The Volokh Conspiracy
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The "Denominator" Problem At Stanford Law School
At what point does a permissible protest turn into unlawful heckling?
I am now teaching the Takings unit of Property Law. In this somewhat incoherent body of caselaw, the Supreme Court often grapples with a recurring theme: what is the relevant denominator. In other words, when the government regulates a person's property, should the court consider (i) only the part of the property that is being regulated or (ii) the "parcel as a whole," including the parts of the property that are not being regulated. If you follow the first path, then ~100% of the person's relevant property interest is being regulated, and there is almost certainly a taking. If you follow the second path, then a smaller percentage of the person's property interest is being regulated, and there is likely no taking.
In 2018, as many will recall, I was protested at the CUNY Law School in New York. Depending how you count, my speech was disrupted for the first eight minutes or so. During that chaotic period, I was not able to speak. At around the eight-minute mark, the protestors departed. After that point, I was no longer heckled. I decided not to give my prepared speech, but rather sought to do Q&A. Even after the incident, I remained conflicted on whether my speech was disrupted. Indeed, I turned to (of all things) takings law to help address that issue. What was the relevant denominator? Was it the eight-minute segment that was entirely disrupted? Or was it the planned hour-long speech, of which about eight minutes was disrupted? I discussed this issue at some length in the First Amendment Law Review, starting at Page 46. Specifically, I explain that the "parcel as a whole" framework may work for a concrete property interest, but is a poor fit for a dynamic protest in which the outcome is uncertain:
But the "parcel as a whole" test is a very poor fit for free speech jurisprudence. This property-centric approach presumes stability while campus protests are volatile. In Penn Coal, the parties understood exactly how much land could not be mined. And in Penn Central, the parties knew exactly how much of the train station could still be utilized. That model works for metes and bounds. It doesn't work for a real-time discourse. Hindsight is always 20/20. When the event began, I had no idea how long the disruption would last. For all I knew, the students could have made noise nonstop. Why did the students at CUNY not protest me for the full hour? I take some credit. Rather than trying to deliver my lecture as planned, or shout over the students, I tried to engage them. I asked them questions to try to forge a common ground. That strategy defused the situation. But it could have backfired. The students could have shouted at me for the entire hour—or worse, continuously clanked a cowbell! The event also could have turned violent. Even after the students exited, I had a concern they would return at some point.
I think a similar dynamic was at play at Stanford Law School. The students heckled Judge Duncan during the first portion of the event. Dean Steinbach came to the podium and proceeded to criticize Judge Duncan. After Steinbach gave her spiel, many of the protestors left. Judge Duncan tried to answer questions for some time, but was unable to deliver his original speech. How do we measure whether there is a disruption? The New York Times interviewed Nadine Strossen about this issue:
Holding vulgar signs or asking pointed questions or even making gagging noises — as many students did when Judge Duncan was introduced — does not necessarily violate the university's policy.
In her memo, Dean Martinez said she would not take action against individual students, citing the difficulty of distinguishing between protected speech and unprotected speech.
"Are 10 minutes of shouting out of an hour-and-a-half-long event too much?" said Ms. Strossen, the free-speech crusader. "That is a matter of judgment and degree."
If you get the balance wrong, Ms. Strossen said, then you risk chilling speech on the other side.
I don't know that it is fair to use the 10-minute mark with the benefit of hindsight. In an ideal world, shortly after Duncan started, an administrator not named Steinbach should have issued a firm warning. If anyone continued to heckle after that warning, the student should be deemed to have violated the policy. The "denominator" cannot be that the planned event that was never allowed to transpire.
The Times also offers some new information that puts Dean Steinbach in a somewhat more favorable light. In particular, Tim Rosenberger, the FedSoc chapter President offers some praise of Steinbach.
To begin with, Ms. Steinbach had a cordial, productive relationship with the leader of the student-run Federalist Society, Tim Rosenberger Jr. Ms. Steinbach, who started at Stanford in 2021, said she wanted to expand the role of D.E.I. to include groups like veterans, older students and conservatives. She viewed herself as a bridge builder. Mr. Rosenberger, for his part, said he wanted a Federalist Society chapter that was better integrated into the university and had found that she was willing to engage in ways that many students, professors and administrators, to Mr. Rosenberger's disappointment, would not.
Moreover, Steinbach helped to moderate a FedSoc event with that right-wing ideologue Nadine Strossen:
In January, when Mr. Rosenberger could not find a co-sponsor for an event with Nadine Strossen, a former head of the American Civil Liberties Union and a champion of free speech, he found a partner in Ms. Steinbach, who moderated the event. "That took some courage," he said. Ms. Strossen said she had spoken to many Federalist Society chapters in recent years and had noticed that, especially since the Jan. 6 attack on the Capitol, the group had become effectively "blacklisted" at many law schools. This backdrop, Ms. Strossen said, made Ms. Steinbach's enthusiastic participation in the event "extraordinary."
