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When Is Government Official's Blocking Commenter from Social Media Page "State Action"?
The Sixth Circuit disagrees with the Second Circuit in the @RealDonaldTrump case (but maybe not by much).
From Judge Amul Thapar's Sixth Circuit opinion in Lindke v. Freed today, joined by Judges Ralph Guy and Chad Readler:
Like many Americans, James Freed joined Facebook to connect with friends and family. He created a Facebook profile—a private account limited to his "friends"—and used it for years. But eventually, he grew too popular for Facebook's 5,000-friend limit on profiles. So Freed converted his profile to a "page," which has unlimited "followers" instead of friends. His page was public, and anyone could "follow" it; for the page category, Freed chose "public figure."
In 2014, Freed was appointed city manager for Port Huron, Michigan. So he updated his Facebook page to reflect his new title. In the "About" section, he most recently described himself as "Daddy to Lucy, Husband to Jessie and City Manager, Chief Administrative Officer for the citizens of Port Huron, MI." Freed listed the Port Huron website as his page's website, the City's general email for "City Administration and Staff" ( as his page's contact information, and the City Hall address as his page's address.
Freed was an active Facebook user whose page featured a medley of posts. He shared photos of his daughter's birthday, his visits to local community events, and his family's weekend picnics. He also posted about some of the administrative directives he issued as city manager. And when the Covid-19 pandemic hit in spring 2020, he posted about that too, sharing the policies he initiated for Port Huron and news articles on public-health measures and statistics.
Freed's Covid-19 posts caught the attention of one disconcerted citizen, Kevin Lindke. Lindke didn't approve of how Freed was handling the pandemic. He saw Freed's posts about new policies and responded with criticism in the comments section. Freed didn't appreciate the comments, so he deleted them. And Freed eventually "blocked" Lindke from the page, which kept Lindke from commenting on Freed's page and its posts.
Lindke sued, claiming this blocking violated Lindke's First Amendment rights, but the Sixth Circuit said no:
Freed's Facebook activity was not state action. The page neither derives from the duties of his office nor depends on his state authority. In short, Freed operated his Facebook page in his personal capacity, not his official capacity….
First, no state law, ordinance, or regulation compelled Freed to operate his Facebook page. In other words, it wasn't designated by law as one of the actual or apparent duties of his office…. [T]here's nothing to suggest operating the page was Freed's official responsibility.
Lindke disagrees, arguing that Freed maintained the page as part of his "job duties/powers as City Manager." Though he identifies no state law or even practice tasking Freed with social-media activity, Lindke points out that Freed believes "regular communication with local businesses and residents is essential to good government." And Facebook is one avenue to fulfill this "essential" task of communicating with constituents.
This argument proves too much. When Freed visits the hardware store, chats with neighbors, or attends church services, he isn't engaged in state action merely because he's "communicating"—even if he's talking about his job. If Port Huron's list of city-manager responsibilities mentioned operating a Facebook page to tell residents about city initiatives, that might be a different story. But Freed's own off-handed reference to "regular communication" can't render every communication state action.
Next, Freed's page did not belong to the office of city manager. Freed created the page years before taking office, and there's no indication his successor would take it over. Indeed, it would make little sense for the new city manager to take over a page titled "@JamesRFreed1." …
Nor does Freed rely on government employees to maintain his Facebook page. Freed is the page's only administrator—none of his staff have access to it. And there's no evidence that staffers were involved in preparing content for Freed to use on the page, or that staff ever posted on Freed's behalf.
Lindke argues that some photos Freed posted "would be impossible for Freed to have done himself," and thus concludes that government employees must be taking his photos. But even if that's true, such minimal involvement isn't enough to transform a personal page into an official one.
It could be different if Freed's employees designed graphics specifically for the page and no other use. But snapping a few candids at a press conference is routine—not a service Freed accesses by the "authority of his office." Indeed, his staff would likely do this even if Freed didn't have a Facebook page. Plus, even if staff took photos at Freed's direction, that would be de minimis help—not enough to render the page state action. So staff support can't prop up Lindke's claim, either.
