The Volokh Conspiracy
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9/11/2001 in Staten Island, New York
My annual remembrance of September 11, 2011
I post this essay every year in honor of September 11th, 2001 (see 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, and 2020).
Every generation has a defining moment. For my generation, it was 9/11/2001.
Here are my memories of 9/11/2001. It was a Tuesday.
I was a Senior at Staten Island Technical High School, which is about 20 miles from ground zero. We were about 1 week into the school year. I was sitting in Ms. Endriss's 2nd Period A.P. Political Science class. We were going over some NYC Public School discipline policy, and discussing what kinds of weapons were forbidden in schools (brass knuckles were a no-no). A student walked into the classroom late. He had heard a rumor that a Cessna airplane had hit the World Trade Center. A girl in my class exclaimed that her father worked in the World Trade Center. I could see the look of fear in her eyes, even though none of us had any clue what was going on. She wanted to call her dad. I was the only student in the class with a cell phone, which I promptly gave her. The call did not go through–he worked on one of the upper floors of the tower, and passed away.
We finished second period, apprehensively. I logged onto a computer, and attempted to check the news. I recall one friend told me to check for news. At that point, the reports were unclear, and no one knew what was going on. We proceeded to 3rd period A.P. Calculus with Mr. Curry. At that point, someone told us that it was not a Cessna, but in fact a passenger jet. We were all getting nervous, and didn't quite know what was going on. Later in class, a student came into the class and said a second plane had crashed into the other tower. We also heard that there was an explosion at the Pentagon. At that point, we knew it was not an accident.
I remember leaving the class (something I never did) and walked up to the library where I knew there was a T.V. Just as I arrived in the library, I saw the first tower collapse. I watched it live. I was stunned and could not believe what was happening before my eyes. I grabbed my cellphone to call home, and almost immediately after the tower collapsed, I lost all service. I was not able to call my mom in Staten Island, though I could call my dad who was working in Long Island. Long distance calls seemed to work, but local calls were not working. I remember my dad told me that this was a life-changing event, and he had no idea what would happen. I heard some rumors on TV that there were 15 planes that were hijacked, and unaccounted for in the skies.
By lunch time, the school guidance counselor set up a conference room where students could go to talk. I remember seeing student after student who had a family member or friend who worked in the World Trade Center or in Manhattan. A large number of firefighters and police officers reside in Staten Island. Tragically, many of the emergency responders who perished were from Staten Island. What could we even tell those students?
After that, the day become a blur. I remember hearing that the second tower had collapsed, though I did not see it. I remember watching the entire United States Congress sing God Bless America on the steps of the Capitol. I had never been so afraid in my life. Later that night, I took a bus home. The New York City public buses were still running, and I remember the driver was not collecting fares. On the bus, people were talking about the imminent war (against whom, no one knew) and the imminent draft. Some were saying that students were exempt from the draft.
The next morning, September 12, 2001, I woke up and smelled this horrible smell. The air had this pungent odor, that reminded me of burned flesh at a BBQ. I went to school that morning, and attendance was low. In all of my classes, we were talking about war. I asked whether the US would need to use nuclear weapons. My teacher explained that carpet bombing–a phrase I had never heard of–could wreak plenty of damage in Afghanistan. Later that week students began making sandwiches for the relief workers, and collecting goods to donate to the relief effort.
From Staten Island, I could see the smoldering Ground Zero. It was surreal. The skyline looked so very empty. To this day, whenever I look at the Skyline, a sight I had seen thousands of times, I have the most bizarre feeling. Additionally, whenever we saw an airplane fly overhead, we all freaked out. This lasted for months.
For days, weeks, and months after 9/11, people in Staten Island were waiting for their loved ones to come home. Many patients were alive, but were so badly burned that they could not be identified. People prayed that these unnamed patients would soon come home. One woman whose husband was a firefighter waited outside her home every single night for months. She eventually put a candle in her window every night. Later, she put a memorial lamp in her window. He never came home. Others were simply waiting for remains of their loved ones to be returned. Many were never identified.
