venezuelan Adjustment Act to provide refuge for those who have endured incredible suffering, so they do not have to return home to face the wrath of the dictatorship."
The poverty and oppression created by Venezuela's socialist government has caused over 7 million refugees to flee. It isn't entirely clear whether this really is the world's biggest current refugee crisis. Russia's invasion of Ukraine has led to the flight of a similar number of people. But the Venezuelan situation is certainly the biggest refugee crisis in the history of the Western Hemisphere.
Rep. Salazar and the other sponsors deserve credit for introducing this bill, and Congress should pass it. If enacted, it will help Venezuelan migrants in the US continue to escape deportation back to oppression, as opposed to being subject to the whims of the White House, where current and future presidents may or may not continue to extend the Temporary Protected Status (TPS) most of them currently enjoy. Granting permanent residency will also benefit American society as a whole, by enabling migrants to integrate into society more fully, and increase their contributions to the economy. I covered these and other advantages of passing adjustment acts in greater detail in an April article in the Boston Globe (non-paywall version here).
Rep. Salazar stands out relative to some other GOP politicians who simultaneously condemn socialism and try to keep Venezuelans and others fleeing it from entering the US. The rest of the party would do well to follow her example, though I fear many won't.
There is, however, one obvious flaw in the current version of the Venezuelan Adjustment Act. With a few exceptions, it only applies to Venezuelans who entered the United States on or before Dec. 31, 2021. That leaves out many thousands who have arrived since then, including a large number admitted under the Biden Administration's expansion of the Uniting for Ukraine private sponsorship model to cover migrants from four Latin American nations, including Venezuela. It is obvious that Venezuelans who arrived after Dec. 31, 2021 are no less worthy of refuge than those who came before that date. I hope the sponsors will drop this arbitrary date limitation.
Some might wonder whether it is unfair to grant permanent residency to Venezuelans, but not migrants fleeing comparable violence and oppression elsewhere. Why Venezuelans, but not Cubans, Ukrainians, and others? It's a reasonable question. The answer is the same one I have given on several previous occasions (e.g. here and here).
Ideally, we should indeed extend residency rights to all similarly situated migrants fleeing poverty, war, and oppression. I have long advocated adjustment acts for Afghans, Cubans, Ukrainians, Russians fleeing Putin's regime, and other migrants in similar situations.. But the best should not be the enemy of the good. We should not forego an opportunity to help some refugees from oppression unless and until we can simultaneously help all.
To the extent there is inconsistency and unfairness, the right way to address it is "leveling up," not leveling down. Moreover, a successful Venezuelan Adjustment Act can potentially serve as a model for similar legislation applying to other groups. The US actually has a long history of passing adjustment acts granting permanent residency to other refugees from socialism. This legislation can help reinvigorate that tradition, after an unfortunate hiatus in recent years.
UPDATE: It's worth noting that there is already an Afghan Adjustment Act before Congress, albeit it hasn't passed, despite significant bipartisan support (including from Rep. Salazar, who is one of its sponsors). On June 8, a different bipartisan group of representatives introduced a Ukrainian Adjustment Act, which I will say more about in a future post.
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Make it effective the day after the border wall is completed.
Why not use these people fleeing socialism as an instrument of our political wrangling?
And you say the Dems are the one into policy-based cruelty.
We should all care as much about their hardships as leftists like you care about border state residents' hardships.
Even assuming you're right about Dems and border states (you are not), an eye for an eye is not really the sign of someone who wants to avoid being cruel.
But of course we all know your clames of caring about much more than being eternally mad are eyewash.
Welcome off my mute list - Gandy goes in, you're next on the rotation. Looing forwards to seeing what you're saying these days!
If it looks like I don’t care, then I’m accurately reflecting Dems' obvious attitudes towards Americans' hardships.
The use of obvious/clearly is a sign your support is more personal priors than evidence.
Your repetition of liberals not being wrong but actually evil looks like your weak ability to handle difference, but anyone who sees you post for a bit realizes it’s more that you love angryposting more than anyone else on here.
"...these people fleeing socialism..."
"Your repetition of liberals not being wrong but actually evil looks like your weak ability to handle difference..."
