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Court Rules Against The Gateway Pundit's Request for Press Pass
From today's decision in TGP Communications LLC v. Sellers by Judge John Tuchi (D. Ariz.):
TGP is an online news and opinion publication. Founded in 2004, TGP has developed a large readership and now averages more than two- and-a-half million readers daily. It describes itself as "a trusted news source for the stories and views that are largely untold or ignored by traditional news outlets." Mr. Conradson is a reporter with TGP who covers Arizona politics. Neither TGP nor Mr. Conradson are shy about their libertarian conservative political leanings. Mr. Conradson testified that his favorite political party is the Republican Party "but I wear that on my sleeve." He noted that his readers understand his political views: "everybody who reads my work knows that I am very transparent about it."
On September 27, 2022, Mr. Conradson applied for credentials to attend press conferences given by Maricopa County officials and to access certain County facilities. The County requires reporters to obtain such credentials—a "press pass"—in order to attend press conferences at, or otherwise enter, the Maricopa County Tabulation and Election Center ("MCTEC") and the tenth floor of the County Administration building in Phoenix, Arizona.
Roy Fields Moseley, the Communications Director for the County, explained that the County instituted the press-pass requirement in light of logistics and security concerns. For example, the Board of Supervisors' conference room on the tenth floor of the County Administration building can accommodate approximately 50 seats for reporters; after the extensive media interest in the 2020 election in Maricopa County, Mr. Moseley testified it was fair to say that they were anticipating there would be a lot more people wanting to attend press conferences. He also testified that there were security issues at MCTEC after the 2020 election, including an incident in which
[s]everal people were not members of the media but perhaps might say they are, but they are not what we would call news reporters. They managed to follow legitimate news crews into the lobby of MCTEC. This was a security concern. They had to be removed. There was a large crowd gathered outside and we didn't want a repeat of that type of situation when we came up on 2022.
The County also has installed temporary and permanent fencing at MCTEC, where the Maricopa County Sheriff's Office maintains security.
Reporters can apply for a press pass through a page on the County's website. The webpage states that "[t]he official press pass will allow members of the press to attend news conferences or enter the Elections Department's office to conduct interviews, take photos, and/or video." The webpage states that the County evaluates "member of the press" based on the following criteria:
- Is the person requesting press credentials employed by or affiliated with an organization whose principal business is news dissemination?
- Does the parent news organization meet the following criteria?
- It has published news continuously for at least 18 months, and;
- It has a periodical publication component or an established television or radio presence.
- Is the petitioner a paid or full-time correspondent, or if not, is acting on behalf of a student-run news organization affiliated with an Arizona high school, university, or college?
- Is the petitioner or its employing organization engaged in any lobbying, paid advocacy, advertising, publicity, or promotion work for any individual, political party, corporation, or organization?
- Is the petitioner a bona fide correspondent of repute in their profession, and do they and their employing organization exhibit the following characteristics?
- Both avoid real or perceived conflicts of interest;
- Both are free of associations that would compromise journalistic integrity or damage credibility;
- Both decline compensation, favors, special treatment, secondary employment, or political involvement where doing so would compromise journalistic integrity; and
- Both resist pressures from advertisers, donors, or any other special interests to influence coverage.
This list is not exhaustive. The time, manner, and place limitations or needs of any one event may require consideration of additional factors.
Mr. Moseley testified that a team of eight County employees reviews press pass-applications, which must receive two "yes" votes to be approved.
On September 30, 2022, three days after Mr. Conradson applied for a press pass, the County notified him by email that his application was denied. The email stated that he was denied based on the following criteria: "You (a) do not avoid real or perceived conflicts of interest and (b) are not free of associations that would compromise journalistic integrity or damage credibility. Therefore, you are not a bona fide correspondent of repute in your profession." When asked to summarize, in his words, why Mr. Conradson was denied a press pass, Mr. Moseley testified that it was "because he doesn't avoid real or perceived conflicts of interest. If you look at his social media or his articles, they not only present a conflict. He doesn't seek the truth and his articles have led to direct threats to Board of Elections officials and employees."
