The Volokh Conspiracy
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State "Higher Ed Reform" Roundup: Texas
Legislative showdown looming on tenure and academic freedom
Republican state legislatures across the country are debating significant reforms in state university systems. Some of the reform proposals are fairly modest, but others would substantially transform how higher education work in public universities. In several instances, those bills are now moving toward some resolution, and so a series of posts checking in on where things stand seems in order.
Next up is Texas. Last year the powerful Lieutenant Governor of Texas, former TV sportscaster Dan Patrick, declared that that the time had come to end tenure at public universities in the Lone Star State. The lieutenant governor is the presiding officer in the Texas state senate and exercises substantial formal and informal power in that chamber. Patrick has not forgotten about his vow, and it seems likely that some very dramatic reform bills will pass the Senate. The prospects that the proposals will be defeated in the House and in the governor's mansion are not at all clear. The Texas legislature is also set to pump additional funds into the state universities, but these structural reform bills work at cross-purposes with the governor's goal of creating more premier public universities in the state.
There are three bills of particular interest (though there are some other measures affecting higher education that have also been designated as legislative priorities). The Texas AAUP also have a convenient bill tracker.
Senate Bill 16, sponsored by the chair of the Senate Jurisprudence Committee, is a version of the anti-critical race theory or divisive concepts bills that have been adopted relating to primary and secondary education and that Florida extended to higher education in the Stop WOKE Act (which was subsequently enjoined by a federal district court). SB 16 is much briefer than the Stop WOKE Act. It prohibits state university professors from "compel[ling] or attempt[ing] to compel" an enrolled student "to adopt a belief that any race, sex, or ethnicity or social, political, or religious belief is inherently superior to any other race, sex, ethnicity, or belief."
This language might have a better time in court than the Stop WOKE Act, which went far beyond attempts to "compel" belief. Nonetheless, the bill is concerning. The penalty for violating the act is severe -- immediate termination. It would likely chill classroom speech as faculty try to avoid any appearance of compelling belief on various sensitive topics routinely discussed in college classrooms. To the extent that the law simply codifies the constitutional prohibition on compelled speech, then it accomplishes little other than attempting to chill speech. To the extent that it might be interpreted to prohibit professors from advocating certain views in the classroom or requiring students to correctly describe and analyze such views in their coursework, then it will invite controversy. Not hard to imagine students complaining that a professor attempted to compel them to believe that, for example capitalism is superior to socialism by assigning them to write an essay with that premise.
In floor debate, the bill sponsor says that a professor would violate the law if he says, "if you wanna pass my class, then you have to say that." The statement appears to come in response to questions about whether, for example, a biology professor could require students to affirm evolution as the origin of human beings. A biology professor required such an affirmation for students wanting a letter of recommendation to medical school or graduate study until the policy came to public attention. Not great, Bob.
The bill is likely to pass the Senate tonight and head over to the House.
Senate Bill 17, sponsored by the chair of the Senate Education Committee, is now before that committee. That bill would shift greater authority to the university boards of trustees, would prohibit the use of diversity statements in faculty hiring, and would abolish the activities of diversity, equity and inclusion administrators. A similar prohibition was adopted as an appropriation rider in the House. Violating the DEI ban can be a cause for terminating even tenured members of the faculty. The bill would also require state universities to adopt as part of their mission statements a set of pledges regarding intellectual freedom, including a commitment to "viewpoint diversity" and "institutional neutrality."
The AAUP has criticized all of these components of the bill, including the institutional pledges which that organization regards as catering "the right-wing claim that universities are too liberal."
From my perspective, the DEI ban and the institutional commitments are all to the good in enhancing the intellectual freedom on college campuses. The potential penalty for faculty who violate the DEI ban is worrisome, however, in both its chilling effect and its unjustified expansion of the bases upon which tenured professors can be terminated.
The shift in governing authority to the trustees is troublesome, however. It would cut faculty out of the presidential search process and require board approval of all administrator hiring down to the assistant dean level and of all general education courses. Shared faculty governance in the appointment of senior leadership is a longstanding desire of faculty advocacy groups and does have meaningful implications for academic freedom and the academic functioning of the university. Removing faculty from the process in hiring university presidents will set up unnecessary conflicts and blunders down the road. Pushing trustees to insert themselves deep into the academic functioning of the university is just inviting problems from a scholarly and academic freedom perspective.