Tell me, Sarcastr0: Is Nicolas Maduro evil? Was Hugo Chavez evil? (Or any other socialist dictator, past or present?) Is my calling them evil an indicator of "my weak ability to handle difference"?
Policy wise not as much as you think.
Biden and his people have 200+ years of democratic , constitutional tradition restraining them. Chavez did not.
It's the "dictator" part that makes them evil. Left wing dictators and right wing dictators are equally evil. Stalin and Hitler were both evil. Erdogan and Maduro are both evil. It's not the politics that make them evil, it's the authoritarianism.
I think that’s a rephrase of what I said?
Anyway, I agree with what you said.
My apologies, Bevis. I was responding to Ed. I should have quoted him to make that clear.
I didn’t say no difference at all. And like i pointed out he’s constrained. His staff if full of extremists.
His policies in several areas are extreme.
And of course you were one of the people screaming about Trump and concentration camps. At least, unlike you, I didn’t accuse a president of totalitarian behavior.
Why on Earth would these people flee Bernie Sandersism?
AND after Operation Wetback II...
Remember that it was Eisenhower that did that...
I don't understand why such legislation would be needed. Anyone and everyone is free to come into this country whenever they wish.
As a matter of fact, shanty towns are now being erected near the border as the illegal aliens are bringing their "culture" with them when they arrive. Imagine all the sewage produced and diseases that will soon follow. Such freedom! And, so good for the environment. Just think of all the free fertilizer being provided for the land!
Bringing other cultures here, especially from third-world countries, is so enriching to our nation. Imagine all the diversity, inclusion, and equity (D.I.E.) the long-time property owners in these areas will now enjoy.
Hey-Zeus, is there a country you're not in favor of taking all of their peoples???. (Umm, OK, Venezuela, Venezuela, Braves could use some middle relief help, maybe a few middle relievers??)
Seriously, there's over 50 Venezuelans on current MLB rosters, isn't that enough??
And for some reason most of these peoples from Brutal Socialist Dictatorships seem to prefer Brutal Socialist Dictatorships, our current Administration as Exhibit 1. Trying to remember when "45", "W", "GHWB", "Ronaldus Maximus" or Milhouse had their most likely opponent arrested (I know, no Handcuffs, what a Country!)
Easier to just get rid of the Maduro regime. Like we did in Panama.
Then they can just go home.
Exactly how would that work, just getting rid of the Maduro regime? You're not suggesting direct intervention, like an invasion, are you? I am quite sure any US covert intervention attempts have failed, after all, the regime is still in power.
Absent a direct national security threat to the US, I don't see why Venezuela matters to us very much. Socialism collapses when regimes run out of other people's money to spend. Meaning, when the people are tired of suffering, they'll throw out Maduro. So let them.
This is a case where I want to be very choosy about those 400K people in the adjustment. Doctors, biologists, polymaths, engineers are definitely 'in'; landscapers and lawyers (no offense Bob - just trying to keep out foreign competition) are at the very end of the line or 'out'. Why would this be wrong? We want the best and brightest to come here. What a phenomenal opportunity.
"I don’t see why Venezuela matters to us very much"
7 million refugees. Where do you think most are going to come? Stay in Colombia to be be preyed on there?
Largest oil reserves in the world too.
"You’re not suggesting direct intervention, like an invasion, are you?"
Sure, why not, we did it in Panama. It will only take a few days to kill or arrest Maduro and control the capital and a couple of other cities.
Then install the opposition, we already recognize them as the legitimate government, we would be going in by invitation.
Apparently you learned nothing in history class. Starting a war for ideological reasons is how we got into Vietnam.
Ideology is never a reason to start a war.
The problem with Vietnam wasn't that we got into it, but weren't allowed by the powers that be to win.
All we have to do is kill or depose Maduro and install someone like Pinochet in power who answers to us.
I'm always baffled by the desire to bring in white collar professionals, which we have plenty of, and not low-wage physical laborers, which we need.
Sure, let's drive down wages for the middle class by bringing in surplus workers. What could possibly go wrong?
We don't need low-wage physical laborers with large families.
Well, you shouldn't be baffled. The only people who think we have a shortage of physical laborers are the people who don't want to pay them enough to fill the job openings.
