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Social science on the right to bear arms
Doomsday warnings don't hold up
The debate over carrying firearms outside the home often is accompanied by predictions that public carry will lead to more violent crime. Fortunately, such claims are incorrect. The large-scale expansion of legal carry throughout the United States has not resulted in the doomsday scenarios predicted by opponents. This post surveys the pro/con social science evidence presented in the amicus briefs in New York State Rifle & Pistol Association v. Bruen, for which oral argument will be held on Wednesday.
This post is co-authored by Campbell University law professor Gregory Wallace. Professor Wallace and I are two of the five co-authors of the just-published third edition of the textbook Firearms Law and the Second Amendment: Regulation, Rights, and Policy (Aspen, Wolters Kluwer). Professor Wallace was the lead author on Chapter 1, which surveys data and social science on firearms.
In some counties of New York, as in some jurisdictions in California, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, and Delaware, applicants for a concealed carry license may be denied unless they show some specific, special need to carry a licensed handgun, beyond the general purpose of self-defense. New Jersey and Maryland are even more restrictive, statewide. Hawaii only allows carry by security guards on duty. The rest of the United States has two types of policies. Twenty-one states do not require a permit for concealed carry. Twenty-one other states, plus D.C. and Puerto Rico, issue licenses fairly, to adults who pass background checks (usually, fingerprint-based) and safety training. These laws are called "right to carry" (RTC).
Advocates of New York's restrictive carry regime say that it saves lives. They contend that more lenient concealed carry laws increase the risk of armed violence to the public, to law enforcement, and even to the carrier.
Three amicus briefs in Bruen present empirical evidence that argue for these claims. One brief was filed by 14 social science researchers and public health experts, led by John Donohue at Stanford Law School (Donohue Brief). Another was filed by the Educational Fund to Stop Gun Violence and 35 other organizations and individuals, including public health and policy experts (Educational Fund Brief). A third was submitted by Prosecutors Against Gun Violence, an organization of 74 prosecutors who support efforts to reduce violence involving guns (PAGV Brief).
Three amicus briefs addressing social science evidence also were filed supporting the challenge to New York's prohibitive law. The first was from Dr. William English and the Center for Human Liberty. English is a political economist and public policy professor at Georgetown University (English Brief). Another was filed by attorney Dan Peterson, representing Law Enforcement Groups and State and Local Firearms Rights Groups (Law Enforcement Brief), while a third was filed by the Crime Prevention Research Center, led by John R. Lott, Jr., an economist and leading gun researcher, and Carl Moody, an economics professor at William & Mary University (CPRC Brief). These briefs present empirical evidence showing that nondiscretionary "shall issue" laws (also referred to as "right-to-carry" laws) do not increase violent crime, and challenge the research cited in the Donahue, Educational Fund, and Prosecutors briefs.
Professor Wallace was not an amicus in the Law Enforcement Brief, but he did assist in the research. Professor Kopel one coauthor a law review article with Professor Moody, and presented an empirical study by Moody in an amicus brief in McDonald v. City of Chicago. That study was cited by Justice Alito's opinion for the Court, at note 2. ("Chicago residents now face one of the highest murder rates in the country and rates of other violent crimes that exceed the average in comparable cities. n.2…Brief for International Law Enforcement Educators and Trainers Association et al. as Amici Curiae 17–21, and App. A (providing comparisons of Chicago's rates of assault, murder, and robbery to average crime rates in 24 other large cities).")
After conducting the most thorough judicial review to date of relevant social science on the net public-safety effects of allowing public carriage of guns, Judge Richard Posner in Moore v. Madigan, 702 F.3d 933, 939 (7th Cir. 2012), concluded that such evidence failed to establish a convincing defense of an Illinois statue banning public carry. He explained:
The theoretical and empirical evidence (which overall is inconclusive) is consistent with concluding that a right to carry firearms in public may promote self-defense. Illinois had to provide us with more than merely a rational basis for believing that its uniquely sweeping ban is justified by an increase in public safety. It has failed to meet this burden.
Id. at 942.
Little has changed since Judge Posner's assessment. Social science research has yet to establish a predictive relationship between less restrictive right-to-carry laws and violent crime.
A Rand Corporation metastudy on firearms, published in 2020, examined 29 leading empirical studies from 1998-2019 on the relationship between concealed carry laws and violent crime. Some of the studies raised serious concerns among Rand's methodology review team. Rosanna Smart et al., The Science of Gun Policy: A Critical Synthesis of Research Evidence on the Effects of Gun Policies in the United States. Excluding the studies with significant methodological weaknesses, the Rand metastudy found that there is inconclusive evidence that state shall issue laws have any statistically significant effects on total homicides, firearm homicides, robberies, assaults, rapes, and mass shootings.
The Law Enforcement Brief points out that almost 30 years' experience with increased gun ownership and liberalized carry laws has not led to increased crime. From 1991-2019, the number of civilian-owned firearms in the United States more than doubled, to an estimated 434 million. The number of carry permit-holders increased at least seven-fold to almost 20 million. Forty-two states have adopted either "shall issue" or permitless carry laws. Not one of these states has reverted to a restrictive "may issue" regime or repealed permitless carry. Carry outside the home is the norm throughout most of the country, including many large urban areas, such as the District of Columbia, Chicago, Miami, Philadelphia, San Juan, Seattle, and Houston. During the same period, murder rates and violent crime have plummeted by half.
Right-to-carry laws and violent crime
The most-cited study supporting New York's very restrictive law is John J. Donohue et al., Right-to-Carry Laws and Violent Crime: A Comprehensive Assessment Using Panel Data and a State-Level Synthetic Control Analysis, 16 J. Empirical Legal Stud. 198 (2019) (Donohue Study). Using panel data and synthetic controls analyses, the study examined right-to-carry laws adopted in states between 1981 and 2007. The Donohue Study is featured prominently in the Donahue, Educational Fund, and PAGV briefs.
The amicus briefs cite the Donahue Study for two main points. First, the study finds that states with more restrictive licensing requirements for concealed carry had a decline in violent crime over the 27-year period that was nearly ten times greater than states that did not have such licensing regimes. Second, the study finds that adoption of more lenient right-to-carry laws led to an immediate, "substantial and statistically significant" increase in violent crime. According to the study's synthetic control analysis, violent crime in these states increased by an average of 13-15 percent by the tenth year after adoption.
