The Volokh Conspiracy
Mostly law professors | Sometimes contrarian | Often libertarian | Always independent
Should State Universities Have Official Positions on Whether Constitution Should Be Read as Protecting Abortion?
Apparently, "The Court's decision"—and by implication the position of students, staff, and faculty who endorse that decision—"is antithetical to the University of California's mission and values."
The University of California President thinks so:
University of California President Michael V. Drake, M.D., today (June 24) issued the following statement on the United States Supreme Court's decision in Dobbs v. Jackson Women's Health Organization:
For nearly 50 years, people in the United States have had the right to make private, informed choices about their health care and their futures. I am gravely concerned that today's U.S. Supreme Court decision removes that right and will endanger lives across the country. This decision overturns decades of legal precedent and could pave the way for other fundamental rights to be removed.
The Court's decision is antithetical to the University of California's mission and values. We strongly support allowing individuals to access evidence-based health care services and to make decisions about their own care in consultation with their medical team. Despite this decision by the Court, we will continue to provide the full range of health care options possible in California, including reproductive health services, and to steadfastly advocate for the needs of our patients, students, staff, and the communities we serve. We will also continue to offer comprehensive education and training to the next generation of health care providers, and to conduct life-saving research to the fullest extent possible.
This is a sobering moment for many of us at the University of California and throughout the nation. Today, we stand with California leaders and health care advocates who are taking critical steps to protect Californians' human rights and their access to affordable and convenient health care choices.
I don't think that a public university's "mission and values" should be to promote a reading of the Constitution as securing abortion rights, or as not securing abortion rights, as opposed to promoting research on this and related questions. And while of course a public university that runs hospitals should generally perform legal medical procedures, and train doctors with regard to legal medical procedures, I don't think that justifies the university taking a stand on whether such legality is determined by state legislatures or by Supreme Court Justices.
That's especially so when, as the UCLA Chancellor's follow-up letter points out, "The decision is not expected to affect women's reproductive rights in California," so UC doesn't even have much of a direct interest in the outcome of Dobbs as it affects its own operations. (There may be more room for statements by a public university president as to political decisions that do directly affect the operations of the university, such as changes in funding, statutes related to student admissions, and the like.)
More broadly, I tend to agree with the 1970 statement by the Office of the UC President:
There are both educational and legal reasons why the University must remain politically neutral. Educationally, the pursuit of truth and knowledge is only possible in an atmosphere of freedom, and if the University were to surrender its neutrality, it would jeopardize its freedom. Legally, Article IX, section 9, of the State Constitution provides in part that "The University shall be entirely independent of all political or sectarian influence and kept free therefrom in the appointment of its regents and in the administration of its affairs…"
I'm not sure that as a legal matter this extends beyond advocacy related to candidates or ballot measures; but I do think that, as a policy matter, it counsels against the Administration's taking stands on such matters. (Note that the President should be able to speak out in his personal capacity, but of course his letter was significant precisely because it was a letter written as President of the UC, not just as a citizen or a scholar.) Likewise, I agree with the 1967 Kalven Committee Report from the University of Chicago:
A university has a great and unique role to play in fostering the development of social and political values in a society. The role is defined by the distinctive mission of the university and defined too by the distinctive characteristics of the university as a community. It is a role for the long term.
The mission of the university is the discovery, improvement, and dissemination of knowledge. Its domain of inquiry and scrutiny includes all aspects and all values of society. A university faithful to its mission will provide enduring challenges to social values, policies, practices, and institutions. By design and by effect, it is the institution which creates discontent with the existing social arrangements and proposes new ones. In brief, a good university, like Socrates, will be upsetting.
The instrument of dissent and criticism is the individual faculty member or the individual student. The university is the home and sponsor of critics; it is not itself the critic. It is, to go back once again to the classic phrase, a community of scholars. To perform its mission in the society, a university must sustain an extraordinary environment of freedom of inquiry and maintain an independence from political fashions, passions, and pressures. A university, if it is to be true to its faith in intellectual inquiry, must embrace, be hospitable to, and encourage the widest diversity of views within its own community. It is a community but only for the limited, albeit great, purposes of teaching and research. It is not a club, it is not a trade association, it is not a lobby.
Since the university is a community only for these limited and distinctive purposes, it is a community which cannot take collective action on the issues of the day without endangering the conditions for its existence and effectiveness. There is no mechanism by which it can reach a collective position without inhibiting that full freedom of dissent on which it thrives. It cannot insist that all of its members favor a given view of social policy; if it takes collective action, therefore, it does so at the price of censuring any minority who do not agree with the view adopted. In brief, it is a community which cannot resort to majority vote to reach positions on public issues.