Since the battle to stop America from becoming a dumping ground for every conflict in the world has already been lost years ago, I'd settle for an equitable compromise where more future conservatives (through scientific testing) are let in to balance all the future Democrats rather than the current situation where Democrats manipulate the system to ensure mostly future Democrats only are coming in. Since we already have diversity requirements for everything else.
So what's the scientific test for future conservatism?
I wouldn’t imagine that many of these Venezuelans are going to be huge fans of any policy that has the slightest whiff of socialism/communism.
Perhaps we should add a requirement to the law that each of these people be hired as high school economics teachers. Or college professors. Disabuse some of our up and coming citizens of any romantic notion related to socialism.
Why would you assume that? As US socialists will tell you, real socialism/communism has never been tried. Why wouldn't these people vote for the free shit they were demanding of Venesuela before the economy mysteriously collapsed.
Ever talked about socialism to a Cuban or Russian immigrant?
Yes, a Russian immigrant who then supported B Hussain's Government Motors bailout...
They haven't quite learned as much as you'd think...
Because, sure, bailing out failing companies is communism. I did not support the way Obama ignored the bankruptcy laws and thought it set a bad precedent, but it wasn’t communism.
And calling him Husain is just fucking ignorant.
Ed with another convenient story! Amazing!
You’re being sarcastic, right?
Socialism forced these people to eat their dogs and cats. I doubt they care for a second helping.
And yet when given the opportunity to vote they demand more of the same, only favoring them this time and the politicians pinky swear to deliver.
I mean, I like that my political opposition has so many morons, but good lord man.
Cubans in Florida vote in favor of policies that are socialist in nature? Vietnamese fishermen in Texas?
You’re just pulling this out of your ass.
A functioning prefrontal cortex.
"So what’s the scientific test for future conservatism?"
For cultural conservatism? A sanity test. You have to fail.
How broken must your brain be to see other country's citizens through the eyes of America partisan politics.
My dude, not even all Americans fit in that box.
Relevant factors indicating propensity to become Republicans:
--not Black
--poorly educated (no advanced degrees)
--superstitious (Christian, ideally)
--not moderate
--roundly bigoted
--preference for desolate backwaters
You just described every nationality of Central/South Amurica.
What inclines a conclusion those Central and South Americans would be as stunted by multifaceted bigotry as your average Republican from West Virginia or Wyoming, conservative from Mississippi or Montana, Federalist Society member from Idaho or Indiana, or Fox-Newsmax-One America-Epoch Times fan from Alabama or Arkansas?
Only your own "Relevant Factors" Dumb Ass (Nice thang about Coach Sandusky being in Prison, he can't make you "Drop and give him 20" anymore) Central and South Amuricans are mostly "White" (Hispanics can be of any Race!!) Not Black (OK, a few) Poorly Ed-jew-ma-cated (OK, good point, probably not any worse Ed-jew-ma-cated than our Inner City Pubic Screwel Ed-jew-ma-cated lower classes) Superstitious? (Duh! that's why so many are named Hey-Zeuss and Maria) Not Moderate (ever been to Carnival? nuff said!) roundly bigoted, (You wanta hear some race-ist Black Jokes (I prefer the non-race-ist Black Jokes) just go to a Mexico World Cup game, oh wait, you can't
"Mexico's soccer federation has been sanctioned repeatedly by world governing body FIFA for a homophobic chant used by its fans during Mexican national team games.
In the latest punishment dished out by FIFA, the team will be forced to play two of its 2022 home World Cup qualifiers without fans."
Preference for desolate Back Waters: Just look at the Outrage when they arrive in Martha's Vineyard or Sacramento, I'd go somewhere friendlier like Selma Alabama or Baton Rouge LA.
My illegal Cuban and Venezuelan workers FLED socialism, dummy. They don't take hand outs, they believe in hard work, they could be practicing Christians for all I know. All conservative traits. Perhaps in a couple of years they'll even vote for the Orange Caligula. So apart from jumping the border, what's your beef with these people?
Ask Kate Steinle
And millions of white girls have been killed by white, redneck citizens. So your point is?
You really didn’t need redneck there. Most of the identified serial killers if multiple women are not rednecks.
