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Is Silicon Valley Spying on Conservatives for the FBI?
Some of the law around a New York Post Story
The NY Post today makes a troubling claim, attributed to FBI whistleblowers -- that without probable cause Facebook has given the FBI the private posts of conservatives upset about the 2020 election, triggering numerous investigations.
The Post article offers some compelling details. My favorite is the agents' complaint that the project produced a very large volume of data about people who weren't really threats, thus wasting investigative resources. If you want to inspire FBI agents to discover their inner civil libertarian and blow the whistle on a surveillance program, nothing does the job better than giving them lots of intrusive but unproductive make-work.
But as the story is written, it has one big problem. The conduct it describes would violate the law in a way that neither the FBI nor Facebook would likely be comfortable doing. Federal law mostly prohibits electronic service providers from voluntarily supplying customer data to the government.
What's more, Facebook has issued a denial. A very careful denial. It says that "the suggestion we seek out peoples' private messages for anti-government language or questions about the validity of past elections and then proactively supply those to the FBI is plainly inaccurate and there is zero evidence to support it."
A compound denial like that often means that portions or slight variations of the statement are true. Thus, if Facebook is screening for something just a bit more alarming than "anti-government language or questions about the validity of past elections," the denial is inoperative.
The Post tries to square the denial with its story by suggesting that the FBI has recruited a Facebook employee as a confidential human source (CHS). I doubt that. Being a CHS doesn't mean you can do things with your employer's data that your employer can't do. And I doubt the FBI would feel free to evade a limit on its investigative power by using a CHS this way.
But there is a provision of federal law that allows electronic service providers to volunteer information to law enforcement. To do so, they need to believe "in good faith … that an emergency involving danger of death or serious physical injury to any person requires disclosure without delay of communications relating to the emergency." 18 USC 2702(c).
So, Facebook and other Silicon Valley companies could have developed an AI engine to search for strings of words that its legal department has precleared -- in good faith -- as evidence of an emergency involving a danger of death or serious injury. (And after the fact, the injuries that occurred in the January 6 riot could be used to predict such a danger from a lot of antigovernment and "rigged election" talk.)
These passages could be excerpted by social media platforms, along with identifying information, and sent to Justice, under the "danger of death or injury" exception. Justice could then use them to subpoena all of the less inflammatory posts by the same people and then farm out the results to local FBI offices for investigation across the country.
Important caveat: I have no way of knowing whether any of this is happening. I'm just trying to find a legal way in which the troubling facts in the Post story could be true. The program I've sketched above would better fit the facts in the story, including the Facebook denial and the improbability that FBI and Justice are flouting the law.
But just because something is legal doesn't mean it's a good idea. Any mass effort to find "bad" speech on a big social media platform is bound to make a lot of mistakes, as all students of content moderation know.
And, as with content moderation, no one would be surprised if mass Silicon Valley criminal referrals were biased against conservatives. (That bias would be built in if Justice is using an existing grand jury tied to January 6 to generate the subpoenas.)
So, assuming I'm right, it's fair to ask how any such effort was designed, how aggressively conservative complaints were turned into emergency threats to life and limb, who's overseeing the process to prevent overbroad seizures of legitimate speech, and whether the same thing could be done to Black Lives Matter, environmental groups, animal rights campaigners, and any other movement whose more extreme followers have sometimes lapsed into violence.
Edited to fix broken link and make clear that the allegation in the story relates to private messages.
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"The conduct it describes would violate the law in a way that neither the FBI nor Facebook would likely be comfortable doing. Federal law mostly prohibits electronic service providers from voluntarily supplying customer data to the government."
I'm kind of unclear about why either of them would be uncomfortable with violating the law this way.
Violating federal law at the request of a branch of the department in charge of enforcing it would, facially, appear to be low risk for FB. Especially if the agreement were not in writing, so that they could pretend it was their own idea.
And the idea that the FBI was obsessively law abiding went up in flames decades ago, the ashes aren't even warm at this point.
Are these facebook posts public posts, or restricted to members of a group?
The Facebook denial only addresses "private messages", so I assume they're doing something like the story describes for public messages.
Yes, the story seems to be about "private messages."
I think this does not even touch on "posts."
But don't forget that "posts" usually are not "public" either. They are just visible to friends and should be thought of as a private message to 10 or 300 of your closest friends.