Senate Bill 18, also sponsored by the chair of the Senate Education Committee, has passed the committee and is now on the Senate floor. This is the big enchilada. The bill would prohibit state universities from granting tenure to any member of the faculty hired after September 1, 2023. It allows the board of trustees to create "an alternate system of tiered employment status for faculty members" so long as everyone must undergo annual performance evaluations. Faculty currently on the tenure track will no longer be eligible for "any type of permanent employment status." Faculty who currently have tenure would potentially be subject to more aggressive post-tenure reviews, but that is unclear.
This is the most radical challenge to tenure with any prospects for adoption in any state legislature at the moment. It would have a transformative effect on Texas state universities and would seriously imperil academic freedom at those institutions. If Texas were to pass SB 18, it seems quite likely that the post-tenure review system would be next up for reconsideration and that multiple other red states would follow Texas's lead in gutting tenure at their public universities.
SB 16 is not great, and SB 17 has some problems, but SB 18 is the atomic bomb that would blow up Texas higher ed.
UPDATE: The Texas state senate did pass SB 16, and it is now before the House.
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“The Texas legislature is also set to pump additional funds into the state universities, but these structural reform bills work at cross-purposes with the governor's goal of creating more premier public universities in the state.”
Yeah, “cross-purposes.” With Abbott’s “goals.”
It is to laugh.
What is to laugh is the idea that giving more money to the kind of corrupt faculty loons currently steering the universities is any way to get an actually "premier" result.
There is more to fear from AI training by ideologues.
Chatbots with total recall of their coders favorite journals , but ignorant of the opposing spectrum of opinion may become as partisan as network anchors , and so will students addicted to using bots to do their homework
"Last year the powerful Lieutenant Governor of Texas, former TV sportscaster Dan Patrick,"
Don't give me a heart attack. When I read that, I thought that the famous and not-reprehensible Dan Patrick was somehow involved. You should probably identify him differently, given that there is someone with the same name who is actually a notable former TV sportscaster. Ahem.
As to the proposal, the issue with all of this is that a lot of what is going on in certain places (Florida, Texas), it's just red meat without thought. "Republicans hate trans people and librul universities, so let's do something!" might be a rallying cry, but it's a terrible way to govern. America's higher education system is not just good, it's the envy of most places in the world to the extent that we have continued to attract foreign students, even after draconian restrictions have been implemented on foreign students at various times.
That's not to say it is perfect, or that thoughtful reform of some of the practices and procedures aren't needed. Any middle class parent looking at tuition at a private college intuitively understands this. But instead of tackling actual problems in a thoughtful manner, we just get more of this.
“Dear Colleagues, do something about harrassment or I will pull your federal funding!”
10 years later…
Yeah, no problems with democracy or process or power creep or mission creep (on autopilot) there.
Follow the money.
It's also an interesting study in meme theory, where people forget the motivating factors behind rules or laws, and begin imagining holy morality from the gods behind it.
Of course it's been going on for thousands of years.
"former TV sportscaster Dan Patrick"
Ha ha. Well done.
Its the more famous Dan's own fault for not using his last name.
Why, precisely, will abolishing tenure "blow up higher ed"?
No other industry uses tenure yet they seem to stumble along just fine. What makes higher education so fragile that tenure is the only possible counter-balance to bad managers?
My guess is that the original universities were founded by governments, and politicians are fickle. In the US, until the civil service system was established (1880s?), government employees were routinely fired and hired by new Presidents, probably governors too, and tenure protected university faculty. If there were no tenure now, would civil service provide the same protection from firing?
It could be an alternative, but that that would be a good thing is non-obvious.
The Augean Stables need cleaning out. I'll worry about protecting the denizens from being ousted after we get a new, better, set of them.
Great question! Obviously, it won't blow things up in the sense that, well, things will still be there. But there will be a few effects that we can see.
First, tenure does have a purpose. Sure, in the media we hear about some rando professor on twitter, but that's not it. It's to ensure that academics can pursue controversial academic subjects without fear of ... political and partisan interference. It is the bedrock of academic freedom. Think of it like the First Amendment- it is a principle that allows both actual protection and breathing room.
Second, there is the issue of competition. If Texas wants to maintain a strong state university system, then it will find itself competing against all the other schools that do have tenure. Now, if you know someone who has ever had to be on the academic track, you know that it absolutely sucks, but the carrot at the end is supposed to be tenure- that's what all those hard years of work, and ramen, and crud apartments with roommates, were supposed to lead to. Job security and the ability to pursue your interests with academic freedom. If this isn't a possibility at Texas, why would strong academics choose to go there? At a minimum, as research and academic institutions, they will start withering.
