The Volokh Conspiracy
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"Enforcing the First Amendment on Campus Won't, by Itself, Address the Problem of Academic Freedom"
"We also need to improve university culture."
I had a conversation with Prof. Anup Malani (University of Chicago Law School) about this at a conference, and asked him if he could write up his thoughts on the subject; he kindly agreed, so I'm passing them along:
A common view among those who worry about academic freedom (which includes this author) is that what we need is more universities to follow the University of Chicago's lead and adopt the so-called "Chicago Principles." This approach is roughly the equivalent of a decision by schools functionally to enforce the First Amendment on campus. This policy reform practically includes both not censoring viewpoints and prohibiting people from shouting down and thus shutting out others' speech.
These reforms are necessary, but not sufficient to address the challenge to academic freedom on campus or freedom of speech in society. The reason is that it fails to understand what colleges produce and how that affects academic freedom and civil society.
The conventional (economic) view of the university is that it produces a basket of goods: specific human capital (in your major), general human capital (learning to learn), signaling quality (from the admission itself), a network (your colleagues in your class). But omitted in common accounts is that a university also produces a "culture" that materially impacts life on campus and amongst graduates after graduation.
Culture is a hard-to-define concept. Let me use an analogy to game theory to flesh out what I mean by it. We think of a game as being defined by, among other things, (a) the set of permitted actions or strategies and (b) a set of payoffs from different combinations of actions. (I omit from the elements of a well-specified model (c) who the players are and (d) the equilibrium concept used to deduce the possible outcomes of the game.) Many games permit multiple equilibria. Which equilibrium is observed depends on players' beliefs about what they believe others will do in response to their actions, what they believe others believe, what others believe about what they believe, and so on.
Often the payoffs, which map player's actions to utility, are said to be the rules of the game. And we analogize institutions, in economic or political science parlance, to the organizations setting and enforcing the rules or conflate institutions and laws with the rules themselves.
Culture, by contrast, is the recursive beliefs of players. It is what identifies which of the multiple equilibria will be the actual outcome of the game. Thus, the same institution in two different locations with different cultures can produce different equilibrium outcomes. Think of Red and Blue states living under the same federal system. Or Harvard and MIT—similar rules (and location!), but different cultures.
When I say a university produces a culture, I mean the university (a combination of the faculty, administrators and the students, all as players) generate beliefs about how people will respond to different behaviors one might exhibit. So, what might be a reasonable form of signaling group fidelity at U. of Missouri will be different than what those behaviors are at Harvard, likewise at St. Olaf's versus U. Alabama. This culture affects how students behave not just in their school network, but also at jobs after graduation. It is a complement to the network in the sense that if you went to U. Chicago and your employer is dominated by a Columbia network, you can still do very well if Columbia and U. Chicago "taught" similar cultures.
Why is this important to the discussion of academic freedom? The narrow libertarian-like perspective that universities should let anyone way what they want on campus does not create a culture where it is ok to have free speech. It simply permits free speech given the pre-existing culture. To actually generate appreciation for free speech rights and respect for differing views, a university may have to do more than adopt the Chicago Principles. It may have to actively encourage thinking about both sides, civic dialogue, not closing yourself off from hearing disagreement, etc. Think of the difference between having a Title IX program versus educating new students and hires about what makes a hostile workplace. Now apply that to free speech. You need to go beyond not censoring and bullying, to educating community members about the importance of policy discussion and open-mindedness via activities and classes.
Even this may not be enough. I think there is a good argument for better representative of different views from society on campus, so people can understand what the range of views are in society. Otherwise, they may end up tolerant of the subset of views frequently seen on campus, but not the remaining views that are frequently seen off campus but not on it.
For example, if I am at a typical campus, I may learn that it's ok to be open to progressive and capital L centrist Liberal thought, but not learn that I may have to be respectful of the free speech rights of people who are conservative Christians, Muslims, or Hindus. The same is true at Pepperdine or West Point. Without a broader representation of views on campus, a Yale student would learn that the probability that someone smart would play "I am pro-life" or "have guns to hunt" in real life is zero, and that someone at West Point will learn that someone brave would play "I am transgender" or "think that the US is too antagonistic towards China" in real life is zero. While students learn to believe that the equilibrium response is to play "tolerate speech" in response to speech observed on campus, they may not learn that the equilibrium response is to play tolerance for speech not observed on campus. That means Yale graduates may react with intolerance to speech by religious conservatives and West Point graduates to speech by transgender persons or advocates when they leave campus.