What the hell does it say about Stanford that no one would speak with the former head of the ACLU? Nadine is a national treasure. How sad. Props to Steinbach for behaving cordially with the "right" kind of FedSoc guest. Judge Duncan, however, would receive a very different treatment.
Next, the Times turns to Steinbach's role on the day of Judge Duncan's visit. First, we learn that Dean Martinez had approved the email Steinbach sent out:
On the morning of Judge Duncan's talk, Ms. Steinbach sent an email to the entire law school, approved by Dean Martinez. She summarized the concerns that students had with Judge Duncan but said that students who tried to stop speech "would only amplify it," and she linked to the free-speech policy. Ms. Steinbach's connection to students might have made her confident that she could be the broker between the two sides. But during a free-speech conflagration, who should play the role of enforcer? And how should that message be delivered?
I had long suspected that Steinbach at least thought she had the backing of the administration. This datapoint provides more support. Dean Martinez may have more blame than we know.
The university had made other preparations. Law school administrators had warned university officials that students could run afoul of the university's speaker policy that day, according to an email obtained by The Times. The university sent an official to join others representing the law school. But when the judge asked for an administrator, it was Ms. Steinbach who stepped up to the podium.
It was never clear to me why Steinbach, of all people, came to the podium when Judge Duncan asked for an administrator. Even worse, why did no one go to the podium earlier when there was relentless heckling? It was not Judge Duncan's job to signal for help.
Steinbach explains that she viewed her role as de-escalating the crisis. And, for the first time, Steinbach acknowledged that she erred--sort of. I think this statement is a cop-out. The university had a policy that she ignored. Instead, she took 6 minutes to attack an invited speaker on behalf of the administration.
"My role was to de-escalate," Ms. Steinbach said. She wanted to placate students who said they were upset with Judge Duncan — "and to, I hoped, give the judge space to speak his prepared remarks." In hindsight, she said, she did not get the balance right. She noted, however, that she had been speaking to students in the room, and did not realize that her words would be blasted out to the world.
Oh come on. The event was being recorded by the school, and countless phones. She spent time crafting her words carefully. She had to know her words would be broadcasted worldwide. I don't believe she is so naïve.
Rosenberger, the chapter President, faulted Steinbach to a degree:
Mr. Rosenberger said that he had been upset by Ms. Steinbach's remarks in the lecture hall but that she had been something of a "scapegoat" for the university's broader failure to protect speech.
He said that he wished an official had stepped to the podium and warned students that further disruption would be in violation of the university's free-speech policy — but that Ms. Steinbach, as D.E.I. dean, was not that messenger.
"If she was the administrator whose job was to enforce the no-disruption policy, then yeah, she totally failed, but that's not her job description," Mr. Rosenberger said. "People have called her stupid and incompetent. She's a smart and good person who was just put in a really bad spot."
Again, why did Steinbach go up there to deliver a prepared six-minute remark? She obviously had intended to speak to the room. This wasn't impromptu. Dean Martinez again throws Steinbach under the bus:
Dean Martinez, in an email to The Times, said that one of the problems that day was a "lack of clear communication" among administrators in the room. But she laid at least part of the blame with Ms. Steinbach.
"Regardless of what should have happened up to that point," she wrote, "when Judge Duncan asked for an administrator to help restore order, it was Ms. Steinbach who responded, introduced herself as an administrator, and then delivered remarks."
For whatever reason, Steinbach deemed it her role not to enforce university policy, but to engage in conflict resolution. Again, the DEI administrator misunderstood her role on campus.
I'll have much more to say about this topic in a future column.
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If I go to an hour lecture, I don't want to listen to 52 minutes of lecture and 8 minutes of heckling. The hecklers have robbed me of 8 minutes.
If a professor at the law school is giving an hour long class, and students disrupt 8 minutes of it, will they be excused because at least he got in 52 minutes?
If you attend a mainstream school, you don't want or expect to encounter much old-timey bigotry. There are plenty of schools that flatter bigots -- they are run by conservatives, and most are lousy schools shackled by censorship and drenched in superstition, but there are even a few (Notre Dame, Brigham Young, etc.) legitimate schools in that category. Yet the Stanfords -- unlike, in general, the conservative-controlled campuses -- enable those whose views are an affront to Stanford's values (such as Judge Duncan) to visit campus and speak.
Bigots -- including Judge Duncan, and the fledgling bigots of the Federalist Society who invited him -- have rights, too. That play in the joints -- much like reasonable protests -- should be welcomed.
