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Court Leaning Against Rep. Katie Hill's Nude Photo Lawsuit
Last Fall, former Rep. Katie Hill sued the Daily Mail (UK),, her ex-husband, and a some others over the publication of nude photos of her. The lawsuit was brought chiefly under the California nonconsensual pornography statute; but, as I mentioned then, that statute has an exception for when "[t]he distributed material constitutes a matter of public concern."
In a tentative decision posted earlier this week, Judge Yolando Orozco concluded that this exception applies, and bars the lawsuit:
Section 1708.85(c)(4) provides for an exception from liability for images which are a matter of public concern. Here, Defendant has established that the images are a matter of public concern, as they speak to Plaintiff's character and qualifications for her position, allegedly depicting an extramarital sexual relationship with a paid campaign staff member and the use of illegal drugs by a sitting Congresswoman.
Plaintiff's argument that the images are not a matter of public concern because Defendant could have simply described the images rather than publishing them is unpersuasive, as the fact that information to be gleaned from an image may be disseminated in an alternative manner does not equate to a finding that the image itself is not a matter of public concern.
The judge appear to be inclined to stand by her tentative (which strikes me as correct), though she is putting off a final decision until a discovery motion is resolved. For more, see this City News Service article, and this one in the Insider (Jacob Shamsian). Here is my post from December:
[* * *]
Courthouse News Service (Nathan Solis) reports:
Former California Democratic Congresswomen Katie Hill, whose promising political career unraveled in 2019 after she was accused of inappropriate relationships with staffers and various media outlets published nude and sexually graphic photos of her, said in a lawsuit filed Tuesday that the world is watching her ex-husband's "revenge vendetta."
Hill, who unseated an incumbent Republican as part of the 2018 "blue wave" at the age of 32, claims in the suit filed in Los Angeles that her ex-husband, Kenneth Heslep, orchestrated her political downfall with the right-wing news blog RedState and the British tabloid the Daily Mail after she tried to end their relationship.
You can read the Complaint, but much of it isn't actually the direct basis for the legal claims. Rather, the heart of the argument against the media defendants (I set aside the ex-husband here) is that the Daily Mail and RedState published two nude, insufficiently redacted photos in 2019. These photos—the "Hair Brushing Picture" and the "Water Pipe Picture"—are alleged to violate the California nonconsensual porn statute (Cal. Civ. Code § 1708.85):
(a) A private cause of action lies against a person who intentionally distributes by any means a photograph … [or video recording] … of another, without the other's consent, if
(1) the person knew that the other person had a reasonable expectation that the material would remain private,
(2) the distributed material exposes an intimate body part of the other person, or shows the other person engaging in an act of intercourse, oral copulation, sodomy, or other act of sexual penetration, and
(3) the other person suffers … damages [including emotional distress damages] ….(b) "[I]ntimate body part" means any portion of the genitals, and … any portion of [a female's] breast below the top of the areola, that is uncovered or visible through less than fully opaque clothing.
(c) There shall be no liability on the part of the person distributing material under subdivision (a) under any of the following circumstances: …
(4) The distributed material constitutes a matter of public concern….
(6) The distributed material was previously distributed by another person.
Here's my quick, tentative analysis of the situation:
[A.] The photos do seem to show, even with the redactions, some "portion of the breast below the top of the areola," and the Complaint plausibly alleges that Hill reasonably expected that the material would remain private.
[B.] But it seems likely that the "distributed material constitutes a matter of public concern": These are photographs of an elected official, illustrating behavior that some voters may see as unethical—intimate involvement with a staffer, and recent use of marijuana (still illegal under federal law) in what appears to be a sexual context, bespeaking a kind of hedonism that at least some voters may view as a character defect.
Many people might not care about such behavior by elected officials, but I think people reasonably might. And because "anything which might touch on an official's fitness for office" is seen as a matter of public concern, the photos should qualify. (One can debate whether courts should decide at all whether something is on a matter of public concern, but First Amendment law does sometimes call for such decisions, and this statute certainly does.)
The Complaint argues that "A written description of the images or the published text messages would have achieved the same goals of disclosing information regarding Plaintiff's personal life. The intimate images merely exposed Hill's nude body to the public for prurient interests and for no other justifiable purpose." But I don't think that's right. Whether or not you think the publication of the images was on balance ethically proper, they conveyed information in a way that was clearer and much less disputable than a "written description" could possibly convey.
Now it may well be that the unredacted depiction of the breast below the top of the areola was not itself necessary for that purpose: A bit more redaction (just blacking out the rest of the breast) would not have changed the public value or effectiveness of the photos.
