The Volokh Conspiracy
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The Declining Political Significance of Irish-American Identity
Conflict between Irish-Americans and WASPs was once a major feature of American politics. Its near-total disappearance is a hopeful development that we can learn from.
Today is St. Patrick's Day. And tonight, Irish-Americans across the country will be gathering to toast their control of the highest political office in the land. After all, Joe Biden is only the second Irish Catholic president of the United States. For their part, millions of WASPs are seething about the loss of their political hegemony to the Irish. St. Patrick's Day celebrations are a painful reminder of their humiliation. Police forces in major cities are on alert for possible ethnic riots.
OK, actually nothing like that is happening! In reality, very few Americans care that Biden is an Irish Catholic. Even fewer fear that he is somehow promoting Irish interests at the expense of WASPs, or that he is secretly doing the bidding of the Vatican. Political conflict between Irish-Americans and WASPs has almost completely disappeared. Most of the time, we barely even notice the difference between the two groups. St. Patrick's Day is perhaps the one exception to that indifference.
It wasn't always so. In the 19th and early twentieth centuries, political antagonism between Irish and WASPs was ubiquitous, sometimes rising to the level of anti-Irish rioting by nativists. There was also substantial discrimination and social prejudice against the Irish.
As late as the 1960 presidential campaign, when John F. Kennedy became the first Irish Catholic president, he felt the need to make a highly publicized speech assuring people that he would not take "instructions on public policy from the Pope," if elected:
The idea that Biden - or any other political leader - would have to give a speech like this is almost inconceivable today.
How did this change come about? The story is long and complicated, and I obviously cannot do it justice in a blog post. But one crucial factor was that most Americans came to realize that the differences between Irish-Americans and other groups were far less significant than previously thought, and also that these ethnic and religious divergences should be downgraded in the name of universal liberal principles.
Similar emphasis on universal principles over group identity were at the heart of the abolition of slavery, the successes of the Civil Rights Movement, and recent progress for gays and lesbians, most notably the establishment of the right to same-sex marriage.
A more cynical explanation for the changing status of Irish-Americans is that they were assimilated into a broader "white" identity premised on maintaining dominance over non-whites, particularly African-Americans. But such claims are undercut by the fact that the very same period during which conflict between Irish and WASPS largely disappeared (the mid to late-twentieth century) also saw a major decline (though not total elimination) of anti-black and anti-Asian racism, highlighted by the successes of the Civil Rights Movement. Growing acceptance of universal liberal values and their implications was the decisive factor explaining why these developments all occurred during roughly the same time-frame.
This history is a rebuke to right-wing ethno-nationalists who believe that cultural and ethnic conflicts are inevitable and can only be prevented by maintaining a homogenous society, or one where there is a single clearly dominant group. But they are also a rebuke to "woke" leftist advocates of identity politics who maintain that the path to justice lies through increasing group consciousness and ethnically-based politics.
More generally, the story of the Irish-Americans undercuts claims that ethnic and racial groups are necessarily locked in a zero-sum game where one can only gain at the expense of others. The success of Irish-Americans not only advantaged themselves, but also the rest of society, which has benefited from their economic, cultural, and other contributions.
In my view, emphasis on liberal universalism and deemphasis on ethnic identity, is the best strategy for pursuing greater freedom, equality, and prosperity in the future, as well, including in the case of eliminating unjust immigration restrictions. I am far from the first to come to that realization. Frederick Douglass made much the same argument back in the 19th century.
The Irish-American case is a dramatic example of how right Douglass was. Obviously, it doesn't follow that all ethnic and racial conflict can be made to swiftly disappear. As Douglass knew, the oppression and discrimination suffered by blacks was much greater and more long-lasting than that of Irish-Americans. Its legacy is thereby harder to overcome. But even if black-white differences, and some other current ethnic and cultural antagonisms, will not be fully eliminated anytime soon, liberal universalism is the right strategy for gradually reducing the harm they cause.
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That doesn't seem very reassuring!
Depends if you're Catholic or not.
Depends on the pope...
Came here to comment on the apparent missing "not"!
WASP is an ethnic slur. We would not tolerate the acronym JAP to be used to describe young women of a particular ethnicity. No person would ever describe himself or herself as a WASP.
Furthermore, WASP is redundant. Anglo Saxons are white. Saying "white Anglo Saxon" is as ridiculous as saying "black Zulu."
I don't think ASP is an improvement....
