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Foreign Law in American Courts
Virginia Court Refuses to Honor Jordanian Divorce, Because Parties Weren't Residing in Jordan at the Time
From Alkhairy v. Atoum, 104 Va. Cir. 324, decided a year ago by Judge Grace Burke Carroll (Va. Cir. Ct.), but just posted on Westlaw:
The issue to be decided is whether the Virginia court system should grant comity of the Jordanian divorce rendering this case moot. This Court finds the Jordanian divorce will not be granted comity as the procedures employed by the Jordanian court system are not in alignment with those required to obtain a divorce in the Commonwealth of Virginia….
The pertinent facts for purposes of this motion are in 2004, [Husband] immigrated to the United States. Since 2011-2012, [Husband] has resided in the Commonwealth of Virginia and subsequently became a naturalized citizen of the United States. In 2014, [Husband] travelled to Jordan, where [Wife] resided and w here the parties were married in an Islamic Ceremony on December 22, 2014. In 2016, [Wife] immigrated from Jordan to the United States and obtained her permanent residency through her marriage with [Husband]. Since 2016, [Wife] has been a resident and domiciliary of the Commonwealth of Virginia and has resided in Virginia continuously and without interruption.
The parties' share a minor son who was born in Virginia. Both parties are employed in Virginia and since 2016 both have been residents of Fairfax County.
On August 31, 2018, the parties separated as husband and wife. On September 4, 2018, [Husband] filed for divorce, through power of attorney in Jordan. On September 12, 2018, [Husband] obtained a provisional divorce in Jordan. Notice of these proceedings was posted to [Wife]'s parents' home in Jordan. On October 29, 2018, parties executed a Marital Settlement Agreement in the United States. On November 1, 2018, the parties went to the Jordanian Embassy in Washington, D.C., and signed a General Release Agreement. This was incorporated into the final divorce from the Suweileh Sharia Court on November 11, 2018. The agreement addressed custody and visitation but no order from any court has been entered….
Comity is defined as "the recognition which one nation allows within its territory to the legislative, executive, or judicial action of another, having due regard both to international duty and convenience, and to the rights of its own citizens, or of other persons who are under the protection of its law. Hilton v. Guyot (1895). In Humphreys v. Humphreys (Va. 1924), the Supreme Court of Virginia reasoned that it was public policy of Virginia to recognize foreign divorce decrees under the grounds of comity, where such decrees were obtained without fraud, constructive or actual service, and where they were not otherwise against Virginia's public policy or statutes.
The issue in this case, is whether the procedures employed in Jordan comport with or offend Virginia public policy. Specifically, whether there was some reasonable residency and domiciliary requirement prior to the divorce proceedings being instituted.
Here. [Husband] filed the divorce through an agent (a relative) in Jordan. At that time, neither [Husband] nor [Wife] were present in Jordan. Notice to [Wife] of the proceedings was subsequently posted to her parents' home in Jordan. Further, prior to and during the divorce proceedings both parties were and continue to be residents and domiciliaries of the Commonwealth of Virginia. The martial home is located in Virginia and both parties are employed in Virginia. Moreover, Virginia Code § 20-91(9)(a) requires that parties with minor children, wait one-year after separation has been continuous and uninterrupted before filing for divorce. Jordan only requires a 90-day waiting period irrespective of whether or not parties have minor children.
Therefore, the Jordanian procedures should not be granted comity in this case because there were no reasonable residency and domiciliary requirements prior to the divorce proceedings being instituted. In fact, neither [Husband] nor [Wife] were present at the time the divorce was filed in Jordan or after the provisional divorce was granted through final decree….
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Dog bites man; Virginia courts seek to control family law decisions of Virginia residents.
Nevada used to grant quickie divorces (maybe they still do). You could get one and still catch the Elvis impersonator down at the casino.
Would Virginia recognize such a divorce?
Would it matter if Nevada allowed divorces where neither party was in Nevada?