The result would be college graduates who both pride themselves as tolerant of (a lot of) speech but also intolerant of a lot of common speech. From the perspective of the large swatch of society who did not go to college, these graduates primarily come across as non-tolerant.
It is important to note that none of this means that academic community members cannot judge one view to be better than another. Respectfully hearing someone out is not incompatible with judging right and wrong, better and worse.
What would happen if universities went beyond merely enforcing an academic version of the First Amendment to (a) encouraging a culture of respectful dialogue and (b) admit not just conservatives but people with disparate views from across the globe?
First, there would be more academic freedom for students and faculty on campus. Practicing free speech changes peoples' beliefs about other peoples' likely response—and thus their own response—when people say something one judges to be unpopular. Admitting a wider array of views helps people see (and believe) that a wider array of views are held in society than what is typically seen on American campuses. The resulting culture will help students see the distance between the Progressive left and the center right is really small relative to the distance between the views of those in urban Atlanta, the Cuban community in Miami, rural Oregon, Booklyn, rural Connecticut, and Orange County. This freedom will trickle up to faculty, who will feel less social pressure to temper their research so as to search for truth rather than the socially acceptable.
Second, building a culture of tolerance for differing views will influence the behavior of America's elites, who almost entirely made up of college graduates. Ensuring the US government does not restrict your speech is not the same as saying you will not face social sanctions in your local community for endorsing views that a non-trivial number of Americans hold. Such social sanctions might change peoples' preference, often in a positive direction. But they also lead to segregation of people by views, and thereby to polarization. To minimize such segregation and polarization, it would be useful to have a culture of respectful disagreement. If elites lead by example, then infusing newly minted elites with a substantive respect for polite discourse may help change the tone of American politics. Further, if future elites see the full range of American views when they are on campus, they may be less appalled by the view of the voting populace when they graduate, and less likely to trigger a reactionary response by non-elites with different views.
Once we recognize that colleges build (elite) culture, we will begin to appreciate why we should take college culture seriously. Those who believe strongly in free speech should realize that formal protections are not sufficient. We need universities to help people practice civil disagreement and perhaps expose them to fuller range of views held in American or global society.
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Sounds good.
The libertarian vision of academic freedom seems to be close to this:
It’s the weekend and, depending on the amount of real work done in your major, you’re either studying, or going to a bar, or listening to an amusing podcast, or maybe attending a live event where some Proud Boy is speaking.
In the beyond-libertarianism version, then we could have the kind of academic freedom where students *have* to get involved in debates. Even the benighted Middle Ages had their academic disputations. Since we’re more advanced than the Middle Ages (supposedly), it follows that our university debates should be even more diverse and challenging.
By the way, there’s no need to have affirmative action to recruit ideological minorities to the student body and faculty. That would just encourage would-be students and faculty to game the system and become instant Republicans or whatever (“did I mention that I’m a royalist?”). Instead, if a certain view isn’t represented on campus, find an eloquent (and hopefully honest) exponent of an unpopular theory from outside the university community. Have them Zoom from elsewhere in the country or the world if need be, but first “buy local” – see if there’s people in the local college town who are willing to defend, say, the existence of two sexes.
Require students to study and prepare for their debates like they would for any other assignment. Have them want their debate team to win as strongly as they would want their sports team to win (without cheating in either case, of course).
"Instead, if a certain view isn’t represented on campus, find an eloquent (and hopefully honest) exponent of an unpopular theory from outside the university community."
Why would they want to?!?
a good point, by the way, I have observed similar referents in ancient anarchocommunists)
“Or Harvard and MIT—similar rules (and location!), but different cultures.”
No. Both institutions may be in the City of Cambridge but they are in very different parts of Cambridge. Remember too that Cambridge wasn’t always what it is now — a century ago Cambridge was a gritty industrial city -- with a famous university in one corner of it. See:
Harvard is in Harvard Square with a lot of historical (read really-old) buildings both on campus and on the adjacent streets. MIT is on Memorial Drive (major highway). It’s not the same city.
And the “rules” are different too. MIT values truth (the motto of Harvard) while Harvard values image.
Oddly, or maybe not, parts of Harvard are also on Memorial Drive, which is not actually a "major highway," and parts of both schools are on Massachusetts Avenue.
US Route 3?
"Think of the difference between having a Title IX program versus educating new students and hires about what makes a hostile workplace."
To do this you'd have to be willing to accept the argument that women belong in the home, "barefoot & pregnant" and that a woman who wears a short skirt to work *deserves* to be sexually harassed (if not worse). I know that neither would ever be tolerated, but the larger thing is that if you accept all values, you actually have none.