Prof. Leslie Johns in the political science department also cc'd me on an e-mail she sent to the UCLA Chancellor, and when I asked her for permission to post it, she graciously agreed:
As a UCLA faculty member of 14 years, I was very distressed by your email today entitled "Reaffirming UCLA's Commitment to Women's Reproductive Rights."
As a faculty member in both the political science department and the Law School, I feel compelled to remind you that Americans (and even Californians) have diverse and complicated viewpoints on the issue of abortion. The legal issues involved in the recent US Supreme Court ruling cannot be simply reduced to a statement about restrictions on "women's reproductive rights."
Abortion is not a simple matter of access to health care. It is a complex moral and political question that involves balancing fundamental rights to life and physical autonomy. By denying this reality, you are asserting a political position. Yet your employment as a public employee explicitly prohibits you from using your office for political purposes. It is both inappropriate and illegal for you (and for me) to use our official capacity to make claims that specific abortion policies or constitutional interpretations are "antithetical to the University of California's mission and values."
Given UCLA's professed commitment to "diversity, equity, and inclusion," I respectfully ask you to carefully consider the implications of declaring that a conservative viewpoint is "antithetical to the University of California's mission and values."
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Prof. Johns should keep her silly, superstitious nonsense to her gullible self.
UCLA should stop hiring professors who are no longer tethered to the reality-based, modern world.
I think you are the last person to be telling others to keep their superstitious nonsense to themselves, Reverend
I revere reason, not silly, childish superstition.
Yes, yes, Artie. Reason just oozes out of your every pore.
I am beginning to think I may never be popular among right-wing racists, conservative misogynists, superstitious gay-bashers, backwater xenophobes, disaffected clingers, and the rest of the target audience of a white, male, movement conservative blog.
NPC Alert
Hi, Rev. Did you attend law school? No evidence of that has ever been found in any of your utterances.
"Prof. Johns should keep her silly, superstitious nonsense to her gullible self."
Good grief -- you really hurt your case when you lump normal mainstream conservative points with actual bigotry/nonsense/etc.
NPC alert.
I do note use of "people" and "individuals" affected. Is there a more specific word in English for those "people" and "individuals".
Starts with a "w" I think.
AFAB doesn't start with a w.
I believe the proper fashionable denigrading terms are either birthing or menstruating people.
Disingenuous lawyers pretending that this will stay a "states rights" things are going to keep playing that bullshit, but nobody is obligated to pretend they're not being dishonest, and I, personally, have lost a lot of respect for some who are smarter than they're currently acting.
Oh, and what will it become? Please, do enlighten us.
Presumably he refers to inevitable attempts to outlaw it nationally.
But you know, that won't happen. Just like they won't move on to overturning contraceptive and gay marriage. What's that I hear? A drumbeat to keep marching?
Short answer: No one cares what the University of California's official position on anything is. It's all empty posturing. Has the same impact if the president of the University came out with an official position that broccoli is icky.
" Short answer: No one cares "
That's why Profs. Volokhs and Johns are all aflutter, writing stern letters.
My comment was directed at them. What the UoC president's official position on the matter is less important than the price of a loaf of bread at the local supermarket. Profs. Volokh and Blackman should ignore it.
You are terribly wrong about that statement. Prof. Johns has give a clear and succinct explanation why.
Mike Pence has already called for a national abortion ban, so it's hard to see how this remaining a state level issue for long.
he just wants to sabotage any chance that Republicans hold a majority or the Administration ever again. Republicans are too stupid to not give the election back to the Democrats.
Some are probably wondering how they can call special sessions in their states to insure the lose next November
Both branches of congress after November, courtesy of Hispanics voters who have noticed that leftists only care about themselves and Twitter blue-checks.
Yes, cause Mike Pence is the philosopher-king of America now. CNN said so.
"Mike Pence"
I like Mike but the future 4th place finisher in 2024 Iowas caucuses doesn't have that much pull.
There is not more authority in the Constitution for a ban on abortions than there is authority to legalize them. If there is no other takeaway from Dobbs, it ought to be that the Feds have no constitutional authority on the question, either way and Pence is being just as stupid as Democrats when they call for federal legislation.
But, but...
Interstate Commerce.
Surely the abortion procedures usually use at least one piece of equipment, disposable material, or a medication that were produced from raw materials at least one of which crossed state lines at some point. If not, surely at least some part of the facility - perhaps a screw or nail or a piece of pipe or a faucet washer has some component that crossed state lines in commerce at some point.
Gotta be creative here...
That might work for a ban on abortion, but not for a compulsory legalization.