The English Brief disputes the Donohue Study, based on English's recent study, The Right to Carry Has Not Increased Crime: Improving an Old Debate Through Better Data on Permit Growth Over Time (English Study), published in July 2021. English used decades of state-level data on the growth of carry permits over time to investigate the relationship between right-to-carry laws and violent crime. English contends that the most direct measure of the real-world effects of right-to-carry laws is how growth in the number of permits over time affects crime, rather than a simple "before-after" following a one-time change in the law. The English Study finds that "the higher rates of carry made possible by RTC laws have no statistically significant effect on violent crime rates, including murder rates (with or without firearms) for the period of 1977-2014."
The English Brief critiques the Donohue Study's methodology:
- The Donohue Study uses an inferior "binary dummy variable" approach instead of actual carry permit data. In other words, if a state's licensing reform statute went into effect on January 1, 1998, Donahue divides the state's data into two categories: before the 1998 law, and after. English argues that the real-world effects of right-to-carry laws are time-dependent—that there is a time lag between the legal date of such laws and large numbers of permit issuances. For example, by March 1998 there might not be a large number of new licensed carriers in the state, but by January 2001 there could be. So English uses actual permit data, rather than Donohue's more simplistic before/after coding.
- The Donohue Study uses "analytic weights." That is, Donohue assigns greater weight to data from more populous states. English calls Donohue's method "statistically indefensible." For example, Florida, Georgia, Alabama, Mississippi, North Carolina, and South Carolina all provide natural experiments in the effects of changes in carry licensing laws. English weights each of these experiments equally. Donahue gives greater weight to Florida, because it has the largest population. Once Donahue's overweighting of high population states is corrected, even the Donohue Study shows no correlation between right-to-carry laws and increased violent crime.
- The Donohue Study does not compare real states with other real states. Instead, each actual right-to-carry state is compared to a hypothetical (synthetic) state composed of multiple actual states (e.g., California, Michigan, and New York). These synthetic states are stitched together and weighted in different proportions based on purported similarities to the right to carry state. Donahue then compares what happened in the actual state after the RTC law was passed to crime data in the synthetic state. English derides reliance on these "imaginary, stitched-together 'Frankenstein' states." He writes that Donahue's use of synthetic states is compromised by multiple errors in execution, including use of an arbitrarily short analysis period and omission of Washington, D.C., data from the estimating process. Further, Donahue's outcome "lags" do not allow covariates to influence the modeling of the synthetic control. (Covariates are independent variables, such as incarceration rates or poverty rates, that can impact the dependent variable, namely the violent crime rate.) According to the English Brief, "When these issues are corrected, synthetic control analysis indicates that RTC laws have no statistically significant effect on violent crime rates."
The Rand Corporation metastudy also warns about the reliability of the Donohue Study: "Synthetic control methods are relatively new, and especially when controls are made up of just a few states, as they were in this case, their usefulness for identifying causal effects may be compromised." An in-depth critique of Donahue's methodology is provided by Florida State University criminology professor Gary Kleck's The Effect of Right-to-Carry Laws on Crime Rates: A Critique of the Research of Donohue et al.
The Donohue, Educational Fund, and PAGV briefs rely on other social science studies with flawed methodologies. For example, as the Law Enforcement Brief points out, the Rand Corporation's 2020 metastudy classifies two studies prominently featured in these briefs as having "serious methodological problems": Michael Siegel et al., Easiness of Legal Access to Concealed Firearm Permits and Homicide Rates in the United States, 107 Am. J. Pub. Health 1923 (2017), and Cassandra K. Crifasi et al., Association Between Firearm Laws and Homicide in Urban Counties, 95 J. Urban Health 383 (2018). The Donohue Brief also features a study from Emma Friedel, another Florida State criminologist, which repeatedly has been criticized by Gary Kleck for flawed methodology.
The difficulties of social science studies on guns
Social science studies can be highly sensitive to small changes in their model and sample. See Steven N. Durlaf, et al., Model Uncertainty and the Effect of Shall-Issue Right-to-Carry Laws on Crime, 81 European Econ. Rev. 32 (2016). One technical analysis of gun law studies concluded that
most of the statistical methods commonly used to estimate the causal effects of gun laws at the state, county, or city level suffer from important limitations that make inferences from those models prone to error. Almost all models we investigated had SEs [standard errors] that were too small, leading to high false-positive rates. Common adjustments to the SE generally failed to fully correct this problem. All models were found to have insufficient power to detect causal effects that would correspond to an increase or decrease of 1,000 firearm deaths per year nationally, an effect size that we argue is a large enough change to be clearly important.
Terry L. Schell, et al., Evaluating Methods to Estimate the Effect of State Laws on Firearm Deaths: A Simulation Study (Rand Corp. 2018). Moreover, the mere showing of association or correlation in these studies does not prove causation. See Naomi Altman & Martin Krzywinski, Association, Correlation, and Causation, 12 Nature Methods 899 (2015). At best, it might suggest a hypothesis, not proof.
Other studies
The Donahue Brief cites several additional social science studies that link less restrictive public carry laws to higher violent crime. But the Law Enforcement and CPRC briefs identify many other studies that reach the opposite conclusion, namely, that less restrictive concealed-carry laws have little or no effect on homicide or other violent crime rates. The CPRC Brief cites additional studies showing that right-to-carry laws may actually reduce violent crime.
One study cited in the Law Enforcement Brief is Mark E. Hamill et al., State Level Firearm Concealed-Carry Legislation and Rates of Homicide and Other Violent Crime, 228 J. Amer. College of Surgeons 1 (2019). It uses state-level data from 1986 to 2015, and finds no statistically significant association between the liberalization of state carry laws and rates of violent crime, homicides, or firearm homicides. Another cited state level study found no evidence that RTC laws have increased crime. Carlisle E. Moody & Thomas B. Marvell, The Right-to-Carry Laws: A Critique of the 2014 Version of Aneja, Donohue, and Zhang, 15 Econ. J. Watch 51 (2018). A third cited state level study concludes that adoption of right-to-carry laws had no significant effects on the overall violent or property crime rates, and led to medium-term decreases in murder rates. Wei Shi & Lung-fei Lee, The Effects of Gun Control on Crimes: A Spatial Interactive Fixed Effects Approach, 55 Empirical Economics 233 (2018),
The Law Enforcement Brief also identifies two city level studies that reached similar conclusions. The first concluded that Arizona's 2010 repeal of its requirement for government-issued concealed carry permits had no appreciable effect on handgun-related violent crime in Tucson. Michael R. Smith & Matthew Petrocelli, The Effect of Concealed Handgun Carry Deregulation in Arizona on Crime in Tucson, 30 Crim. Justice Pol. Rev. 1186 (2019). Analyzing data from 56 cities from 1980-2010, the second study concluded that shall-issue laws reduced firearm homicides by 15 percent and total homicides by 13 percent. James M. La Valle, "Gun Control" vs. "Self-Protection": A Case against the Ideological Divide, 10 Justice Policy Journal 1 (2013).