Furthermore, WASP is redundant.
Only in a universe where $1 million is equal to $3 million. "WAS," signifies two independently operating advantages. Ya coulda been white, but not Anglo Saxon, which was not as good. "P" signifies a third advantage, to complete a force-mulitplying trifecta—as a signifier, that, "P," wouldn't do you much good without your, "W."
"Advantage" my a** -- over a beer one night, a couple of Jewish friends described the antisemitism that they had experienced growing up and I realized that had experienced the exact same things...
Now I know that Ilya wants to fundamentally transform this country, but unless he is willing to claim that antisemitism no longer exists, he is being disingenuous to claim that that the bare, naked, hatred of Protestants is any less.
And then there are the Orangemen -- it wasn't just Catholics who fled Ireland during the famine, the Scotch-Irish did as well, and no one even knows their history anymore, let alone why they wanted to leave Ireland even more than the Irish Catholics did.
So I proudly wore my bright orange sweatshirt yesterday -- and as I made it back alive, I guess there no longer is any anti-Protestant bigotry. Nor antisemitism for that matter, Ilya....
The Volokh Conspiracy: Official Legal Blog Of America's Persecuted Religious White Males
Carry on, clingers.
"Serial fabulist" is not a marginalized ethnic group.
Assuming the truth of your second sentence for the sake of argument, how does it imply your first?
You are mistaken.
Zulu Zulu Zulu!
Gene Hackman kick your ass!
Note that the love of America displayed by the Irish (despite the hatred directed at them) was never in doubt. Look at all the patriotic films by John Ford (birth name Sean Aloysius O'Feeney), or films starring John Wayne (birth name Marion Morrison), or the five Sullivan brothers who died died in the same battle in World War II (and which provided the basis for the 1944 film The Fighting Sullivans as well as the inspiration for Saving Private Ryan).
Generally speaking, Hollywood doesn't give a crap about America any more.
Don't forget who was funding & arming the IRA.
Yeah, Ghadaffi.
No, the "nice" people of Boston.
And Ghadaffi.
"Note that the love of America displayed by the Irish (despite the hatred directed at them) was never in doubt. "
You might look at the New York draft riots in 1863, in which Irish immigrants objected to being forced to fight in a Civil War they had no role in creating, and in the outcome of which they had no interest.
Irish WASP conflict stopped more because the Irish assimilated and ceased to be much of a distinct group beyond a couple of superficial markers like the occasional St. Patricks day pride. Rather than multicuturalism in any meaningful sense of the word like progs may claim. The simultaneous if much lesser asian and black assimilation (which some are trying to partially undo today) doesn’t contradict but bolsters this.
You can put it in any terms you like but essentially one culture inevitably erases others. There is no such thing as a long term stable multicultural society. Whether you find this a good thing varies greatly by perspective. I’m sure most people today don’t care that any meaningful distinct Irish American/Irish identity is fading but twitter would be up in arms if the same erasure of an african identity was being effusively praised.
The Irish WASP conflict stopped because the demagogues found a new Other to work the crowds with. But isn’t that always the case? The Know-Nothings (or their latest incarnation) always find another group to sell as “enemy” to the easily-duped. From a historical perspective, the most recent example is one of the most grotesque ever. The tiny number of people who are trans have been made the latest “threat”, if you’re dumb-ass stupid enough to fall for that sort of thing.
They were around two years ago, five years ago, twenty years ago. Not a bit has changed, yet now the right-wing’s Handlers have their sheep stoked with hysterical panic, rage and fear. Anti-trans bills in the state legislatures have grown from 19 to 362 over these past few years. Suddenly you have right-wing figures calling for trans people to be “eradicated”, like at the recent CPAC.
It was the exact same thing with the Irish back in the day. The same hucksters, the same frenzied rhetoric, the same easily conned crowds. The only thing that ever changes is the target.
Nice analogy except that the left is the one pumping up the trans mania with billions of dollars in initiatives, media campaigns, endowed chairs, legislation, and institutes focusing on the topic without which transgenderism would remain a niche subject most people would only vaguely think about once in awhile like it was just a mere decade or two ago rather than constantly all day like they do now, long before any significant reaction from the right.
Claiming that the right brought transmania to the forefront is like claiming Mammals killed off the dinosaurs.
AmosArch : " ... the left is the one pumping up ... (etc)"
Nice try, but no one is fooled. For every one mention of trans people by any leftist anywhere there is twenty, thirty, or forty from the right-wing outrage machine. You want trans folk back as a seldom-mentioned niche subject? That's a priority for you?
