The Volokh Conspiracy
Mostly law professors | Sometimes contrarian | Often libertarian | Always independent
State "Higher Ed Reform" Roundup: Tennessee
How bad is that divisive concepts bill?
Republican state legislatures across the country are debating significant reforms in state university systems. Some of the reform proposals are fairly modest, but others would substantially transform how higher education work in public universities. In several instances, those bills are now moving toward some resolution, and so a series of posts checking in on where things stand seems in order. I discussed North Dakota and Texas and Ohio in earlier posts.
Next up is Tennessee. The Tennessee state legislature has just passed the "Tennessee Higher Education Freedom of Expression and Transparency Act," and it is now awaiting the governor's signature. The new bill builds on a divisive concepts law that was enacted in 2022. Especially in the aftermath of the "Tennessee Three" expulsion fracas, commentators have pulled out the rhetorical stops in denouncing the new bill.
I know that this will come as a shock, but most of the things you will read on Twitter about this bill are wrong. Some parts of this bill and its 2022 predecessor are not particularly good, or even useful, but the consequences of adopting it have been greatly exaggerated. And some parts of both the new bill and the existing law are actually pretty good.
The original version of this bill was contained in SB 817 and HB 1376, and these bills generated some news coverage and controversy when they were first introduced. Late in the process, however, an amendment in the form of SA 378 was approved on the Senate floor and the resulting bill was adopted by the House. SA 378 was a complete replacement of the original text of the bill. So what does SA 378 do?
The bill requires state universities to restrict themselves to time, place and manner regulations only in regard to lawful and peaceful student group activities and speakers invited by those groups. The university may not disfavor speakers based on the content of their views or threats of disruption targeting them. This provision mostly reemphasizes the terms of the Campus Free Speech Protection Act adopted in 2019.
The bill bans requirements for a "diversity statement" from those who apply for jobs or admission at state universities.
It prohibits the use of state funds to support any organization that "requires an individual" "to endorse or promote a divisive concept." Note that this does not bar individuals from joining organizations or participating in activities where they might choose to endorse or promote such concepts. I do not know in practice how many organizations might "require" individuals associating with it to endorse such views. I suspect not many.
Unlike the bills moving through many other state legislatures, this bill does not abolish diversity, equity and inclusion offices. Rather it requires that any campus DEI work "strengthen and increase intellectual diversity and promote a climate that facilitates the free and respectful exchange of ideas" and requires that such administrators must "include efforts devoted to supporting student academic achievement and workforce readiness." I'm skeptical of how well this will be implemented, but in principle it is hard to complain in good faith about such a requirement.
This brings us to the part of the bill has received the most attention, the restriction on divisive concepts. This is what the bill says:
A student or employee of a public institution of higher education who believes that a violation of § 49-7-1903 has occurred may file a report of the alleged violation with the institution. The institution shall investigate the report and take appropriate steps to correct any violation that is found to have occurred. Institutions shall report violations and any corrective action annually to the comptroller of the treasury through the comptroller's office of research and education accountability. A report submitted to the comptroller must be redacted, if necessary, to ensure compliance with the federal Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act.
That's it. Section 49-7-1903 is the divisive concepts law enacted last year. This bill does nothing more than add a reporting system for possible violations of existing law. This is not worthy of so much as a tweet, let alone a tweet storm.
The original version of the bill had much more robust enforcement mechanisms regarding divisive concepts in higher education in the state, but the bill as adopted simply does not.
If there are complaints worth making, the complaints are better directed at the existing divisive concepts law. Tennessee already applied divisive concepts restrictions to higher education, and the new bill does nothing new in that regard. The existing law mandates that
A student or employee of a public institution of higher education shall not be penalized, discriminated against, or receive any adverse treatment due to the student's or employee's refusal to support, believe, endorse, embrace, confess, act upon, or otherwise assent to one (1) or more divisive concepts
and it already specifies that
A student or employee of a public institution of higher education shall not be required to endorse a specific ideology or political viewpoint to be eligible for hiring, tenure, promotion, or graduation, and institutions shall not ask the ideological or political viewpoint of a student, job applicant, job candidate, or candidate for promotion or tenure
In addition, state universities may not require students or employees to participate in training that includes divisive concepts and may not "incentivize" a faculty member to incorporate such concepts into the academic curriculum. The law specifies that it should not be interpreted to infringe on the academic freedom of faculty nor prohibit DEI activities that are compatible with this restriction. The list of divisive concepts is included in § 49-7-1902 and covers familiar ground.