Empirical evidence does not show that the adoption of RTC laws results in more violent crime. For defenders of the New York law, the social science evidence is at best a wash. The newer studies have not changed what Judge Posner observed in 2012: social science research has yet to establish a predictive relationship between less restrictive right-to-carry laws and violent crime.
Law-abiding concealed carry license holders
What threat of armed violence do concealed carry holders pose to others? The Law Enforcement Brief cites data showing that concealed carry permit holders, as a group, are vastly more law-abiding than the general public.
In Texas, data from 2020 show total convictions of a long list of crimes and the number of those crimes committed by carry license holders. Carry license holders were convicted of 114 out of a total of 26,304 such crimes, or 0.4334%. There were 1,626,242 active license holders in 2020. The population 18 and older is estimated by the Census Bureau to be 74.5% of the total Texas population of 29,145,505, or 21,713,401 adult individuals. Thus, carry license holders constituted 7.49% of the population 18 and older, but committed only 0.4334% of the crimes. The conviction rate of license holders is therefore about 1/17th of the rate for the adult population as a whole. (The minimum age for a permit in Texas is generally 21, but permits are issued to applicants 18-20 with present or past military service.)
In Florida, carry licenses are revoked if a licensee commits a disqualifying crime (all felonies plus others) or is disqualified because of mental health, substance abuse, domestic violence, or other reasons. 5,007,776 licenses were issued over the period October 1, 1987, through June 30, 2021. During that period, 17,134 licenses were revoked for all reasons, a rate of 0.34%. As of June 30, 2021, the number of valid licenses statewide was 2,321,146. In the year ending June 30, 2021, 1,050 licenses were revoked, an annual revocation rate of .045%. From 1987 through 2010, when the state stopped publishing this information, only 168 revocations were for a crime with a "Firearm Utilized."
The Law Enforcement Brief also points out that most homicides and non-fatal shootings are committed by persons with criminal records who are not eligible to possess firearms. Data from New York City, for example, shows that almost 90% of homicide suspects had at least one prior arrest, and seven out of ten homicide victims also had prior arrests. The largest part of violent crime problem is criminals shooting other criminals, not law-abiding citizens carrying concealed firearms.
Donohue's rebuttal
The Donohue Brief responds to the above data mostly with generalizations and anecdotes. It cites one study, Charles D. Phillips, et al., When Concealed Handgun Licensees Break Bad: Criminal Convictions of Concealed Handgun Licensees in Texas, 2001-2009, 103 Am. J. Pub. Health 86 (2013). The Phillips article states that "the proportion of deadly conduct offenses in convictions was five times higher for permit holders than for non-permit holders, indicating that these 'law-abiding citizens' are disproportionately involved in gun-related violent crime." In the "rare instances" when the licensees commit crimes, they are more likely to be convicted for serious weapons-related offenses than are non-license holders. The article also emphasizes that concealed handgun licensees "rarely 'break bad'" and are "almost universally a law-abiding population."
Stolen guns
The Donohue Brief also claims that "law-abiding citizens with firearms are major suppliers of weapons to criminals." The brief cites the Donohue Study for evidence that "a significant number of guns carried outside the home are lost and stolen—a figure estimated to be roughly 100,000 per year from permit holders carrying guns outside the home." (Donahue Brief at 22-23). The clear implication is that these guns are stolen from lawful permit holders while carrying outside the home. If the guns are stolen from the home, the statistic has no relevance to New York's public carry regime.
The theft claim reveals how social science evidence can be misused in legal briefs. The Donohue Brief cites the Donohue Study which, in turn, cites another study it claims "revealed that those who carried guns outside the home had their guns stolen at a rate over 1 percent per year." That study is David Hemenway et al., Whose Guns Are Stolen? The Epidemiology of Gun Theft Victims, 4 Injury Epidemiology 11 (2017). Hemenway's online survey revealed that 2.4% of gun owners reported having one or more guns stolen in the previous five years. Hemenway then estimates that about 380,000 guns are stolen each year. (Other studies have estimated far fewer.) Hemenway found that gun owners are more likely to have had guns stolen if they are non-white, are from the South, owned six or more guns, owned guns for protection, carried guns in the last month, did not store guns in the safest manner, or stored guns in the car. The Hemenway study nowhere identifies the number of guns stolen while carrying outside the home. Nor does Hemenway claim that respondents who carried outside the home had their guns stolen at a rate of over one percent a year. Instead, Hemenway and his coauthors frankly admit that "we know almost nothing about the actual event—the type of gun stolen, where the gun was stored (e.g., at home, in the garage), whether it was locked up, the time of day or day of week of the theft, who the thief was and whether he was known to the victim." The Donohue Brief's claim that law-abiding citizens who carry outside the home are "major suppliers" of weapons to criminals has no support in the social science literature.
The "weapons effect"
The Donohue and Education Fund Briefs raise another argument: Carrying a gun increases aggressive and confrontational behavior in both the carrier and those who observe the gun. They cite studies asserting that the mere presence of a firearm can produce aggressive behavior—the so-called "weapons effect." However, such research has already been rejected by the Supreme Court.
The briefs says the "weapons effect" was proven in C.A. Anderson, A.J. Benjamin, & B.D. Bartholow, Does the gun pull the trigger? Automatic priming effects of weapon pictures and weapon names, 9 Psychological Science 308 (1998). In 2002, Kopel's Independence Institute colleagues Paul Gallant and Joann Eisen wrote an article describing Anderson's study:
Stimuli were presented to the subject on a computer screen in the form of "prime" words, and "target" words which were categorized as either "aggressive" or "non-aggressive." Two categories of prime words were used: weapon words (shotgun, machete, fist, bullet, dagger, and grenade), and animal words (rabbit, bug, dog, bird, butterfly, and fish).