Third, this doesn't seem to actually deal with any real problems.
Finally, this just opens higher education to more partisan meddling. Everything is about politics- of course, it really isn't. It's about enriching your allies, if you're the GOP. But still.
" It’s to ensure that academics can pursue controversial academic subjects without fear of … political and partisan interference."
It seems to me that if somebody is paying you to pursue useful academic subjects, and you instead decide to pursue controversial academic subjects, maybe there's a place for fear of political and partisan interference. For some value of "controversial", anyway.
I mean, their salaries ARE being paid by other people's money, at some point those people are entitled to a say in what gets done with it.
Obviously there's some overlap between "useful" and "controversial", but it's not remotely 100%.
" If this isn’t a possibility at Texas, why would strong academics choose to go there? "
I'm going out on a limb here, but I suspect that a not insignificant fraction of strong academics are actually interested in studying at least moderately useful stuff. And perhaps Texas isn't adverse to losing the strong academics who are exclusively interested in studying things of no utility?
"Useful," as defined by you, Brett?
Useful for what? Just career purposes? What careers?
Is it at all useful to try to understand how American society, for example, functions? Some controversies there, I think.
How the American political system works? More controversy, unless you think Jr. High civics covers it.
How the economy works. More controversy.
Is it useful to know history? And what about the arts and humanities?
I mean, understanding these things can make one's life richer, just like the money you earn being an engineer or software developer.
"Useful" as defined by the people paying the bills, Bernard. He who pays the piper calls the tune, and all that.
I'm rejecting the idea that academics have some right to live off the fruit of other's labors while doing things those people don't particularly want done. What are they, some sort of aristocracy?
Populism-based education would be a freaking nightmare, serving no one well. And, of course, these policies are not being passed by voters.
I'm not sure if you don't realize that, or don't care. But your hostility to academics is ridiculous, particularly on this blog.
Academics as aristocrats?! You have clearly never really talked to one - you've conjured some bullshit up and rage against it.
Progressive education isn’t?
Turns out if you go to far to a side it kinda fucks things up.
Our education system is fine. Not perfect, plenty of crap anecdotes, but our universities are neither far to one side nor disasters.
You read and think it's the full truth. It is not. I've been to plenty of universities. You have no idea what you're talking about.
Defender of everything progressive believes that progressive fucked up schools are fine.
I’m shocked!! Shocked!!
Do you ever get the chance to participate in any heckling of speakers? Beat up any female athletes? I guess if you’re not the one getting beaten it makes it a-ok.
I go to schools on site visits regularly.
You do not. You read some shit and overgeneralize.
You are flat wrong about what you think schools are like these days.
Brett is suggesting that academic studies relating to gender, racism, sexuality, and non-Christian religion are rightfully risky and to be discouraged. Also studies on global warming, the negative impacts of de-regulation, the positive impacts of taxation, etc.
Why, precisely, will abolishing tenure “blow up higher ed”?
Well, Rossami, it seems to me that the OP has plenty of reasons why it would be severely disruptive of higher education. Just imagine what these comments would look like if the Conspirators were in the habit of just deleting comments they disagreed with too strongly. We would quickly learn to self-censor - or move on - wouldn't we?
Tenure seems antiquated, but in fact we have all-but-tenured arrangements in any part of the workforce where workers have negotiated for-cause termination clauses or where, in practice, "cause" is required to fire someone. In those areas, it's just a nice economic benefit for workers with more negotiating power than the masses. But in higher education, it serves the additional valuable benefit of permitting professor to engage in free and open inquiry, even when they are investigating areas deemed too sensitive by the politicians to countenance.
And, really, it cuts in both directions. We can read here all the time about how norms of academic freedom should protect fascists when they speak at universities. Tenure protects the Jordan Petersons of the world just as much as it protects the Noam Chomskys.
And if you think that they aren't trying to do a lot of partisan meddling, I have a bridge in Brooklyn I'd like to sell you. In Florida, the state already attempted to prohibit professors from testifying in cases that they don't want them to. Imagine when they are "mere" employees subject to termination by partisan boards!
I'd like to see how Florida quashes subpoenas....
.... Do tell....
"In Florida, the state already attempted to prohibit professors from testifying in cases that they don’t want them to."