To support the allegation about threats, the County points to Reuters articles stating that TGP was cited in highly threatening communications directed at County election employees. The County further cites to a TGP article by Mr. Conradson alleging that a County employee deleted files from the County's Elections Management Server—allegations the County denies. In the article, Mr. Conradson included the employee's name and photograph. According to one of the Reuters articles, readers left highly threatening comments about the employee in the comments section of the article. Mr. Conradson testified that he was "not aware that people got threats as a result of something I wrote."
The September 30, 2022 denial email stated that Mr. Conradson could appeal the decision by sending a reply email "stating the reasons it should be reconsidered." It also stated that "any press conference about the 2022 Election will be streamed to a Maricopa County YouTube channel and you are welcome to view it." On November 10, 2022, Mr. Conradson sent a reply email appealing the County's decision. In his email, Mr. Conradson stated that the denial violated his rights under the First Amendment and that "I will be coming in shortly to attend a press conference and receive my credentials."
The court rejected (at least at this stage, which involved a request for a temporary restraining order) plaintiff's argument that the rule was unconstitutionally vague:
Plaintiffs argue that the two criteria under which the County denied a press pass to Mr. Conradson—that he neither "avoid[ed] real or perceived conflicts of interest" nor remained "free of associations that would compromise journalistic integrity or damage credibility"—are facially unconstitutional because they fail to make sufficiently clear "what conduct is prohibited." The Court is unpersuaded at this juncture.
As an initial matter, the County has not "prohibited" reporters such as Mr. Conradson from the conduct described in the criteria, at least not in the sense of triggering any kind of civil or criminal penalties. Rather, the press-pass criteria are just that—a set of standards by which the County determines whether to grant reporters access to events and facilities that, although "public" in the sense that they are maintained for the benefit of the community, are not open to the general public as a matter of right. Moreover, the criteria that Plaintiffs challenge are only two among several characteristics of journalistic practice that the County considers. These criteria should be considered in the context of the press- pass scheme as a whole.
Undercutting Plaintiffs' argument is the fact that the County drew its press-pass criteria directly from the criteria used by the Office of the Governor of Wisconsin, which were in turn based on standards used by the Wisconsin Capitol Correspondent's Board and in the United States Congress. The Seventh Circuit upheld the constitutionality of these same criteria just last year. John K. MacIver Inst. for Pub. Policy, Inc. v. Evers (7th Cir. 2021) ("MacIver"). Seventh Circuit did not consider a vagueness challenge in that case, the court of appeals nonetheless provided detailed analysis of these criteria, indicating that their meaning is not as elusive as Plaintiffs suggest.
Regarding the first challenged criteria, Plaintiffs question whether it is sufficiently clear "what an actual conflict of interest could be for a journalist." They further argue that "it is impossible to determine how a journalist may avoid being perceived to have a conflict of interest." Conflicts of interest are familiar to the legal system. It is true that what constitutes a conflict of interest is less obvious in the journalism context—for one thing, journalists do not have clients with discernable interests in the way that lawyers do. However, the Society of Professional Journalists' ("SPJ") Code of Ethics uses the term, indicating that the term has broadly understood meaning among practicing journalists. Plaintiffs' expert, Professor Gregg Leslie, testified that conflicts of interest in the journalism context would include, for example, reporting favorably on a publicly traded company while owning stock in that company. {The Court references the SPJ's Code of Ethics as evidence only of the use and meaning of the terms in the County's criteria within the journalism community. Plaintiffs' expert, Professor Gregg Leslie, noted that the Code was not intended to establish legally enforceable rules of journalistic practice; the Code itself states that it "is not, nor can it be under the First Amendment, legally enforceable." The point is well taken.}
The County urges and employs a broader interpretation of the term that includes a reporter such as Mr. Conradson reporting on issues for which, and candidates for whom, he also advocates. There is therefore some merit to Plaintiffs' argument about a lack of consensus as to the meaning of a conflict of interest in the journalism context. But there is reason to believe that the County's interpretation is not an outlier. For example, the Arizona Senate's Media Rules state that applicants for media credentials "must not be engaged in any lobbying or advocacy, advertising, publicity or promotion of any individual, political party, group, corporation, organization or a federal, state or local government agency …."