For the experimental procedure, a prime word was presented to each subject for 1.25 seconds, followed by a blank screen of 0.5 seconds duration. Then, a target word was presented. The subject's task was to recite the target word as quickly as possible. The computer was equipped with a microphone to measure the time between the presentation of the target word and the first sound made by the subject.
In this part of the study, the researchers found that, on animal-primed trials, subjects were 0.005 seconds slower at naming aggressive target words than at naming non-aggressive words. For weapon-primed trials, however, subjects named aggressive target words 0.009 seconds faster than they named non-aggressive words. The authors claimed that these results provided "clear support for the priming interpretation of the weapons effect," i.e., that "the mere cognitive identification of a weapon increases the accessibility of aggression-related concepts in semantic memory."
In the second experiment. . . the prime stimuli consisted of black-and-white line drawings of weapons (guns, swords, and clubs—3 different pictures for each category, for a total of 9 weapons) and of plants (fruits, trees, and flowers, also 3 different pictures for each category). The prime stimulus was presented as in the previous experiment, and the subject was instructed to call out the category as quickly as possible. Again, a blank screen appeared for 0.5 seconds. Then the target word was presented and remained visible on the screen until the subject called it out.
The researchers found that after exposure to plant pictures subjects were 0.005 seconds faster at naming aggressive target words compared to non-aggressive words. However, after exposure to weapon pictures, subject reaction time decreased, and subjects were 0.011 seconds faster at naming aggressive target words compared to non-aggressive words. . . .
The authors concluded: "These two experiments demonstrate that simply identifying weapons increases the accessibility of aggressive thoughts . . . that thinking about weapons increases accessibility of aggressive concepts in general….Does the gun pull the trigger? Extant research suggests that it does. Our research demonstrates one way that exposure to weapons might increase aggressive behavior—by increasing the accessibility of aggressive thoughts."
But did the authors really demonstrate what they claimed?
Insomuch as "gun" might well be associated with "shoot" or "murder," when it comes to the non-weapon primes they selected, there is no such logical link. For example, while butterfly was used as a prime word, the words "flutter," "fly," and "cocoon" were nowhere to be found. If the idea was to explore whether a certain word would trigger a class of words, such as "gun" triggering the entire class of aggressive words, why did not the authors compare this effect with similar effects for animal primes? The word "rabbit" is likely to trigger "carrot," "ears," "chew," and "hop," but that was not tested. In addition, potentially threatening primes like "lion," "shark," or "rattlesnake" should have been used to determine whether these would have elicited the same aggressive tendencies.
Paul Gallant & Joanne D. Eisen, Trigger-Happy: Re-thinking the "Weapons Effect", 14 Journal on Firearms & Public Policy 89 (2002). (The Journal was published from 1989 to 2016 by the Second Amendment Foundation. At the time, Kopel was the editor.)
The U.S. Supreme Court said what it thought of Dr. Anderson's research in Brown v. Entertainment Merchants Association, 564 U.S. 786 (2011). The case was a successful First Amendment challenge to a California statute requiring minor to obtain parental permission to purchase violent video games. California relied heavily on Dr. Anderson to show that violent video games made children more violent. Justice Scalia's opinion for the Court found Anderson's claims and methodology laughable:
The State's evidence is not compelling. California relies primarily on the research of Dr. Craig Anderson and a few other research psychologists whose studies purport to show a connection between exposure to violent video games and harmful effects on children. These studies have been rejected by every court to consider them,6 [FN 6 lists 3 Circuit and 4 District Court decisions] and with good reason: They do not prove that violent video games cause minors to act aggressively (which would at least be a beginning). Instead, "[n]early all of the research is based on correlation, not evidence of causation, and most of the studies suffer from significant, admitted flaws in methodology." Video Software Dealers Assn. 556 F. 3d, at 964. They show at best some correlation between exposure to violent entertainment and minuscule real-world effects, such as children's feeling more aggressive or making louder noises in the few minutes after playing a violent game than after playing a nonviolent game.7
[Note 7.] One study, for example, found that children who had just finished playing violent video games were more likely to fill in the blank letter in "explo_e" with a "d" (so that it reads "explode") than with an "r" ("explore"). App. 496, 506 (internal quotation marks omitted). The prevention of this phenomenon, which might have been anticipated with common sense, is not a compelling state interest.
Entertainment Merchants Association v. Brown rejects the Anderson and other "violent video game effect" studies for failing to demonstrate a compelling state interest. Indeed, Entertainment Merchants Association suggests that the studies do not even rise to the level of a trivial state interest.
The Anderson "weapons effect" research finds milliseconds of differences seconds in response rates to target words, based on whether subjects had been primed with weapons-related cues. It never seems to have occurred to Anderson et al. that the tiny difference might have been because the weapons cues were followed by relevant target words and the non-weapons cues were not.
The "weapons effect" is a deeply held article of faith in the gun prohibition community, but it has no basis in science.
Violence Policy Center
Donohue and Education Fund Briefs do present anecdotes involving carry permit holders who have killed after becoming angry over insignificant issues ranging from cutting someone off on a highway to texting in a movie theater to playing loud music at a gas station. Another amicus brief, by the Violence Policy Center (VPC), presents more anecdotes. The VPC also cites statistics from its database Concealed Carry Killers.
We haven't fact-checked the VPC database. But Clayton Cramer (coauthor of several law review articles with Kopel) did. Clayton E. Cramer, Violence Policy Center's Concealed Carry Killers: Less Than It Appears (2012). Cramer found numerous instances of VPC incorrectly claiming that a perpetrator had a concealed carry permit, or VPC counting events that had nothing to do with the carry permit, such as a permit-holder committing suicide at home.
Or consider this example from the VPC brief:
In May 2014, Michael Bowman, who also possessed a valid concealed carry handgun permit, shot and killed police officer Kevin Jordan in Griffon, Georgia. Officer Jordan was working an off-duty security job in uniform at a Waffle House restaurant. Bowman was drunk when he and his girlfriend Officer Jordan attempted to arrest Bowman's girlfriend. Officer Jordan—a father of seven—was on the ground attempting to restrain Bowman's girlfriend when Bowman shot him multiple times in the back. Bowman was convicted of felony murder and sentenced to life in prison without parole.42
Footnote 42 cites to the VPC's database. The database in turn cites: Former soldier gets life without parole for murdering police officer, Atlanta Journal-Constitution, Feb. 17, 2017 (article does not mention a permit); Griffin Tragedy; Drunk and armed at 2 a.m., Atlanta Journal-Constitution, June 8, 2014 (we couldn't find this article in the newspaper's archive, or in Westlaw News, although both databases contain many articles on the crime); Funeral next Monday for slain Griffin police officer, Atlanta Journal-Constitution, June 2, 2014 (found at 2014 WLNR 14878704). This last article explains who had the concealed carry permit: officer Kevin Jordan's brother, Raymond Jordan.
