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Another "Racial Ridicule" Arrest in Connecticut, This One for an Online Insult
But the "racial ridicule" statute under which this is happening (1) by its terms doesn't cover such speech, and (2) if it did, it would be unconstitutional.
From NBC Connecticut:
A teenager who attends school in Fairfield was arrested after an alleged racist post circulated on social media, according to police.
Officials said a 16-year-old boy allegedly posted a photo on Snapchat which included a racial slur directed towards a Black male classmate, who was also in the photo.
Fairfield Warde High School administrators and police are investigating the incident and the teen was arrested on charges including ridicule on account of creed, religion, color, denomination, nationality or race, as well as second degree breach of peace, officials said.
Some thoughts:
[1.] The "racial ridicule" statute is Connecticut General Statutes § 53-37 (which, oddly enough, is listed in some Connecticut government documents under the "affirmative action" category, as in this Affirmative Action Policy Statement and this Affirmative Action—Laws List):
Any person who, by his advertisement, ridicules or holds up to contempt any person or class of persons, on account of the creed, religion, color, denomination, nationality or race of such person or class of persons, shall be fined not more than fifty dollars or imprisoned not more than thirty days or both.
[2.] The statute is pretty obviously facially unconstitutional, because it suppresses speech based on its content (and viewpoint), and because there's no First Amendment exception for speech that insults based on race or religion. Beauharnais v. Illinois (1952) did uphold a "group libel" statute that banned derogatory statements about racial and religious groups, but that decision is widely and rightly regarded as obsolete, given the last 50 years of First Amendment jurisprudence. The only part of Beauharnais that likely survives is its general conclusion that there is a libel exception to the First Amendment; since then, that exception has been dramatically narrowed. As the Court has repeatedly held, racist and religiously bigoted speech is as constitutionally protected as speech that expresses other ideas. To quote Justice Alito's opinion (with which the concurrence seemed to fully agree),
Speech that demeans on the basis of race, ethnicity, gender, religion, age, disability, or any other similar ground is hateful; but the proudest boast of our free speech jurisprudence is that we protect the freedom to express "the thought that we hate."
[3.] But wait: The statute in any event only covers "advertisement[s]"; it seems extremely unlikely that the post vaguely described in the article fits that. "Advertisement" generally isn't used in legal contexts to refer to speech more broadly, and the statute was enacted in 1917, as "An Act concerning Discrimination at Places of Public Accommodation." It really was aimed at "advertisement[s]" for businesses, not at racist opinions generally.
To be sure, Connecticut prosecutors haven't been enforcing the law as it is written. I have found no prosecutions for advertisements that ridicule people based on race or religion—not for commercial advertisements (which in any event would be pretty bad for business these days) and not for political advertisements.
Instead, based on the over a dozen police reports that I've read (going back about 20 years), prosecutors seem to be mostly enforcing the statute to punish people for race- or religion-based "fighting words": generally speaking, face-to-face personal insults that include racial slurs or, in one case I found, religious slurs.
Now that might be less troubling than trying to punish, say, political advertisements. But is itself unconstitutional. Such insults may be offensive and empty of serious arguments, but they aren't advertisements, under any definition of the word "advertisement." The convicted defendants are not guilty of the crime they were charged with, given the plain text of the statute. And there are no appellate decisions reinterpreting the text of the statute (as there are for some statutes), so the defendants weren't guilty under either the law as written or the law as authoritatively construed. Indeed, the one nonprecedential decision I could find, National Socialist White People's Party v. Southern New England Telephone Co. (D. Mass. 1975) (3-judge court), and the one decision cited in that case, State v. Jensen (Conn. Cir. Ct. 1969), read the statute—consistently with its text—as genuinely limited to "advertisements."
[4.] And even if the statute were somehow read as banning race- or religion-based fighting words—contrary to its text—there's a Supreme Court decision squarely holding such selective fighting words bans unconstitutional: R.A.V. v. City of St. Paul (1992). R.A.V. struck down a ban on those fighting words that "arouse[] anger, alarm or resentment in others" based on, among other things, race or religion; this statute seems to be read as a ban on those fighting words that "ridicule[] or hold[] up to contempt any person or class of persons" based on, race, religion, or nationality. The words of R.A.V. apply just as well to this statute: Even assuming that "all of the expression reached by the [statute] is proscribable under the 'fighting words' doctrine," the statute "is facially unconstitutional in that it prohibits otherwise permitted speech solely on the basis of the subjects the speech addresses."
[5.] Connecticut does have a general and constitutionally valid fighting words statute: the "breach of the peace" statute, which was also reported as part of the basis for the arrest. But it's constitutional precisely because it has been limited to in-person insults that risk an immediate fight:
Because the rationale underlying the fighting words doctrine is the state's interest in preventing the immediate violent reaction likely to result when highly offensive language is used to insult and humiliate the addressee, "[t]he potential to elicit [such] an immediate violent response exists only [when] the communication occurs [face to face] or in close physical proximity."
