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No First Amendment Right to March on a Freeway
From State v. Dornfeld, decided yesterday by the Minnesota Court of Appeals (Presiding Judge Francis Connolly, joined by Judges Michelle Larkin & Randall Slieter):
Appellant challenges her petty-misdemeanor conviction of being a pedestrian on a controlled-access highway, arguing … [among other things that] the statute under which she was convicted violates the First Amendment, she was singled out for discriminatory prosecution, and her prosecution was barred by government estoppel….
In November 2021, appellant Tess Dornfeld was charged with a petty misdemeanor for being a pedestrian on a controlled-access highway in November 2020, when she was participating in a demonstration as part of a group of about 600 people who walked onto I-94, a controlled access highway….
Appellant argues that "her arrest, prosecution, and conviction violate her constitutional right to freedom of speech" because: (1) her conduct on I-94, a controlled access highway, was protected speech; (2) Minn. Stat. § 169.305, subd. 1(c) (2022), providing that the commissioner of transportation may prohibit or regulate the use of any controlled access highway by pedestrians if that use is incompatible with the normal and safe flow of traffic, is a state regulation of free speech; (3) the constitutionality of such regulations is subject to intermediate scrutiny, meaning that the regulation must be narrowly tailored to serve a significant governmental interest and must leave open ample alternative channels for communication, and (4) the action of the police in arresting appellant was not narrowly tailored to serve the government's interest because the police did not permit protesters to leave I-94.
But appellant does not explain her implicit view that her right to free speech supersedes the rights of those travelling on a controlled-access highway to travel in safety, nor does she explain why her arrest deprived her of alternative channels of communication. She has not shown that her right to free speech was violated by the commissioner's right to regulate pedestrians' use of a controlled-access highway or by the police's activity to enforce that regulation….
Appellant argues that her "arrest, prosecution, and conviction amount to a selective prosecution in violation of her constitutional rights to due process and equal protection." A claim of selective prosecution requires a claimant to make a prima facie case by showing, by a clear preponderance of the evidence, that (1) the claimant has been singled out for prosecution while others have not been prosecuted and (2) the government's discriminatory enforcement was invidious or in bad faith, based upon such considerations as race, religion, or a desire to prevent a person's exercise of a constitutional right. The defendant bears a "heavy burden" of establishing these criteria.
The district court concluded that appellant
did not set forth a prima facie case of selective prosecution. She has not established that other protesters similar to her were not charged and that she was singled out. Nor has she shown that the prosecution of this case is in bad faith or based on impermissible considerations, including a desire to prevent her exercise of a constitutional right.
Appellant does not refute this conclusion.
Instead, she argues on appeal that the alleged selective prosecution resulted from the fact that she and the other protesters "were singled out for arrest … in a way that no other peaceful marchers had previously experienced." As mentioned earlier, the testimony of an experienced state trooper dealt with this argument, explaining that, for the first time, sufficient resources were available to issue citations to all the participants in a large protest. Appellant does not make a prima facie case for a selective-prosecution claim vis-à-vis either her fellow-protesters or those who engaged in previous protests….
Appellant made two arguments to support her governmental-estoppel claim: first, that other protesters in previous protests were not prosecuted and she relied on the government's inaction in those cases, and second, that the governor, the attorney general, and the mayor had encouraged peaceful protests in May 2020. In a well written opinion, the district court stated that it could conclude neither "that a failure to cite every highway protester in recent Minnesota history amounts to an affirmative government action that now renders Minn. Stat. § 169.305 unenforceable" nor "that public statements made in May 2020 by state and local officials to encourage protesters to demonstrate peacefully … are affirmative and false misrepresentations that led protesters reasonably to believe they were free to march onto I-94 six months later in protest of the November 2020 election."