Lindke presents no other reason Freed's Facebook activity relates to his job duties or depends on his state authority. Instead, he argues that we should find state action where "the presentation of the account is connected with the official's position." And understandably so—several other courts have used that approach, focusing on a social-media page's purpose and appearance. See, e.g., Knight First Amend. Inst. v. Trump, 928 F.3d 226, 234–36 (2d Cir. 2019), vacated as moot sub nom. Biden v. Knight First Amend. Inst., 141 S. Ct. 1220, 1220–21 (2021); Davison v. Randall, 912 F.3d 666, 680–81 (4th Cir. 2019); Campbell v. Reisch, 986 F.3d 822, 826–27 (8th Cir. 2021); Charudattan v. Darnell, 834 F. App'x 477, 482 (11th Cir. 2020) (per curiam).
Drawing on those opinions, especially the Second Circuit's analysis in Knight First Amendment Institute v. Trump, Lindke claims that Freed used the "trappings of an official, state-run account" to give the impression that the page operated under the state's imprimatur.
In support of this argument, Lindke points to Freed's use of a city address, email, and website on the Facebook page, along with a profile photo featuring Freed wearing his city-manager pin and his frequent use of "we" and "us." But these "trappings" weren't the only facts the Second Circuit relied on in Knight. Indeed, that opinion emphasized the "substantial and pervasive government involvement with, and control over," President Trump's Twitter account.
No official account directs users to Freed's page, as the White House's Twitter account did in that case. And as discussed above, there's no evidence Freed used government employees to maintain the account, as President Trump did there. So even on Knight's terms, the presentation-based factors Lindke identifies might not be enough….
[T]he factors Lindke points to resemble the factors we consider in assessing when police officers are engaged in state action. That is, Lindke's focus on the page's appearance seems akin to considering whether an officer is on duty, wears his uniform, displays his badge, identifies himself as an officer, or attempts to arrest anyone.
But the resemblance is shallow. In police-officer cases, we look to officers' appearance because their appearance actually evokes state authority. We're generally taught to stop for police, to listen to police, to provide information police request. And in many cases, an officer couldn't take certain action without the authority of his office—authority he exudes when he wears his uniform, displays his badge, or informs a passerby that he is an officer. So in those cases, appearance is relevant to the question whether an officer could have acted as he did without the "authority of his office." Here, by contrast, Freed gains no authority by presenting himself as city manager on Facebook. His posts do not carry the force of law simply because the page says it belongs to a person who's a public official.
That's why we part ways with other circuits' approach to state action in this novel circumstance. Instead of examining a page's appearance or purpose, we focus on the actor's official duties and use of government resources or state employees. As explained above, these anchors are rooted in our circuit's precedent on state action. And they offer predictable application for state officials and district courts alike, bringing the clarity of bright lines to a real-world context that's often blurry.
But our state-action anchors are missing here. Freed did not operate his page to fulfill any actual or apparent duty of his office. And he didn't use his governmental authority to maintain it. Thus, he was acting in his personal capacity—and there was no state action….
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to post comments
Good old Reason. The most significant fact missing again.
Did he ever use the page (update, post, whatever) on government time?
Yes or no.
It ain't that hard.
Longtobefree: Well, most significant to you, maybe. The court didn't discuss it, which suggests that it wasn't that significant in the judges' minds.
This is presumably because these days most employers allow employees, especially professional employees, to engage in a modest amount of private speech on government time: Compare, in a slightly different context, today's Coach Kennedy decision from the Supreme Court, which notes that even during certain portions of work time, "coaches were free to attend briefly to personal matters." And more broadly, the Court has long recognized that a good deal of speech even at work is still private speech.
Ever taken personal phone calls at work? Joked and gossiped with co-workers about personal life?
You oughta be charged with embezzlement, by your logic.
If we Republicans (and liberals and independents) take up a collection; how much would it take for Daivd B to disappear permanently? Can we get a specific number, in order to do a cost/benefit analysis?
All deniers here should Mute User me. See you in 2025.
Is the collection to bribe him, or for a hitman?
I was banned from Facebook page of Josh Shapiro, until I got banned from Facebook. I got banned by Bazelon's page. I was banned by Eugene two times until Reason made it harder. Eugen continue to threaten to ban me. I replied, I would leave if he just asked me. He has not done so so far. Doug Berman asked me to leave Sentencing Law and Policy. I did. The number of comments a post went from 30 to 1.