That is extremely unlikely with an online post, except in highly unusual circumstances (e.g., if A posts something insulting about B that is likely to be read when the two are also "in close physical proximity" with each other). So I doubt that the arrest can be valid even under that statute, even if the slur was understood by the other boy in the photo as an insult [UPDATE 5/9/21: as it apparently was]. But it's certainly invalid, I think, under the racial ridicule statute.
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The punishment is the arrest, not the fine.
It's a loophole cops love to exploit.
I also how doing something that will provoke BLM now constitutes breaching the peace...
No, BLM breaches the peace...
All crybaby minorities must provide the full DNA genome to be placed in the record. Ours are all half misfit from British Isles. Real black people recently from Africa outperformed whites in the 2010 Census. People with really black skins are the new Koreans, much pursued by employers and admission officials. These already top performers will really rake it in from the kowtowing to the violent thugs of BLM. One became President for Pete's sake.
All woke entities must be boycotted. They speak and promote the interests of the Chinese Communist Party. They are our enemy.
Desuetude violates the Equal Protection Clauses of the Fifth and of the Fourteenth Amendments.
Desuetude would make a good Amendment, as a weapon of mass destruction of all rules that are undesirable, and no longer helpful. Make it a shourt period, like 5 years.
has operated for
without publishing a vile
racial slur and for more than
without engaging in (known)
viewpoint-driven censorship.
Congratulations to the operators of this
White, male, movement conservative blog!
Artie, would love it if you said something in lawyer. I believe you when you say you are a lawyer, but try to be lawyerly one time.
UPDATE: The Volokh Conspiracy did not complete this day without publishing a vile racial slur; please disregard the assertion this White, male, conservative blog completed 12 days of operation without gratuitous publication of that racial slur.
Sbould they be arrested? That's the issue.
Bigots have rights, too.
Since you clearly consider "white" and "male" to be slurs, lookign like you're publishing a racial slur with this post
All lawyer procedures are procedures on the body. That includes a fine, which takes away labor, the only source of money. All procedures should be shown safe and effective prior to being allowed in open society.
I am looking for this statute in PA. All diversity trainers should be arrested if I can find it.
If there were a modicum of consistency in enforcement, Sacha Baron Cohen would be facing years behind bars in a Connecticut state prison for Borat, Bruno, and Ali G. In the films, Cohen ridicules and foments hate toward Teutons, Slavs, and Arabs***. Where is the Connecticut Attorney General?
***Sailer asks what do these 3 groups have in common?
JohnnyAppleseed: As Borat, doesn't he mostly ridicule Kazakhs?
Kazakhs = Cossack's. Get it?
No, not really.
Come one man, all he's missing is the whip.
>Cohen loves to let his fellow Jews in on the joke. Borat #1 had plenty of Hebrew in it, primarily when Borat is ostensibly speaking his native Kazakh tongue. Aside from throwing a bouquet to his landsmen, this is Cohen’s way of demonstrating that his depiction of Kazakhstan is purely fictitious. Borat might as well have haled from Cossack-stan. Or a Kurdish moshav in the Negev.
I forget which movie it was -- I think he's done three -- but he wanted a gun "to kill Jews" and was so flagrant that I believe the gun dealer wound up not selling him one. And in his 2nd movie, he damn near started a real riot at a rodeo in Virginia.
And "throw the Jews down the well"?
That's real close to criminal, i.e. advocating murder.
Watching conservatives try to figure the target of Sacha Baron Cohen's mocking comedy is surprisingly entertaining.
Kirkland, there is no small amount of "Whiskey Tango Foxtrot" -- see above at 1:24. There is no small amount of "he didn't really say that, did he?" -- stuff so far outside of your baseline that you presume it had to be something else.
"conservatives" LOL No. Conservatives still think you're human. Transcendent types understand you cockroaches don't belong in stable society.
Also "mocking" is a form of ridicule.
Breach of peace charge is also clearly unconstitutional. Breach of peace statutes cannot be used to punish viewpoint based speech (See Terminello v. Chicago).
We don't have a functioning legal system in this country. The sooner people realize this, the faster the system can be fixed. In the meantime, lolbertarians and cuckservatives pontificate about "principles", "rule of law", and "honor". All bullshit standards to which leftists and neoliberals have no intention of holding themselves that only serve to neuter the soldier class. The only notions the system and its sclerotic proponents understand are violence and the threat of violence. If enforcing these statutes came with more risk, then they would disappear quickly. Unfortunately, society is still too atomized to fix this. In the meantime, ride the tiger.
the soldier class</I.
violence and the threat of violence
Oh boy, I hope this guy sticks around.