It's not like facebook doesn't intrude on private groups. My circle of online friends moved to MeWe after FB repeatedly locked our private group for "violations" they refused to even explain. That was perhaps the most annoying part: We were expected to guess what they found objectionable, and self-censor accordingly!
They long ago banished the gun groups and any discussions of firearms, so forget the notion that it's about legality.
I'm friends with a local farmer, he invited me into a similar group for small farmers. They can't even safely discuss buying and selling animals! In a farming group! So banish any idea FB moderation is based on anything remotely like consensus moral views.
They empowered 3rd party human monitors to enter private groups and snoop around for wrongthink years ago, and their moral police get ever more aggressive and "woke". Their notion of wrongthink covers better than half the population and a lot of mainstream or even majority views.
"seek out" "and" "then proactively supply"
Well, that's reassuring. If they supplied it after a FBI informal request, that's not "proactively", now is it? Likewise if they didn't "seek" the info that would not be a lie.
This was my first thought. "Proactively" is doing a lot of work in that statement.
Exactly. My guess is FB has been "seeking out" content for their own reasons for years, but not necessarily "proactively" giving the results of their searches to the FBI. Once COVID panic set in, however, and the government asked FB to start suppressing content, no doubt a FB employee casually mentioned this search capability to their government contact. And sure enough, surprise, surprise, a "request" for specific search results was made.
This drips with more legal weasel insincerity than the teeth of a cartoon Disney weasel in a top hat.
I apologize for the use of weasel twice.
No apology require, it's entirely apropos.
I would never wish to make the assumption that it was not happening.
That is, I would always assume that FB is looking at messages and informing the FBI accordingly (though not restricted just to "conservative" groups).
As noted in this post, that would be highly illegal, and I would accordingly find it extremely surprising.
Assuming you were referring to private messages, of course. I don't know that there would be anything untoward about Facebook pointing law enforcement to public posting (although I don't know that there's any reason to think they're regularly doing so either).
The way this tech works, it would be trivial for the FBI to harvest vast amounts of public posts on Facebook and run it through their own algorithms. Russian and Chinese intelligence services, too, for that matter.
It may not be routine, and indeed, may only be being done under lawful circumstances, but I would never make the assumption that it only happened then.
Commercial surveillance online probably dwarfs that of state security surveillance, but it can be handily retooled, no doubt. A story about state security surveillance can break, and maybe something can be done about it, but commercial surveillance just grows and grows.
This post doesn't make clear exactly what materials Facebook is being accused of providing, which seems like an important question in deciding how serious the accusation is. Unfortunately, the link to the story is broken (it points to, and if the story is on the Post website, it's certainly not portrayed very prominently.
Glad that didn't stop anyone from offering an opinion though!
Apologies. Here's the story. I'll fix the link
The accusations here don't make a whole lot of sense. The piece claims that Facebook, without any legal process, Facebook provided the FBI with private messages, and that DOJ then sent subpoenas to Facebook so that they could get the account contents without disclosing the initial interception.
The problem is that under the Stored Communications Act, law enforcement can't get content with a subpoena: they need a judicially-approved search warrant supported by probable cause. 18 U.S.C. § 2703(a) and (b). So the situation they're describing wouldn't, couldn't and didn't happen.
And of course, this is all attributed to an anonymous source.
In other words, I don't see any reason to give credence to any of claims at issue here.
Well we already know the FBI is a den of deceit, why would whistleblowers lie less than the rest of them?
“The fbi is so corrupt even their whistleblowers lie!”
I’m making this my first NFT.
Suppose a private individual has the same internet service provider as a government agency. Is the internet service provider violating the Act every time it delivers an email from the private customer to the agency? After all, supplying customer data to the government is precisely what is doing in each and every case. Would it matter if the email is also addressed to other recipients?
Assuming all Facebook posts involved are addressed to the general public, what makes this case any different? Addressing a post to the general public is simply addressing it to the government plus a lot of other people. Why should the fact that there are a lot of other people matter?
Suppose Professor Baker’s position is that letting the government do a custom search for specific messages addressed to the public is the problem, separate from posting to the public. But most email software these days contains a search function. Why wouldn’t the act be violated every time government officials do a search of their inbox?