As divisive concepts bills go, this is very modest. Unlike Florida's Stop WOKE Act, for example, it does nothing to restrict ideas or viewpoints that faculty might advocate or promote in the classroom. The only restriction on what professors might do is that they may not penalize students that refuse to "support, believe, endorse [or] embrace" those viewpoints. Students can be exposed to such ideas. They can be required to read materials or listen to speakers that advocate such ideas. They can be required to accurately understand, explain and describe such ideas.
Frankly, there is not much to complain about from an academic freedom perspective in either the new bill or the existing law in Tennessee. The new bill does not in fact do what the headline of a state news story claimed, "TN bill that allows students to report professors who teach 'divisive concepts' passes House and Senate." Nor does it bar schools from "teach[ing] about social, cultural and legal issues related to race and racism" as the body of that news article claimed. It does not "suppress the teaching of race and history" as the Daily Beast claimed. One of the recently expelled legislators declared, "This sounds like fascism." It does not, in fact, sound like fascism. Mediaite asserted that the bill "prohibit[s] teaching of how race has shaped public policy in America." It does not. Nor does the existing law "prohibit[] the use of 'divisive concepts' in college classrooms."
Sometimes people should actually read the bills.
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(includes territories; 52 jurisdictions ranked)
Tennessee 43
Tennessee 34
Tennessee 40
Tennessee 36
Tennessee 4
Tennessee 8
Sometimes people should actually read the bills.
Maybe the articles, too.
Should those in advanced, educated states be interested in pointers or opinions on education from Tennessee?
Your side seems to think AlGore has something to offer
Somehow I knew Reverend Sandusky would be poised to comment
Aren’t something like 50% of California high school graduates functionally illiterate?
Aren’t most American unis shit anyway, with a sizeable portion thereof doomed to closure in the coming years?
Your petty blue-red squabbling, Rev, ignores the fact that you’re equally part of the problem — for those of us in the rest of the world, that is.
Someone who wishes to advance that argument should avoid using the screen name Theendoftheleft.
Carry on, clingers.
Why on earth would I take your advice about anything, parochial American ignoramus?
Certified by whom?!?
You can't just make bleep up!
For $1000 I'll send you a certification for that. Will even put a red ribbon on it.
Right; Dr. Ed has the patent on that.
What do the numbers look like if you exclude the 13%ers? I hear they like to jog.
The Volokh Conspirators thank you for contributing to the bigoted content of this white, male, right-wing blog.
Did the boy you groomed tell you that you were hurting him?
These are your fans, Volokh Conspirators.
And the reason you will have no long-term say in America's future, thanks to the glorious modern American culture war.
Carry on, clingers. So far as your betters permit, and not a step beyond.
What are you bitching about? These people are going to kill you. They’re going to Anders Breivik you and your lot, if you’d like a label for it. Your lot’s efforts to salami slice them out of mainstream and academic discourses is going to lead to large-scale violence. You’re going to lose everything — including your lives.
Moreover, your country is on the decline. Not only does most of the world deeply resent your cultural imperialism, it also rejects the idea that you’re epistemic or moral authorities. You’re just Yankee Doodle con artists. There's nothing actually progressive about you at all.
Can you imagine a world in twenty years hence without dollar hegemony, and where whites don’t join your military? Where China and the Islamic world dominate international legal institutions and economic affairs? You can kiss your gay and other identity rights (and your obviously false claims about being equal) goodbye now.
His ilk are WHY we're in decline, actually. They've been taking over one institution after another, (And the right aren't blameless, we let them...) and diverting it from its original purpose to advancing their power.
At which point the institutions stop doing the vital work they originally existed to do.
They care more about ruling over us than the functionality of what they rule. So they've broken almost everything.
But, as I said, the right isn't innocent, we let them do it, being too preoccupied with productive enterprises to preserve the cultural institutions that made for a society that could sustain them.
"Those who can, do. Those who can't, teach." Yeah, right. When those who can't, teach, those who are taught, can't do either...
Bit more culpability than that, I’m afraid. Amongst other things:
1. You helped, or at least let the left, set up international institutions, which they (almost) immediately co-opted to advance their totalitarian ideological agenda globally.
