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Ninth Circuit Orders Press Pass for The Gateway Pundit, Pending Appeal
The press pass is for election-related events connected to Maricopa County's ongoing ballot counting; the panel concluded that The Gateway Pundit was likely to succeed on its claim that the denial was unconstitutionally based on its viewpoints.
From the Ninth Circuit's order yesterday in TGP Communications, LLC v. Sellers; the order was issued by the merits panel that will hear the case (though it's not signed by particular judges because the panel has not yet been publicly identified), so it offers an important (though not definitive) clue as to the judges' likely eventual conclusions:
On November 8, 2022, the United States held its mid-term elections. Nearly a month later, Maricopa County continues to count those cast ballots. As a result, press attention remains fixed on Arizona, the election results and the ballot counting. To balance the demand for access with logistical and security requirements, Maricopa County began requiring members of the press to obtain a press pass to enter its facilities to cover election-related events. Jordan Conradson, a reporter for The Gateway Pundit, the trade name of TGP Communications, LLC …, sought a press pass to attend press briefings about the election. Maricopa County and individual Appellees denied Conradson a press pass because, in their view, he is not a reputable journalist under their press-pass guidelines and had reported false information about Arizona elections.
Plaintiffs sought a temporary restraining order, arguing that the press-pass criteria were unconstitutional. They sought, among other forms of relief, access to the County press briefings. After an evidentiary hearing, the district court denied injunctive relief.
The court granted an injunction pending appeal, largely because "At least at this preliminary stage, Appellants have shown a likelihood of success on the merits":
Appellants claim that, as applied, the denial of a press pass to Conradson was impermissibly content- and viewpoint-based. The First Amendment does not provide a right of free and unconditional access to all government properties or events. Further, "[t]he existence of a right of access to public property and the standard by which limitations [placed] upon such a right must be evaluated differ depending on the character of the property at issue."
In traditional public forums—such as parks, streets, and other spaces traditionally held open for public speech—"the government may impose reasonable time, place, and manner restrictions on private speech, but restrictions based on content must satisfy strict scrutiny, and those based on viewpoint are prohibited." And even in limited public forums where the government opens a traditionally private place for speech on limited topics, such as opening the County facilities for press conferences as the County did here, the First Amendment's protections against content-based and viewpoint-based restrictions are robust.
Content-based restrictions "are presumptively unconstitutional and may be justified only if the government proves that they are narrowly tailored to serve compelling state interests." And the First Amendment provides even stronger protection against viewpoint discrimination, which "is an egregious form of content discrimination and occurs when the specific motivating ideology or the opinion or perspective of the speaker is the rationale for the restriction on speech." A restriction on speech is unconstitutional if it is "an effort to suppress expression merely because public officials oppose the speaker's view." In evaluating claims of viewpoint discrimination, "[w]e thus look to the government's purpose as the threshold consideration."
The County denied Plaintiffs' September application for a press pass because of its conclusion that Plaintiffs "(a) do not avoid real or perceived conflicts of interest and (b) are not free of associations that would compromise journalistic integrity or damage credibility," and because it determined that Conradson is "not a bona fide correspondent of repute in [his] profession." But despite these stated reasons, the evidence put before the district court—including that presented by the County itself—strongly suggests that a predominant reason for the County denying Plaintiffs a press pass was Conradson's political views.
The County, for example, noted that "Conradson participates in political party events and associates with people and groups that demonstrate an inability to avoid real or perceived conflicts of interest." Relying on a reporter's attendance at political party events is weak grounds—and a poor measuring stick—for determining a journalistic conflict of interest. No other evidence placed before the district court— nor the arguments made to us on appeal—supports the assertion that Conradson fails to "avoid real or perceived conflicts of interest," and is not "free of associations that would compromise journalistic integrity or damage credibility."
{The County also failed to establish that, at the time of the denial in September, Conradson had violated the press-pass restrictions by having any journalistic ethics problem. In the district court proceedings, the County noted that after being denied a press pass, "Conradson appeared at press conference on October 13, 2022, with a hidden camera. On November 10, 2022, he showed up at [the Maricopa County Tabulation and Election Center] under the guise of being there to pick up his credentials." He allegedly became disruptive, and the County had to remove him from the facility. Such conduct is troubling. None of these subsequent acts, however, could have influenced the County's previous denial of the press pass.
And a restriction on an individual's First Amendment rights may not be justified with post hoc explanations.}
Moreover, the evidence before the district court strongly suggests that the County considered Conradson's political leanings. The County's own witness, Roy Moseley, stated at the evidentiary hearing that, beyond not avoiding conflicts of interest, Conradson's press pass was denied because "[h]e doesn't seek the truth and his articles have led to direct threats to Board of Election officials and employees." Permitting "truth" to be determined by the County violates our foundational notions of a free press.