Could any institution actually accept the legitimacy of things like child brides or Sati (widows being burnt atop their husband's funeral pyres)? Or maybe I misunderstand what he is saying.
But things like this is the current reality:
The other thing is that the faculty used to police itself -- academic freedom wasn't the absolute license it is today. (See _Closing of the American Mind_ on the McCarthy era.)
I've seen UMass professors threaten to have the county seat burnt flat if the court dared to try a Black student for the crimes he committed (recorded on surveillance cameras from two angles). That would not have been considered "Academic Freedom" in an earlier era -- a century ago an Amherst College professor thought there was life on Mars and got the funds for Amherst College to build him an observatory to search for it, that was academic freedom.
The freedom to pursue truth, not to be a total a-hole.
The number of people who believe your claims is lower than the number of times Trump was impeached. And I'm including you in the first count.
I was there.
You were not.
An appeal to the supposed direct authority of a liar is just the kind of move a liar would pull.
Sometimes you get lucky...
"UMass Afro-American Studies Professor Michael M. Thelwell ... intimated that the reaction to Vassell's prosecution could become less peaceful if the district attorney's office refuses to heed the concerns of the protesters."
"Without a broader representation of views on campus, a Yale student would learn that the probability that someone smart would play "I am pro-life" or "have guns to hunt" in real life is zero, and that someone at West Point will learn that someone brave would play "I am transgender" or "think that the US is too antagonistic towards China" in real life is zero."
You have a very dated understanding of West Point, to say the least.
West Point cadets schooled on ‘whiteness,’ ‘queer theory’ under newly revealed CRT regime
A message for the Professor:
Yeah, pretty much. It's not quite that bad in academia, but almost.
One of the issues I raise about the "Behavioral Intervention Teams" (which I consider partially responsible for the U-VA shooting) is that something like 95% of psychologists self identify as being on the far left of all social issues.
Well, "abnormal" is, by definition, that which is not "normal" or common. Lawfully owning a gun will be "abnormal" if neither you nor anyone you know owns one, let alone going out into the woods and shooting a deer. (Your attitude will quickly change the first time you see a human seriously injured in a car/deer collision, but I digress.)
Reports are the perp allegedly told someone that he owned a gun. Well he was (at least) 21 years old at the time, and not a convicted felon or otherwise prohibited from owning one. So the questions I would have asked would have been if anyone had taught him how to safely handle & clean it, and the importance of the latter.
But people like me don't get hired as student affairs administrators anymore -- it is only those on the far left. And I have a pretty good idea what the star chamber of their "Threat Assessment Team" did when they heard the word "gun."
Not long ago it was obvious fact that culture was the only product of a university. A century ago the president of Harvard was horrified to learn that a student had decided to enroll because he thought the degree of Harvard College would have market value in Chicago. The president wanted no such students. He wanted real students, students interested in pursuing knowledge, learning about art and science, becoming leaders shaping social mores, not interlopers abusing the purpose of a university to pursue selfish and ulterior motives.
So it is interesting to learn that today, the idea that the purpose of a university is solely that its degree enhances its students’ market value has become so entrenched that a professor gets to introduce the previous generally accepted purpose of a university as his own original idea! And this new concept of culture is such a novel and unfamiliar idea, the professor has to describe it carefully in economic jargon because otherwise the audience couldn’t be expected to have any clue what it means!
To be fair, the old model was in a context where many students' families were *already* wealthy, and these families were willing to pay good money to make their offspring smarter-er.
Not just wealthy but socially established, which initially included in the theocratic hierarchy which held power in Massachusetts through the 17th & 18th Centuries.
Correct. The students the president wanted had no need to develop marketable skills.
And if the university wasn't prepared to accept those that did, it would soon become a curiosity - a sort of finishing school for the children of the wealthy - while smart students seeking careers would go elsewhere.
"it was obvious fact that culture was the only product of a university"
I dunno. I kinda want my civil engineers designing bridges that won't fail, not shaping social mores.
More than that, look at where Justin Morrill was going with the Land Grant Act, which established schools to teach agriculture and mechanical arts (i.e. engineering).
He was trying to help Vermont's children earn a living from the rocky soils of Vermont and keep them from going out to the Ohio Valley. It didn't work but prior to that the only place that taught engineering was West Point, and that was mostly how to build stone forts.
That's part of why so many railroad bridges collapsed in the 19th Century, but I digress.