Appellant now argues that "[a]s a result of the government's advisement and knowing acquiescence indicating that a peaceful march on a public thoroughfare is lawful, this prosecution must be estopped." She supports her argument only with her views of what M.G. would have testified to and the claim that this testimony would have "amounted to a government advisement, or at least knowing acquiescence, of the legality of peaceful marches on public thoroughfares" and that therefore, "the state must be estopped from prosecution." But appellant does not present any facts showing that the government officials, knowing that pedestrian protests on controlled-access highways were not permitted, affirmatively mislead protesters into believing they were permitted….
Sounds right to me.
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Way to win "Hearts & Minds" (see Chuckie Colson's version), make thousands of people late for work, getting home after work, medical appointments, etc.
Not to mention the "Carbon Footprint" of thousands of cars idling, wasn't that part of the plot of "Falling Down"?? (Michael Douglas is great in everything, even "Romancing the Stone")
Frank "Get out of the way! you're blocking Traffic!!"
My rule has long been: "If your demonstration blocks traffic, I'm now against whatever you are for."
I wish we had a constitutional doctrine saying that road and traffic laws must be enforced consistently, but this is not a good case to create one.
Westlaw Code for this case: DUH 0123.
Get out the fuckin road, bitches.
I'm honestly surprised that these swarming tactics have not resulted in rollover deaths. Being drug out of one's car only takes seconds once a window is smashed. Being rightfully fearful for one's live within a car surrounded by people striking the vehicle means you are just seconds away from being pulled out of your car. Any safety of a two ton box is simply an illusion if one does not have bullet proof glass all around which could stop a brick.
Nor is a 40 ton truck a safe refuge -- remember Reginald Denny?
What people don't realize about trailer trucks is that the compressed air *releases* the emergency brakes in the trailer -- there are massive springs which engage the brakes if the air pressure drops below something like 60 psi. So if a protester jumps up and disconnects the air lines -- very easy to do -- all 8 tires of the trailer are going to lock up and that vehicle's not going anywhere.
What some truckers did during the BLM protests was to disconnect (i.e. "cage") their spring brakes so that they wouldn't engage -- ever. And that created other safety issues, serious ones...
A straight truck isn't vulnerable this way, but as to Class A trucks, I consider deliberately running over protesters to be self defense.
"I think we should shoot ILLEGAL aliens."
"...I consider deliberately running over protestors to be self defense."
One gets the sense that you have very little regard for human life. Oh, and also, you are deranged.
"Im ba l'hargekha, hashkem l'hargo"
-- Brachot 58a, 62b, citing Exodus 22.2
Just pretend they haven't been born yet, fair game!!!!!!!!
There's some caselaw on spontaneous protest that I agree with, i.e., that when there isn't enough time to get a permit, some traffic obstructing protests may be constitutionally protected in response to a breaking event.
But in general, yes, you have no constitutional right to obstruct. The right to protest is just that-- a speech right. It's not a right to shut down stuff that others are doing. And in my experience, protesters on both the left (police brutality protests) and the right (abortion clinic protests) don't get this.
"some traffic obstructing protests may be constitutionally protected in response to a breaking event."
Do you have a link to the caselaw? Sounds like a very difficult rule to administer neutrally.
I suppose maybe if it were a breaking event ON the road being blocked.
This law review article discusses some of the cases.
Interstate specs call for each lane to be 12 feet wide, with a 10 (?) foot breakdown lane. That's 22 feet of width, and there is no need to block anything more no matter how just your cause...
There is some tolerance for spontaneous obstruction of local roads and secondary highways. But trespassing on a limited access Interstate (or equivalent)? Never.
I may be missing some context here, but it sounds like they let BLM march on the highway, then ticketed a Trump march. That kind of content-based prosecution sucks.
On the other hand, get off the dang highway, ya idiots!
Actually, though, this is a great illustration of why you can't estop the government. Selective enforcement is, of course, not good, but that doesn't mean that selective enforcement should give rise to a general right to protest on the freeway, resulting in frequent blockages!