It wouldn't be hobie without a racist and classist slur in there, though.
No, they really haven't.
What a shocking idea.
No one in the entire world ever thought that politics would try to legalize all those criminal b order crossers.
Sure, grant them permanent residence in Puerto Rico.
There's plenty of room there.
We have gone from 5% hispanic to 24% hispanic in just 50 years. No country has incurred that much absurd instability. I can see opening some places for Venezuelans, but just being one of 400,000 Venezuelans does not seem like a very persuasive claim to permanent residency.
In my 55 years here, I can never recall a time where my life destabilized in any way. Pray tell us what happened to you.
Ask Kate Steinle
Who was not killed by a Venezuelan.
Is Venezuela on our border? I think not.
As I like to say, if your house burns down, and you walk down the street to the Motel 6, you're a refugee. If you keep walking past the Motel 6 until you reach the Hilton?
You're just a guy looking for a hotel room.
The analogy is not working for me, Brett. 🙂
Which makes them enterprising, Brett. A desirable trait
Being enterprising is a desirable trait in the law abiding. In the criminally inclined? Not so much.
Is Vietnam on our border? No.
Yet we took in those victims of communism and most of them became contributing members of society. Where is there a requirement that people we take in as immigrants to have to live within a short distance from our borders?
OK, yes, they undercut the nail salon market, and now you can get BBQ Duck Gallbladder in Chattanooga, and the Koreans get to move up a step on the Coolie staircase, it's like the Chinese hate the Japs, the Koreans hate the Chinese, the Vietnamese hate the Chinese, and the Japs hate everyone (where are all the Jap immigrants??) Why didn't the Vietnamese go to Japan?? they've already got the slanty eyes.
Yeah, why aren't satisfied with all those good jobs in Guyana?
They could open a koolade stand.
Too soon?
Here's the deal. Many of these Venezuelans have already left to many of one of the other countries in South America. They're making a living there, bringing in income, waiting for life to return to normal in Venezuela.
But what happens when you "open up the borders" like this? They get on a flight from Santiago, Chile to Monterrey then go and cross the border. It's an economic migration, choosing the "best place" based on economic conditions.
That's not how to handle a refugee crisis.
It doesn’t apply to the people you’re talking about. They had to have been here before the end of ‘21 to qualify. Unless your flight from Santiago does a Twilight Zone thing and achieves time travel the passengers won’t qualify.
"They had to have been here before the end of ‘21 to qualify."
Until the Second Venezuelan Adjustment Act gets proposed. Then the third.
Ah C'mon (Man!) you know they stamp the passport you don't have when you cross the border where there aren't any border crossing stations.
Love how at the "Legal" Crossing Points there's guys with Machine guns (on both sides) Drug/Explosive sniffing dogs, mirrors looking under your car, and that's for the LEGAL crossers.
Fine. Oppose those then. Had nothing to do with this bill.
"Briceno sold what she could - a refridgerator, a telephone, her bed - to raise the $4,000 needed for her journey to the U.S."
"While Central Americans and others can spend months trekking through the jungle, stowing away on freight trains and sleeping in makeship camps run by cartels on their way north, most Venezuelans reach the U.S. in a little as four days".
"They first fly to Mexico city or Cancun, where foreign visitors are down sharply but nearly 45,000 Venezuelans arrives in the first four months of 2021. Smuggles promotng themselves as "travel agencies" have cropped up on Facebook, claiming to offer hassle-free transport to the U.S. in exchange for about $3,000"
-VOA news, 2021.
This is an economic migration. They came here when Biden took office, understanding this was a route to US citizenship. They wouldn't be expelled, just claim asylum...even if they had a solid career in a different country.
Communism’s strong point is generating economic refugees. It’s communism’s special purpose. We’ve regularly let economic refugees from communism come here.
You keep repeating things that are obvious without saying why we should single out this group and deny them. It’s obvious by inspection that they qualify for asylum as compared to the vast majority of recent entries who probably don’t.