Anyway, there was a great debate over the question of if the Land Grant Colleges could teach the Liberal Arts and it was finally decided that they could because the Liberal Arts (then) were intended to prepare self-governing citizens to live a life of liberty.
But in Work: A Kingdom Perspective on Labor, John W. Gardner is quoted to have said, "The society which scorns excellence in plumbing because plumbing is a humble activity, and tolerates shoddiness in philosophy because philosophy is an exalted activity, will have neither good plumbing not good philosophy."
It's been a freaking long time since most of the students at any university wouldn't have been there for marketable skills. And even then it would only have been true of a few "elite" institutions.
Not even them Brett, not initially.
Harvard started with what we'd now consider high school aged students, and taught them via rote memorization enforced with corporal punishment. Seriously.
And they went to Harvard, at least those without connections, to become a minister, which absolutely was a marketable (and marriageable) vocational skill. Until 1855, every town in Massachusetts had to have a town minister, paid out of the local property taxes...
"We also need to revoke university tax exemptions and seize the endowments"
First Amendment rules cannot be applied in the same way in a public university context as they are applied in a private university context.
Actually, they can -- California passed a law which states (essentially) that private universities must honor the same student free speech rights as public ones. (Not sure if it applies to faculty & staff.)
I believe it has something to do with the state's ability to license them, or to permit them to issue degrees, or something.
Perhaps someone in California (EV, this means you) might cite/explain the statue -- all I know is that it exists. FIRE says so.
Are you sure?
I could only find the following statute.§ionNum=66301.
Culture probably can’t improve at universities or other places in America until we all decide that narcissism is a vice again. If these people didn’t love their personal notions so much, they wouldn’t be so willing to mistreat others who don’t validate the same notions.
University professors and staff are particularly at risk of developing narcissism. In order to overcome that vulnerability, they’d need to continually re-commit to serving the students, the voters, society, and the truth.
A new enlightenment is needed.
“…prohibiting people from shouting down and thus shutting out others' speech.” I’m not advocating such behavior, but where in the First Amendment does it say a crowd of citizens can’t shout down a speaker they find repellant?
Well, obviously it doesn't, since the 1st amendment only addresses what the government can do.
But what's been going on at universities is that the university administration is constructively the guilty party, because they only let students shout down and/or attack speakers they disapprove of.
It's not the First Amendment, it's the ancient laws of hospitality long predating the Constitution.
If you invite someone to your place to, say, make a speech, and some third party tries to interfere with what your guest is trying to do, the laws of hospitality dictate that you don't let your guest be insulted.
What a wonderful explanation of why, which censors basically no one, absolutely does not cultivate a "culture" of Freedom of Speech and is, instead, a cesspool.
Every would be censor I've ever encountered has declared that the speech they'd censor was unworthy of protection. You're no different.
Premise not supported, rest of statement irrelevant.
The concept of culture having a major role in things is really hitting home to me in terms of what I will call the Jimbo Fisher situation. For those who follow college football Fisher is the former coach at FSU who is now the coach at Texas A&M. When Fisher left FSU there were massive social media discussions about how he destroyed the culture of the FSU football program and it is only recovering now. Given Texas A&M is now suffering it's worst football record in decades there are now lots of social media discussions about how Fisher is destroying the culture there.
Point is that at most universities I know of (lets forget the single digit number of places like Liberty or Regent and note that BYU has come out in favor of LQzzz whatever it is called now) are liberal to the core and that culture is not changing. As noted even West Point is teaching whiteness awareness (what ever the hell that is) and lowering their fitness standards. When was the last time any liberal (or worse) speaker was subject to hecklers veto on any college campus?
As Anup Malani noted at one time the purpose of universities was to provide utility to the general population; either by teaching students to think and lead or to make them more productive in their work. Today most universities are little more than baby sitters for a huge portion of the students who attend. So many majors have a career path to wearing a paper had and asking if you want fries with that.
The real problem is not so much that universities are failing to provide utility to the population but that the cost of universities is being borne by tax payers who don't feel they are getting their money's worth.
A hecklers’ veto has a saving function which should not be thoughtlessly abridged. It can happen in a too-conformist society for conformist institutions to go overboard. They become accustomed to other their own community members, with an eye to further a wider culture which protects what amounts to exclusive access for the conformist values of the day.
At the outset of the Vietnam War that was widespread practice. Government spokespeople who touted the war paraded through the nation’s most prestigious universities, with seemingly unlimited access. Anti-war views were not similarly evident among officially sanctioned speakers.
Students who heckled pro-war speakers were subject to draconian punishments, with threats of expulsion commonplace. As a result—for a surprisingly long time—there was very little heckling. Instead, demands that expelled students be drafted became widespread.
