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Viewpoint-Based Enforcement of "No Advertising Policy" as to Public Comments Likely Violates First Amendment
"As Plaintiffs point out, both Black Voices Matter and Francis Howell Families are organizations with viewpoints on board actions, and both organizations call for policy changes, but Defendants only ban references to Francis Howell Families during the patron comment period."
From Judge Stephen Clark (E.D. Mo.) in Brooks v. Francis Howell School Dist., decided Thursday; seems correct to me:
Through a political action committee, Plaintiffs frequently oppose the actions of their local, elected school board, particularly on issues of curriculum. While speaking during the public-comment portion of board meetings, Plaintiffs mention the PAC—Francis Howell Families—and point the board to the trove of detailed information on the PAC's website,
Invoking its no-advertising policy, the board has banned Plaintiffs from mentioning at board meetings "Francis Howell Families" or its website, telling them they "will be immediately stopped," cutting the microphone while one Plaintiff spoke, and threatening to permanently ban them from speaking at meetings. Insofar as the board allows other organizations, which support the board, freer reign at meetings, Plaintiffs challenge the board's actions as viewpoint discrimination….
[T]he patron-comment section of school board meetings is a limited public forum, and that the school board may impose reasonable and viewpoint-neutral restrictions on speech during patron comments…. [But t]he "unique scrutiny" Defendants imposed on the Plaintiffs provides evidence of Defendants' [viewpoint-]discriminatory motive…. Defendants have allowed other individuals to refer to other organizations with views either supporting the board or its favored positions, or opposing Francis Howell Families; and Defendants have allowed other individuals to engage in political campaigning during patron comments, without interruption.
For example, the board permitted an individual to refer to the "Black Voices Matter" organization during the patron-comment section of a board meeting, while the individual was recognizing "positive progress [the] district has taken in equitable and anti-racist actions." As Plaintiffs point out, both Black Voices Matter and Francis Howell Families are organizations with viewpoints on board actions, and both organizations call for policy changes, but Defendants only ban references to Francis Howell Families during the patron comment period.
As another example, during another board meeting the District communications director read a patron comment the board had received via online submission, identifying the commenter as a "member of MNEA." According to required public filings, MNEA supports candidates for public office via its own political action committee. However, though several admitted exhibits connect MNEA to the Missouri National Education Association, the parties do not address whether that was the organization the commenter was referring to, and the Court does not make a finding regarding what specific organization the individual was referring to. Regardless of which organization the individual was referring to, this provides another example of an individual identifying himself as a member of an organization other than Francis Howell Families during the patron-comment section of a board meeting, without reprimand or censure.
As a third example, during the patron-comment section of the March 17, 2022 meeting, the board permitted several speakers to directly address not the board but audience members and to urge those listening to vote for certain school board candidates and against candidates associated with Francis Howell Families—only thinly veiling the candidates to which the speakers referred. These speakers overtly implored the audience to vote for their favored candidates—a direct affront to the board's "no political campaigning" policy—yet the board allowed the speakers to proceed, unabated.
Further, the tone of the board's after-the-fact email to these speakers stands in contrast to the emails the board sent to the Plaintiffs. The board's email to the individuals stumping for board candidates stated that their comments "may have been viewed by some as political campaigning" [which is forbidden by another school board policy] and asked the individual to "please keep this in mind next time you address the Board, as I don't want either of us to be in the position of having to cut off your time." The board's email to Plaintiff Rash, on the other hand, warned that "[f]uture violations will result in your microphone being cut off and your time forfeited" and that "[f]uture violations may also result in you no longer being allowed to speak during patron comments." The Court finds that the draconian language Defendants used to address Plaintiffs, compared to the apologetic language Defendants used in emails to individuals who campaigned against Plaintiffs during patron comments, provides further evidence of viewpoint discrimination.
These actions and statements serve as evidence of viewpoint discrimination….
The Court concluded that this evidence was enough to justify a preliminary injunction against the board, barring it "from enforcing Francis Howell School District Policies … to prohibit Plaintiffs' reference to 'Francis Howell Families' or the Francis Howell Families website,, while addressing the school board during the patron-comment period at school board meetings."