But you had to actually travel to Nevada to do it. Virginia might have recognized this divorce if the parties had actually traveled to Jordan and obtained it while there.
If you travel to Nevada temporarily for the purpose of getting a divorce, your home state does not have to recognize the divorce. If you move there a Nevada court has the power to dissolve the marriage but not to apportion martial property without personal jurisdiction over the non-Nevada spouse. _Williams v. North Carolina_ is the leading federal case as far as I know.
You gotta stay there long enough to establish residency. Memory is 6 weeks.
Virginia is for Lovers. (Offer only good in the last 54 years if your name literally happens to be Loving.)
In response to Michael P, I wanted to shout "Bingo!" but that is currently impermissible under Virginia statute unless I first join approved, properly licensed charity which has existed for more than thirty years and has since its formation adopted certain policies.
Á àß äẞç ãþÇđ âÞ¢Đæ ǎB€Ðëf ảhf: Funny -- so in original.
Maybe I should ask that (judge, court, intern) if they want to hire a proof reader 🙂
Comity in Virginia is interesting: in some instances, documents can be transmitted to the ruling English monarch for action or "pocket approval."
Virginia's new penalties for certain forms of previously permissible charitable gaming are an example. One penalty now exceeds the penalty for violation of the (English) Stamp Act of 1765 and, under certain circumstances, one can remit the lower payment to The Crown. [Note that rejuvenation of the Stamp Act is expected to _reduce_ the general funds of the Commonwealth (of Virginia) by just over $1,000,000 each year -- and is asinine -- so obviously the Act passed with overwhelming legislative support and is awaiting gubernatorial approval.]
So the judge is an Islamophobe?
When can we expect his disbarment?
Possibly, and don't bet on it.
I mean the Grand Poobah in Jordan approved the divorce (and apparently that's good enough in Jordan), so am not sure why VA is not recognizing Jordan's authority.
I get that Jordan's process/requirements are the same as VA's, just don't see why VA is saying Jordan has to apply VA standards.
. . . Jordan’s process/requirements are not the same as VA’s. . . .
It is a jew court vs a sharia court.....bring popcorn.....guess the parents are married in the eyes of Virginia, but in reality Virginia does not care.....just some jew judges in Fairfax County.
The American lawyer wants its money, and the judges are suborning lawyer rent seeking with bullshit pretexts. The Family Law business is moribund because the lawyer killed the American family. The bastardy rate was 70% in blacks and 40% in whties in the 2010 Census. Who knows how high it will go in the 2020 Census. Good job lawyer profession. This lawyer achievement has devatatign effects on children. Those with single mothers are finished.
Homosexual marriage was not a homosexual idea. It was a Family Law lawyer idea, desperate for business. Homosexuals are not falling for this horrible trap. Very few are getting married. Their divorce rate is much higher than expected. That lawyer trick worked.
Yadda. yadda, yadda.
Rent seeking denier.
vs. bitter, whining banshee
James, I feel marginalized, and bullied by you. Maybe you need to be cancelled. The ADAAAAAAAAAAA also now covers my condition.
I didn't realize you were a medical banshee rather than banshee by choice.
Not a lawyer trick. It is a jew trick. The national jewish cartel of jewish family court lawyer AFCC is all jewish, designed to destroy the christian concept of family and kids. Jew Bolsheviks did the same thing to Russia, destroy churches, family, lots of orphans, state is the father of all. Jews doing the same thing in USSA.
You ever notice that you never see Pavel and Daivd in the same room, at the same time?
Pavel is my favorite real Jew. Only a Jew is as brilliant and as sneaky as he is.
More Pavel and RabbiHarveyWeinstein. Bad jokes all.
What happens if either spouse leaves Virginia? Are they married, or not married?
ask a jew!!!
Hey, Pavel, do you think all these comments are funny? Because if you do, you shouldn't quit your day job to follow your dream of being a stand-up comic.