Turning to the second challenged criteria, Plaintiffs question what it would mean to be "free of associations that would compromise journalistic integrity or damage credibility." As before, there is reason to believe these terms are more broadly understood than Plaintiffs suggest. These criteria find analogue in the SPJ's Code of Ethics, which states that "[j]ournalists should … avoid political and other outside activities that may compromise integrity or impartiality, or may damage credibility." Prof. Leslie agreed that part of being a good journalist is to "stay away from anything that makes you look biased" and "don't do anything that is going to damage your credibility," although he disputed that this was anything more than a "very broad statement" and "an aspirational goal." Further, it is not clear that these criteria "authorize[] or even encourage[] arbitrary and discriminatory enforcement," given that the County granted press passes to other publications considered to be conservative-leaning, such as Fox News and Newsmax.
Thus, while Plaintiffs have validly questioned the precise contours of the County's criteria, they have not established they are likely to succeed on their vagueness claim. Law demands clarity, of which the criteria are not a perfect model. But "'perfect clarity is not required'"—even where First Amendment rights are implicated—and "'we can never expect mathematical certainty from our language.'"
The court also concluded that, when it came to access to "nonpublic County facilities and press conferences given by County officials," press pass policies need only be reasonable and viewpoint-neutral (the rule for restrictions in a limited public forum or nonpublic forum), and that these policies appeared to qualify:
The County argues that it has "a right to set criteria for allowing people to get into buildings and to attend press conferences." This must be true given the County's well-founded safety concerns and limited space. Plaintiffs do not apparently disagree in principle, conceding that the County is not required simply to let in anyone who presents themself as a journalist. With respect to the specific criteria the County employs to further these interests, the Court agrees with the Seventh Circuit's analysis in MacIver that the first three challenged criteria are "reasonably related to the viewpoint-neutral goal of increasing the journalistic impact of the [government's] message by including media that focus primarily on news dissemination, have some longevity in the business, and possess the ability to craft newsworthy stories."
The County further argues that it has "the right to set up criteria for ethical reporting," which broadly summarizes the fourth and fifth challenged criteria. This [is] a more controversial proposition, with which Plaintiffs and their expert, Prof. Leslie, strongly disagree. The Court agrees that this proposition is problematic insofar as it invites the government to play a role in policing the free press, whose constitutionally protected function is to hold the government to account.
Here, however, the County does not assert a right to establish criteria for ethical reporting to justify policing the practice of journalism, at least not directly. Rather, the County asserts this right to justify evaluating reporters' practices to determine whether to grant them access to press conferences and nonpublic County facilities and thereby further the County's legitimate interest in disseminating accurate information to the public. {For this reason, the Court is also not persuaded by Plaintiffs' argument that the press-pass criteria are akin to licensing regimes that "condition the exercise of First Amendment protected rights on 'obtaining a license or permit from a government official in that official's boundless discretion.'" The County is not requiring a license to gather news.} Cabined to this purpose, the Court agrees with the Seventh Circuit's analysis that the fourth and fifth criteria "are reasonably related to the viewpoint-neutral goal of increasing journalistic integrity by favoring media that avoid real or perceived conflicts of interest or entanglement with special interest groups, or those that engage in advocacy or lobbying." …
Nor is the Court persuaded that the County's denial of a press pass to Mr. Conradson was viewpoint-based. In short, Plaintiffs have not substantiated their claim that "[the County] used [its] unfettered discretion to discriminate against the Gateway Pundit because they do not want to be challenged by the Gateway Pundit's style of journalism." Plaintiffs suggest that the County's decision is related to Plaintiffs' reporting about former Maricopa County Supervisor Steve Chucri, but this is conjectural. They further suggest that the County discriminated against Plaintiffs because of a particular bias against Plaintiffs, pointing to Defendant Richer's retweet of a tweet hinting that the County instituted the press-pass restrictions to keep Plaintiffs out of press conferences. Such behavior may be beneath the dignity of the office, but Plaintiffs have not substantiated their claim that keeping them out was the animating reason behind the restrictions.
