The Volokh Conspiracy
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Submit Articles to the Peer-Reviewed Journal of Free Speech Law
We will review it quickly, and, if we accept it, publish it quickly.
Nearly all the top law reviews are closed for the Summer, as are about half of all the general-interest American law journals of all ranks. But we're open, and can publish your article as early as August; that means you can publish with us close to a year earlier than you can publish with most student journals. Indeed, if you wait for the Fall submission cycle when most journals will reopen, you won't be able to submit to those journals until August, the month in which you could already be published with us.
We do expect exclusive submission, but that should be easy for authors when the other journals are on break; and we promise an answer within two weeks, a promise we've consistently kept. So please submit an anonymized draft via Scholastica here.
And we're also offering a modest amount of reviewer feedback—constructive, we hope—if the article is rejected, something most other law reviews don't do. So submit now; submission guidelines are at We accept articles from all sorts of authors; we neither exclude submissions from law students or other non-lawyer/non-law-professors nor offer them any separate publication track.
Our first issue will be a symposium on social media platform regulation, scheduled to be out in July; ten prominent scholars will be publishing their articles.
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