Go for it. The solution is simple, AmosArch. Never vote for a Republican. Boycott right-wing media. Ignore the handlers who tell you what to think and feel. You'll find the whole trans topic suddenly vanish from your existence in a flash.
And I'm betting you'll be happier in your new life. Better informed too.
Most of the media is protransmania, as are almost all of the big corporations, and entertainmentsphere, as well as social media influencers. Can you please point me to this alternate dimension rightwing antitrans community that is ’40x as big’ as the protrans CNN, MSNBC, NYT, HUFFPOO, WAPOO, CBS, Reuters, Facebook, Google, Microsoft, Fortune 500, Hollywood, Democratic party + half of Republicans community that I see?
AmosArch : “….Most of the media …. (incoherent gibberish)”
The entities you list don’t feel the same panic & hysteria you’ve been told to feel about trans folk? No doubt. Without question.
But that’s not what we were discussing, was it? We were discussing why the same tiny little number of trans people who have always been with us (like Jesus’ poor) have suddenly morphed into a gargantuan threat; suddenly become the subjects of hundreds of new bills; suddenly become a shrieking pervasive media topic; suddenly become a trauma for the easily duped.
And that’s all on the Right – one-hundred percent. Just like people had to be “taught” and “led” (by the nose) to see the Irish of days yore as some big danger, so today. It’s the same scam, practiced on the same chumps, by the same hucksters.
Because your listed entities don’t spend any time shrieking about trans people. Your side does.
Not hating a minority is not the same as hating a minority. Even if you're churlish and jealous and think people like the minority too much, it's still not the same as hating.
"Irish WASP conflict stopped more because the Irish assimilated and ceased to be much of a distinct group "
Because working-class Protestants got driven into hiding.
More like driven into the gig economy.
The Irish erased the WASPs.
No, St Patrick drove out the snakes.
Ilya may want to re-watch that video.
Actual speech: "I believe in an an America .... where no public official either requests or accepts instruction on public policy from the pope"
This one accepts instruction from the CCP...
and all without "Irish-Amurican History Month" "Irish Amurican Studies" "Irish Lives Matter Protests" or an "Irish National Anthem" although House of Pain's "Jump Around" is as close as it gets (try not jumping around)
Frank O'Drackman
The chief reason we Irish (My material grandmother was a Murphy.) were able to achieve this status of people not giving a damn whether we were Irish, is that all we wanted to do was assimilate. Forget a hand out, we didn't even demand a hand up, we did the whole slog ourselves, which meant we didn't leave a trail of grievances behind us.
Blacks are not, to put it mildly, being encouraged to emulate that. They haven't been for decades now. The encouragement runs quite in the other direction.
The chief reason we Irish (My material grandmother was a Murphy.) were able to achieve this status of people not giving a damn whether we were Irish, is that all we wanted to do was assimilate. Forget a hand out, we didn’t even demand a hand up, we did the whole slog ourselves,
Apparently Brett never heard of Tammany Hall, and is utterly unfamiliar with the history of ethnic politics in major cities.
There's a reason Irish cops are a stereotype, Brett, and it has nothing to do with a strong culture of self-reliance among Irish immigrants.
The "Identity politics" bogeyman the right likes to scream about is a long-standing feature of American politics.
The Harvard professors were deemed illiterate and denied the right to vote.
"There’s a reason Irish cops are a stereotype, Brett, and it has nothing to do with a strong culture of self-reliance among Irish immigrants."
It has a lot to do with Nativist bigotry.
No doubt, Hibernian.
And the quite sensible response by the Irish was to use political power to help themselves.
James Michael Curley comes to mind.
Yeah, if people stopped being racist about black people the way they stopped being racist about the Irish, black people would have a much easier time pulling themselves up by their bootstraps.
America has encountered successive waves of ignorance and intolerance -- often related to immigration, skin color, ethnicity, or perceived economic pressures -- throughout its history.
Those targeted by our nation's voices of insularity and bigotry have included the Irish, Jews, Blacks, Italians, Muslims, gays, Asians, Catholics, women, eastern Europeans, agnostics, Hispanics, atheists, other Asians, other Hispanics -- most of America, at one time or another.
What makes America great is that in America the bigots do not win, at least not over time. Better Americans overcome the stale thinking and ugly conduct of our lesser elements. That is the American way.