Raymond Jordan was in the parking lot when the gunfire erupted and grabbed his own gun, [police officer Mike] Richardson said. A civilian, he had a permit to carry a gun and was at the restaurant to visit his brother, who often worked there on weekends, police said. Raymond Jordan was not charged Saturday in Bowman's shooting, and police offered no explanation.
So in this case, the man with the concealed carry permit was not the criminal; the man with the carry permit was the person who shot the criminal who was attacking the officer.
There definitely are cases of persons with concealed carry permits perpetrating crimes in public places, including homicide. However, the VPC database is not necessarily a reliable guide. The better approach is to look at comprehensive datasets, such a statewide revocation figures, described above.
Right to carry laws and self-defense
The Donohue and Educational Fund Briefs argue that carrying guns outside the home does not promote self-defense, but rather increases the risk of becoming the victim of violent crime.
The Educational Fund argues that public carry presents a high risk of gun violence, citing one study it says shows that carrying a firearm increases the risks of both gun violence exposure and gun victimization. But this study examines illegal gun carrying among young people in two large cities; it has nothing to do with lawful public carry.
The Donohue Brief begins with the claim that firearms are rarely used in self-defense. It cites David Hemenway & Sarah J. Solnick, The Epidemiology of Self-Defense Gun Use: Evidence from the National Crime Victimization Surveys 2007-2011, 79 Preventive Med. 22, 23 (2015). That article uses National Crime Victimization Survey (NCVS) data from 2007-11 to find just 127 victims present at a crime incident (about 1 percent) who used a gun defensively. This study is an outlier when estimating defensive gun uses (DGUs). The NCVS provides much lower estimates of DGUs than other research. The reason for the low number is that the NCVS survey does not ask respondents whether they have used a gun defensively. Instead, some respondents disclose DGUs while being interviewed. Because the NCVS never asks about DGUs, it records fewer instances of such use. Jacob Sullum, A Survey Not Designed to Measure Defensive Gun Use Finds Little of It, Reason, Sept. 7, 2015.
There is much disagreement among researchers over the number of DGUs, which include not only firing the weapon but also merely displaying it to deter an attacker. The large majority of DGUs are displays, without a shot being fired. The National Research Council (NRC) noted in 2013 that "[a]lmost all national survey estimates indicate that defensive gun uses by victims are at least as common as offensive uses by criminals, with estimates of annual uses ranging from about 500,000 to more than 3 million, in the context of about 300,000 violent crimes involving firearms in 2008." National Research Council, Priorities for Research to Reduce the Threat of Firearm-Related Violence 15 (National Academies Press 2013) (citations omitted).
The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) cites the NRC report in estimating DGUs to be in the range of 60,000 to 2.5 million. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Firearm Violence Prevention. The Rand Corporation's 2018 metastudy concludes that estimates at the high end (e.g., 2.5 million DGUs annually) "are not plausible given other information that is more trustworthy, such as the total number of U.S. residents who are injured or killed by guns each year." Likewise, at the low end, "the NCVS estimate of 116,000 DGU incidents per year almost certainly underestimates the true number." Rand Corporation, The Science of Gun Policy: A Critical Synthesis of Research Evidence on the Critical Effects of Gun Policies in the United States 280 (2018). For an extended discussion, see the third edition of our textbook Firearms Law and the Second Amendment: Regulation, Rights, and Policy at pages 20-25. The Law Enforcement Brief provides a summary of the various estimates. The brief also cites English's 2021 National Firearms Survey (July 14, 2021), which indicates that 75% of defensive gun uses take place outside the home.
Are firearms harmful for self-defense?
The Donohue Brief makes a further claim: firearms do not reduce the defender's risk of injury. It says the best evidence is from the analysis of NCVS data in the Hemenway and Solnick study cited above: "4.2% of victims were injured after using a gun in self-defense, and 4.1% of victims were injured without using a gun." Hemenway and Solnick caution against overinterpreting their data: "the sample of those injured after using a gun (5/127) is really too small to warrant strong conclusions." As the Law Enforcement Brief points out, when the injury rate is calculated for the entire incident from beginning to end, the Hemenway and Solnick study reveals that "there is a lower likelihood of injury at any time during an incident when a gun was used in self-defense." (original emphasis).
Another study cited by both the Donohue and Education Fund Briefs is Charles C. Branas et al., Investigating the Link Between Gun Possession and Gun Assault, 99 Am. J. Pub. Health 2034 (2009). This study shows that when victims have a chance to resist, those who possess a gun are about four-to-five times more likely to be shot during the assault. The Branas article provides no information to indicate that any of the homicide victims had a carry permit. Only six percent of the homicide victims were carrying a gun when they were shot. Fifty-three percent of the victims had criminal records. The Branas study may just show that persons, such as drug dealers, are more likely to possess guns.
As the National Research Council wrote in 2013:
Studies that directly assessed the effect of actual defensive gun uses (i.e., incidents in which a gun was 'used' by the crime victim in the sense of attacking or threatening an offender) have found consistently lower injury rates among gun-using crime victims compared with victims who used other self-protective strategies.
Right to carry laws and risks to law enforcement officers
Both the Donohue and PAGV Briefs claim that adoption of right-to-carry laws pose significant risks of violence to law enforcement officers. The studies they cite, however, only show correlation between homicide rates of law enforcement officers in states with low and high firearm ownership. They do not attempt to show any correlation with right to carry laws. Although the PAGV Brief asserts that "a higher incidence of armed individuals in public would increase the likelihood of violent encounters between civilian and law enforcement officials," it cites in support only affidavits from public officials and police administrators filed in support of laws challenged in Kachalsky v. County of Westchester, 701 F.3d 81 (2d Cir. 2012), and Woollard v. Gallagher, 712 F.3d 865 (4th Cir. 2013), and Gould v. Morgan, 907 F.3d 659 (1st Cir. 2018), and general data indicating the number of officers who died from criminals using firearms. Quoting an amicus brief filed in Peruta v. County of San Diego, 824 F.3d 919 (9th Cir. 2016), the PAGV Brief states that concealed weapons licensees have killed at least 11 law enforcement officers since 2007.