I'm pretty sure they're still legally married until and unless at least one of them actually goes to Jordan long enough to reestablish residency.
So, married in VA, still married if they move to NC, still married if they go on vacation to the UK, might be able to make the divorce real if they go to Jordan.
Might be interesting if he marries again under Jordan law. Of course, it's possible that Jordan law doesn't require him to divorce before marrying again.
Interesting. Most refusals to enforce foreign decrees involve contested divorces and/or when their process does not comport to the due process standards of the United States. Here is seems that is not the case and both parties consented to jurisdiction. Seems like requiring the divorcing couple to a "do over" in VA courts is a waste of judicial economy and an unnecessary expense and hassle for the separated couple.
If you looked, you would see that the wife wants a new divorce. Whether she was mal-treated in the Jordanian divorce or just wants a do-over to get more money, I can't say. There's not nearly enough information to judge.
Of note: the judge does not say that she signed it, just mentions that the husband claimed she had signed it in the argument section. That seems to be a very notable distinction.
so the jewish court of virginia will pass judgement on a sharia court of jordan.....get the popcorn, this is going to be good!!!
Would you say the same thing if -- while both retaining VA residency, they'd gone to Maryland for the divorce? Or Maine or Montana?
It is just a jewish game to show how american jewdicial discretion will override the sharia court....nothing to do with law, just jewish.
If the divorce was originally uncontested and there was an agreed property settlement why was the wife suing?
The only plausible reasons I can think of is she wants to rearrange custody or get married again.
My vague understanding is that under Islamic Law property settlements to a wife who is divorced are pretty reasonable, but the father usually gets the children especially male children.
Since these events happened in 2018 it should be relatively easy to get a second divorce in Va.
if the custody of the child is an issue, then simply file a motion to modify upon registration of the foreign decree. Virginia court lacks jurisdiction to ignore a foreign decree or to find the couple is still bullshit....but that is what you get in Fairfax County Courts.
Total jewish horseshit. The divorce by the jordanian authority is legit as it is executed under the laws of jordan and sharia law. The jew judge in Virginia does not like that. If one party wants to modify the judgement, the decree can be registered in Virginia and a motion for mod filed.
The minute the decree is registered the court holds duty to ensure the applicable state laws apply to the kid....i.e. child support order. That is all the jurisdiction which the court has in a foreign post judgement action. This cackle of Fairfax County judges is clueless, some of the dumbest white folk sit on this bench. Morons all.
The parties are divorced. Sharia law divorces have been recognized in other states. Virginia cannot recognize these people as 'married', just stupid. No fault divorce has no great hurdles of legalese, the parties are unmarried.
American judges are pathetic, almost as pathetic as law professors.
Why do folks in Virginia care how muslims divorce each other in another country under another set of laws??? Just being jewish?
Why shouldn't Virginia care when the two Muslims are residents of Virginia and were in Virginia at the time the divorce was supposedly granted in the foreign country?
Oh, wait, more jew logic. Virginia recognizes that the two lovebirds got married under sharia law in another country but can't recognized that they also got divorced the same way. Why would Virginia care unless there was a petition before the court to cancel the divorce, which the state holds no jurisdiction to crazy, so jewish. If she wants to annul the divorce, apply to the issuing court in stupid. So jewish.
Pavel, please. You're not even convincing.
If you want to grow up and join the adults, do so. I'd much prefer to have a real conversation.
However, If you must troll by pretending to be an anti-Semite, then remember that they exist as real people, not caricatures. You can't just add slurs to every other sentence whether or not it matters. It's like an author writing a hero become evil and then murder everyone in sight, friend or foe. It's not evil, it's just stupid and lazy writing, and that's what your character is, stupid and lazy.
If you're going to pretend to be a hateful, disgusting character, at least have the decency to give us competent writing.
So, you're saying if you marry someone named Jordan, you can't get divorced?