{There is no evidence that Conradson ever threatened County employees. Certainly, such evidence would be relevant to the issuance of a press pass as a justification wholly independent of Conradson's viewpoint. But—in the absence of any evidence that Conradson himself called for violence—the fact that third parties who may have read Conradson's articles engaged in threatening behavior is not such relevant evidence.}
The County's own evidence only underscores that the press-pass denial, as applied to Conradson, was not viewpoint neutral; the County's evidence indeed highlights its reliance on Conradson's political views. Before the district court, the County argued:
As part of the application process, Mr. Conradson submitted three links to work examples. Those three articles … do little more than proselytize The Gateway Pundit's views. Each article germinates from a news report or press release (such as the County's announcement of Press Pass criteria). Mr. Conradson then expresses an opinion about the news report or press release and supports that opinion by referencing like-minded social media posts, prior articles by The Gateway Pundit, and allying websites that express the same viewpoints. Moreover, each article uses inflammatory and/or accusatory language, such as "Fake News Media," "globalist elitist establishment," and "highly flawed 2022 Primary Elections." And while Mr. Conradson is certainly entitled to express his opinions, his poorly sourced, researched, and reported work lacks the journalistic integrity and credibility required by the Press Pass criteria.
The district court rightly found this evidence to be a "fraught consideration." Yet the district court held that the County was furthering its legitimate interest in disseminating accurate information to the public in a manner "reasonably related to the viewpoint-neutral goal of increasing journalistic integrity by favoring media that avoid real or perceived conflicts of interest or entanglement with special interest groups, or those that engage in advocacy or lobbying."
In so concluding, the district court relied heavily on the Seventh Circuit's analysis of similar press pass restrictions in John K. MacIver Institute for Pub. Policy, Inc. v. Evers (7th Cir. 2021). In MacIver, however, the court noted that there was no evidence that the government had "manipulate[d] the[] neutral criteria in a manner that discriminate[d]" against the applicant. The MacIver court further found that the applicant's "other naked assertions of bias" were "unsupported by references to the record." That is not the case here.
The evidence supports, at least at this preliminary stage of the review, the conclusion that a predominant reason for the County denying Conradson a press pass was the viewpoint expressed in his writings. It is the County's politically-tinged assessment of Conradson's prior reporting that appears to have led it to deny him a press pass. That type of viewpoint-based discrimination is exactly what the First Amendment protects against. Because it appears at this preliminary stage that the County engaged in viewpoint discrimination, it is likely that the County's denial of a press pass will not survive review when considering Conradson's as-applied challenge. Appellants have thus shown a likelihood of success on the merits….
"The loss of First Amendment freedoms, for even minimal periods of time, unquestionably constitutes irreparable injury." Despite this likely constitutional violation, the district court noted Conradson could watch live streams of press conferences, even if he could not attend in person, and delayed 41 days from the denial to seek injunctive relief. Neither the availability of live streams nor Conradson's delay sufficiently allay the irreparable harm from a likely constitutional violation….
The district court found that watching the press conference live streams, rather than attend in person, was a "de minimis" harm because County officials would be under no obligation to "interact with" Conradson, even if they were granted access. We disagree. The constitutional harm of viewpoint discrimination, expressed here by the County's exclusion of Plaintiffs from its limited forum, cannot be rendered de minimis or otherwise mitigated by requiring Plaintiffs to avail themselves of a less desirable, even if somewhat effective, alternative.
As the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia has persuasively explained, "[w]hile it is perfectly true that reporters do not have an unrestricted right to go where they please in search of news … the elimination of some reporters from an area which has been voluntarily opened to other reporters for the purpose of news gathering presents a wholly different situation." For this reason, "[a]ccess to news, if unreasonably or arbitrarily denied …, constitutes a direct limitation upon the content of news." … "[T]he First Amendment 'provides at least some degree of protection for gathering news and information, particularly news and information about the affairs of the government,' [so] Plaintiffs' attendance at the Governor's press conferences certainly is protected." … Viewpoint discrimination as to in-person access to such conferences is not a de minimis injury….
{Our grant of an injunction pending appeal, which requires Appellees to grant Conradson temporary press credentials until the merits of Plaintiffs' appeal are decided, does not preclude Maricopa County from revoking Conradson's press credentials in the future—or declining to grant those credentials—so long as the County does so consistent with Conradson's First Amendment rights.}
For more on the District Court's decision, see this post from two weeks ago. Thanks to the Media Law Resource Center (MLRC) MediaLawDaily for the pointer, and congratulations to Marc Randazza and David Gingras, who represent TGP.