That conformist expressive tyranny did not turn around until massive student resistance—often taking the form of audience heckling from folks with viewpoints which were somehow not shared on stage—asserted itself massively, in open defiance. Those events were at one time a famous part of the story of America’s evolution away from pro-war conformity.
Many younger Americans seem unaware that the nation through the early 1960s featured a militarist culture that won widespread acceptance during WW II and the Korean War, and then outlasted them. Commentary like that of the OP seems not only to abridge that important part of history, but to disparage it. That is unwise. Within the memories of many older Americans there was a time when if someone said, “America, love it or leave it,” it took more than common courage to publicly object.
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helpful discuss
is the cornerstone of intellectual growth and innovation. It allows scholars to explore uncharted territories, question established norms:, and pursue knowledge without fear of censorship or reprisal. It's a fundamental right that empowers us to advance as a society and uncover the truths that shape our world.
To address the problem of academic freedom, universities must take a more holistic approach that goes beyond simply enforcing the First Amendment. Here are some steps that universities can take:
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is the cornerstone of intellectual growth and innovation. It allows scholars to explore uncharted territories, question established norms:, and pursue knowledge without fear of censorship or reprisal. It’s a fundamental right that empowers us to advance as a society and uncover the truths that shape our world.
This is an essay by "Prof. Anup Malani (University of Chicago Law School)" - where did Regent come into it?
That is such a stupid phrase, which just transparently aims to preemptively prohibit any accusations.
Why don't you just say, “I'm rubber, you're glue, whatever you say bounce off me and sticks to you.”? It would be less childish.
This subject makes you very defensive.
Queen, EVERYBODY who runs for President is a narcissist. Nobody free of that vice would think they were the best guy for the job! You just have to hope that the one who wins is a well qualified narcissist.
"EVERYBODY who runs for President is a narcissist. Nobody free of that vice would think they were the best guy for the job!"
Truman? Eisenhower? Washington/Adams/Jefferson? Lincoln? Grant? Not seeing it.
Washington didn't run for the job, remember? And it was frequently the case before modern campaign finance regulations that people were 'drafted' for the nomination, rather than fighting for it.
Everyone you mention was pre-television.
The better Presidents had what in modern terms would be called a healthy self-esteem and what Washington would have called a sense of duty to put his talents at the service of his country (but Washington wasn’t above putting himself forward in subtle ways).
Trump has an extra heaping helping of narcissism, but there are in fact Presidents who could compete with him in the Narcissism Olympics, like, oh, say, Johnson and Nixon.
I would probably even add the sainted JFK. "I may have a responsible position where a misstep could cost the lives of a good portion of humanity, but that doesn't mean I can't indulge in drugs or sex when it pleases me to do so."
The latter five you cite were all before the US became a Hyperpower who’s actions, including those of the President, affect every single man, woman, and child on the planet on a daily basis.
Wouldn’t you agree that’s a hell of an ego stroke?
But that became something of an elaborate kabuki. Historians have the papers of these shrinking violets who were supposedly just waiting with interest to see if the people called on them to be President. They wrote as if they were quite interested in having the Presidency seeking them.
Television changed a lot, but I don't see the mechanism by which it changed the motives of people running for the highest office in the land.
I don't know what the mechanism is, but I agree with Brett to the extent that it seems like the average quality of people seeking high political office is declining.
I sometimes wonder if it is not that we have become a little too puritanical. IIUC, prior to Wilbur Mills getting caught chasing Fanny Fox around the reflecting pool, you could seek high office even with some skeletons in your closet; if they didn't seem job-related the media might keep quiet. I wonder how many people who might be good statesmen today sheer off from running because they realize doing so will inevitably splash the details of that drunken college escapade all over the front page.
We're less puritanical, IMO, it's just that post-Gary Hardt the press reports on such monkey business.
I think we've had some pretty good ones lately, actually; don't neglect the selection bias that the Presidents you think of were the ones that stood out. Taft, Harding, Fillmore, Van Buren, you don't think of them but they're there.
I don't like pathologizing ambition like this.
Psychological disorders generally keep you from having a full, functional, and fulfilling life. Trump seems a miserable guy, but I don't think we have enough info to even diagnose him.
Boston reporter Howie Carr wrote two books about the Kennedys and there is a really good question about what (and how many) drugs JFK was on, and if he actually would have lived to 1969 if re-elected and not assinated. He had Addison's Disease and his health was not good, sex & drugs notwithstanding.