So what is the remedy for selective enforcement? Assuming it is proven that the prosecutor allowed one political side to violate the law with impunity, but not the others, does the prosecutor suffer any consequence?
When do prosecutors ever suffer any consequences?
The prosecutor? Doubt it. But if she could show a prima facie case of viewpoint discrimination that would fall under the preventing a constitutional right aspect of selective prosecution and could be dismissed on due process grounds. The issue is she didn't show viewpoint was why as opposed to the reason of more resources.
At least that is my understanding
It's not that but that but that the state allocate a "sufficient number" of cops to enable them to ticket the Trumpsters, but *didn't* do that to enable them to ticket the BLMers.
The issue is bias in allocation of police resources.
Sure: vote for someone else if the prosecutor is elected, or if not, demand (on pain of voting for someone else) that the elected official who appoints the prosecutor fire them.
"Sure: vote for someone else if the prosecutor is elected, or if not, demand (on pain of voting for someone else) that the elected official who appoints the prosecutor fire them."
How's that a remedy to the problem of selective enforcement of laws against people who hold politically unpopular opinions?
I mean, the whole point of the first amendment is to remove decisions about who gets to speak from the political process.
Yeah, that would have been pretty effective against prosecutors who refused to go after the Klan, wouldn't it? I wonder why they didn't do that.
I saw a case once which was described as a mistake of law defense, but could also be called estoppel as used in the case cited here. An official state publication explained the speed limits for snowmobiles. The explanation was wrong. The defendant was cited for speeding. The appeals court allowed the defendant to argue mistake of law as a defense.
Traffic court is a different animal, really.
re: "Sounds right to me"
I was with you until that last point. I'm not sure that either the trial judge or the appeals court gave a fair hearing to the claim of disparate treatment between the May 2020 and Nov 2020 protests. If we truly want to call ourselves a nation under the rule of law, there must be some consequences when government officials fail to prosecute evenly.
I repeat my question. What should be the consequence? I don't think the consequence is, now we have to suffer shut-down highways twice a week.
My preferred answer would be jail time for the discriminatory enforcers. But since that would require abrogating not just qualified immunity but absolute immunity, I don't see much chance of that happening. Invalidating current executive branch/prosecutorial decisions based on inconsistent prior decisions by the same executives seems like the next-best choice.
And, yeah, it sucks that that means the rest of us have to suffer behind these selfish protestors. But it's a consequence of us not voting out the morons who are carrying out the biased enforcement.
I would think you could argue that, given past practice, the Trump protesters weren't on proper notice that the law in question had resumed being enforced. So they get off, but going forward nobody gets away with it on account of so being on notice.
"My preferred answer would be jail time for the discriminatory enforcers. But since that would require abrogating not just qualified immunity but absolute immunity, "
No. Immunities are only from civil suit, not criminal prosecution. Although the chance of a criminal prosecution being brought against a prosecutor are less than the chances of a spy balloon over Beijing.
You are correct that I was conflating remedies. Let me restate. Preferred remedies:
1. Jail time - but that ain't gonna' happen.
2. Sue them into oblivion - but given not just QI but AI, that's not likely either.
3. Void all subsequently-inconsistent decisions.
Historical remedy when all others remedies are denied: tar and feathers.
Yes, but you can't get good pine tar anymore....
Your comment prompted a quick visit to Wikipedia, which tells me that George Brett turns 70 in the spring.
Rules can be such a bitch,
For your viewing pleasure:
I don't think it is quite the same thing -- 18th Century pine tar, used to preserve the ship's rigging ropes, would get onto the hands of sailors which is why they were called "tars."
Sounds very wrong to me. Not the 1A and selective prosecution but the part where instead of requiring the state to prove an element of the crime, the trial judge required the defendant prove the contrary. If there were people rounded up who were merely stranded by blocked traffic it isn't a permissible inference that a particular defendant was not among them. The state should prove every element as to each individual defendant.