2. You started (resource?) wars in the middle east that weakened you considerably, created many more enemies for yourself, and alienated most of your allies.
3. You either facilitated or did nothing as millions of illegals entered your country, which in part works to further the left’s agenda of cultural genocide and cultural replacement. You either foolishly assumed that millions of people would simply adopt your preferred values, or you didn’t think about what was going to happen at all. (The liberals, unlike the left, assumed the same.)
4. You helped to create conditions that crashed the global economy in 2008, which ruined millions of lives, for no sensible reason: CDSs, CDOs, and garbage mortgages. Then, for the next decade, you basically did nothing to defend capitalism and win over the hearts and minds of the masses. Now, you have a bunch of twenty year-olds running around claiming to be socialists without the slightest real understanding of what socialism is and actually entails.
5. You fucked over your own voting base, and, when the red team held office, did nothing other than show that base the massive disconnect between what the red team claims to stand for and what it actually does whilst in office. (So too, though, with the blue team.)
Domestic meth labs?
Yes, that too...
Tennessee 8"
Tennessee does not register voters by party affiliation.
I used this source.
So you made the "registration" bit up.
Accuracy is not your thing, eh?
It should be "Number Of Republican Culture War Victims" rather than "Republican Registration." But the practical point is the same. Tennessee is half-educated; roundly bigoted; childishly superstitious; former home to traitors, bigots, and losers; and current home to mostly knuckle-dragging, deplorable Republican losers.
I thank everyone for the opportunity to clarify these points.
It was also a victim in the War of Northern Aggression and of Reconstruction and has the thankless task of educating the more than 13% of its inhabitants who are more than usually difficult to educate compared with others, so there's that.
Why does your blog attract so many bigots, Volokh Conspirators? Does one of you — just one — have the character to discuss that point?
I assume not. Cowards. Bigot-hugging, fringe cowards. That is going to work great for you and your political preferences in modern America.
Noticing them is "bigoted" but hate facts aren't bigoted. they're just unpopular -- in certain quarters -- facts.
Arthur, are you really sure you have spoken your mind? I mean, please don't hold back. 🙂
The prohibition on using state funds to support organizations that require endorsing “divisive” concepts seems like a pretty thinly-veiled ban on funding student political and religious groups.
Almost any mission statement or statement of principles or faith for such a group is going to be divisive these days.
Given the Supreme Court rulings regarding student religious groups, I don’t think it will pass First Amendment muster.
Did you check the statutory definition of "divisive concepts"? How many student political or religious groups require people to say that, for example, not all men are created equal, or endowed by their creator with certain inalienable rights?
It may well cross a First Amendment line, but the prohibition is not as broad as you suggest.
"Students can be exposed to such ideas. They can be required to read materials or listen to speakers that advocate such ideas. They can be required to accurately understand, explain and describe such ideas."
The problem is the Behavioral Intervention Teams and the concept of "Cognitive Aggression." The old Soviet concept of "Sluggishly Progressing Schizophrenia."
The easiest way to explain this is in the Soviet context -- they believed that Communism was the best system to live under, and as any sane person would want to live under the best system (i.e. Communism), anyone who didn't was insane.
Post Virginia Tech, we now have "cognitive aggression" and the belief that anyone who disagrees with the professor is "the next Virginia Tech shooter." And is lynched by the campus ACT team.
Hence I think that the proposed law is worse than no law at all -- absent an explicit defense of student academic freedom in the above context, it is not just meaningless pablum but dangerous in that it makes the legislature think they have fixed things.
Never forget that the old Soviet Constitution had far more rights than ours does -- it's just that they weren't enforcable rights.
See what I mean? Only Dr. Ed gets to make bleep up!
Some things, maybe. "If you knew what communism really was, you'd pray for it." was a real thing.
I will pray for no fanciful arguments that authorize the same old plague-thugs of all human history to hold detailed power over me or the economy.
Sadly this still goes on. And, surprise! No change in the rage of true believer supporters.
David, exactly what am I making up? Just Google (better DuckDuckGo) those terms and you'll see what I mean.
Accusations of lynching should not be used as a metaphor. (Then-judge Clarence Thomas gave that a bad name in 1991.) Doing so trivializes the horror of the actual practice, in a manner akin to casual references to a Holocaust.