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I think the court got this wrong.
In September they made a judgement call that this guy wasn't a serious professional. In November, he proved them right. So sure, their decision wasn't based on foreknowledge of what he was going to do, but he absolutely proved that when they said he didn't pass the vibe check, they were on-target.
Or to put it another way... if my comic book shop tries to eject someone saying "get out of here, you're getting violent!" and they respond by throwing a punch, it doesn't matter that the punch came after the order to leave, my assessment of their character is vindicated.
Um, this is the government.
But a shall-issue requirement for press passes is not viable.
Can't admit that maybe you got it wrong?
This is literally my first opinion on this case, but go off I suppose.
"serious professional"
First, reporting isn't a profession.
Second, I'm glad you are approving banning of any reporter the current government decides isn't serious. That won't hurt your side, nope.
Appellants have shown a likelihood of success on the merits": ...and this from the 9th Circuit.
"Second, I’m glad you are approving banning of any reporter the current government decides isn’t serious."
It isn't even that as much as the precedent this sets and the other side's ability to do THE SAME THING that should scare people.
Wanna bet there are journalists that Governor DeSantis would love to ban? But you don't have to go that far -- Maricopa County is where quite-controversial Sheriff Joe Arpaio was -- imagine what he could have been able to do had he been able to selectively grant or deny press passes....
Um, nothing? What do you think press passes do?
" First, reporting isn’t a profession. "
It's as much a profession as reading $34,000 residential deeds in Can't-Keep-Up, Ohio for typographical errors is a profession.
Do you consider yourself a professional, Bob from Ohio?
Wow, government officials can decide on government privileges based on a "vibe check."
Will wonders never cease.
How is a "vibe check" different from something like racial profiling?
The good officer merely had a "vibe" that a young Black man in an expensive car was worthy of further inquiry....
Those who favor "racial profiling" claim some arithmetical basis for it. What's the math behind "vibe profiling" ?
Your assessment of the comic store customer’s character may have been correct but it is not an assessment you were allowed to make. (Or more precisely, you’re not allowed to make it when you are the government.) So yes, it matters a lot that the punch came after the order to leave.
An even stronger argument is that you may well have incited the violence by the way you ejected your customer. While that does not excuse the violence, it does invalidate your automatic assumption that your character “assessment” was right.
Good luck finding a journalist these days who could be considered a serious professional. You’d have an easier time finding a virgin in Amsterdam’s red light district.
Disaffected, downscale, right-wing misfits are among my favorite culture war casualties . . . and the target audience of a white, male, movement conservative blog with a vanishingly scant academic veneer.
Word salad alert.
"serious professional"
What does that even mean, in an objective sense?
"someone who doesn't use deception to try and get a press pass, and then cause such a disruption they have to be escorted off the premise" seems like a good place to start.
The Left:
If you think you're being treated unfairly by the MSM build your own news sites.
The Right:
OK, we will. Now we want acess to the newsmakers.
The Left:
Your not "professional" news sites. No acess for you.
Is that how it goes?
" Is that how it goes? "
The better Americans continue to stomp the bigoted, superstitious clingers' preferences into irrelevance in the culture war and at the modern American marketplace of ideas. The right-wingers get to whine and cry about it as much as they like, then get replaced.
That is how it goes.
No. Gateway Pundit isn't a news site. It's the Dumbest Man on the Internet's™ blog.
When did your opinion become a fact?
The Ninth Circuit is full of right-wing clingers! That's the only possible conclusion.
How could we be so blind?
Actually the 9th circuit is much less lefty than it used to be. Ignoring senior status and sitting-by-designation judges who complicate the math to the extent that I can't be bothered to account for them) the 9th now only has a 16-13 lefty majority. This means there's a roughly 42% chance of a right leaning panel.
From the opinion:
(footnotes omitted)
The 9th Circus actually got it right!
I would go one step further though and review some of the "yellow" journalism of the late 19th Century including that of William Randolph Hearst -- who essentially gave us the Spanish American War. (Hearst printed false statements about both the Cuban rebels and Spanish atrocities -- as to the USS Maine, heaven only knows what the caused her to explode -- the latest (USN) theory is that she had a smouldering fire in a coal bunker. (The same theory is kicked around about the Titanic.))
Would we say today that the Hearst Newspapers (all 28 of them) should have been denied press passes? Hearst definitely was political, more so than TGP because he personally was twice elected to the US House, ran for President in 1904, Mayor of NYC in 1905 & 1909, and NY Governor in 1906.
And he accused President McKinley of corruption. Frequently...