A little honesty on your part would be a great improvement.
The professors in question had a profitable side business opposing the will of the People paying their salaries and, against their will, other costs of their partisan political projects. Let them push their politics on their own dime, or at least voluntarily contributed dimes.
They were doing it on their own dime. The state nevertheless still illegally tried to prevent them from testifying.
“The professors’ requests to appear as expert witnesses were filed through the university’s conflict of interest office… Guidance from the university shows that serving as an expert witness is considered to receive “low scrutiny” and is “generally approved” as long as it is “not likely to adversely impact UF’s interests.” / Responding to McDonald and Austin’s request to testify, the university said that “litigation against the state is adverse to UF’s interests,””
If they had to ask the answer SHOULD be “no”.
“Tenure protects the Jordan Petersons of the world just as much as it protects the Noam Chomskys.”
Joshua Katz and Amy Wax beg to differ. And of course tenure is irrelevant if you’re never hired in the first place.
Tenure is what is protecting and empowering the activists who have taken over entire departments, beginning in the humanities and now spreading into STEM and other subjects. Their refusal to hire / promote anyone who does not strictly adhere to the progressive line (especially as to DEI / CRT) is common knowledge, and their attitude is essentially “yeah, we do it. We think it’s the virtuous thing to do, and besides . . . whaddaya gonna do about that?”
Major state schools in Texas (UT, TAMU, Texas Tech, UH, etc) have not only allowed but actively encouraged the use of such political litmus tests in hiring (in the case of UT, it’s been institutionalized as official policy). The regents of such schools have been supine to faculty activists and have allowed all this to happen. (Greg Abbott owns the issue, as he’s appointed 100% of these cowards.)
Now that the cat’s out of the bag (see, e.g., the expose on Texas Tech’s use of diversity statements to screen faculty applicants, and TAMU’s “reserving” faculty positions for racial minorities), and the Texas Legislature has taken notice and is exercising oversight, suddenly it’s “but muh academic freedom!”
Horse hockey. Texas public universities decided several years ago to drink the Koolaid, and for them academic freedom is a one way street (it’s “essential” if you articulate the right viewpoint, ignored if you don’t). The Texas Legislature is going to pass strong medicine for sure, but if faculty want to know who to blame, they should look in the mirror. They have brought this on themselves.
Personally, as a disgusted UT alum, if they have to burn down entire departments of that school to deal with this problem, that’s perfectly fine with me. If that means woke faculty and administrators will go elsewhere, good riddance; it’s not like there isn’t a huge oversupply of PhD’s looking for teaching positions.
Long and short, the wokesters at Texas state schools rewrote the rules. The Texas Legislature has apparently decided it’s going to play by them. If they don’t like it, too bad.
Thank you, ABC, loki and SimonP for serious and thoughtful answers. I must had admit, however, that I remain unconvinced. You reiterate the benefits of tenure but did not address my core observation that other professions (many of which share the same need for open discourse and freedom to research) get along just fine without tenure. This particular way of protecting freedom is being treated as sacred - and I still don't understand why.
If, for example, I want to research underwater basketweaving outside the academic context, 1) I can pursue grants independent of any academic affiliation, 2) I can seek employment with a company looking to solve this or similar problems, 3) I can seek out like-minded non-profits to underwrite my research or 4) I can be a citizen-scientist conducting my research on my own time while doing something else to pay the bills. Those models worked for hundreds of years. Were they perfect? Obviously not. But neither is the tenure process.
What makes tenure (as opposed to other protections) so important that every mention of reform seems to get treated as an existential threat?
Look at all the options you laid out. None of them depend on an academic institution.
It’s an existential threat to the academic institution as a place for research, not to the researcher or the research itself. If we want our academic institutions to continue to be hotbeds of research, tenure is a key part of that. Otherwise they're just knowledge dispensaries, not knowledge creators.
It prohibits state university professors from "compel[ling] or attempt[ing] to compel" an enrolled student "to adopt a belief that any race, sex, or ethnicity or social, political, or religious belief is inherently superior to any other race, sex, ethnicity, or belief."
This sounds idiotic to me, especially as to "social, political, or religious" beliefs. Would a faculty member who talked about the flaws of Communism as an economic system be violating this law?
And what does it mean to "attempt to compel?" Does ordinary classroom discussion count?
Teaching that Whiteness is Evil counts.