So where did you go, Reverend Sandusky??
Of all the valid bases for criticizing Arthur's commentary, you came up with a shtick that makes you the idiot. Nice going.
That's "Dr" Idiot, and hey, somebody's gotta do it
Liar. The cretins who disrupted Duncan's speech didn't find his appearance there "unexpected".
Where do you think private speakers who are not associated with any academic program fall into this? Your example of the law class includes a situation where the course is part of a student's degree program and/or something they paid for. Whereas, a private invited speaker to campus isn't part of a degree program.
If the speaker charged a fee to attend, then you have some monetary value associated with the event. The audience, some of whom may not be students, would lose 8 minutes of content they presumably paid for. Does the analysis change if the event was free?
I'll have much more to say about this topic in a future column.
The problem, Josh, is so little of what you say has any merit to it. Listening to ten minutes of students caterwauling you into silence would be more edifying than listening to any remarks you could possibly prepare for an event.
Why do you bother with this drivel? If you don't think he has anything of merit to say, just skip over his posts.
Why do you bother with this drivel? If you don't care to see my comments, just mute me or skip over my comments.
For the same reason that Blackman is publishing a pseudo-conspiracy theory about Dean Steinbach. To share their views about the person's position even though they disagree with them and the person is unlikely to see them.
For myself (and presumably SimonP) while we may disagree with modern conservatism we'd prefer if it wasn't a complete farce. Therefore, when otherwise reputable blogs like VC decide to publish characters like Blackman it worthwhile to keep reminding people that the articles lack intellectual integrity and the blog (and conservatism) would do better to jettison such writers or, better yet, push the writer to do better.
I've seen what happens when the right is allowed to devolve into self-satire, it places power in individuals like Donald Trump, Ron DeSantis, and Danielle Smith (a uniquely unqualified Premier). I'd prefer the other side do better.
That sure does sound high-minded and sensible on paper. But do you really think the sort of content-free, whiny, "you suck" post SimonP exemplified above accomplishes that?
If you didn't like whiny, content-free content, you wouldn't be at the Volokh Conspiracy (Official Legal Blog Of Whining Culture War Casualties) or reading a Prof. Blackman post in particular.
The Double Negatives confuse me Jerry, So if I Don't like whiny content-free content ("Content free Content?? Now I'm more confused) I wouldn't be here??
So if I like Whiny content-free content I would be here?
Well I'm here,
and are you really the Reverend Sandusky?? no "Klingers" "Betters" 'Replacement""?? Get your dick out of his ass and let him on the computer!!!
Since your complaint thus reduces to, "You might have a point, but I don't think putting it this way is particularly effective," perhaps you can see why I don't always bother to spell out my criticisms in dissertation form.
There may be some times or mindsets where I might have said something more like:
That sure does sound high-minded and sensible on paper. But do you really think the sort of content-free, whiny, “you suck” post SimonP exemplified above accomplishes that?
Not particularly well.
But it does help reinforce the theme that Blackman is a bit of a running joke.
To be honest, I wonder if the blog authors keep Blackman here largely as a troll. Eugene Volokh's posts, agree with them or not, tend to reasonable and on slightly technical topics, and don't draw a lot of discussion (though it's generally high quality). It's the posts that dip into partisanship that draw the most comments and no one is as partisan as Blackman.
"I wonder if the blog authors keep Blackman here largely as a troll."
Does anybody recall anybody being removed as a blogger from the VC? (other than Clayton Cramer, but was clear that he was blogging on a trial basis)
I seem to recall Prof Volokh saying that Conspirators had editorial independence as to their own posts, which would imply a sort of tenure.
Of course, it's also possible that Prof V and the others simply don't have a problem with Blackman's posts.
" If you don’t think [Blackman] has anything of merit to say, just skip over his posts.
As I do over Somin’s.
Simon, I hope you get your life disrupted "for only 10 minutes" sometime by a mob. I can assure you that your attitude will change.
Trust me....
Ed's faced down woke mobs constantly as part of his job as Dean of Truckers.
OK, that one *is* funny...
Uh oh -- you gave an inch. Now this is going to be bandied about for the next 17 months or so as some sort of "admission" you made....
There's a lot of nuance in this post, which I appreciate, but Steinbach saying she was de-escalating is a bit too much. It reminds me of this classic moment in college basketball. And Billy Tubbs properly got a technical foul for it:
"For whatever reason, Steinbach deemed it her role not to enforce university policy, but to engage in conflict resolution. Again, the DEI administrator misunderstood her role on campus."
No, she didn't, and that's the scary part of it.
I have no doubt that her attitude was that if the protesters felt that their values were being affirmed, they would then behave themselves. People like her see university policy to be fluid and not to be enforced against students who are being oppressed.