Finally, Plaintiffs suggest that the County discriminated against them based on their political leanings. While the County did take note of Mr. Conradson's political leanings—which the Court acknowledges is a fraught consideration—it did so in the context of evaluating whether he was free from associations that would compromise his journalistic integrity. Mr. Moseley denied that the County rejected Mr. Conradson's application based on his opinions and noted that the County has granted passes to other conservative leaning publications.
In sum, while Plaintiffs have raised thorny questions about the County's press-pass restrictions, they have not shown they are likely to succeed in arguing that the restrictions or their application in this case are unreasonable or constitute viewpoint discrimination.
Congratulations to Maricopa County Deputy County Attorneys Thomas P. Liddy, Charles E. Trullinger, Joseph J. Branco & Joseph E. La Rue, who represent defendants. For an amusing (though ultimately not successful) passage from the plaintiff's motion for a TRO, see this post.
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This is unmitigated bullbleep and what TGP ought to do is challenge every OTHER press pass under the above criteria. WaPo is owned by Jeff Besos -- hence biased. NYT has had plagiarism scandals, hence inaccurate. And then you can do an analysis of the various reporters personally -- it wouldn't be hard to show bias there.
The other thing that bothers me is that requirement that one have an economic interest in the journalism, unless one is a student. A high school student is a journalist but a blogger is not?!?
Scratch a liberal, uncover a fascist.
No need to assault an Alt-Right-winger, though...
If the same system applies in Congress, I can understand a mere district court being hesitant to say such a policy is facially unconstitutional.
Why ? Do district courts never question the constitutionality of Congressional legislation ?
This is an outrageous ruling from an obviously prejudiced judge.
I suggest that TGP start attacking the right of so-called mainstream news organizations to hold their own press passes based on the criteria in e.
TGP is clearly "junk journalism", as a cursory reading of any article penned by either of the Hofts would reveal, but that doesn't mean the government should be determining which citizens are "worthy" or not of accessing public events.
Power corrupts.
You mean junk journalism like the NYTimes? Washington Post? CNN? MSNBC?
Again: there are a limited number of press who can be admitted. How do you propose choosing who gets the slots?
If I wanted my actions to be considered legitimate and not to be accused of rigging elections, I'd be damn sure to give at least one press pass to the most right-wing outfit that I could find.
This is the one case where diversity -- diversity of viewpoint -- is relevant.
the accusations will happen anyway, so why kowtow?
Because denying GWP access lends credibility.
Nothing will lend credibility to one such as you.
So, blackmail and threats?
How about say 75% of the passes to be auctioned, with the remaining 25% issued by lot (so that poor journalists are not entirely frozen out) ?
You could issue the passes for say 6 months at a time, so that new entrants would get a chance every now and again.
You tell us, Dave. Does size matter?
You issue the passes and when you hold a press conference you let pass holders in on a first arrival basis until the space is full. If GP arrives first then they get in and if the room is full when GP arrives they don't. Or if you find that unacceptable then a rotating basis where those denied one time are allowed in the next time while some of those allowed in the first time are wait outside. No one side is favored over the other and everyone gets their turn. Doesn't that seem fair?
To whom? That's the issue here.
O any news organization that wants one.. Why discriminate when there are non-discriminatory options available? A government agency should be quite generous in issuing press passes rejecting only those who have violated some easily definable and non-partisan standard and EVERY organization should be held to that same standard. There is no need to limit the number of passes as I pointed out two separate ways to accommodate a large number of journalists wanting passes.. I will even add a third way-overflow rooms with a live feed that works both ways with a question coming from the overflow area every so many questions and rotation of the journalists as needed so everyone gets time in the main press conference area.
And… what counts as a "news organization"? You're just begging the question right and left here.
Just about anybody who claims to be a journalist/news organization. I don't think that the government should be deciding who is a "legitimate" journalist and who isn't because that is a form of censorship.