And this is why it'd be so funny if it weren't so sad. These laws are ultimately going to come back to haunt conservatives. They're an attempt to solve the Phantom Menace of CRT indoctrination, when in reality they'll force Universities into becoming these hyper-liberal, anything goes institutions of moral relativism.
It's true that, while this law would prohibit forcing students to agree that communism is better than capitalism, it would also prohibit forcing students to agree that capitalism is better than communism.
I happen to think that, without some serious indoctrination, most students will come to the pro-capitalist side just based on the evidence, they won't require coercion. So I'm quite happy to just take the coercion off the table.
Are you under the impression that the evidence doesn't lead anywhere, so the only way to get students to arrive at conclusions is with threats?
Not talking about threats, Brett. I don't read "compel" as involving threats.
What if it's just a discussion, where the teacher mentions some advantages of capitalism,or communism, or social democracy, and then relevant questions show up on the exam?
"I don’t read “compel” as involving threats."
Why the hell not? That's the natural reading of it.
What's the point in having both the word "compel", and the word "persuade", if you're going to treat them as though they mean the same thing?
To be sure, capitalism does have objective advantages, such as the relatively small genocide total.
1) make the law seem more reasonable that it is, but
2) use the vagueness as a backdoor to implement the law in the manner you would have preferred to write it were you not concerned about it looking to harsh.
Could you ask students to write a paper on the benefits of capitalism? Like any other paper, it affects your grade in the class.
If that counts as "compulsion" for CRT, it counts for capitalism.
" reality they’ll force Universities into becoming these hyper-liberal, anything goes institutions of moral relativism."
It'll "force" them to become what they already are? (Apart from the "anything goes" bit, which is nonsense. Just ask any number of the cancelled)
A history professor once gave me a D for refusing to state that the Vietnam war was wrong and evil. One assignment was to go interview a Vietnam vet -- and everyone I knew was either USN or USCG -- I didn't know any. So I called the ROTC department and asked if they did, and the commander, who had been in Vietnam, was kind enough to give me an hour discussing tactics and what they did and how it had worked. And I got an "F" for failing to do the assignment he wanted -- I was supposed to find someone who hated the Army.
This law would address stuff like this.
It would also address him pressuring me to go get arrested with him blockading the Federal Building for some leftist cause.
Not that we have any particular reason to believe your version of events, but...
I once had a militant vegan professor teaching an ethics class. Any attempt to critique his views or argue in favor of a contrary perspective would lose points.
I also once had a libertarian professor teaching a class on environmental law. The only way to get a good grade would be to adopt his libertarian take on how best to reform environmental law.
Both experiences required me to think outside my normal comfort zone, and left me a better, more critical, more analytical thinker. I learned, in other words.
You seem to believe that students are entitled to believe whatever they want - indeed, to get good grades even when they refuse to re-examine their preconceived notions. How is that not more of this participation-trophy nonsense conservatives are always caterwauling about?
Your last paragraph doesn't connect at all to the problems mentioned in the previous ones, or to anything Dr Ed said.
And, no, saying that misbehavior by your professors "left me a better, more critical, more analytical thinker" is no argument for letting it continue. Particularly since good evidence for the soundness of your self-admiration is not in evidence.
"Both experiences required me to think outside my normal comfort zone, and left me a better, more critical, more analytical thinker. I learned, in other words."
When I took ethics and philosophy in college, I did the prof a favor and took up the cause of ethical egoism. Not that I AM an ethical egoist, but it was an entertaining challenge, and you actually can make pretty substantial arguments in favor of that position if you try. It certainly livened up the classroom discussions having at least one student who wasn't arguing universal utilitarianism.
That's how good teachers get it done, rather than forcing all the students to agree with them or suffer.
Excellent response, Simon.
I don't believe you.
What may have happened is that the assignment was to present the arguments against the war, and you didn't do that.
There is a gigantic difference between that and requiring you to state as a matter of your personal opinion that it was wrong.
Assuming "Dr" Ed's story isn't wholly fictional, that is almost certainly the case. The assignment, I suspect, was about exploring dissent within the military during Vietnam, and l'il Ed decided go all jazz and do his own thing because he resented the topic. That left the prof little choice but to fail him. It's normally not the lazy students who do that shit than those who think they're too smart for the class.
Its awesome how you have no information about this, automatically decide the only firsthand testimony about the event is false, and make up your own baseless story to believe instead.
It’s awesome how Ed’s story stinks to high heaven, people are doing him a favor and considering ways why he may not be a total liar, and you're angry because I guess you didn't read Ed's story.