I ordered a gas mask from eBay, which I kept in my car, fearing a biological weapon attack on New York City. I remember I tried it on once and I almost suffocated. I wanted to order some Cipro for an anthrax attack, but I could not locate any.
It is hard to encapsulate what a New Yorker went through on 9/11. Thinking back on that day, when I was just 17 years old, I realized that I had to grow up awfully quick. It was a new world we were living in.
Never forget. Ever.
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SI Tech is about 11 miles from the WTC, not 20.
I thank Josh for this personal remembrance and feel moved by it. Josh should ignore the sniping by the petty garbage people here.
Bill Clinton was impeached for raising taxes on the rich by the Republican lawyer scumbags. The rest is just pretext, a fake use of the law. He spent 1000 hours a year on his defense, instead of on Al Qaeda after the first tower bombing. Lawyer bad faith game playing was a major factor in our failure to prevent 9/11.
Then this female FBI agent says, a bunch of Arabs are taking jet pilot lessons. Instead of saying, go interview them, the politically correct scumbag lawyer supervisor shuts her down. He does not want to offend Muslims.
Mueller headed the FBI in 2004, during the 9/11 Commission Report. He saw to it, the real reasons, the real preventive measures were covered up in that review.
If the lawyer were not in charge of the legal system, the people who promoted the Clinton impeachment, the supervisors of the FBI all the way to the top, would have been arrested, tried, and summarily executed for treason. Mueller should have been included in the arrest list under 18 U.S. Code § 3, accessory after the fact, and sent to federal prison for 15 years, since the criminals received the death penalty.
This brings up a new approach to war that should be adopted. The oligarchic theory of government and of war.
Twenty families, some in the US, financed the campaign of Adolf Hitler, and put him into power. They made $millions from German government contracts. They are the real causes of World War II. Hitler had their beliefs 100%, down to a reliance on astrology, not the other way around. These responsible people were not only immunized, but were recruited to restart the German economy, privileged and enriched by the scumbag US lawyer profession.
The same is true of 9/11. The financiers of Al Qaeda, the people who shorted the airlines that Summer, are still thriving. Their beliefs and aims are unchanged. Now, groveling Taliban appeaser, scumbag lawyer, Biden, has returned Afghanistan to them.
It should be the new war making policy of the US to stop killing millions of peasants and working people. All they want is to be home, and to take care of their families. Mass destruction is idiotic, but our military is totally controlled by the stupidest people in our country, the dumbass lawyer profession, with their embedded Commissars of Political Correctness. Our military should identify and target the oligarchs behind threats on our nation, and destroy them and their entire families down to the last kitten. To deter. If any is the head of state, too bad. End all immunities.
To establish this new doctrine, arrest the lawyer leadership of our military. Try them an hour, and execute them in the court basement for treason. It cannot be done until that happens.
As a New Yorker I remember that burnt-flesh smell well. It lasted months.
No, Josh, the world did not "change forever". You did not have to "grow up fast". I understand how traumatic it must have been for you. But this is all drama-queen bullshit.
9/11 should have been treated as a police matter. Find the bad guys and bring them to justice. Instead we got into a "global war on terror" and caused death and destruction that made 9/11 look trivial. We long ago lost any moral authority on this issue. We point to the 3000 dead that day and the world laughs at us for our self-centeredness and chutzpah. With good reason.
Speaking of chutzpah.
What a nasty and disloyal person, you are.
I do not quarrel with your message, captcrisis, but I am inclined to give Prof. Blackman a pass on this one. Even for the 'here are multiple links to the repeated publications.' He was a teenager.
I provide a similar to pass to George W. Bush. He was an average, well-meaning man overmatched by his office and overwhelmed by extraordinary circumstance. That he failed in that position is neither remarkable nor greatly culpable. Plenty of elected officials, journalists, military personnel, political leaders, and others -- many of whom were qualified for their positions and also meant well -- fell short, too.
For some others -- the architects of and cheerleaders for counterproductive and immoral warmongering (on all sides), the mercenaries, the bigots, the profiteers, those whose lousy conduct across decades made the United States a target, those who abused any legitimate grievances against America -- the accountability should be unflinching. They failed dishonorably and deserve scorn and shunning.