Okay, well, this is the real world.
So you support the government deciding who is a journalist and who isn't? Doesn't that kind of defeat the concept of a free press?
The very first line of the court ruling is "TGP is an online news and opinion publication".
What else you got?
If government does anything other than random choice, it is viewpoint discrimination....which the government aught not to do
As I said first come first allowed in would be the preferred choice but I would not oppose just everybody getting their turn and rotate everyone who has a press pass in and out ( that way nobody is discriminated against). And I would issue a press pass to anyone who applied with the sole exception of someone who is an actual physical danger ( and that would mean actual charges at the very minimum and may even require a conviction).
Wrong. What you’ve stated here is pure opinion, and has zero basis in fact.
So why do they fear Gateway Pundit being at press conferences? If afraid of physical violence that is what security measures such as metal detectors are for. Are they afraid that GP will ask embarrassing questions? That is kind of the job that the press is supposed to do.
I remember the leftist reaction when Jim Acosta was banned by the Trump WH AFTER he had behaved poorly at a WH press conference. That same press demanded he be let back in despite the fact that he was a biased reporter who slapped the hand of a WH aide who tried to take back the microphone.
I guess the rules are different when it's conservative media vs leftist media.
What's important to note here is that they are setting a precedent -- and Trump/Desantis/whomever could exclude leftwing press citing TGP decision.
I mean, that's as wrong as everything else you write.
What part?
1. They can have the USSS drag a reporter out of the room.
2. They can cite this decision.
They can cite 101 Dalmatians, too, but neither one would support the action.
Yet as soon as Trump or Desantis ban a reporter or media organization we will hear how they are behaving like fascists. Consistency in applied standards is not a Democratic thing.
Four of the five members of the Maricopa County Board of Supervisors, as well as the County Recorder — all the main people sued by the dumbest man on the Internet in this suit — are Republicans.
What does that have to do with the issue? The issue is who qualifies for a press pass. Tell me if Trump is re-elected POTUS in 2024 and starts denying press passes to Slate, Vox, Salon or other partisan news sites claiming that there isn't enough space to accommodate everyone will you support such a decision?
The issue was you blaming Democrats for something that Republicans did.
DeSantis has done so, The MSM didn't make a big deal out of it. And as a FL resident, let me assure you that DeSantis is a fascist.
The list of criteria is a list of questions.
It still does not actually state the evaluation criteria, though we might surmise which way the board is leaning by the non-neutral queries.
For example, they ask if the reporter is a high-schooler. So what is their weighting for this factor?
Because their evaluation criteria are entirely subjective and there is no suggestion of what weight, the board is unfettered in even having to pretend to be even handed.
There is certainly a need for limiting access as long as press conferences are to be held in-person, which is necessary spectacle for video reported media; zoom press conference would not lend the necessary show.
So if criteria are needed, they need to be explicit on how each is to be rated (0 or 1, or 1-5, or some scale), then how each criteria is collectively summed.
I note that the Gateway Pungent describes itself as a trusted news source, thus demonstrating the yawning gulf between "trusted" and "trustworthy".
When a site loudly proclaims that Trump received more votes than any presidential candidate in history, justifying the claim by saying that it has been unable to verify the votes that Biden received, they're not a news source.
What if they are right?
Ever consider that?
They are not.
This episode of Simple Answers to Stupid Questions brought to you by Ed's yet-to-be-banned second account.
Actually, they are, and you’re wrong. See how easy this is?
Indeed, one claim is supported by certified election results and numerous investigations.
The other claim is yours and Ed's. Supported by nothing except stupidity and gullibility.
Looks like I'm right after all. Shocking.
Investigations my a**.
You will see real investigations in January....
Ah yes, the "pony under the shit" argument.
“Pungent”? Bias much?
I never said I wasn't biased in favour of the truth.
How are you so sure your argument is the truth?