The Law Enforcement Brief, filed on behalf of eight law enforcement associations, presents the results of multiple surveys showing that law enforcement overwhelmingly supports the right of law-abiding citizens to carry concealed firearms.
It is unlikely that the decision in Bruen will turn upon social science evidence. The constitutional right to keep and bear arms does not depend on statistics. In Heller, Justice Breyer's dissent summarized the pro/con data and social science studies from the amicus briefs. He argued that because the evidence was mixed, the Court should defer to the judgment of the D.C. Council. The Heller majority did not discuss the modern social science. Rather, said the majority, the interest-balancing had already been done by the American people, when they ratified the Second Amendment.
Even so, as the English Brief concludes, "social science provides valuable empirical confirmation that exercise of this right does not exact the social costs claimed by Donohue and others who share his policy preferences."
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Yes we are supposed to believe the farce that law abiding citizens with guns with somehow translate to more crime, but letting out violent criminals who are repeat offenders somehow won't have any effect on the crime rate. That is liberal logic for you.
There is no liberal logic. After all, logic is racist.
So is math. 2+2=racism.
“The Heller majority did not discuss the modern social science. Rather, said the majority, the interest-balancing had already been done by the American people, when they ratified the Second Amendment.”
That can’t be emphasized enough. What second amendment denialists are really saying is that they disagree with the 2nd amendment but don’t have the power to change it.
Good thing that we have [checks notes] law professors to do social science research!
But seriously, on the merits this seems like the least surprising result ever. That shouldn't come as a surprise to a bunch of lawyers, there's a reason why the Constitution empowers Congress to make laws regulating interstate commerce. Unless New York is going to put border guards on its borders with other states, there isn't much it can do to prevent other states' lenient gun laws carrying over into its territory. The entirely predictable result is that a tough New York gun law would either have no effect, or affect law-abiding citizens only.
But that doesn't really answer the question of whether gun laws are a good idea. Because a good social scientist would start by choosing an appropriate counterfactual. Basically, which hypothetical law are we trying to test? And any US gun legislation worth the name would have to be Federal.
(And even then it would be a terrible idea because, realistically, that genie can't be put back in the box. Once you've got more guns than people, all you can do is accept that you're going to be in a world of low-level civil war for the time being. Arm the police like an army, and make any changes to gun legislation with a long-term perspective.)
"Once you've got more guns than people, all you can do is accept that you're going to be in a world of low-level civil war for the time being. Arm the police like an army,"
You realize that, in your scenario, you're treating the population of the country like a military enemy, right?
In reality, so long as you don't chose to make civilian disarmament a goal, the (vastly) greater part of the armed population are your ally, and the tiny minority are your enemy, and it really helps in a war if your allies aren't defenseless.
Setting out to render your allies defenseless just makes them regard you as their enemy. And justifiably so.
You realize that, in your scenario, you're treating the population of the country like a military enemy, right?
Don't blame me, take it up with US law enforcement. If you don't know who might shoot you, the only safe thing to do is to assume that anyone might shoot you.
Or, as the prophet said:
Oh, police have a very good idea who is going to shoot them. It's mostly the people who are already shooting each other. Sometimes other rioters, looters and arsonists.
My wife bought a car earlier this year, before the supply chain disruptions rippled through to prices on dealer lots. The salesman had been a police officer in the state capital (Richmond, VA) for years. Last summer, people shot at him four times in one day, and he decided a career change was in order. Car sales was a day job while he got training in information security.
And yet US police officers treat all citizens aggressively in a way that police in other countries don't. And this is exactly why: Anyone might pull out a gun and shoot them. There's a reason why any tourist guide targeted at foreign tourists looking to drive in the US has a section warning the reader about how to deal with cops. This is one of those things (white) Americans don't realise is weird, because they're used to it.
Got some crazy news for you, but police don't actually act like that in most of the country. They're only on edge in high crime areas.
re: "in a way that police in other countries don't"
For someone who claims to be a non-American (if I am remembering correctly from other threads), that is an astonishingly ignorant thing to say. Yes, we have a police abuse problem in the US. However, the only real difference between us and most other countries is that we consider it to be a problem. Look at the police in Singapore, Germany, China, the UK - pretty much any country with big cities and immigration-fueled diversity. You'll find exactly the same patterns of aggression and us/them mentality by police.
Sure, there are pockets of good police who understand the value of community and cooperation - and you'll find the same pockets in US police forces. Your general conclusion is entirely unsupportable.
My point is exactly not about police abuse. It's about standard police practice. Basically it's stuff like this, and the way it's applied in practice:
Way to miss the point. What we call police "abuse" in the US very frequently is standard police practice in other countries.
Yes, stop-and-frisk is a problem - in the US. Pretty much everywhere else, it's something so routine that people don't even think to object to it.
"The English Brief critiques the Donohue Study's methodology:"
The moment you mentioned it, I thought to myself, "Alright, which statistical mistakes and worst practices will THIS bunch have committed?"
Because I've never yet seen an anti-gun study that didn't do something shady.
The science is absolutely equivocal, but if you find flaws in everything saying more guns leads to more violent crime, that's more you clinging to your own worldview, and eagerly latching onto any critique.
Because one thing I've learned from my time in the gun policy outcome mines on this blog is there are a lot of studies. Perfectly legitimate studies on both sides indicating crime going up and crime going down, and indeed some saying no statistical correlation at all.
I'd like to enlist the CDC to take a robust look, but the GOP seems not to want that.
The CDC is impeached.
Trust CDC gun control advocates to do empirical research on guns.
As the 2004 sunset of the 1994 Assault Weapon Ban approached, both the Centers for Disease Control CDC and the National Research Council NRC did reviews of empirical research on gun violence and gun control, not just the AWB but other policies: they found no conclusive evidence gun control affected gun violence. The left ignored both reviews.
Katherine Christoffel, M.D.: "Guns are a virus that must be eradicated.... Get rid of the guns, get rid of the bullets, and you get rid of the deaths." in "Gun Control as Immunization."
Patrick O'Carroll, Acting Section Head of the Division of Injury Control, Centers for Disease Control: "We're going to systematically build a case that owning firearms causes deaths. We're doing the most we can do, given the political realities."