To be clear, the article claims that Facebook found and provided private messages, not public posts.
Unsurprisingly, it is not: for reasons I assume are obvious the Stored Communications Act permits providers to disclose content "to an addressee or intended recipient of such communication or an agent of such addressee or intended recipient". 18 U.S.C. § 2702(b)(1).
Here's A Rolling Stone article from months ago:
'FBI Documents Expose Bureau‘s Big Jan. 6 ‘Lie‘
The bureau says it lacked the authority to monitor social media activity ahead of the pro-Trump insurrection, but it did exactly that during 2020 racial justice and police violence protests'
Of course the BLM protests could very well come under "danger of death or serious injury" because there were quite a few deaths and serious injuries.
However the FBI does seem to be taking some of the criticism seriously and is taking steps to fix its procedures:
"The documents bring into relief three consistent truths about the FBI,” says Ryan Shapiro, executive director of Property of the People. “One: At its core, the FBI is a political police force that primarily targets the left while ignoring or outright enabling the far-right. Two: FBI spokespersons lie like they breathe. Three: The Bureau shamelessly exploits national crises to expand the already dystopian reach of its surveillance.”
Now they've decided they will be a 'political police force' that targets the right too.
One doesn't cure spying on the left by spying on the right.
Remember comrades to report any family or friends who express wrongthink.
Two of the most evil, vilest groups in America coordinating together to illegally oppress their political enemies?
I'm shocked!
I thought the all the cool formerly-respected paranoid douchebags alleging horse-shit conspiracies were either on the Qanon circuit or fucking a supreme court justice.
Guess there are still a few on detached duty.
FBI perjury trap or intimidation.
After the Cambridge Analytica affair where Facebook data was funneled to Russian intelligence and likely used to influence the 2016 election, you'd think people would have deleted their accounts and learned their lesson. Facebook cannot be trusted with its user data regardless of whether the FBI did or did not get private messages from them without a warrant. (Which, frankly, I'm having a hard time believing the FBI would do that and poison any evidence they received as a result.)
Soon in a news outlet near you: TikTok data going to Chinese intelligence.
"Which, frankly, I'm having a hard time believing the FBI would do that and poison any evidence they received as a result."
What? They'd just use parallel construction. It's routine: Obtain evidence illegally, and then covertly use it to guide fortuitously "finding" evidence legally.
"After the Cambridge Analytica affair where Facebook data was funneled to Russian intelligence and likely used to influence the 2016 election"
Are you always this much of a lunatic?
In 2016 Facebook let the Trump Campaign get some of the same information that they let the Obama Campaign get in 2012.
Was the Obama 2012 victory legitimate? If so, then so was Trump in 2016.
So, Comrade, by your questioning the validity of thed 2016 election, you are clearly an elections denier and left wing extremist who needs to be surveilled and censored
"In 2016 Facebook let the Trump Campaign get some of the same information that they let the Obama Campaign get in 2012"
And then abolished the data sharing program, at least formally, so they'd never have to share such data with a Republican again; It's not like they told the GOP that they had this program back in 2012, after all, it was only ever meant to be available to Democrats.
To do so, they need to believe "in good faith … that an emergency involving danger of death or serious physical injury to any person requires disclosure without delay of communications relating to the emergency." 18 USC 2702(c).
It seems unlikley that FB would rely on this to conduct purely algorithmic surveillance, passing on the algorithm's selections direct to the governemnt. An algorithm which necessariy can only generate a merely statistically probable association with a supposed dangerous emergency, even if it involves a good faith belief in the statistical excellence of the algorithm, falls well short of the provider having an actual good faith belief in any particular communication requiring disclosure to prevent an imminent emergency.
Using an algorithm would only meet the high bar of the legal text if it was merely the first step. Followed by an actual human reviewing the algorithm's selections and then forming the required specific good faith belief that the particular message needs passing on, before then giving it to the government.
Mr. Baker's quaint faith in the FBI and Meta is touching, if deluded.
I go to your house to talk with my friends. It's a nice place, very convenient. However, you've bugged the place for sound, and you keep a permanent record of every single word anyone ever utters while they're there. After each conversation you review the tapes, and If you find something you disagree with, you inform the group that Person X is no longer welcome to speak because reasons.