Much as I despise TGP, I think the fact that it gets 2.5 million hits a day qualifies it as a news organization of sufficient stature to qualify for a press pass, and I really dislike the government being the morality police. That, plus these standards basically exclude advocacy journalism, which is still legitimate journalism, which in turn smacks of viewpoint discrimination -- if you claim to be objective, you get a press pass; if you don't bother to claim to be objective, you don't -- so had I been the judge I would have issued the TRO in TGP's favor.
That said, I also have no trouble understanding the practicalities of why this decision was made. False and fraudulent right wing claims that the 2020 election was stolen has resulted in death threats against election officials, the need for increased physical security at polling places and election offices, threats against election official's families, and unrelenting harassment against election officials trying to do their jobs, to say nothing of January 6. So you can't hardly blame them for wanting to exclude the people who caused the problem. If someone's reporting resulted in multiple death threats to the President, I could see the White House not giving him a press pass, assuming the Secret Service would allow him inside the building in the first place.
And if Nixon had taken a similar stance against CBS because of Walter Chronkite’s statement about Vietnam? Or Dan Rather's coverage of the Civil Rights Movement in the south?
OR Bush 45 after the "fake but accurate" National Guard memo?
If you absolutely positively must engage in what aboutism, can you please at least try to find things that are actually an apples to apples comparison? Cronkite and Rather’s reporting was mostly accurate, unlike the BS claims about the election being stolen.
You need to be "mostly accurate" in order to be credible when floating a hoax.
I mean, Taylor Swift has almost two orders of magnitude more online followers; that doesn't make her a news organization any more than it makes Gateway Pundit one. Gateway Pundit doesn't fall short on the prominence front; it falls short on the news front.
Oh, and for the record, that's not what "viewpoint" means in the phrase "viewpoint discrimination." It refers to discrimination based on which side one is on, not whether one takes a side. The latter is a lack of content neutrality, not a lack of viewpoint neutrality. If they offer press passes to left-wing bloggers but not right wing ones, that would be viewpoint discrimination.
Taylor Swift doesn’t claim to be a news organization, nor does she report news and offer commentary.
And viewpoint is not just about the opinion you hold; it’s also about someone else deciding the quality of those opinions.
No, that's literally wrong. Viewpoint discrimination is a legal term. (Though to be fair, you'd be wrong under a lay definition also.) Viewpoint refers to which side of an issue one is on.
No, David, you've adopted an overly cramped interpretation of viewpoint discrimination. If I think your viewpoint is right as to its bottom line, but I still discriminate against you because I think you arrived at it by the wrong method, that's still viewpoint discrimination. The means by which you arrived at your opinion is every bit as protected as the opinion itself. A tipsy coachman who arrives safe and sound at home still arrived safe and sound at home.
And even if I am wrong as to what the current law is (and I don't think I am) there's a long list of constitutional doctrines that came from expanding what had previously been thought to be the outer limits of the doctrine.
False and fraudulent left wing claims in 2020 that police were randomly hunting down and shooting unarmed black men resulted in death threats against officials, need for increased physical security at government buildings, private businesses and even courthouses, threats against police and their families, and unrelenting harassment against cops trying to do their jobs, to say nothing of the rioting, destruction, and the "autonomous zones".
Yet left wing media outlets that pushed that narrative have no problem securing press passes.
Is this really any different from having a legal definition of clergy that requires meeting requirements?
I see it as the same thing as requiring clergy to quote from the King James Bible -- you can quote whatever passages you want, but only from the official text....
Rather’s reporting and “accurate” don’t belong in the same sentence. The man is the biggest lying hack “journalist” in the history of the business.
More fundamentally, why should lawyers who meet criteria defined by the state have any more access to courts than anybody else who wants to identify themselves as lawyers and engages in advocacy.
What do lawyers do? Speaking, writing, counseling, advocacy. All just as protected first amendment activities as journalism. So if the state can’t define journalism as a profession, if it can’t impose ethics and similar requirements on journalists as a condition for granting them access to governmental bodies, what is the constitutional argument for the state to have any basis to impose similar requirements on lawyers?