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to post comments
10 weeks from complaint to injunction.
Yeah, but how long until the board is arrested for conspiring to violate constitutional rights, and are locked up in solitary confinement for months?
barring it "from enforcing Francis Howell School District Policies … to prohibit Plaintiffs' reference to 'Francis Howell Families' or the Francis Howell Families website,, while addressing the school board during the patron-comment period at school board meetings
Is this the usual sort of thing for a successful "as applied" challenge ?
ie what would happen if the school board actually wanted to start enforcing its policies without viewpoint discrimination ? Is it permitted to go back to court and ask for the bar on enforcement against the plaintiffs to be lifted ?
And given the existence of the bar on enforcement against the plaintiffs, can the school board now attempt to enforce it against anybody else - since the exception for the plaintiffs is going to make enforcement against others with other views discriminatory. Or do you get a free pass if your viewpoint discrimination arises from a court order ?
Looks messy.
You seem to ask the same question as was asked of Trump's ban on immigration, because of animus and religious discrimination. If Jesus came down and touched his heart, and he wanted to do it anyway, or a future president, how long must this purity go on before the ban clears?
There was another case mentioned around here some years back where a small company was having a local U try to emminent domain its land. They put up a 50 foot long banner along the wall, and were immediately ticketed by the city for having an outsized sign.
One city official said something on the order of "We've had this law for ages, but this is the first time we've enforced it."
Come to think of it, I have never seen a follow up on that.
Worth noting that from its website it looks like Francis Howell Families is an organization trying to ban mention of discrimination against blacks in the school curriculum.
Yes, that would be a viewpoint.
Why is it worth noting? Viewpoint-based discrimination is exactly that - viewpoint based discrimination. It's not discrimination against opinions we happen to like (or dislike).
Or do you also think it is "worth noting" that the BLM organization advocated for disrupting the nuclear family?
From the website:
"Francis Howell Families recruits, supports, and educates candidates for the school board who support academic excellence, transparent accountability, and fiscal responsibility while encouraging in students a strong work ethic, good character, and respect for our nation’s founding principles.
We reject attempts to divide people by race, gender, or other immutable characteristics or to teach that those characteristics determine their destiny. Instead, we work to create a district that provides a high-quality, knowledge-based education for all students so they can be fully prepared to participate in civil society."
Don't see anything about banning mention of discrimination there. Perhaps there's some other verbiage you were referring to?
Yup, from the FHF web page:
The Black History and Black Literature “electives” are a Trojan horse – FHSD emails reveal that they are only the first wave of a complete K-12 history curricula overhaul that will impact every student if the board does not put a stop to CRT in the classroom.
Can't say I think it is right for the school board to discriminate against speech content of folks who are trying to discriminate against speech content, but it is worth mentioning.
To dig out more about what is going on here would take more time than I have. You look into it and you find a world like what the Birchers built in the 60s—a whole bunch of people and organizations supporting each other with links and citations, all of it in service to the fight against godless communism. Here is something to give you the flavor—I got it from a Google search of the name of the treasurer for FHF, via something else called
From the interview copy with Dr. Mary Byrne, cited below:
“Karl Marx — famous in history for fueling Communism — taught: If you want to create a revolution, you identify two opposing groups and make them hate each other: The Oppressor and the Oppressed.
“Today’s Critical Race Theory promotes black and brown people as the oppressed, and white people as the oppressor.
In response to “Critical Race Theory,” I have begun a study of how white people who have turned to personal saving faith in Jesus have loved and delighted to help people of color. There are many examples, but one example here: a short-term mission team of Jesus followers I assume all white — in Houston, Texas went to Kenya, Africa in the early 1990s. They came home appalled at the polluted water that those particular black people were consuming for drinking water. They formed an effort to address the issue: “Living Water International.” That movement has since produced more than 21,000 water wells for most people of other colors around the world! See
There was more in that water vein, and then:
Adolph Hitler’s Germany in World War II picked up on this CRT principle. They pitted Germans in their own country against Jews, the descendants of Abraham (Genesis 12:1-3). The result? The Nazis murdered 6,000,000 (6 million) Jews!