Here's how my Venezuelans crossed. First on foot through the pass between Columbia and Panama. In Nicaragua they rode on horses for one month straight into Guatemala. From there they rode busses to the border. People that determined have grit...which most of you lack. That is why they will make great Americans
Kate Steinle begs to differ
American oil conglomerates make a fortune and a political mess in every country they go into. The US government subsidizes those companies with tax dollars and legislative support. Brett talks about a "burning house" but neglects to mention that we pumped up the fuel used to light it on fire and the US government supplied the matches. Just consider the 400,000 political refugees another form of oil subsidy.
You don’t know anything about the Venezuelan energy situation, do you?
Like I've said before here. I run a factory where I employ 6 Cubans and 6 Venezuelans. All illegal. Unlike the lazy rednecks and Mexicans who come from countries with easy lives and whom I've had to fire repeatedly, all these men have suffered privations none of you can comprehend. They are intelligent, well-educated, hard workers and they never make mistakes.
Your God-king Tucker is right: These people are better than you, they WILL replace you, and America will be better for it
"All illegal."
Why should we listen to a criminal like you?
Yep, I'm a criminal. Just like America's farmers
Only "factory" you employ anyone is that shitbox called a Large Intestine.
OK, I get it, they're "Illegal" so you can fuck then up the ass and what are they gonna do? call the Cops?
You "Run a Factory", you couldn't run a circle jerk, so when you give one of them your HIV-ie, Hep C, GC, they just go to your WC carrier, seriously, you're more full of shit than the "Reverend" Sandusky
My factory works in service of America's energy industry. We - including my Venezuelans and Cubans - work to secure America's energy independence. As far as I can tell from your posting activity - none of you slugs appear to work during daylight hours...if at all. My Cubans do. So who's the better Americans now?
Wow. A fellow Environmental Criminal. Maybe we’ll be next to each other when Granholm and Sanders take Greta’s advice and line us up against the wall.
Does anyone know the screen name Josef Tesar (or his wife) uses at the Volokh Conspiracy?
Jerry Sandusky Jr. I hear he's been looking for you, something about "Repressed Memories"
This Open Borders fixation of the poster is approaching tax protester / sovereign citizen levels of delusion.
QAnon levels? MAGA levels? “Stolen election” and “Trump really won” levels?
How about training and equipping the adults to retake their own country?
How are they going to save their country from Socialism if they are in our country?
Finally someone asks the relevant question here. Nothing is going to change in Venezuela, Cuba, or anywhere else if all the opponents of the regime flee.
"How about training and equipping the adults to retake their own country?"
"How are they going to save their country from Socialism if they are in our country?"
They voted these people in! They wanted socialism. Well, now they've got it.
Still can't wrap my Cranium around that "Queenie" is a Dude,
so what are you? a fag??
One of funniest MLB stories, circa 2011, Atlanta Braves playing in San Fran-sissy-co, Pitching Coach Roger McDowell was getting "The Business" from a couple of Giant fans, McDowell asked,
"What are you guys? a coupla Fags????"
of course since it was San Fran-Sissy-Co the answer was "Yes" and since it was San Fran Sissy-Co they went to the press and McDowell got fined and a few games suspension, today he'd get the Pete Rose treatment.
Well I suppose they wouldn't face such of a language barrier there.
Queenies family are such (redacted) they go to the Zoo and throw Shit at the Monkeys!
Everyone knows what being put against the wall means in a political revolution context. Greta wasn’t suggesting that we be put in a difficult situation.
Why can’t modern advocates for communism recognize that things like the Berlin Wall and the figurative Iron Curtain existed to keep hoards of people from getting out. There wasn’t a big issue with huge crowds trying to get in.
All the translations I can find for this idiom agree that it means to be placed in a position you can't escape. Not like "up against the wall" in English, which is an idiom for being the target of a firing squad.
It's perfectly ordinary for idioms that have similar literal translations to have different idiomatic meanings in different languages.
Why can't advocates for selling the Brooklyn bridge recognize that their fake deed might not stand up in court?
Back in the early 20th century, it was possible to legitimately think communism could work, but at this point everybody who cares to know, knows communism is a disaster. Advocates for communism are largely divided into useful idiots and scammers.
You can't expect the idiots to respond to evidence because they're idiots, and you can't expect the scammers to respond to it because they already know it won't work, and don't care.