I think this is the flaw in the whole argument about the constitution prohibiting states from requiring journalists to meet certain professional standards in order to have certain priveleges not available to the general public, like source confidentiality or press passes . Lawyers are required to meet similar, generally higher standards. If the state can’t professionalize journalists, why in the world can it professionalize lawyers? On what basis does the state presume to tell litigants who they can hire as advocates and who is entitled to argue on their behalf? On what basis does the state have a right to impose and police ethical standards like conflict of interest on them, require them to get any particular kind of education, or require them to pass a test? Why don’t people have a constitutional right to, for example, advocate for both sides in a case if the parties agree? Why can’t they get their next door neighbor or whoever they want to advocate for them? After all, advocacy, like journalism, is nothing but speech. Why doesn’t absolute liberty of speech apply? What makes the two cases constitutionally different?
"Congress shall make no law..."
Are you saying that the First Amendment doesn’t apply to courts, only Congress, and that’s why courts can impose rules on speakers and writers as a condition for being allowed special access, but other branches can’t? After all, “lawyers” are nothing more than a class of speakers and writers who are allowed special access to courts not permitted other speakers and writers, because they agree to follow qualifications and rules imposed by the state.
In any event, it’s probably a pretty good rule that if an argument loses in one circuit, it can’t be so obviously correct as to merit a preliminary injunction in another.
It's important to note this was a ruling on a temporary restraining order where the judge was deciding whether a policy was facially unconstitutional. If the case is not moot, TGP can ask the judge to weigh the evidence later to decide whether the policy was properly applied. Depends on whether they want into this one event only, or to be credentialed in the future.
Did they really want in?
They have a much better story being denied access and then wildly speculating on what MIGHT have happened, what they couldn't see and hence may or may not have happened, and which the MSM would never report on if it did.
If they wanted to be totally irresponsible tabloid journalists, this is something that would gain readership....
That's a variation of the Streisand effect. By denying TGP a press pass, they are giving them even more publicity as well as a story in and of itself.
Everyone seems to be missing that this decision implicitly endorses a definition of legitimate news media as corporate media. The criteria in question require that a reporter be employed by a large media company. No freelancers or bloggers need apply, and arguably the local paper that some in media wax nostalgic over wouldn't qualify either. It's a dangerous precedent because it takes a step toward justifying government licensing of the press, which our system is supposed to treat as entirely independent.
They do not.
What “distinctions of degree” are applicable to the press pass criteria? They seem binary, but if there are distinctions of degree, that would raise other issues about whether the criteria leave too much discretion to public officials.
Yesterday the “misinformation reporter” for NBC - you’ve heard of them, right? - was all over the internet and on MSNBC ranting that the Colorado shooter had been radicalized to hate gays and trans folks by Tucker Carlson and right wing extremists.
Then the filing by his lawyers shot that contention out of the water, so he seamlessly transitioned to well he was bullied by right wingers years ago. (Which isn’t even a motivation to shoot gays, but let’s not digress).
He has no intent to inform. His intent is to blame something on his political enemies with whatever bullshit he can scratch together with no information. And political allies in his organization and across the leftist media structure are happy to enable him.
Discern that degree. Obviously the inability to report accurately is a hallmark of the progressives. Should NBC get press passes?
Like NBC’s professionalism? See below.
Queen: you realize that your statement regarding WaPo vs Gateway Pundit is nothing but pure opinion. You know that, right?
NBC is hack factory.
Figures you’d defend them. Susceptibility to hateful bullshit is also a hallmark of progressives.
What size does a media outfit have to be to be considered large enough to be given a press pass? What is that magic number?
Does this misinformation reporter from NBC have a press pass for Maricopa County? if not, of what relevance is this random anecdote of yours?
If you hold TGP responsible for all of its people, then you have to hold NBC equally responsible for all of its people too.
NBC certainly does.
Let me be blunt: both birds are subject to the same USDA regulations regarding food safety.
Goose, actually. And thank you
Based on the court decision, individual people, not news outlets, are the ones issued press passes. So, no.
Getting caught in a self-serving lie is not a mistake.
And yet all five of the stated evaluation criteria relate to organisations, indeed three of them cannot be met without employment or affiliation with a news organisation.