The theory of the clique at CDC promoting gun control was that guns are the germ of gun violence and that eliminating the germ will cure the disease and they needed to mount a crusade against guns. A medical approach -- victim infected by a germ (gun) getting a disease -- to a criminological problem -- an actor with motive and intent exploiting opportunities and utilizing a means (gun). If I had to fit gun violence to a medical model, it would be the immune system failure model.
CDC Additional Requirement 12 AR-12 banned using grant money in violation of the Anti-lobbying Act. CDC is part of the Executive Branch and cannot use funds from Congress to lobby Congress on specific legislation. The clique at CDC pushing the germ theory of gun violence to lobby Congress to act on gun control gave rise to AR-13: you can use grant money for empirical research on guns and violence, you cannot use grant money to lobby for gun control. This is usually represented by the gun control advocates as the GOP and NRA barring "research" on guns. / grants / additional-requirements / ar-12.html
CDC policy on grants (the anti-lobbying act) / grants / additional-requirements / ar-13.html
CDC Grants Additional Requirement 13
CDC on Yes, that includes gun control lobbying
CDC Addition Requirements AR-12 and AR-13 do not block empirical academic research: they do block lobbying Congress based on the apriori biases of advocates.
So the CDC did a review that found no conclusion either way, and you're still sure they're biased against your side?
And the rest is all cherry picked quotes and bizarre speculation.
Regardless of your own take on the law, I can tell you that the CDC believes it cannot fund studies on firearms due to Congressional intent.
Most of the studies that used crappy statistical procedures WERE being paid for by the CDC, prior to the Dickey amendment.
"but if you find flaws in everything saying more guns leads to more violent crime, that's more you clinging to your own worldview, and eagerly latching onto any critique."
Look, sometimes, (It happens!) the facts just happen to be on one side of a debate. And the side the facts say is wrong doesn't want to fold up its tents and do something else, so they resort to statistical trickery to create an illusion that they've got the facts on their side.
And I don't think it's any accident that the gun control movement's studies tend to engage in the sort of lousy statistical practices this one did. They do it because they're more devoted to the cause than to the science, the researchers who weren't have already switched sides or just decided to research something else.
Sometimes the facts just line up with what you think. Oh, sure, they don't LOOK like they line up, but I think you'll find if you're motivated enough you'll see on side is all flawed and the others side is mostly legit.
I mean, come on, dude.
Even if the facts were all on your side, you'd expect some studies to come out the other way, because that's how statistics work. If you don't see even that background, it means you're in motivated reason territory.
The "weapons effect" is a deeply held article of faith in the gun prohibition community, but it has no basis in science.
I thought you were 'all in' on science, Sarcastr0. What happened? 🙂
I'm all in on the truth, and believe science is by far our best tool to get there. And common sense/intuition/incredulity are really bad at that function.
I also never believe single studies because while science is our best tool, single studies are only marginally better than guessing.
And psychology is always tricky. At this point, I'd like to see a more robust phenomenological foundation laid before we start trying to figure causality.
But that kind of top-down coordinated approach is not how science is or should be done.
Well we agree about being all in on the truth, Sarcastr0. That is for sure.
Brett, if the facts are all on the gun rights side, the Dickey Amendment is a strange way of showing that.
When the facts are really on your side, you welcome research, including even research from your critics (you can shoot holes in it). The gun rights side acts exactly like they know the truth and DON'T WANT IT studied.
Oh heck no! I do not approve of my tax dollars funding motivated research. That is not science.
Not so much. You are assuming the studies actually reveal anything useful. This is very much like paying a huge group of shaman to enter trances and opine about the issue. Strangely the ones politically connected to progressives give progressive answers and the ones connected to conservatives give conservative answers. It is nothing but sarcastrian motivated thinking top to bottom. Shooting holes in the opposing positions points means absolutely nothing.
I am sure in this case, you would be saying "If the God's really did favor your side, you wouldn't object to the Shaman !" Frankly, I think of better uses for public funds than such propaganda.
Lets not investigate because I've decided a priori all investigations will be useless?
Dude, come on.
A reminder: The Dickey amendment didn't prohibit research. "Provided further, That none of the funds made available for injury prevention and control at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention may be used to advocate or promote gun control:"
It was the CDC itself that decided that, if it couldn't spend the money advocating gun control, there was no point in doing any research. Hardly surprising, though, when you consider that they'd been up front about the sole purpose of the research they were funding being the promotion of gun control. From '93-95 they were quite publicly stating that their goal was to get guns banned. In the December 9th, 1993 issue of Rolling Stone, the head of the CDC announced a plan to promote gun control at the agency, with the goal of convincing Americans to reject gun ownership. And the research they were funding was guaranteed in advance to promote that aim. Their spring '95 issue of the Injury Prevention Network Newsletter was devoted entirely to the topic of how to promote gun control.
They were basically functioning as a tax funded gun control organization at the time. That's why the Dickey amendment came about.
A reminder: CDC officials have quite vocally taken it as a sub rosa prohibition since the '90s.
Although the actual scope of the prohibition was debatable, its effect was not. CDC officials understood that the Dickey Amendment was “a shot fired across the bow”. The NRA and its supporters in Congress had made clear that the CDC had to avoid any studies that could be perceived as anti-gun efforts. CDC funding for research relating to firearms became almost nonexistent. As noted by Kellermann and Rivara, “Precisely what was or was not permitted under the clause was unclear. But no federal employee was willing to risk his or her career or the agency’s funding to find out."
"A reminder: CDC officials have quite vocally taken it as a sub rosa prohibition"
If the legislature passes a law saying 'thou shalt not run red lights', and you decide to interpret that as 'I can't drive to the grocery store', what should the legislature do?
If what the legislature said was ambiguous they should clarify, but 'none of the funds made available for injury prevention and control at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention may be used to advocate or promote gun control' isn't ambiguous.
There have been times since the Dickey amendment when the Dems controlled the House, Senate, and Presidency, and you suggest the CDC leadership they appointed was afraid to do non-advocacy research?
I'd like to see a robust meta-review of the existing evidence as well. The CDC has neither the expertise nor the independence to conduct that meta-review.
? The CDC absolutely has both.
Would you prefer the National Academies?
No, they don't. They squandered their independence a few decades ago by pretty blatantly violating anti-lobbying laws. Their expertise does include the analysis of statistical studies but that expertise is honed on medical issues and disease models. Neither are especially appropriate to sociological issues.