You could just say
>"I'm illiterate when it comes to political philosophy, yet I still simp for my woke neoliberal corporate overlords because maybe if I'm lucky they'll give me a small raise, and my ugly wife will stop cheating on me."
Describes your entire online personality in 1 sentence. You're welcome.
It occurs to me the original intent of the statute may have been to ban posting of signs like "White Only", "Irish need not apply", "No Jews" "No Papists", etc.
The problem with Jim Crow was not the discrimination. It was the laws enforcing discrimination at the point of a gun. If a business discriminates, open one across the street that does not, and thrive.
My sign would be, "Gay Weddings are Fabulous. Come see our Cakes" Gay incomes are a full standard deviation above het incomes in the 2010 Census. They have very few expenses. Great cake customers. men make more than straight men? PC culture just keeps making less and less sense everyday.
Well, sure: They're not busy raising kids, that does tend to cut into your income potential, as well as killing your discretionary income.
Still, there are few enough SSM's happening that it would have to be just a sideline outside of someplace like SF.
There are a lot of SSM where one person is a public employee to benefit from the spouce employee benefits -- health insurance and pension. As the spouse is often much younger, this is part of why public pensions are in trouble.
No. It isn't. Please stop making things up.
Gay men and lesbians are disproportionately represented in higher income professions and disproportionately hold advanced degrees.
Gay men yes. Lesbians no — HR salaries are increasing?
"The statute is pretty obviously facially unconstitutional, because it suppresses speech based on its content (and viewpoint), and because there's no First Amendment exception for speech that insults based on race or religion."
Any time now somebody is going to argue that being insulted is a "badge or incident of slavery", and a court will take them seriously.
Being black could certainly be argued, not so sure about all of the other protected classes.
I figured out a way to safely say the n-word in law school by watching the new show “The Underground Railroad”. In the show white people say the n-word and nobody has a problem with it...and that is because the Black creator of the show gave them permission to use the n-word. So in order for a professor in a law school to use the n-word the professor would need to get permission to say the word from a respected Black professor. I also wonder if a white screenwriter can write the n-word or if they have to write “n-word” before getting permission from a Black actor or director?? So can Quentin Tarantino write the n-word before Samuel L Jackson has read and approved the script??
What does such permission cost?
I presume that the characters who use the word get their comeuppance - maybe that's the implied exception.
"Beauharnais v. Illinois (1952) did uphold a "group libel" statute that banned derogatory statements about racial and religious groups, but that decision is widely and rightly regarded as obsolete, given the last 50 years of First Amendment jurisprudence."
The embedded link in "widely and rightly regarded as obsolete" is to an earlier blog post from Eugene arguing that the decision is obsolete. I'm not sure that Eugene citing Eugene is evidence that a decision is "widely" and "rightly" regarded as obsolete. In a future post on this case, I guess he'll cite this post as additional evidence that the case is widely and rightly regarded as obsolete.
Well, the linked post gives some explanation for why I think it's "rightly regarded as obsolete." And it also cites several sources that show it's "widely ... regarded as obsolete":
Isn't that the way links are supposed to work? Rather than repeating all the argument and sources, I link to them. The existence of the linked-to post isn't my evidence; the evidence given in the linked-to post is my evidence.
I presume the statute was aimed at advertisements like this:
(though there are questions of intent, it was seen as ridiculing a national group)
Get the handcuffs...
Legal question: Does this advertisement target a "race" or "nationality"?
How about this one - does it ridicule a class of persons based on religion?
"Any person who, by his advertisement, ridicules or holds up to contempt any person or class of persons, on account of the creed, religion, color, denomination, nationality or race of such person or class of persons, shall be fined not more than fifty dollars or imprisoned not more than thirty days or both."
So, this means I can sue Amazon for selling "White Fragility", right?
"Ridicules or holds up to contempt any person or class of persons, on account of the ... color" seems pretty straightforward, here
No. Setting aside its blatant unconstitutionality, do you see the word "sue" where in the statute? It's a criminal statute, not a civil cause of action.
Ok, so I need to get a prosecutor to go after them?
That's even better! Let's put Bezos in jail!
File a police report. Also file one against Trey Parker and Matt Stone for subjecting the people of CT to bigotry and inundating them with ridicule when Book of Mormon played in Hartford.
Does anybody know the history behind Connecticut's "racial ridicule law?" In other words, prior to the enactment of this statute in 1917, I imagine that there must have been something specific (meaning much more precise than just our nation's general attitude of racism) going on either in the state of Connecticut, in the country as a whole, or both that prompted Connecticut state legislators to enact this law. Does anyone know what it was?