Thank you and congratulations on your appointment as VC speech policeman.
The VC speech policeman is Prof. Eugene Volokh.
Source: His record of viewpoint-driven, hypocritical, partisan censorship.
…which is nonexistent AFAIK. I know you keep whining about something EV (maybe) did sometime in the long ago that you claim happened to someone you claim is not you, but you’re an inveterate liar, so who knows if there's any kernel of truth in all that. Anyway, get over it.
The Fox News- Dominion Systems trial may begin tomorrow morning.
One can only imagine the counterprogramming the Volokh Conspiracy will offer from the lesbian-drag queen-Muslim-racial slur-transgender-white grievance beat.
Metaphorical lynching was common long before Clarence Thomas said it, and has been in regular use since then. Strong criticism, no matter how justified, may almost be expected to trigger that claim.
Murder, kill, slaughter are also commonly used as metaphors, often in sports.
Lynching and Holocaust might be different than murder or kill, no? A bit more historical specificity and recent?
Civility [or tone] policing is almost always made in bad faith, like not guilty just did. He hates Thomas, has made a number of comments to that effect.
If Bob from Ohio thinks Prof. Volokh's civility policing has been made in bad faith, does Prof. Volokh's censorship have any defenders left?
No one (except, somehow, you) can even remember any. Any you're not a believable source on anything.
Yes, it applies only when the speaker is on the right.
The left's Bush Hitler comparisons were just fine. Because he's a white Republican, which means he's a racist, anyway.
He may very well have had top advisers who told him to say that.
You’ll note Kavenaugh cloned it (a stupid move if you ask me) but his anger was mocked instead. The left Shall Not Mock Others’ Truth, though. At least for factions they butter up. Or if it’s a bimbo eruption against someone in direct line.
Fuck you and all your sisters. No one is obliged to to treat your preferred usages as the only proper one.
And "holocaust" is often used without capitalization. Properly, too.
You have the right to speak however you want on here.
We have the right to call you a lame weirdo aspiring to be as witty as the never witty Frank Drackman for your choices in that department.
You have the right to say whatever you want and I have the right to continue to point out that you are full of shit (or, in this case, that not guilty is full of shit).
I will add that I wasn’t terribly enthusiastic about Thomas pulling out the race card, but it seemed to work for him and I will have no truck with unilateral disarmament. We all get to use the word “lynching” for undeserved effect as freely as you do.
You’re a bigot. You’re here because this white, male, right-wing blog attracts and flatters conservative bigots.
Bigots have rights, too.
Are those claims apropos to anything under discussion or did you burp them up because you have gas?
As to *the* Holocaust, I need to state that it was not the only genocide in the 20th Century, which started with the Armenians and ended (?) with Rwanda, although arguably there is another one occurring in China right now.
Both Stalin and Mao killed more of their own people than Hitler did, and I believe that Pol Pot killed a higher percentage of his own people. I firmly believe that Stalin killed more Jews than Hitler, particularly when you include the Holdimoor -- although arguably he didn't kill them *because* they were Jews. I'm sure that was of great comfort to the victims....
My point is that I really don't like the mandated orthodoxy of thought, even something like the Holocaust isn't as simple as fiat would demand. And I like to point out that the Warsaw Ghetto held out for some time with something like six guns -- if 10% of European Jews had been armed, history would be quite different.
You know what's a really stupid game? 'My genocides are bigger than your genocides.'
The Holocaust being bad doesn't crowd out other shit from also being bad.
Good lord.
Not guilty's claim was that he and his held the copyright on the word "holocaust". How that differs substantially from "My genocides are bigger than your genocides" is not apparent.
He said don't trivialize the Holocaust. Ed responds with some off-topic bullshit about comparing genocides.
You defend Ed.
Apropos of nothing not guilty claimed that using "lynching" in a perfectly normal way "trivializes the horror of the actual practice, in a manner akin to casual references to a Holocaust." Which trivializes the Holocaust far more than Ed "trivialized" lynching.
Parsing out exactly what is and isn't permitted or required by this laundry list is to miss the point, which is that no one can be sure what is or isn't permitted or required.
Right. Think of the poor math teacher, uncertain whether teaching cross products might be considered to violate the ban on teaching racial supremacy!