Quite a few “progressive” prosecutors around the country see criminal law as “fluid” — not to be enforced against persons who, supposedly, are “oppressed.”
EXACTLY -- and it all started with Critical Legal Theory in the '90s.
Four Harvard Law Professors....
" she wanted to expand the role of D.E.I. to include groups like veterans, older students and conservatives.
NO, NO, NO, NO, NO !!!
This will only further Balkanize things.
Pigs will fly before she advocates giving conservatives DEI points on admissions.
No, it won’t. There’s not going to be a big constituency yelling about all these breaks veterans get.
Oh I wouldn't be so sure, especially if the idea that the military is 'woke' and that's why it's so crap catches on.
She will find some gay (or tranny) veteran who hates AmeriKKKa and that will be her "veteran."
The military truly is equal opportunity, they took a lot of people who were only there for the college benefits (remember Jessica Lynch?) and while I'm not discrediting their service, they also don't speak for all veterans.
See? It's started already.
Imo, it shouldn’t matter, any property taken should have just compensation provided. What would be the fair value of an easement or covenant with that requirement for the land owner (or similar agreement concerning personal property).
Same thing for Standford. Anyone that was disrupting the proceedings should be told to leave by the Fed-Soc people and then if they don’t leave they should be punished. If they are being too loud outside of the room disrupting the proceedings, the administrators should tell them a further away place that they can protest, and if they refuse to go there, they get punished for that.
What manner of punishment would you enact on private citizens attending a private event on campus that is unrelated to any academic program? Assume at least 33% of the attendees aren't students and that some of the audience members are employees on their own time.
How far is too far to send the protesters? Can you send them a mile away? Stanford is a private institution, as well. Are they obligated to open their private campus to protesters at all?
I don’t know what the denominator is. I do have some idea what the frequency is. If you’re still beating this Stanford incident to death, they must not happen very often.
It's just an excuse to beat the CUNY Law School appearance to death for the umpteenth time. He'll move on when the next outrage comes along that lets him revisit his own suffering.
No, 99% of the time it happens to someone lacking the status of a Federal Judge and gets ignored. Do you honestly think that Rodney King was the only Black man whom Daryl Gates' LAPD beat up?
No, he's the one they had on tape doing it. Same thing here...
How's Rodney doing these days? Million $$$ settlement, boy, probably has a backyard pool (who in SoCal doesn't??)
Alcohol, cocaine, and PCP is such a healthy combination.
Seems to have worked for Hunter B.
Sometimes it’s blind, stupid, luck.
Often that, and the USSS, is often the difference. The Secret Service’s job is to keep the twit *alive* and we’ll never know how much Narcan they go through, etc. But it’s their *job* to babysit.
Also PCP is a particularly nasty drug, and I don't believe Hunter is on it. PCP is the only drug that actually *scares* me -- people on it are (a) so violent and (b) so unpredictable.
Dr. Ed, once again I must beg you to stop helping.
You would prefer that somebody beat Riley Gaines to death instead?
Riley Gaines was able to give her entire presentation without interruption. It's not a similar case. There was no hecklers veto there.
Huh? Then she was beaten and prevented from leaving for three hours. Talk about a chilling effect.
She gave her talk to a room with a capacity of 75 persons. Roughly 2/3rds of the people there, according to the SFSU student paper, were signaling support for trans women. Other than occasional coughs or snickers, she was able to complete her main presentation without interruption. Roughly halfway through Q&A, the audience started to get more heated, but Q&A completed on time as well.
In the hallway outside of the room there were protesters who were peaceful but loud. University police where there as were administrators. There are videos showing the deans helping to maintain a peaceful protest.
According to the student paper and videos available online, when Gaines left, surrounded by police, she didn't feel safe pushing through the protesters and so they moved away to another room. She claims that someone struck her twice, though the police were in close proximity to her and did not make any sort of arrest. That doesn't align with your description of it as being "beaten." The videos of her leaving the event doesn't show a "beating." She claims to have been hit twice by one person out of the 100+ protesters that were there. (Something that shouldn't have happened, regardless.)
There is some confusion as to why she chose to stay in the room for 3 hours and I'm reading that the SFSU police are taking some heat for this (as they should.) But, it appears that the police finally declared that they'd arrest people who didn't leave and Gaines left about 15 minutes afterwards--which means the protesters complied and left. The police should have done that sooner.
I think, in comparison to Stanford, SFSU did a lot better. Here's a speaker going to a well-known liberal school in a very liberal, LGBT-positive city, to give a talk on trans women in sports, who routinely refers to trans women as "men in dresses." She goes out of her way to be offensive. Conflict doesn't chill that kind of speech--it feeds it.