If the CDC has analytic capacity to spare, they should spend it solving the reproducibility problem in medical research before they attempt to meddle in other fields.
Hardly blatant. That had been common practice across a number of grantmaking departments, including the national guard. The OIG reversing itself is not some scandal.
I fail to see how statistical expertise is not transferable across disciplines.
The reproducibility problem is a basic research issue. CDC is more on the applied side.
"I fail to see how statistical expertise is not transferable across disciplines."
It's not so much a question of statistical expertise; The CDC could competently apply their expertise on a topic they were capable of being impartial about, if it were just a matter of math competence.
If they were capable of impartiality...
What they lack competence in is criminology. They start from an assumption that guns are a causal factor, when the actual causal factor is human intent. If you're asking, "Do guns cause crime", you've already made a category error; People cause crime. Guns are at most used in committing it.
Shockingly, Brett has found liberal bias in another institution, and has decided they can't do their jobs.
Statistically, gun owner ship rates can absolutely be proven to be a causal link to crime rates. There is no category error there - it's a worthwhile area of inquiry.
"Statistically, gun owner ship rates can absolutely be proven to be a causal link to crime rates"
There ya go. Sarc simply cannot distinguish in his mind the complete and utter difference between "gun owner ship (sic)" by those who -- per the law -- are "prohibited" from even possessing a firearm, and the other 95% of the population who are not so prohibited. And that the vast majority of gun crimes are committed by those very people who legally cannot "own" a firearm.
I'm saying I want studies, dude.
I'm talking about data, I'm not talking about policy.
Cool your jets.
See, you're making the same mistake the CDC was prone to, and selected researchers who shared: Treating the guns, not the owners, as possessing agency.
Guns can't cause squat. My guns sit in my gun cabinet unless I take them out, they've never once decided to go on a killing spree, and never will. Because they're inanimate objects.
People are the causal factor here, guns are just a tool people use. But the CDC was determined to treat guns as a causal factor. Like it was guns causing criminals to shoot their victims, causing the suicidal to kill themselves.
This obsession with the causal power of guns caused them to design studies so that all causation would be attributed to guns. The overwhelming dominance of other factors was just treated as noise.
It's a fundamental rule of this sort of statistical analysis that, in the presence of multiple causes, in order to measure the power of a given cause, you have to be able to identify and control for other causes. And the stronger those other causes are, the more precisely you must be able to account for them, to avoid accidentally attributing some of their force to a factor that just happens to slightly correlate with them.
But that's not a problem the CDC addresses, because they start out with the assumption that guns are THE causal factor, nothing else to control for. And certainly no need to control for human intentions, since humans aren't, in the CDC's vision, acting here. We're merely acted on, by the guns.
You don't know how causation works statistically? I can't believe that, Brett.
Indeed, it is elementary that when you're doing a study, you isolate for as many factors as you can, causal or not. Because confounding factors need not be causal (indeed, causes are often independent, which means you *don't* need to control for them)
That control is something the CDC would absolutely do, and it's pretty silly to think they would not.
It does, however, show how you have found every study finding a relationship to be flawed - it's because you assume the outcome is flawed off the break.
If it is found that whenever the ubiquity of guns goes down, the incidence of crime goes down, then it's causally related. Your rhetoric about it just being a tool has nothing to do with that.
Personally, I'm not at all convinced that is what they will find. As I said, I find the studies quite equivocal.
If it is found that whenever the ubiquity of guns goes down, the incidence of crime goes down, then it's causally related.
If it is found that whenever ubiquity of ice cream cones goes down, the incidence of heat stroke goes down, then it's causally related?
Conflate and confuse. I hope it makes you a good lawyer, because it makes a shitty person.
"If it is found that whenever the ubiquity of guns goes down, the incidence of crime goes down, then it's causally related."
Did you know that crude oil imports from Norway cause railway crossing deaths[1]?
(If you don't like that one, go to 'tylervigen dot com slash spurious-correlations' and there are thousands more)
(also, in general there isn't a correlation between 'gun ubiquity' and crime)
[1]Alternatively, you could argue that the causality runs the other way, and that railway crossing deaths cause oil imports from Norway.
Donohue assigns greater weight to data from more populous states. English calls Donohue's method "statistically indefensible." For example, Florida, Georgia, Alabama, Mississippi, North Carolina, and South Carolina all provide natural experiments in the effects of changes in carry licensing laws. English weights each of these experiments equally. Donahue gives greater weight to Florida, because it has the largest population.
Just as a technical matter Donahue's approach seems better to me. Weighting all states equally looks wrong.
Suppose a state with a population of, say, ten million, loosens its carry laws at some point during the study period. So it goes into the studies. OK. Now say that doesn't happen, but two states with combined population of ten million do that, and go into the study.
Now English's results change, while Donahue's don't, even though there is no real difference here. In both cases the laws were loosened for ten million people.
That doesn't seem right to me.
Your hypotheticals are a great way to explain the problem but you're not looking at it from the right perspective. In your first scenarios, it's only one loosening of the law - that is, one data point, not ten million. In your second scenario, it's two loosenings of the law - that is, two data points.
Weighting by state headcount means you're not evaluating the thing that's the target of the investigation - the statistical effect of a particular loosening of the law.
I see your point, Rossami, but I'm not sure I buy it. It really looks artificial to me. In my scenario laws are loosened for some region. Whether it took two legislatures or one to do it doesn't look like much of a difference.
Look at it another way. Suppose a large state experiences a significant increase in crime, while a small state that loosens restrictions doesn't. That increase looks a lot smaller overall to English than to Donahue, but not to the combined populace of the two states.
Of course there may easily be reasons for the difference - greater urbanization jumps out as one thing - in which case averaging across states isn't the most helpful thing to do.
Your approach (two legislatures vs one) could make sense if both states started with the same law and both loosened it exactly the same way. Then you would be measuring the cumulative effects of one change.
In the 'natural experiment' analyzed in these two studies, that was not the case. Each state started from a different point and each legislature loosened their law in different ways. The data from those two different experiments cannot be simply aggregated - which is fundamentally what that weighting methodology does. Donahue was attempting to tease out a larger conclusion - that any loosening leads to an increase.
There are many factors that could influence the correlation that Donahue claimed to find. But I see no plausible support for a claim that the strength of the correlation should be linearly proportional to population size. If Delaware's change had twice the impact of New York's, that would say something important about the nature of the change that Delaware made compared to New York's. Donahue's weighting methodology would throw that information away.