One of your friends happens to work for the FBI. He or she learns of your recording capability (and your review of all conversations), and casually mentions how very useful that would be to prevent crime. Of course! Naturally you want to help the police. They're the Good Guys.
'and whether the same thing could be done to Black Lives Matter, environmental groups, animal rights campaigners'
I think people in these movements, probably union organisers too, can safely assume that stuff like this, and much, much else, is being done to them. If surveillance of right-wing extremism is, by any chance, eclipsing that of more left-wing movements, it's a fairly recent occurence.
Yes, it's all bad and needs to be curtailed and controlled.
I've seen enough FB bias in favor of groups like Antifa, (You could report a group for literally planning going out and assaulting people, and until very recently FB would eventually get back to you with a "We don't see any problem there".) that I'd say the only reason BLM and animal rights groups have had any problems with FB is that they do a LOT of criminal stuff. Which is no secret, the ALF, for instance, are some pretty hard core nasties.
I think people in these movements, probably union organisers too, can safely assume that stuff like this, and much, much else, is being done to them
If it were actually being done to them, and they were treated like the 1/6 protesters, then every single person who took part in one of the BLM riots would be in jail, as would ever single Antifa supporter.
So only a delusional fool would pretend there's any leve of comparison.
If questioning the results of an obviously fraudulent election is "right-wing extremism", then every sinigle person who abojected to Bush or Trump's victories is a left wing extremist who needs to be in jail
IANAL, but since the president says that republicans are enemies of the state, spying on them is not restricted by any existing federal laws or constitutional restrictions, right?
It is the duty of every honest citizen to report them to the authorities (who will take appropriate action).
Long live President Joe Biden!
I guess I haven’t read Stewart’s posts in awhile. When did he start opposing government surveillance?
Whew, he’s not.
Looking at the article, you have four possibilities.
(1) Devine's unnamed sources are factually incorrect, whether deliberately or otherwise.
(2) Devine herself is fabricating sources.
(3) FBs denials are factually incorrect.
(4) FBs denials are technically factually correct but mislead by failing to accurately state some process by which info goes to the FBI, who then issues a subpoena.
In order of probability, (4) > (3) >> (1) > (2). The only reason to not believe (4) is the theoretical objection that "The conduct it describes would violate the law in a way that neither the FBI nor Facebook would likely be comfortable doing. Federal law mostly prohibits electronic service providers from voluntarily supplying customer data to the government."
But this objection has a loophole. If the FBI is conducting a wide-ranging investigation into "1/6/21" under the auspices of "protecting public safety", they might well have a conduit with FB that falls under "harm prevention", at least in the minds of the relevant lawyers.
So my money is on (4) for sure.
The Post tries to square the denial with its story by suggesting that the FBI has recruited a Facebook employee as a confidential human source (CHS). I doubt that. Being a CHS doesn't mean you can do things with your employer's data that your employer can't do. And I doubt the FBI would feel free to evade a limit on its investigative power by using a CHS this way.
And under what grounds do you justify that?
They lied to the FISA Court to spy on the Trump campaign, and absolutely NOTHING of any import was done to the liar.
They're fighting tooth and nail to keep a Special Master from reviewing what they grabbed from Trump. Hint, that's not because the grab was just so darn legitimate.
So, Facebook and other Silicon Valley companies could have developed an AI engine to search for strings of words that its legal department has precleared -- in good faith
That's sarcasm, right?
Because there's not the slightest shred of "good faith" in any of this.
-- as evidence of an emergency involving a danger of death or serious injury. (And after the fact, the injuries that occurred in the January 6 riot could be used to predict such a danger from a lot of antigovernment and "rigged election" talk.)
Under that argument, the death, violence, and destruction of the BLM & Antifa riots means that every single pro-BLM / Antifa message anywhere on Facebook qualifies someone for permanent surveillance.
Important caveat: I have no way of knowing whether any of this is happening. I'm just trying to find a legal way in which the troubling facts in the Post story could be true.
Because you think the Biden DoJ cares about following the law?
How cute
Fascists doing fascism? Well, damn.
Don't know how much "risk aversion" plays a part when you believe you're the smartest guys in the room.
Yes. See all the agents identified recently by the IG for breaking laws but not being charged.
Do you ever think through your comments shrike?