Our latest batch of xenophobic bigots and white nationalists seems nothing special, its reliance on the insights and charms of Donald Trump, QAnon, the Republican Party, the Federalist Society, and the Heritage Foundation notwithstanding.
Carry on, clingers, as you proceed toward the fate -- failure at the marketplace ideas, defeat in the culture war, and a place on the wrong side of history -- several editions of your moral ancestors experienced.
the only side obsessed with tribes is the left. 40 years ago I would have agreed with you but the war on "whiteness" essentially ethnic European American Christians by the cultural marxists will lead to more strife. The Melting Pot was the right concept..multiculturalism is a path to civil unrest and eventually natural divorce.
“They shall not divide us!” screamed the side dividing us.
Trump is an ass. But he's a known quantity of ass. Sooooo many have not looked in the mirror.
There will be no divorce. You and the other clingers will continue to comply with the preferences of better Americans. Some of you may improve, and embrace reason, modernity, education, inclusiveness, science, and progress. The others will stick with superstition, backwardness, ignorance, bigotry, dogma, and insularity until they and their stale, ugly thinking die off.
The culture war's losers get to whine and sputter about this as much as they like (so long as they toe that line), of course, and the likes of the Federalist Society, Volokh Conspiracy, and Republican Party will provide a handy outlet for conservative venting.
The first man in one Irish part of my family to emigrate to the New World settled first in Canada, in a town where an Irish community sprang up. He became an important figure, but the town destroyed itself over religious differences. That happened twice more after he moved to the US, after which he decided he was done with the Irish and being an official for the Irish community. That didn’t really take (he became the sheriff and later a respected newsman) but the last town never burnt down.
Saturate elections with enough phony ballots and the political significance of anyone declines. Except the ones counting the ballots.
Stolen election kooks are among my favorite culture war casualties.
And the preferred, cultivated audience of a white, male, right-wing blog.
Carry on, delusional clingers (and the disaffected clingers who rile them from law school faculties).
Fredick Douglas would be arrested today as a domestic terrorist. John Brown briefed him on his upcoming attack on Harpers Ferry. Douglas did not join him but did not alert authorities. After it occurred, Douglas left Rochester and fled to Canada.
Ilya, you are not in a position of knowledge to post about this. Any more than I would be one with knowledge to talk about the relations between Russian Jews and the Soviets.
It's a key tennent of the left's orthodoxy that who you are dictates what you're allowed to talk about. But I don't think Ilya has gone far enough left yet to embrace that particular bit.
No, everybody recognises that experience and knowledge are what determines what you have the authority to talk about, there are just many, many areas where people are convinced they have that experience and authority, when they don't. You do it all the time, for example.
St. Patrick’s Day is the day all Americans come together to celebrate White Pride.
No, No, No,
it's like why there's no "Kids Day"
Everyday is White Pride day
OK, there is something very sexy about a girl with an Irish accent. Particularly if genuine. As a teenager I was very taken by listening to Bernadette Devlin. I read that she breast-fed in Parliament but I can’t find a pic. She was 24 when she sat down with William F. Buckley here.
My (Italian-American) dad (running a deli) kept on getting requests to make green potato salad for March 17. He always said no. “Who is going to eat the rest of it on March 18?”
On to March 18.
Back in the 1970s, McDonalds introduced a green Shamrock Shake. A few days later, pediatricians nationwide were deluged with calls about children with green urine -- seems the dye went right through them.
They re-introduced it the next year, except it wasn't quite as green.
Methylene Blue does the same thing, ate blue popsicles when I was a kid, pissed blue for months (ate alot of popsicles) Used in Anesthesia (Methylene Blue, not Popsicles) to reverse Methemoglobinemia (I'd tell you....) and as an "Indicator Dye" to spot ummm, "Leaks" in various Surgical Procedures (In Surgeries Leakies usually Baddie) See, it's neither Secreted or Absorbed by the Kidneys, because J-hova was a smart Surpreme Being and didn't want peoples walking around Blue (George Carlin had a bit about it, "Where's the Blue Food??? Why is there no Blue Food??(George was never in the Military obviously, lots of Blue Food)
Lest anyone think I'm making that George Carlin bit up...
I think I recognized that Roger fellow from Mont Python's Twit Olympics.
“The idea that Biden—or any other political leader—would have to give a speech like this is almost inconceivable today.”