That the appellate court signed off on this is sad.
But Orangeman Bad...
We have class justice, not individual justice...
It makes sense to me. Appellant is not arguing "the state didn't prove an element", but rather "the state didn't disprove my alternate theory for which I presented absosmurfly no evidence of my own":
Appellant's argument failed because the state's circumstantial evidence is still "some evidence", not "no evidence".
"Beyond reasonable doubt?"
Yes, beyond a reasonable doubt.
Sigh. What part of
don't you understand?
It is illegal to be a pedestrian on the highway. Pedestrian + highway = guilty. Those are the elements of the offense that the prosecution must prove. To present a defense of necessity, duress, police order, etc. the defendant needs some evidence supporting it. The defendant could testify, or the defense attorney could ask other witnesses.
(Depending on state law it may also be necessary to prove that signs were posted at entrances prohibiting non-motorized traffic. I live near a road that looks a lot like a freeway but is not. It does not have signs prohibiting bicycles and on rare occasions has a brave bicyclist riding on it.)
What if the pedestrian intends to stop traffic? Does that enhance the charges?
That must vary a lot from place to place.
In my state the pedestrian could face criminal disorderly conduct charges instead of a "civil" traffic citation, but the punishment for a first offense of disorderly conduct is only a fine. A police officer could engineer a charge of wilful obstruction of a police car, which is a jailable offense.
Who will be the first to compile and offer courses in "Trump Law"?
"that a failure {to enforce the law historically} amounts to an affirmative government action that now renders Minn. Stat. § 169.305 unenforceable"
Under what conditions does a federal statute become unenforceable due to the failure of the govt to enforce it {think pistol braces, or immigration}.
(silly remark deleted)
"She has not established that other protesters similar to her were not charged and that she was singled out."
So how many protesters were charged for obstructing highways during BLM protests?
"you didn't ticket that other guy who was also speeding" is a really, really lame excuse for speeding. But feel free to try it next time you're pulled over.
From the comments, it looks like some people are assuming that this was a group of Trump supporters. The group that was blocking the I-94 in protest of the November 2020 election was actually lead by Twin Cities Coalition for Justice 4 Jamar who have been protesting in the Twin Cities for about the last seven years.
Heh, good catch.
... and let's see how quickly the "buh-buh-but BLM! Anti-Trump bias! Lib-y-rul judges!!1!" crowd does a 180 now.
What's the odds Senescent J or Common-Law Harris go to the funerals of those killed in the "Mass Shooting" in Lansing?? Sounds like an obvious "Hate Crime"
Fortunately for her and the other protesters they didn't clear the highway with a front end loader ala Soylent Green.
Splashing old paintings with tomato soup?
The Far Left used highway blockades successfully to overthrow Bolivia's constitutional democracy in 2003-2005, and are using the same playbook in Peru today. But if the authorities are willing and able to remove them, they are, as you say, a dumb way to win popular support.
I said it was great, stupid, I even liked "Jewel of the Nile"
and triva time, who sang "Romancing the Stone" don't listen to it, you'll have it in your head for weeks,
"I'm romancing the stone, never leaving your poor heart alone
Every night and every day gonna love the hurtin' away
I'm romancing the stone, never leaving your poor heart alone
Every night and every day gonna love the hurtin' away"
Frank "Greed is Good"
I much prefer a double-winged snow plow -- unlike with a front end loader, you are pushing sideways and hence can keep going. See:
I believe that's the full 36 feet width of 3 interstate highway lanes, clear the entire highway all at once...
Isn't it about time for disaffected right-wingers and antisocial misfits to get back to whining about how badly the un-American insurrectionists were treated by their betters?
Carry on, clingers . . . we'll continue to let you know just how far you are permitted to go.
That's what got you in trouble in the first place, Jerry,. not asking your players how far they would "let you go"?? Should have committed your crimes in a State less "Klinger" than PA.