Here’s what's fun about “Dr” Ed’s story. They claim to be an academic, yet to people who actually do teach in universities, the story they tell is so fucking common—the student who flat-out doesn’t follow the instructions of the assignment and then blames persecution on the part of the professor for their grade. The professor is racist, sexist, Marxist, fascist, etc etc etc. and demanded a particular conclusion. That is, the student was punished for being a “radical freethinker.” I’ve had students complain to me about their grades after they’ve gone jazz; I’ve had students complain to me about other professors and, after chatting with those profs, I hear the actual story. It’s common enough that when you hear that kind of story, your bullshit detector immediately goes off. “Dr” Ed should know this. Their story reads like that of a student, not someone who has actually spent time on the other side of the lectern.
Also, there's the fact that Mr. Ed's posts are usually laughably ignorant. He hasn't demonstrated much reason to take him seriously in the slightest.
How long would Volokh Conspirators last at UCLA, Georgetown, and a few other legitimate schools without tenure?
Mainstream America should respond to this right-wing nuttery by declining to recognize accreditation of schools that teach nonsense, suppress science to flatter childish superstition, and enforce silly dogma.
Probably until they wanted to retire -- what you fail to understand is that conservatives have to be *so* good that their institutions actually value them. Volokh has a national reputation -- name 3 other UCLA Law professors who do....
Name a UCLA law professor who habitually engages in conduct for which the institution publicly apologizes.
Is there more than one?
What "UCLA law professor... habitually engages in conduct for which the institution publicly apologizes"? And what is that behavior?
Point your Google-compatible device at "UCLA law dean apologizes," or anything similar, to find enlightenment.
Then imagine a world without tenure.
It is of course the Dean who proved an incapacity for his job similar in its egregious stupidity to all your repetitively tedious comments here.
Your disapproval of the dean's (and American mainstream's) position would safeguard a faculty member's position?
How many times could someone publish a vile racial slur before that conduct became, in your judgment, tedious?
Clingers' lack of self-awareness resembles their prospects to prevail at the modern marketplace of ideas.
With 7790 faculty members (or at least that what Al Gore's Paperclip says), my guess is that there are several dozen that the institution routinely apologizes for.
Legitimate apologies to law enforcement, local merchants, etc.
Substance abuse and mental illness amongst tenured faculty is real.
The UCLA Dean's was not a "legitimate" apology. It was self- and university- discrediting claptrap.
You should consider the fact that not everyone is a racist.
Or a gay-bashing bigot.
Or an un-American immigrant-hater.
Or an obsolete misogynist.
Or a chanting right-wing antisemite.
Or a backwater Islamophobe.
Or a half-educated transgender-basher.
With all due respect to Dr. Whittington, he's on the inside looking out while I'm on the outside looking in and it's a very different view -- I don't think that Texas goes far enough...
Complaining about the possible horrors of this is like complaining about the possible horrors on a policy that you can't date your students -- and while there is some validity in both, the harms they are addressing are so much worse.
OK, maybe work a little bit of due process in, which I have no doubt that a court would demand anyway -- but circa 1925 or so, the AAUP also stated that faculty had no right to impose their views on their students. That's been forgotten.
So if you want to teach that the earth is flat, and it's somehow related to the course you are teaching, fine -- but don't penalize the students for disagreeing with you.
Doc Ed, were you ever a tenured or non-tenured academic? If so, in what field, where (public or private) institution? For how long? ayt Curious to know, since you regularly hint at personal experience of matters that inform your opinions, but don't provide anything like specifics or confirmatory facts. Also, from time to time you make medical or scientific assertions which are not well-informed, so don't imagine you have a medical or scientific background.
You go first.
I’m not a MD, if that is what you are asking.
Beyond that, with the insults routinely hurled in my direction, I consider it wise not to reveal personal information. And I take issue with your allegation of uninformed medical/scientific assertions.
And as to hinting, FERPA may or may not apply, but my honor does -- I ain't gonna put the specifics on the internet.
FERPA doesn't apply. What's this "may" malarky? Do you not understand FERPA?
University professors behaved so badly for so long that they managed to turn the population against their generally well-regarded profession in one of the most tolerant countries in the world’s history.
"The population."
Yeah. It would have been so easy for university professors to just do their jobs and teach, try to get along with the public, and have long, lazy summer vacations. So easy. Instead they tried their hardest to make enemies.