So, to be clear:
Only two punches is not a problem, because it isn't "beaten" yet, and refusing to let someone leave until they pay you money is "unclear why she remained in the room".
But she was "offensive" so it was ok.
"Specifically, I explain that the "parcel as a whole" framework may work for a concrete property interest"
I use the "would somebody in the private sector have to buy it" framework. It has the virtue of not being designed to permit the government to get away with uncompensated takings.
I'm gratified to see that, once again, Blackman has found a way to make it about him.
No discussion of the Stanford incident is complete without a declaration that Kyle Duncan is a gay-bashing, stale-thinking bigot whose right-wing views are an affront to the values of mainstream, reasoning, modern educational institutions such as Stanford; he is fortunate his betters treat him better than conservative campuses treat dissenters.
Carry on, clingers.
Well said, Coach,
but at least he's not
Gerald Arthur Sandusky (born January 26, 1944) is an American convicted serial child molester and a retired college football coach. Sandusky served as an assistant coach for his entire career, mostly at Pennsylvania State University under Joe Paterno, from 1969 to 1999, the last 22 years as defensive coordinator. He received "Assistant Coach of the Year" awards in 1986 and 1999.[3] Sandusky authored several books related to his football coaching experiences.
And Kirkland is an idiot who hasn't learned from history.
in Jerry's D-fence
(get it? Jerry Sandusky? D-fence?)
he did a few to many of those one-on one drills
This is very simple. It is never free speech to silence someone you don't like. You have no right to decide for me what is appropriate for me to hear and what is not.
The proper policy for a school is that any attempt to silence a speaker, professor, or student will result in removal, and sanctions up to and including expulsion regardless if the speaker is a Maoist, Nazi, or anything in between.
You don't get to control the dialog.
Well put.
Society supports free speech for practical reasons – in a democracy, the decision makers, i.e. the public, need to hear all the options and reasons in order that they can make the needed decisions. Disruptive heckling doesn’t help that mission, and shouldn’t be tolerated.
We don’t allow heckling in court for a very good reason, and those same reasons apply in the deliberations of the body politic at large.
But aren't the protestors also speaking? And by removal and/or sanctions, aren't you also silencing someone you don't like?
The right to speak is like the right to wave your arms about — it doesn’t extend to punching others in the face. The room was reserved by the Federalist Society for a presentation by Judge Duncan. Any “speech” by others designed to prevent that is illegitimate. As you know perfectly well.
Alice has a right to speak. Bob has a right to speak. Bob doesn't get to stop Alice from speaking by shouting her down. Alice doesn't get to stop Bob from speaking by shouting him down. Both have to do their speaking in a way that doesn't interfere with the speech of others.
For a concrete example, MLK wants to give a speech favoring civil rights, and arranges to use some location for that purpose. The KKK is wrong if they show up and prevent him from speaking.
I don't see this as a hard question.
It only becomes a 'hard problem' if you're starting from the position that 'error has no rights'. Then you have to decide which side is in error before you can conclude whether the heckler's veto was OK or not.
Unfortunately, that's the starting point of a lot of the left, now.
Ummmm, there really isn't much difference between Maoists and Nazis.
Except when you eat Maoists you're always hungry an hour later
There's massive differences - geographical, historical and ideological, for fuck's sake you claim to be an academic?
But are they important differences? I mean, there are huge differences between the Spanish Flu and the Black Death, but they'll both kill you. Do you care which you'll die of?
In this case, both are genocidal, totalitarian movements. Such tend to converge in terms of their actions on the ground, even if their purported justifications for those actions differ.
Only if you don’t give a shit about history, accuracy, and a proper understanding of either, I guess that rules the two of you out. If you actually knew anything about either you might not be able to compare a bunch of kids yelling at a talk to either without a massive sense of profound shame both at the cheapening of real historical horrors and your own deliberate intellecual decline.
‘Do you care which you’ll die of?’
Knowing the difference between the two would determine what treatment you receive so you have less chance of dying, but you’d just curl up in a corner and wait for the sweet release?
Another proper policy for Stanford would be to declare without qualification -- perhaps during an introduction to the presentation -- that bigots such as Judge Duncan are welcome to speak on campus but that their bigotry constitutes an affront to decency, modernity, and Stanford's values.
THAT would be an affront to Standford's values.
It is one thing to say that the man has a right to speak and that you are not going to tolerate disruptions, but to Blacklist him as his introduction, no.
Referring to a bigot as a bigot is not blacklisting. You seem warped by political correctness.
Well, at least it is poor form.
Imagine if the FedSoc leader got up next and said the same thing about the DIE Dean....