This is an exceptional context. I hope I concentrate my criticism on those who created and exploited it, not those who are merely attempting to make sense of or peace with it.
Artie. Try to be specific, you vile lawyer weasel. These are general platitudes and meaningless.
Thank god America woke up and preserved freedom for ourselves and our posterity.
Now 100,000,000 of you, sew this badge to your coats so businesses know not to hire your undesirable asses. And papers, please.
And make sure government monitors every financial transaction for illegality, or just punishment of uppity folk, who's to say? This panopticon is a fantastic development tyrants of yore could only dream of.
And build a mechanism to scan your phones and computers for more illegality and report to government. Hey, think of the children. [Two years later] We didn't say only children. Any illegal stuff, hell, all of it, should be fed to neutral AI that only reports illegality or stuff dangerous to those in power, such that they might get voted out.
Let freedom reign.
This is the swansong of the control of the '60s generation, a group suffuse with the self-aggrandizement of their wondeful morality and kind hearts, look at me and give little claps of approval.
Monster borrowing now untethered from even the sophistry of GDP growth. A multi-faceted panopticon in every modern electronic convenience, scanning your devices, your every financial trsnsaction down to the debit card buying a candy bar from a machine. So much for the idea the people should not give up their protections as the price of participation in modern convenience.
'member Demolition Man, with Sylvester Stallone and Wesley Snipes, where AI monitored speech everywhere, and spit out tickets if you said offending things?
Oh god damn, thost stupid science fiction writers.
Well said.
Many people lost their minds after 9/11. Christopher Hitchens comes to mind. Dennis Miller too. In fact as a nation we collectively did, and the few sane voices got drowned out. And at the root of the madness was the idea that 9/11 "changed everything", that we had to "grow up fast". I don't mind Josh revealing what he thought as a teenager, but he's 37 now. To make peace with 9/11, and to make sense of it, we have to see it for what it was -- not a "clash of civilizations", but a fantastically lucky (from their viewpoint, of course) result by a handful of bad men who had a harebrained plan.
"9/11 should have been treated as a police matter. Find the bad guys and bring them to justice."
Yes, but that would've meant letting a crisis go to waste. "A new Pearl Harbor" is what they said they wanted, and that's exactly what they got. No way they weren't going to use it as an opportunity to extend US imperial power in the Middle East.
About 10 years ago a guy did an "alternative history" film on what would be different if we treated 9/11 like a murder investigation. It was an amateur production, but well scripted. I can't remember the name (or readily find it online), but remember enjoying it at the time. It was definitely thought provoking. If anyone can remember the title please post it.
Never forget September 11, 1973 - the date the US orchestrated a coup against the democratically-elected socialist government of Salvador Allende, installing military dictator Augusto Pinochet into power, who immediately massacred thousands of his political opponents. This was only one of 66 regime change actions taken by the US since World War II, 44 of which were against democratic governments.
Then, 28 years later, for absolutely no reason whatsoever, some people attacked our peaceful city on a hill by flying planes into buildings.
Socialists avenging Allende?
Apparently the "war on terrorism" transformed under Obama into colonial occupation, propping up a puppet government, where we brow beat an extreme feminist agenda into the brown people of a foreign country for a decade. But, the left was cool with the forever war when this became the objective and goal.
Josh Blackman, nobody cares about your personal experience of 911. If you were a celebrity, stupid people would care. That's why there is a big media industry selling the personal vapidities of celebrities to stupid people.
If you were first-hand, personally involved, some media might taking a passing interest, on an anniversary. But you are not a celebrity; you were not personally involved. Like almost the entire nation, you were a bystander.
Here is a tip to keep in mind, about the broadcast media. They have exactly one question to use when talking to nobodies, or to people they think are nobodies. They ask, "How do you feel?" When you get that question, you know you are being dismissed as a nobody, by a media person having a bad day, who wishes she had a better assignment.
So it is a very bad look to rush to answer the, "How do you feel," question, when nobody is even asking.