There is more in that vein, touching on Corrie Ten Boom, and then a switch back to this:
“In CRT today, minority groups are encouraged to exploit racial hate, rather than love as Jesus taught!
“Thus, if you don’t go along with the CRT movement, white people are automatically “racist!”
(“But ‘racism’ is not exclusive to any one race. And we are all members of the ‘human race!’”)
Related radio segments for anytime listening completed earlier …
From that same page, above the Dr. Mary Byrne stuff:
One St. Louis area school district, “Francis Howell District,” – immediately west of St. Louis County in St. Charles County – created a reaction among parents in the district. Chris Brooks is one of the parents doing research and investigating the issue. He shared information about Critical Race Theory in our interview and how parents need to be and can be involved.
Upon learning that one concept was having a huge impact on their children’s learning – what is known as the “Critical Race Theory,” – the Brooks and parents of the district eventually organized into the “Francis Howell Families, “ (See
Of course, Francis Howell Families is supporting candidates for office. It would take genuine courage, and an indefatigable investigator, to check out all the likely abuses of tax law which lie beneath the tip of this politico-religious iceberg.
"The Black History and Black Literature “electives” are a Trojan horse – FHSD emails reveal that they are only the first wave of a complete K-12 history curricula overhaul that will impact every student if the board does not put a stop to CRT in the classroom."
The material you reference doesn't object to mentioning discrimination, it claims that the curriculum will be loaded with many divisive concepts from CRT (which, many people are still trying to claim, is only taught in law schools.
(which, many people are still trying to claim, is only taught in law schools.
Many people, but not these people. These are people who think mentioning black oppression is against God's will.
You've been asked several times to support that assertion ("These are people who think mentioning black oppression is against God's will." ) and have spectacularly failed to do so.
Yet another example of lies by Lathrop. No matter your feelings about this group nothing quoted by Lathrop backs up his claim that they are opposed to mentioning racism or oppression.
HM — This quote supplies the intended ban:
. . . they are only the first wave of a complete K-12 history curricula overhaul that will impact every student if the board does not put a stop to CRT in the classroom.
The other quotes express the context in which the ban is being considered. I am content to take the evidence as a whole.
Do you have some trick for making the context disappear? Do you intend to say that considered in light of the context, the expressed intent to ban CRT is not an intention to suppress mentioning racism in history programs?
The other quotes are similarly showing opposing to CRT and not one of them shows an intent to ban mentioning racism in history .
zztop8970 — Right. These are incredibly religious folks who think mentioning black historical grievances is contrary to God's will, but they are fine with putting into the curriculum black people's anger over centuries of legally mandated abuse.
Maybe they are, but none of your quotes so far support your assertion that thye oppose mentioning racism of slavery or black grievances in the curriculum. Try harder.
"Many people, but not these people. These are people who think mentioning black oppression is against God's will."
Well, there are some of those people around. Here's a case where a repressive school system is disciplining a teacher for teaching about slavery.
"These are people who think mentioning black oppression is against God's will."
That sounds like a very shitty god. No wonder that god is losing so much ground in educated, reasoning, modern, accomplished sections of America.
I doesn't really matter what their viewpoint is, it does matter that the Government won't let them express it.
Does anyone else find it odd that this School Board has a "patron-comment" section in their meetings, not a "public comment" section? What does it take to become a patron, as opposed to a member of the public?
None of the things you've quoted support your thesis that "Francis Howell Families is ... trying to ban mention of discrimination against blacks in the school curriculum."
Old-timey bigots have rights, too.
A public comment period is a regularly scheduled period for members of the public to provide written comments and feedback on various issues, including those related to government policy. nerdle octordle
The text you cite doesn't oppose to discussing prejudice, it states that the curriculum will be laden with numerous polarizing notions from CRT (which, many people are still attempting to claim, is exclusively taught in law schools redactle