Of course, there is a simple explanation for the discrepancy. Trump is a Republican and conservative. Freed is a Democrat and a progressive. The out of control, unfair, worthless legal system is an attack dog for the Democrat Party, the party of the vile toxic lawyer.
These vile Democrat attack dogs should be arrested in the second Trump term.
100% the fault of the scumbag lawyer profession. Parents ask for school curriculum info. Get charged $18 Million.
I think the Second Circuit decision in Knight was wrong. But I think the attempts to distinguish it here are weak. Freed was as much (and as little) a government actor in his social media decision as Trump was.
According to this summary, no.
Nope, not the same.
I agree that was the judge's conclusion. I do not concede that the facts (at least, not as presented here) substantiate that conclusion.
A tangential, procedural question, if anyone can help me out.
The Trump case was vacated. I was under the impression that a vacated case had no precedential authority, that when it was vacated, it was as if it never existed. And yet, here, the court is citing and discussing it.
What is the status of a vacated case? Is it uncertain? Does it vary by circuit?
It certainly lacks binding precedential authority -- but as a Second Circuit opinion, it wasn't binding in the Sixth Circuit in any event. But it would have some persuasive authority, as the view of three fellow appellate judges; that's why it made sense for this panel to discuss it.
Of course, Eugene is oblivious to the obvious. Conservatives may not exclude. Progressives may exclude. The legal system is an attack dog for the Democrat Party, conducting its campaign of lawfare. There is no legal recourse for conservatives. Only self help remains.
The denier here will never admit that all judge decisions are garbage put out by the stupidest people in the country. They are determined by fleeting feelings of the moment, biases, political agendas, rent seeking of the lawyer profession, a crime, which side of the bed, had a sandwich or is hangry. They have zero external validation. This garbage profession is the most toxic occupation in the country. It is 1000 times more toxic than organized crime. Nothing it does has the slightest validity.
If there one predictor of judge decision, it is they will always side with the issuer of their paychecks. These corrupt garbage people will always rule in favor of the government. They will immunize it, protect it, privilege it, empower it to control ever more of the economy and our daily behavior. These garbage people are luckily also extremely lazy and unproductive, so their decisions will be few and long delayed.
Seconded, my instinct was that it would be treated like a persuasive authority, though within that persuasive authority, whether it's closer to an unpublished opinion or an out-of-circuit opinion might be up for debate. There's a paper I found discussing this topic:
Last year, I had to write a comment/note for 2L (didn't get published), and I selected the Knight case for my topic. It never struck me very persuasive that a public official, using tools available to all users on a platform that Twitter exercises great control over, could ever be said to take the "state action" required to get a public forum in the first place. If the concern is over Twitter's influence and widespread use, surely there are more intellectually honest ways of limiting such influence.
Trumplaw. Ticket good for one case only.
I think the biggest question is: Did he ever use his FB page to ever make any sort of official statement, or on-the-record press release or announcement? If so, that combined with the addresses being his official ones instead of his personal ones would put this more into an official page.
Hopefully, this type of thing leads to all government levels everywhere to start adopting unique pages for official office interaction and statements, and personal ones.
We are people of science. We love predictions, especially counter-intuitive ones that later cime true. It add power to the certainty of the theory. A theory's predicitive power is gold. Indeed, it's really the only way to prove it
An eternity ago, I observed Trump's opposition strategy was to be 100% contrarian. It even carried to the offing of an al quaeda high ranker, whereupon CNN ran sob stories of thugs with tears at his death.
I then formed a theory that, once Trumo left office, all these high and mighty principles they pound the table with, would evaporate. An early one was the importance of treating a private twitter account as a public government one with respect to shutting off kibitzers.
God damn, that's important. So much so it dragged down some Democrats at the time. But remember, defeating Trump is all encompassing and outweighs everything else put together*, so sucks to be you.
So the heat is off, mostly, and we can return to normal, where many principles were hammered because it hurt the opposition. No need for that, anymore. The war is over**.
* He is an ass and a lout and threatened his own opposition with jail, and richly deserves it. But still, you go too far.
** Now give up your emergency powers, thugs.