Talk to Amy Coney Barrett about her confirmation hearing for her appointment to the 7th Circuit. Feinstein going on about “the dogma lives loudly in you, and that’s a concern”.
No paywall:
Irish Catholics being called out for being that is only a problem with the Establishment, when the person in question isn’t a Democrat.
Don't forget Mitt Romney assuring Republican primary voters that he wasn't too LDS to be president.
Political conflict between Irish-Americans and WASPs has almost completely disappeared.
As someone who married into an extended Irish-descended family from the Wilmington, DE area—which is to say from the very community most formative for Joe Biden—with whom some of my in-laws went to high school—I think that remark above may be notably more from the WASP (and others) point of view than from the Irish-American point of view. And it is worth noting that the Wilmington, DE Irish-American community seems to count itself notably more assimilated than, for instance, the Boston-area Irish-American community.
There's certainly more than a little conflict between Irish-American Catholics who take Catholicism at least halfway seriously and the Planned Parenthood type of WASP. For which see not only the Barrett confirmation hearings but also the "are you or have you ever been a member of the Knights of Columbus" questioning of a lower court nominee from Nebraska.
Do you favor the old-timey, handmaiden-style side of that divide or the modern, reasoning side?
The Boston Irish EXTERMINATED the WASP culture.
Ilya glosses over, of course, the fact that the ethno-religous civil war between these two groups in the old country has cooled-off tremendously during this period.
This is a big subject. I’ll say briefly here that intellectual theories and philosophies that tend to put certain innate human needs and tendencies on collission courses with each other and/or try to suppress or eradicate them completely tend to end up being recipes for interminable conflict and violence, not positive social change. 20th century history suggests that intellectuals would be better off accepting that the need to belong to a group and have a socially constructed group identity is such a need, and find ways to reconcile and harmonize it with treating outsiders decently, rather than making frontal attacks on and trying to abolish the human need to belong to such a group. Associating progress with the abolition of group identity will only tend to result in a backlash whereby group identity becomes all the more important.
The lessening importance of Irish identity in the US, like people’s tendency to no longer identify with the specific European towns and villages their ancestors came from, probably isn’t an indicator that group identity a whole has become less important, but rather, that other forms of group identity have evolved to supesede it.
Intellectual Procrustean beds tend to leave a lot of bodies on the floor. Real ones, not intellectual ones.
This explains not only the most important "declining political significance" in America but also much of what motivates and frightens the Volokh Conspiracy's right-wing operators and fans.
The culture war is not over quite yet, clingers, but it has been settled. The better ideas have won.
It is always a temptation to want a result so badly that one seeks support in all manner of places where, given a moment's pause, it might not exist.
It is not at all clear that the perceived insignificance of Irish American identity illustrates a triumph of good willed liberalism over hidebound identitarianism.
There is also suggested a correlation between the Civil Rights movement and dwindling interest in the Irish, and further that because the two are seen as coterminous that they must spring from the same egalitarian sentiments. This is far too sweeping an assumption for my tastes.
We may never know what happened and it seems dangerous to speculate. For my own part, I cannot understand where white Anglo Saxon Protestants have gone. Have not seen any in years and cannot understand what has happened.
....and just a is quite a backhanded statement to intimate that Irish Americans are no longer significant. They remain noted for their long memories, I have been told. Something to consider in future commentary.
I'm sure you folks would love to go back to the stratified society of ptolemaic egypt where greeks were the ruling massas and many kings didn't even bother to learn the native language.
Hell, the U.S, itself is a beacon example of a long term stable multicultural society. Granted, there’s always been anti-America types trying to pull it down from craven opportunism or ignorance. But their “success” is never more than transitory – something that explains their perpetual search for a fresh boogeyman.
The Irish can’t assimilate. The Catholics can’t assimilate. The Jews can’t assimilate. The Germans can’t assimilate. Asians can’t assimilate. We always hear the same message; it’s always wrong. I swear I’ve seen some of the usual suspects in this forum swear (swear!) this time they’re right. This is the one group that won’t become prosperous and patriotic Americans. Finally they’re not making that same old tired hackneyed mistake.
But they are.
Don't be an idiot, Queenie. In fact, Kennedy announced "Affirmative action" (to refrain from discrimination) which LBJ promptly turned into outright preferences, and which soon became quotas.
What are you going to call a couple generations of systematic preferences, if not a warm welcome?
Hispanics have never massively outnumbered whites in the US like the Egyptians outnumbered Greeks in Ptolemaic Egypt.