Just call it a tax.
If only the federal government used the interstate commerce clause for what it was intended: keeping trade routes open for the general welfare.
Then they could argue for abortion legalization at the federal level, yet there would be no argument for illegalization at the federal level, because that's not keeping the trade open.
But no. Democrats (and not just them, I hasten to add, but them in the context of abortion) are masters of graft and picking quality spouses with magically keen investment senses, rely heavily on the commerce clause to get in the way of trade, to get paid to get back out of the way, like a 15th century Italian banning shirts import because they have 6 buttons instead of 7.
So they cannot argue it's a valid use of the commerce clause, to deliberately get in the way of trade.
I'd like to cordially invite both sides to report to your corner disintegration chamber.
Because Pense is a serious politician these days, right? I mean he's a Republican with more support among Democrats than Republicans so he must be super popular much like Liz Cheney.
There aren't more than a handful of serious people left in the Republican Party.
Uneducated racists, superstitious gay-haters, backwater xenophobes, white nationalists, bitter Islamophobes, disaffected clingers, autistic faux libertarians, obsolete misogynists, Christian Dominionists, virus-flouting yokels, and fairy tale-believing rubes are not serious people in modern America.
Best case, you read the breathless gross mischaracterizationby @MaggieNYT, and overlooked the quiet "clarification" less than 2 hours later:
Either you got suckered by childishly fake news, or you're continuing to knowingly spread it. Pick your poison.
Why not both? At some point, continuing to spread fake news moves from being fooled to being complicit.
Mike who?
This is the time to shine for a bunch of mentally ill narcissistic morons who need e-validation from a bunch of anonymous internet nobodies.
Prof. Volokh doesn't like it when he, Prof. Blackman, and the rest of his fellow Conspirators -- or, more broadly, his right-wing fans -- are criticized in this manner.
He probably won't censor you, though, because you are a conservative.
Reporting as ordered!
But enough about Congress! Buh buh bish
Tremendous amounts of misrepresentation of the Courts opinion in Dobbs
The SC did not ban abortion - all Dobb's did was allow the abortion laws to be made through the democratic process
Why do the proponents of abortion have to continually lie
Because they are mostly Democrats. Remember "safe, legal and rare"?
Right. It's the same with Affirmative Action:
How can University Presidents actualize their self-involvement otherwise?
You don’t expect University Presidents to be concerned with mundane topics like educating students or serving the voters of California, do you? In particular, serving the public is so far out of fashion that most people in government have probably never even considered the concept.
UC Pres: "The Court's decision is antithetical to the University of California's mission and values. We strongly support allowing individuals to access evidence-based health care services and to make decisions about their own care in consultation with their medical team. "
EV: "I don't think that a public university's "mission and values" should be to promote a reading of the Constitution as securing abortion rights, or as not securing abortion rights, as opposed to promoting research on this and related questions."
I'm used to the VC (and Mike Pence) not reading the room, but that was pretty unsubtle.
Right. Eugene can go and fuck himself. Whatever you think of the legal case for Roe and the morality of abortion, millions of women have less autonomy over their bodies today than they did yesterday. Goobers like Eugene just can't help themselves but to object to how people are reacting to that change.
"Whatever you think of the legal case for Roe and the morality of abortion, millions of women have less autonomy over their bodies today than they did yesterday."
Women, or uterus-bearers, or bleeders, or whatever term you choose, are the majority of the electorate in every state. If they want abortion to be legal, they can use the political process to make it legal.
It's shocking that so many men want to deny the majority-female electorate the autonomy to set the reproduction policies that they choose?
"Goobers like Eugene just can't help themselves but to object to how people are reacting to that change."
His focus as a libertarian-conservative has always included academic freedom, which relies on universities remaining politically neutral. In other words, certain "people" should NOT "react to that change" in ways that take a side on a quintessential political controversy.
His focus is finding opportunities to use a vile racial slur with plausible deniability.
And nipping at the heels and ankles of the betters he resents.
And perhaps struggling to understand why is so tone-deaf with respect to human interaction despite being a gifted programmer.
Cry moar.
So why is it the place for the UC President to make his public service institution hostile to half the population by lying about what really was done?
"I'm used to the VC (and Mike Pence) not reading the room, but that was pretty unsubtle."
Saying someone isn't 'reading the room' here is just another way of saying you think the viewpoint being criticized is correct and thus you don't agree with the criticism.
It's not a substantive argument.
It's also a nicer way of pointing to a position on the spectrum as part of someone's problem.
I am glad Professor Volokh is pushing back on this, but lefty organizations calling for 100% fealty to their hyper partisan views is not news.