99% of the classes shouldn't be within shouting distance of this list. The 1% might profit from taking the time to ask if they are. Maybe it can take the place of drafting new DIE statements...
Your numbers are off.
If they are, then this was all the more needed, because they certainly shouldn't be. Whole fields of learning are so far from this list they don't need to think about it. Most other fields would only end up skirting it if they were trying to.
And that last is why there's so much screaming about it: People who are going out of their way to teach that crap, and inject it into subjects that it's not remotely relevant to.
Of course there's a lot of nonsense and hyperbole about lynching.
I remember the FBI investigating a garage door pull rope.
That looks pretty dumb, but in a different way than Ed saying social workers are lynching conservatives putting them in the hospital for being mentally ill.
Off-topic gallops seem the thing tonight.
"Ed saying social workers are lynching conservatives putting them in the hospital for being mentally ill":
Ed: “Post Virginia Tech, we now have “cognitive aggression” and the belief that anyone who disagrees with the professor is “the next Virginia Tech shooter.” And is lynched by the campus ACT [Assertive Community Treatment] team.”
Nah, psychiatry would never be abused. Where could anyone get that idea?
Thats a good thang
"...hasn’t been relevant to any side in a long time."
In the case of Artie, that would be "ever".
"As used in this part:
(1) "Divisive concept" means a concept that:
(A) One (1) race or sex is inherently superior or inferior to another race or sex;
(B) An individual, by virtue of the individual's race or sex, is inherently privileged, racist, sexist, or oppressive, whether consciously or subconsciously;
(C) An individual should be discriminated against or receive adverse treatment because of the individual's race or sex;
(D) An individual's moral character is determined by the individual's race or sex;
(E) An individual, by virtue of the individual's race or sex, bears responsibility for actions committed in the past by other members of the same race or sex;
(F) An individual should feel discomfort, guilt, anguish, or another form of psychological distress solely because of the individual's race or sex;
(G) A meritocracy is inherently racist or sexist, or designed by a particular race or sex to oppress another race or sex;
(H) This state or the United States is fundamentally or irredeemably racist or sexist;
(I) Promotes or advocates the violent overthrow of the United States government;
(J) Promotes division between, or resentment of, a race, sex, religion, creed, nonviolent political affiliation, social class, or class of people;
(K) Ascribes character traits, values, moral or ethical codes, privileges, or beliefs to a race or sex, or to an individual because of the individual's race or sex;
(L) The rule of law does not exist, but instead is a series of power relationships and struggles among racial or other groups;
(M) All Americans are not created equal and are not endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, including, life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness; [Yeah, I understand that atheists can sometimes find the Declaration of Independence problematic.]
(N) Governments should deny to any person within the government's jurisdiction the equal protection of the law;
(O) Includes race or sex stereotyping; or
(P) Includes race or sex scapegoating;
(2) "Race or sex scapegoating" means assigning fault, blame, or bias to a race or sex, or to members of a race or sex, because of their race or sex, and includes any claim that, consciously or subconsciously, and by virtue of a person's race or sex, members of a race are inherently racist or inclined to oppress others, or that members of a sex are inherently sexist or inclined to oppress others;
(3) "Race or sex stereotyping" means ascribing character traits, values, moral and ethical codes, privileges, status, or beliefs to a race or sex, or to an individual because of his or her race or sex; and
(4) "Training" includes seminars, workshops, trainings, and orientations."
Generally speaking, I don't see any problem at all with this list, save marginally with item M. Typically, even atheists only quibble with the wording of the Declaration, not the sentiments it expresses.
Most of the world is the third world. American outhouses are the envy of most of the world.
Which is the only reason I consider it mildly problematic.
But, realistically, it isn't item M that's the source of the objections. It's just the least indefensible excuse for attacking the idea that the state can tell public schools to stop teaching racism.
"... using nonsense levels of hyperbole."
When did that become an issue with you?
"The term lynch law refers to a self-constituted court that imposes sentence on a person without due process of law....derived from the name of Charles Lynch (1736–96), a Virginia planter and justice of the peace who, during the American Revolution, headed an irregular court formed to punish loyalists."
There is a lot of Lynch Law being practiced in higher education -- and I don't consider it hyperbole to use the active verb "lynching" to describe it. A person of average intelligence can understand what I mean..
Likewise, when we use the term "decimate" or "decimated", do we really mean "one of ten killed by the other nine"? That IS what the word means...