The people who consider it poor form to call a bigot a bigot are
1) Republicans
2) conservatives
3) bigots
4) the Volokh Conspiracy
5) Volokh Conspiracy fans
and that's about it.
Still bitter that they wouldn't "Extradict' you from
Jerry Sandusky in Stanford, I want to see that movie!
"Stanford [should] declare without qualification... during an introduction to the presentation... that bigots such as Judge Duncan are welcome to speak on campus but that their bigotry constitutes an affront to [1]decency, [2]modernity, and [3]Stanford’s values."
Non-Woke speech or decency are of course affronts to Stanford's actual values. I still score you zero for three, pond scum.
Howard Wasserman at Prawfsblog has a very different take, for example:
"I think we have reached Peak Preferred First Speaker. Because the only way to understand students as "censors" is if the invited First Speaker has an absolute right to speak and all others bear nothing more than an obligation (legal, moral, ethical, civic) to shut-the-fuck-up and listen."
You don't have to listen. You don't even have to shut up. You just can't show up at the time and place reserved for a speaker and shout him down.
Or to an adjacent place to shout about the speaker, either. This is also evident in this thread where it's not just the people in the room with the speaker shouting but anyone that can be heard outside of that space, shouting. That crosses a line because it's the same time but not place, or it broadly defines place such that Drinkwater's comment become on point again. The First Speaker can be protested all anyone wants provided the First Speaker and any attendees cannot see or hear the protest places a restriction on the speech of everyone but the First Speaker.
Wasserman is clearly a cretin. Duncan's right to speak wasn't predicated on his being "first", but rather on the fact that the room was reserved for him to speak so that others could hear what he had to say and they each had a right to do so and no one had a right to interfere.
Do you apply that standard to the dogma-drenched, censorship-shackled, viewpoint-discriminatory, low-quality campuses operated by conservatives throughout the United States?
It will be interested if it is applied at the new New College in Sarasota--which is being advertised by the state of Florida as the new Hillsdale of the South (a private, conservative Christian college.)
OK, maybe Med Schools a little different,
Trying to remember when we "Heckled" (and why doesn't anyone ever get "Jeckled"?? best I can remember they were pretty interchangeable.
Once in a while we'd have a Pathology Attending who went to Vanderbilt crow about beating Alabama (hey, it's like a Solar Eclipse, a few times a century) or those obnoxious Tennessee Alumni? and we'd do that "Bullshit" Cough from "Animal House"
But just general Jeckling?? "You've got a new treatment for COPD Boooooo!!!!!!!!!! Hissssssss!!!!!"
Even remember a Shrink from Ear-Ron (long time ago) presenting about the Ear-Ronian Military's experience with PTSD (which had only been a DSM3 diagnosis since 1980) I even smoked a Cig with the dude after, Jew/Shi-ite, who gives a fuck?
CORRECTION: Vanderbilt has beaten Alabama 12 times in the last Century (last in 1984, so very "Back Century" loaded)
There have been more Solar Eclipses, so you're more likely to see a Solap Eclipse, than Vanderbilt beat Alabama in Foo-bawl.
All students were aware of the policy.
An administrator should have stepped onto the stage and taken a photograph, and told the audience they were going back to their office to start processing expulsions.
You 'protest' with signs or comments outside, not in the venue.
Inside the venue you are disrupting.
(as an aside, neither free speech rights nor property rights exist anymore)
Sadly, neither do.
Let the group hosting the event decide how much protesting or counterspeech is permitted inside the event.
If protestors find that insufficient, they can protest outside in a public forum, or reserve their own space and denounce the speaker to their heart's content.
This seems reasonable but could you define "outside" and a "public forum" as it applies here?
If the people inside the forum (class room, event space, etc) are polite but the folks outside the door are chanting, is that outside enough or should there be a requirement that protesters not be seen or heard?
Stanford is a private university; is there any "public form" there at all? If not, does that mean Stanford can prevent protest entirely on campus?
"Ms. Steinbach, who started at Stanford in 2021, said she wanted to expand the role of D.E.I. to include groups like veterans, older students and conservatives."
That sounds like an interesting initiative. If we're going to have a diversity department, by all means promote all kinds of diversity.
I wonder what will happen to this iniative if Steinbach has to leave for greener pastures?
Of course, it would probably be better not to have a diversity department, but so long as such a department exists, why shouldn't it be as broad-minded as possible?
Because I have seen where this inevitably leads -- the "Uncle Tom" situation where they designate "veterans", "older students" and "conservatives" to speak for all members of these groups -- and (surprise, surprise) those so designated support the entire DIE agenda. The concept of a "self-hating Jew" is nothing compared to the people they will find.
Um, the DEI folks in my agency have included those groups for years without…whatever race traitor bullshit you are talking about.