" I don't think that a public university's "mission and values" should be to promote a reading of the Constitution as securing abortion rights, or as not securing abortion rights, as opposed to promoting research on this and related questions. "
I doubt anyone becomes a leader of a strong liberal-libertarian mainstream educational institution in modern America by giving half a shit what some disaffected hard-right Republican thinks.
I'm sure the leaders of Hillsdale, Regent, Liberty, Oral Roberts, Bob Jones, Ouachita Baptist, Wheaton, and similar schools are greatly interested, though!
Who is the bitter clinger today, Arthur? 🙂
Arthur always was the bitter clinger. Shabbat Shalom
Arthur (in general) is the guy who has been shoving progress down your bigoted, childish, obsolete throats for the entirety of your deplorable lives.
I, as an individual, enjoy doing it and watching others do it. I just don't like bigots or adult-onset superstition.
NPC Alert.
I see that Arthur, the bitter clinger has replied.
Poor misfit.
I wonder how long it will be before Prof. Johns' employment is terminated?
The bigger point is that hiring Prof. Johns was a mistake (for a legitimate, mainstream school) and that our better schools likely are learning to avoid recurrence.
Plenty of room for her at Wheaton, Hillsdale, Ouachita Baptist, and the many other schools operated for and by gullible, obsolete children of all ages.
Universities (state and otherwise) should disabuse themselves of the notion that they are governments of and unto themselves....
And as a matter of public policy, their announcements should be in accordance with their respective states policies. They can certainly have their own opinions, and espouse them, but not in any official capacity, including announcement of their employment.
Article IX section 9(a) of the California Constitution seems to disagree:
You seem to be a slow learner, Eugene. How much evidence do you need to grasp that you're in the Lion's den and should act like it? This Michael V. Drake, M.D you work for would have gladly run an SS murder squadron if he had been born in Germany in the early 1900's. Love is Love as the libtards say; well, Evil is Evil too! See, for people like Mikey here, it's not their point of view, it's how they abuse their positions -- might is right! You should sue this bastard to emotional distress! Demand a safe space stocked with cookies and milk that only people of your race can come to. Tell them that going forward, all staff must recognize you as an 18 year old black trans-women whose pronouns are "your highness", or "big dick brown." All jokes aside, this retarded bullshit bleeds out your vocation -- University! The rest of us are sick and fucking tired of it coming into our work lives. You have tenure and other protections that we don't. DO SOMETHING!
Quit whining, you bigoted right-wing rube.
Your mother fucks Kirklands -- that dirty whore.
Thank you for demonstrating anew that Prof. Volokh lies, in an effort to conceal his hypocrisy, when claiming that he censors liberals and libertarians for violation of civility standards rather than for offending Federalist Societeers.
Universities are incapable of holding values beyond their mission. Sometimes college Presidents and other admin officials confuse their own personal values with the institution's values.
"confuse." Seriously, that's the word you would use to describe this bullshit -- confused! This is a planned and systematic attack on every institution in this country. From the Ford foundation to Gannett media, from Disney to the NBA. From Twitter, to Facebook to Google. From local school boards to the department of homeland security, the FBI and the U.S. Navy -- and every one in between! Need some normie reading? Read Matt Taibbi's piece on trans-gender women in prisons. Spoiler alert -- these 'women' are knocking up a lot of other 'women'. And not like you saw in Jurassic Park.
Is normie what autistic incels use to disparage unafflicted people?
Just a flesh wound, Artie, amirite?
A relatively minor wrinkle along the predictable path toward liberal-libertarian victory in the culture war.
This might even accelerate or intensify some political action against conservatives by the mainstream.
Giving you the benefit of the doubt that "political action" isn't the latest euphemism ala "peaceful protest," see you in November!
You figure Republicans are ready to reverse the tide of the culture war? When should we expect that sea change to begin?
"Despite this decision by the Court, we will continue to provide the full range of health care options possible in California"
I'm not sure what one has to do with the other, but way to sound brave....
Murder on demand brought to you by the UC system.
Can a university autocrat even remove abortion coverage if the state has not?
Who authorized these individuals to decide whether a Supreme Court decision (with little impact on California) is "antithetical to the mission and values" of the University of California? What if the Chancellor(s) of UC Santa Cruz or UC Merced disagree--or wish to remain neutral?
Like any good religion, you scream if you are not with us, you are against us.
The other side are hellbound rubes lead by actively evil demons.
To even question the orthodoxy is a sin itself. Ironic, given religion gave that up many decades back in response to claims that, if their religion were true, they have nothing to fear from the most rigorous intellectual examinations. Indeed should encourage it.