My concerns (also marginal) are with bullet I. The government ought not to be able to suppress discussion about its own overthrow, even using violence if necessary. After all, the Founding Fathers not only advocated but actually used violence to overthrow their oppressive government before they could start a new one. We reap that benefit even to today. We have no right to deny our descendants the same right to decide when we have become the oppressors.
The rest of that definition of “divisive concept” seems utterly uncontroversial to me.
(J) Promotes division between, or resentment of, a race, sex, religion, creed, nonviolent political affiliation, social class, or class of people;
They just banned Democrats
"(M) [Yeah, I understand that atheists can sometimes find the Declaration of Independence problematic.]"
I'm an atheist and I fully subscribe to the concept of "God given rights", or "natural rights" as they are also known.
It's just shorthand for rights that can not legitimately be taken away from you by political institutions.
I'm not one of those atheists that are so insecure in my beliefs that any mention of God offends me. I don't work the ropes in the mall Santa line either telling kids the real truth after their parents have been brainwashing them their whole lives.
Also of note - the vast majority of foreign students at US universities are studying science, math, medicine or business. Few are studying the social sciences.
I'm in part of the five percent that's clearly better, and more civilized, than the USA.
Keep in mind that this relates solely to the government's own schools. It prohibits teachers in the government's own schools from advocating its violent overthrow.
Just because terrorists like the Weathermen manage to land faculty positions doesn't mean we have to pay them to recruit another generation of terrorists. Let them do it on their own dime.
I'm sure the local chapter of the KKK or Weathermen would be outraged by it. Islamic Jihad, too. And the Aryan Nation would be pissed.
OK, in all seriousness, bullet point M arguably has some 1st amendment issues, though in light of the fact that it just echoes the language of the Declaration of Independence, I wouldn't bet good money on a majority of the Supreme court being sympathetic to a challenge. Not prior to their getting angry about "In God We Trust" on the currency, anyway.
As for bullet point I, while the government can't outlaw seditious speech, it sure as hell doesn't have to pay for it.
As for the rest of it, any student organization dedicated to most of what this bans can go pound sand so far as I'm concerned.
"A high-tech lynching of an uppity Black man."
Remember that?
Sure, they can believe that. And they can go find some private school that wants to pay them to teach it.
"A significant part of the world is not third world."
And a majority is. Your point?
And make that a private school that isn't receiving Federal funding.
Superstition and bigotry will be especially persistent in Tennessee, but the clingers eventually will lose there, too.
No, by its terms a student group that denied they were created equal by a Creator would NOT be shut down. A student group that required members to "endorse or promote" denial that they were created equal by a Creator would not, however, be funded. That seems a rather narrowly and peculiarly focused group to me.
But, again, I don't think that particular bullet point is the reason for the pissing and moaning. The pissing and moaning is over not being able to promote racial collective guilt on the taxpayer's dime.
There’s a real problem with forcing people who don’t want to to fund organizations who promote anti-Whiteness and if this measure goes too far for you what do you propose?
My own preference, since I was subjected to it many many years ago, is that student fees not go to funding any “student government” or organizations at all. I remember talking to a student government campaigner at the time and his argument was that parents paid for it. But in MY case it was coming from my Work-Study earnings. And I hated every damn thing that was being funded.
Gandydancer, see Board of Regents of the University of Wisconsin System v. Southworth (2000)
Southworth didn't want to pay the student fee and claimed a First Amendment right against compelled speech. The decision was that schools had to fund all student speech. I was a "janitor" at the time (actually the acting housing officer but whatever) and remember discussing this with a reporter and we both concluded that there inevitably would be a Southworth II as it is logistically impossible to fund all student speech.
I think the reason there hasn't been a Southworth II is that violence *works* -- if you put those with divergent views in fear of their lives, they won't demand equal funding.
"violence *works* "
College Republican groups are not all in fear of their lives, no matter how hard you wish for things to be as extreme as you feel.
There you go again, dishonestly moving the goalposts. Violence has effects even when actual loss of life is unlikely to occur. (Don’t pretend that there was any reason to take “fear of their lives” literally -- see the "lynching" discussion.) The SFSU tranny attack happened… and the administration whined about how the SPEAKER had been hurtful.
Notice how my comment didn't talk about any actual loss of life?