When you deprive someone of some minutes of TIME, you have taken away that time forever. There is no way to ever, somehow, recover it. It is a simple and totally complete “taking.”
How do I take away time forever? Enquiring physicists want to know.
It is misleading to repeatedly say, as many who have written about this do, that Judge Duncan could not give his planned speak due to the 8 minute interruption. He could have. He chose not to. I am not sure why he made that choice but it was his.
The folks arguing here for severe treatment of some Stanford students will change their tune when modern America stop recognizing the accreditation of schools that suppress science to flatter superstition, flout academic freedom to enforce silly dogma, and teach pure fucking nonsense to gullible students.
The result of Judge Duncan's appearance is much more enlightening to everyone than anything he would have said.
A lot of people see leftists more clearly now, see what they do, see that they are uncivil, see that they are the enemy of peace and of ideas and of reasoning itself.
Will more and more spaces be surrendered to mobs of such people? Momentum is shifting toward the answer being "no".
Or a lot more people see how the right manufacture endless tedious outrage out of minor incidents while openly dismantling freedom and democracy everywhere they hold power.
Good point.
You prefer the manner in which conservatives "honor" free expression at every campus they control?
That right-wingers would figure mainstream Americans are interested in conservatives' opinions about free expression, academic freedom, censorship, operating a school, or related issues is inexplicable.
What does that have to do with legal issues anyway? The answer to your question is, by the way: Who cares?
Thomas claims that he complied with the policy that was in place at the time, and now that it has changed, he will comply with the new policy.
"The code of judicial ethics that applies to all federal judges has rules that require reporting of all gifts and travel paid for by others, but until last month, those rules had an exception for private travel and hospitality paid for by a personal friend who had no cases currently pending before the court."
NPR also adds, of course, "That said, as NYU's professor Gillers, observes, Thomas' privately financed travel by close friends is, as far as anyone knows, "outside the norm.""
But, of course, if such travel didn't have to be reported, how would you know if it was outside the norm? Other judges wouldn't have had to report it, either!
Didn't have to write much in Med School, Filling in "bubbles" on Exams and scribbling on medical charts. You actually got graded down for writing legibly (Medicolegally bad, much better to have an illegible wrong diagnosis than a umm Legible wrong diagnosis)
Todays Medical Records are worse "Are you in danger of Domestic Violence" (and because they're Veterans they'll write "No, I've been widowed for 30 years") "Do you currently use (list of 30 Illegal Drugs, each of which has a box that has to be checked "yes or no" before advancing)"
And I graduated with the highest temperature in my class (had Strep Throat, much better now)
It's "Colombia" and its a Country in South Amurica with lots of
You want Specifics?? Effin Tony Montana didn't want to work with Colombians, yes, the Guy with "His Leet-le Friend" got the Heebie-Jeebies with Colombians,
And still a superstition-addled bigot.
You really want to pursue this?. Senile Joe might not remember that China/You-Crane paid him millions but they do (trying to remember the last Foreign Head of State who shook down (both) Houses of Congress for mo money? (and no, Net N' Yahoo doesn't count)
Oh, and did I tell you his son Hunter's crooked as fuck? (and Sick, OK, I get alot of fetishes, but fucking your dead brothers wife (she is hot as fuck, so there's that)
Frank (No Brothers, so haven't fucked any of their wives)
OK, Queenie, realize you've got the Aids Related Dementia (Like the Normal Dementia isn't bad enough) so I won't Internet Jap-Slap you, but during my formative years, we were stationed at Air Farce Bases in Nebraska, and both Dakotas (Country and Western)
Oh yeah, and Okinawa Japan.
Not many "Colombians" (actually really nice places if you can get over being in Nebraska/Dakotas/Okinawa)
So you can't remember either?
Ok, guess I made my point, you misspelled my mal-apropism,
I'd draw you a Diaphraghm if you were here, (glad you're not)
Next you'll be saying I shat my Diapers (I did)
And actually since Computers took over Medicine 20 years ago, I only have to "write" occasionally to put my "Signature" on some form that allows Insurance (Medicare included) to charge Usurious fees of Uncle Sam/Insurance Companies
The principle is that if you openly violate the free speech rights of a speaker, in direct defiance of published policies, you have no business ever becoming a lawyer.
I'll agree with that. Expulsion is too harsh for a first offense here.
Remember how conservatives responded to expulsion from Twitter for violent speech? But here they are demanding expulsion from university for non-violent speech.