All sides blame a cabal. The identity simply varies based upon your camp. You could simply swap out the word Jew for white in a neonazi screed and end up with a brave and stunning SJW twitter proclamation.
Nope. In America just like in every other nation in history you have those who have assimilated and those who have not yet assimilated but will eventually if the nation has its way.
Those who have assimilated are allowed…if they wish to keep the superficial trappings of their culture. They can still wear their silly hats on special occasion and eat their funny food. But everything of importance like the core values, education of children etc is pushed to varying degrees to Western classical secular liberalism (in the old days) and Western globalist postmodernism increasingly today. Even Western groups that claim to champion other cultures like muslims (as a wedge against their political rivals) want islam ultimately subjugated to their brand of Western values .
Those who refuse, are treated with low level suspicion to outright hostility like the amish and ultraorthodox communities. The ‘culture retained’ between an early 20th century Irish rebel and his American modern counterpart who only wears a green hat on saint patty’s day or a pakistani imam faithfully following the letter of Muhammad and a ‘muslim’ girl waving a pride flag on tiktok is so minuscule its laughable. If this is what ‘keeping your roots’ is to you I feel very sorry for you
Its not ‘multiple cultures’ in any definition except the most facile meaningless one.
So what if not everybody was welcoming? Doesn't mean they didn't get a hand up, and then handouts. You saying it didn't happen unless everybody played along?
The point is, the only way you achieve that treasured state of just being another American, nobody cares about your hyphen, is by not expecting the least bit of help. Yeah, that's the long road to equality. But it at least gets there eventually. Preferences, goals, and timetables? That road NEVER gets to equality.
what was the unwed mother %?
In many ways, 1961 was a far better year to be a Black teenager.
2 parents, no drugs, no gangs, integrated military with advancement on merit -- compare that to now.
I don't expect culture war casualties such as Brett Bellmore to be assimilated and become modern Americans. I expect them to be replaced. By their betters.
'rich white men' is not a cabal got it.
I was comparing the similarities of Nazi to SJW rhetoric, I'm not sure how you're trying to slip a gotcha into there.
The Left wants to institute its brand of values which the right obviously doesn’t want. Nor would they want to deal with the fallout from an in progress or failed attempt by the Left to institute its values that resulted in certain other cultures taking over. Also this is my personal take on the subject of multculturalism. And the right in general obviously isn't run directly from my personal takes.
Right-wingers will be assimilated into modern America . . . or replaced.
Either way, America will continue to improve.
AmosArch : "And the right in general obviously isn’t run directly from my personal takes"
Hilarious! Please try it the other way 'round: Your personal takes are run directly by the Right. Now that has the ring of truth, doesn't it?
Insular is not the opposite of assimilated, Amos.
You declaring America a monoculture is not super surprising.
'Those who have assimilated are allowed…if they wish to keep the superficial trappings of their culture.'
How, uh, personal freedom-y of you.
Better to be replaced than "Confined"
I expect Jerry Sandusky to be raped, by his cellmate
Peoples tend not to welcome groups of peoples who commit violent crimes at rates significantly greater than other groups of peoples.
Where you live "Dr" Ed? most Black "Famblies" have way more than 2 parents for their 22 kids. And pretty sure in 1961 there were Drugs and Gangs, Military back then was only really "Intergrated" in the sense there were Afro-Amuricans (predominantly washing dishes) not really many in the Officer ranks, and "Advancement on Merit?" Please explain how Colon Blow Powell made it past Captain based on anything except his nappy haid', (Ebonics for "Head")
Everyone’s kids are lazy fatasses on phones.
American assimilation to the monoculture ways wins.
You guys are just having silly fights trying to defin that so as to say "my side wins".
Fat freedom wins. Get out of the way.
By that definition Nigeria is the US.
Your blog attracts these racists, Volokh Conspirators.
And, after an extended period of cultivating these right-wing bigots as your audience, this appears to be how you like it.
A few of this tournament's games have caused me to miss sportswriting.
Just for a minute, though.
(That the committee overestimated Purdue yet again is inexplicable.)
As the IU kids like to say, "Puck Furdue!"
So, Rev., why are you here?
I am here to participate in the marketplace of ideas . . . and, when appropriate, to mock and scorn these faux libertarians.
Why are you here?
To "Replace" you, of course (Jerry)
Gotta love a team named after a drink
EMS affects murder rate.
Blacks live closer to a Level 1 Trauma Center.