University of California President Michael V. Drake, M.D. clearly and proudly states that "his" "university" is opposed the the US Constitution.
Film at 11, if anybody cares.
Dobbs is an execrable decision, on par with Buck v. Bell, 274 U.S. 200 (1927). Each rejected procreational autonomy as a constitutional right. I am a bit surprised that Justice Alito's opinion did not cite Buck favorably.
if procreational autonomy was a constitutional right, where is it in the Constitution?
"We don't need no stinking Constitution! We will tell you what is and what isn't a constitutional right! We're your betters, don't you know?!"
"The right to an abortion was based on the principle of a living Constitution that evolves to expand liberty and equality."
Doesn't the concept of a "living" constitution defeat the very idea of having a constitution in the first place?
Why have a constitution? So that the rules governing the country are spelled-out in black & white. But a "living" constitution means judges can ignore whatever is actually written in the constitution and fly by the seat of their paints. Such-and-such a "right" isn't in the constitution? No problem! We'll just declare it a fundamental right. No need for constitutional conventions, amendments passed by Congress and ratified by the states, all that jazz. As long as those judges assure us that they're "expanding liberty & equality," they can do pretty much anything they want!
Apparently Prof. Feldman wants to be governed by philosopher-kings. Well, I don't.
Given the impact the decision has on health care and health care decisions for its female students, many of whom are from states where abortion is now illegal, it was appropriate for the University to say something.
But that's begging the question. The issue is that this is a legitimate political controversy (indeed, a quintessential one), so weighing in on only one side's perspective is inappropriate bias.
Female students have to know where the University stands on this question. What about those out of state students? If their home state insurer suddenly won’t pay for an abortion will the University extend coverage to which they are otherwise not entitled? If they face a threat of prosecution will the University “have their back”?
What the hell is so hard for people to understand about NEUTRALITY on a QUINTESSENTIAL political debate? Good grief, if *public universities* can't be expected to remain neutral on something like this, then we're basically just giving up on the idea altogether...
People need to stop begging the question here; you don't get to treat something as universal/basic/beyond-debate unless and until you achieve an actual consensus FIRST.
A lot of folks want to call Drake's statement political, and insist he eschew politics. I don't see it that way. Drake is an M.D. What his statement detailed support for was medical policy at the University of California. Even the part about, ". . . private, informed choices about their health care and their futures," is about medical policy.
Are the anti-abortion commenters here convinced the Supreme Court is empowered to make medical policy for the nation? I get that the Dobbs decision does invade medical autonomy for doctors and patients. I had not thought that was a considered objective, so much as an ill-considered side effect.
You cannot believe what you just wrote. Did you read the statement
" I am gravely concerned that today's U.S. Supreme Court decision removes that right and will endanger lives across the country. This decision overturns decades of legal precedent and could pave the way for other fundamental rights to be removed."
That is NOT as statement about health policy. It is a statement about the law. SCOTUS did not make health policy in Dobbs, but it did make health policy in upholding various COVID-19 related mandates.
Nico — ". . . endanger lives across the country."
From a doctor, that is medical talk, not politics. Also? It is commonplace among doctors to suppose medical privacy, in all its manifestations, is an indispensable support for health. In that context, consider, "This decision overturns decades of legal precedent and could pave the way for other fundamental rights to be removed." It can readily be read, and should be read, as legitimate concern on behalf of medical privacy—which is generally implicated in medical questions relating to contraception, and also multiple gender-related issues likely soon to come under attack—unless, of course, you begin with a cynical determination to see it otherwise.
More generally, cynicism about politics has long been fashionable, however unwise. Politics is too much disparaged. Politics is the usual and legitimate means by which the nation must manage its public affairs, including its public medical affairs. If cynicism denies medical professionals legitimacy for political opinions touching on medical practice and public health, then it also denies the polity access to medical insight useful to govern the public health and public welfare.
EV's OP is a discreditable appeal to mobilize that pervasive anti-political cynicism. As a matter of public health policy, Dobbs was wrongly decided. The decision is an assertion that a moral opinion upon which there is no national consensus—indeed, it is likely a minority opinion—must by law override and degrade public health policy about which at least most physicians largely agree. That is the broader context in which Dr. Drake's statement ought to be interpreted.
I get that asserting that annoys cynics who prefer to invoke cynicism to degrade political discourse, reducing it to questions defined by personal advantage, rivalries, prejudices, cupidities, and excitements. My no doubt vain hope is to get beyond that annoyance, and accomplish their actual frustration.
Prof. Johns better hope there isn’t anything in her past that can be re-investigated.