Saving (redacted) and (Redacted) and (Redacted) from each other (OK, providing "Anesthesia Services" so Surgeons can inflict their own injuries to help (Redacted) heal from injuries inflicted by other (Redacte)
Oh, and I do Epidurals (Boy, do I do Epidurals, I call it the "8 Degrees of Drackman" you go back that far I stuck an Epidural in their Mom's back
Nice deflection that you can't even spell "Parentheses" (see, "Action, Affirmative")
and it's "Turrette's"
("Tourette's" is the spelling we have the Hoi Polloi use, so we know you're full of shit when you bring your kid in with "Tourettes" (am I rite? or am I rite? you say I have "Tourettes" when I just have the normal "Male North American Profanity Lexicon")
Aids Related Dementia works alot of bases too
C'mon (Man!) you're just jealous that Skank Anita Hill wasn't believed
"...Mr. 'Let’s Have Several Posts Speculating What Kagan Might Have Done at Lunch With Roberts'..."
Who is alleged to have corrupted who in those tête-à-têtes?
ACB might conceivably have something to offer, but Kagan....?
As to Roberts' appeal, I'm the wrong sex to judge.
OK, that ones so pitiful I'm just going to let you stew in it, and you set yourself up for somany rejoinders, this could be a primer in how to humiliate an undermatched opponent, but since it's they day of a fictitious surpreme being fictitiously "rising from the dead" (So He's a Zombie? He's a Zombie) I'll let you step N fetchit and respond with another An Homino,
but NOT incarcerated at
Never had a dick up my ass, or in my mouth, can you say the same (honestly)?
“What does a SCOTUS Justice failing to disclose his luxury travel gifts from ideological billionaires have to do with legal issues?”
To answer your question, there’s NO legal issue for Thomas. Until the rules were recently changed he was under no obligation to report what you want him to have reported. And he can still pal around with as many “ideological billionaires” as he wants to as long as he recuses from any cases to which they’re a party. Which in the case of Crowe has been none. Either way, your only recourse is to try to gen up an impeachment. Good luck with that.
Queenie, it's not an issue until his rich friend shows up before the Court in a case and he fails to recuse. You're just complaining because he followed the rules that WERE in place, not the ones you'd rather had been in place.
He didn't. There accepting hospitality from friends, and then there's taking the piss.
Can you tell us more about your childhood humiliation? (Don't give a fuck, but it's the standard medical "Pretend you're interested")
Queen loves the Man-Dates,
and you think any of the Cretin's there could have formulated an actual question? (Like I just did)
it'd be "You killed Rodney King!!!"
"Actually Rodney King died of alcohol/opiate intoxication/Drowning (Actually a form of Asphyxiation) some 11 years after getting a multi million dollar judgment from the city of Los Angeles, for getting his ass kicked in the processof being arrested for multiple felonies,"
Pretty sure thats not the answer they would like
That would prevent the students from hearing anyone who prefers not to engage in Q&A.
And given the students recents behavior, who could blame that person? It’s perfectly understandable that someone would prefer not to answer questions like, “why can’t you find the clit.”
No one's complaining about them being used for Jan 6th...
A civilized law school would expel the student who asked that.
Those who attended law school in the ’80s answer honestly — what would your dean have said if you’d asked a Federal Judge why he "couldn’t find the clit" at a public event….
Might it have been problematic?
"Ah, those speakers who prefer a “safe space.”"
Students have just as much right to listen to speakers who prefer a "safe space" as to any other speaker.
"I don’t see how that advances the goals of critical thinking, debating opposing ideas and such."
How does excluding such speakers advance the goals of critical thinking, etc? The students are free to debate, but there's no reason to prevent the students from listening to speakers who don't wish to debate.
Civilized, like mowing down illegals?
Jan 06 didn't take place on a campus. Zero tolerance is irrelevant.
Frank Drackman is a freak of nature. He gets dumber by the day, and we get to witness the daily decline. Keep in up, Frank, and soon you'll be eating Cheerios from the tray on your highchair.
I don't find his affectations as amusing as he does, but I see no evidence that he's dumb. Just that he has bad taste, which is no crime.
He's also quite incredibly racist.
Eh, maybe, or maybe it's just part of the act. I have no idea.
If you act racist, you're a racist.
Zero tolerance is zero tolerance even when the location of the offense is not on campus, so that is a truly stupid thing to say.
First strike of two allowed is just fine, however.
For the students. The DEI cretin should be fired.
Expulsion is entirely appropriate for people who grossly misunderstand how the legal world works. They can find jobs that don't involve being admitted to the bar.
Do you have a particular incident in mind or is that just your fevered imagination at work again?
It wouldn’t be “terrible” at all to remove admis who were such mistakes to admit once you have new information which identifies them as such.
Actually, the previous rules did not have an exception for private travel. Hospitality, yes. But not travel. It said "food, lodging, or entertainment received as personal hospitality." (But it did not explicitly exclude travel, the way it does now.)