The Hearst Newspapers were on the Progressive wing of the Democratic Party, much as The Gateway Pundit is on the Populist wing of the Republican Party -- in both cases on the far wing of the party out of power at the time.
And as the First Amendment protected the Hearst Papers, it ought to protect The Gateway Pundit as well -- TGP really isn't as bad as Hearst was...
The more I think about it, I am amazed at just how similar the “yellow” journalism of 120 years ago is to the internet journalism of today.
Hearst (and Joseph Pulitzer) were using then-new technologies — Linotype which meant that type no longer had to be set by individual letter, higher-speed presses that used large rolls of paper (instead of having to be fed individual sheets) and ground wood newsprint. This is how they could have so-called “penny newspapers.”
They also had outside-the-main reporters (including Nellie Bly). I forget which NYC paper did it, but one summer one of them put a female reporter in an automobile (then a new technology) and sent her Down East to report on human interest stories along the Coast of Maine. She came out to the island in the midst of a trap war (lobstermen fighting over territory) and reported how someone had cut someone else’s lobster car loose from its mooring, with it subsequently drifting ashore and being damaged -- with lobsters escaping.
(A lobster car is a float with removable decking and a cage below where live lobsters can be stored (in water) until they can be sold.)
So she phoned in her story and then went further Down East to Bar Harbor to cover the social scene down there. (Prior to the 1947 fire, Bar Harbor was like Newport, RI.)
Well the other thing about the tabloid journalism of that era, like today, is that the editors wanted to impress their readers and what was done back then was replace simple words with more fancy ones. So her editor replaced the word “car” with “automobile”, “horseless carriage”, “motorized conveyance”, and a few more which I forget. (He didn’t know the difference.)
But the folks in Bar Harbor did — and in the summertime, the NYC newspapers went down there on the overnight train via Bangor...
I mention this because we have survived far worse journalism than that of The Gateway Pundit. The Massachusetts Spy newspaper comes to immediate mind — and it was so bad that the editor had to move his presses to Worcester — 40 miles to the west and then essentially on the frontier. Yet in the 19th Century, it became an organ for abolitionist sentiment.
Like a lot of the posters on here, you see “agreed with my politics” as “got it right”.
The posters who see the court as having “got it wrong” really mean “disagree with my politics”.
It’s easy to interpret the criteria that posters on political message boards use to evaluate court decisions.
Thank you for saving my fingers all the work, because this is basically where my mind was going.
A truly brave call from those freedom fighters in the 9th that will enable Mr. Conradson to get right back in the mix "attend[ing] press briefings about the election" now that the certification is over.
Oh, and ending with guideposts on how to better-calibrate the refusal for the next cycle.
Assuming the merits decision does indeed track, this seems like a generally cost-free way to whittle down their out of control reversal rate!
So maybe someone could explain why the District opinion was not based on a simple belief that right wing journalism is not worthy of respect?
Sick burn on right wing journalism if you think Gateway Pundit is an example.
- Kick out the independent press.
- Collude with Socials to censor harmful information about the candidate from your office running for Gov.
- Don't debate (why would you? it's in the bag)
- Wreak havoc on election day voting affecting mostly the votes for your opponent
- Threaten with felonies any counties whom question your results.
- Ignore AG records request
Free and Fair Elections(tm)
Maybe it was "accidental", but if all of this truly was, half the time it would help the Republicans...
There is a big problem if courts assert discernment between truth and falsehood is merely a political view. Seems like even at this early stage of consideration there is need to decide whether Conradson previously published an outright lie about material related to what the press pass would enable him to report. The court's complaint about post-hoc evaluation looks more like a distraction from that question than a means to resolve it.
What is this "outright lie" that you want the court to opine on?
All I see is a claim by a government witness that Conradson "doesn't seek the truth", but if you noticed something else don't hesitate to speak up.
Or were you just inventing bullshit?
I'll take the "inventing" option.
I think the County is within its rights to give press passes only to what it defines as professional journalists, as long as it defines professional journalist in a manner not based on viewpoint. Just as not everything a person thinks up is a religious belief, not everyone is a journalist. I disagree with Professor Volokh on this. The First Amendment doesn’t create a right to enter every government building or to be free of legal liability or protect their sources.
States can create a set of priveleges and liability protections for journalists that go beyond what the First Amendment requires of speakers generally, and limit them to professional journalists based on a reasonable, viewpoint-neutral definition of professional journalist.
Except they denied it based on viewpoint.
Seems too late at this point to matter much. The denial achieved what was intended in the moment. Hard to understand what justice looks like in this sense. Like getting an invitation to a party a month after it happens.