And Ed was making shit up in the lynching conversation. Unless you think college Republicans are regularly being assaulted and involuntarily committed/lynched by social workers.
“Notice how my comment didn’t talk about any actual loss of life?”
What are you talking about? “College Republican groups are not all in fear of their lives” is absolutely a denial of fear of actual loss of life. And irrelevant to what Dr Ed said about fear of violence, which is not unjustified even if bike locks to the head are fairly unusual. If the tranny attack isn't enough to convince you that this is real, or the bike lock attacks, or the attack on that prof with Charles Murray, or.... How many examples do you demand?
Violence has effects even when actual loss of life is unlikely to occur.
Old goalposts.
“College Republican groups are not all in fear of their lives” is absolutely a denial of fear of actual loss of life.
New goalposts.
You're kinda a dumbass.
I guess I'm just too dumb to see how those two quotes contradict each other, since I don't.
Or maybe they really don't and it's your brain that's not functioning well.
Have you checked your blood sugar?
And you've never used the word "decimated."
Yeah, why not? I don't think the government is affirmatively obligated to fund promotion of destructive ideologies.
The point is that the classes you took in critical race theory or gay buttsex are not particularly valuable, here or abroad.
Thank you and congratulations on your appointment as moderator and explainer of everything.
Given that you vigorously defend the government deciding what is disinformation, why would you think that the government can’t determine what is destructive ideology?
One kind of leads to the other, anyway. No?
1) No trust needed. They provided a list, and it checks out.
2) And they banned their own schools from teaching a long list of nasty orthodoxies. Rejoice!
Seriously, given the crap on that list, they ought to be banning it from their own schools. It should be the KKK complaining, not so-called 'liberals'. We're it not that the left were be coming a photographic negative of the Klan.
So, clear this up for us, Queenie. When hoppy's dad was giving you gay buttsex lessons was your dingle still dangling? Or were you already surgically transitioned?
But not, as already noted, of the gay buttsex classes therein.
And our STEM is proving not immune to the contagion.
No we should add “hyperbole” to the list of things YOU don’t grasp. Because “lynched by the campus ACT team” may be hyperbole, but is not by any stretch of the imagination “nonsense levels of hyperbole”.
Lynching is well understood to refer to mob actions well short of actual violence. Pretending that this is not true is a determined obtuseness.
"Lynch and lynching may occasionally[sic!] be found used in a figurative or hyperbolic manner (describing a situation in which no one is actually put to death). It has also been used in reference to a president who is, or has been, close to impeachment."
…I will add that even in the case of actual violence the word “lynching” is commonly applied in overbroad fashion. Emmett Till, for example, was murdered but not lynched, except figuratively.
But of course in his case the “lynching” has sacred overtone and I do not expect you will object to it
You post this over and over again, and over and over again people point out reason after reason why you're extremely wrong about it being nonthreatening.
And you *never learn* and will post it again. Because other people's points of view just bounce off you.
How about this. When you're trying to make a point about a real world institution, accusing them of lynching is a pretty unclear and shitty use of rhetoric.
Bullshit. Stop trying to keep the word for your exclusive use. It doesn’t work that way.
See “not guilty” below for an even more brazen attempt at this.
Also, see “crucified”.
Your opinions are not objective facts that offer no alternatives.
Note that I cite other people's opinions as well. It's an objective trend with Brett posting that.
Crucified is actually an amazing example. We don't have that history; the word has a lot less heat, the metaphor is not nearly so close to a real accusation of racist murder.
"Post Virginia Tech, we now have “cognitive aggression” and the belief that anyone who disagrees with the professor is “the next Virginia Tech shooter.” And is lynched by the campus ACT team."
And using said bad metaphor to try and jump your fake-ass speculation into something real just makes it worse. No, being conservative will not get you lynched, in reality or metaphorically.
Ed talks a lot about mental health interventions like they are about politics. As if that happens all the time. It does not.
It does make one want to speculate about his history with involuntary commitment.
Go ahead. You say a lot of stupid things, so why draw a line now?
And Riley Gaines was indeed metaphorically lynched as well as literally assaulted.
Not what Ed was talking about, Gandy. Quit galloping.
It is indeed a variant of what he was talking about, as was the college President's effective endorsement of the mob.
And that's why it's "sometimes", not "generally".