But the statutory exception applies when "[t]he distributed material constitutes a matter of public concern." "[D]istributed material" appears to refer to "a photograph" that "exposes an intimate body part." The public concern determination would thus be made as to the "photograph" as a whole and not as to any particular portion of the photograph. And this seems consistent with Florida Star v. B.J.F. (1989), where the Court applied the public concern test under the First Amendment by asking whether "the article generally, as opposed to the specific identity [of a rape victim] contained within it, involved a matter of paramount public import."
[C.] Now let's turn to the exception for when "[t]he distributed material was previously distributed by another person." The media defendants allegedly got the material from the ex-husband (Kenneth Heslep), so when they published it, the material had indeed been previously distributed—even if just to them.
The Complaint argues that the Mail and RedState were each the first to make one of the two of the photos "accessible to the general public." But the "previously distributed" exception doesn't on its face seem to be limited to public distribution, and the Complaint itself describes Heslep's sending the material to the media defendants as distribution:
The conspiracy was formed when Defendant Heslep distributed an electronic file containing blackmail material regarding Plaintiff. The file … was distributed to various individuals, including Defendant Messina, as well as to Defendants Does ….
So if I'm right, then the media defendants should win under the "previously distributed" exception. Perhaps a court might read the qualifier "publicly" into the "previously distributed" phrase; but the face of the statute lacks such a qualifier.
[D.] If I'm right that the statute doesn't apply here, at least to the media defendants, then they should be able to get the claim dismissed quickly (and even get their attorney fees paid) under the California anti-SLAPP statute. That statute applies to lawsuits based on speech "in connection with a public issue," and the RedState and Daily Mail publications certainly seem to qualify under that standard. And if a court declines to dismiss the claim, the defendants should be able to immediately appeal that decision.
[E.] I think that, as a First Amendment matter, properly crafted nonconsensual porn statutes are constitutional, and this statute might indeed be narrow enough. (I prefer the term "nonconsensual porn" to "revenge porn," because I don't think the law should be limited to speech motivated by a desire for revenge, and indeed the California law has no such limitation.)
Indeed, the California statute might have been narrow enough even if it didn't have the "previously distributed" exception (or if it had a narrower exception for material that had been previously distributed to the public). It likewise might have been narrow enough even if it had a narrower "public concern" exception, which would apply only if the inclusion of the unredacted depiction of an intimate body part was necessary to effectively communicate important information on a matter of public concern. (Note that there are some other exceptions in the statute for photos of public conduct, and there may need to be similar exceptions as to material in court filings.)
But under the statute as written, I tentatively think that Hill can't prevail. (Thanks to Ken White [Popehat Report] for his help.) There could potentially also be a 47 U.S.C. § 230 defense for the media defendants, but I'll save that discussion for a separate post.
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I haven't thought out the whole case, but I think you are wrong about "previously distributed". If a husband or boyfriend constitutes previous distribution, then you have neutered the statute because those are the folks who distribute a large portion of the revenge porn out there.
Wouldn't that interpretation require either that distribution mean something different in (a) than in (6), or the the boyfriend's distribution isn't covered?
Then it's poor draftsmanship, but that interpretation would be patently absurd.
I'm all for reading the letter of the law, but reading it in that way would invalidate the entire law aside from extremely specific circumstances.
How would it invalidate the entire law?
If the boyfriend counts as prior distribution, then the law can be used against the boyfriend but not the press.
If I understand Dilan's claim correctly (and I may not) he was the boyfriend to count as distribution, but not as prior distribution. That doesn't make sense.
The point of the law is to prevent people from distributing nude photographs they have in their possession (often of their ex-wives or girlfriends) on the Internet or to the public.
So construing "prior distribution" to include distribution to the husband or boyfriend would make the statute almost completely inapplicable to the very thing it was designed to stop.
Avoiding absurdity and reasonable construction are important canons of statutory interpretation.
I don't think so (though I admit I'm a bit tired at the moment). It would be narrow, but not absurd. If a husband/boyfriend took a picture and then sent it to the newspaper, the law would create liability for the husband/boyfriend, but not for the newspaper.
At risk of putting words into Dilan's mouth, I think that's the wrong scenario. Consider if the girl takes the pictures, sends them to her then-boyfriend who later forwards them to the newspaper. Does that scenario still create liability for the boyfriend under a strict interpretation of "prior distribution"? Or is the recipient of any selfie free to do anything they like with a picture - at least, under this particular law?
Note that this is not a question of what the law should be. This is a question of what this exact law is.
No, I agree with you/Dilan that the scenario you posit would not be covered under this interpretation. But "this interpretation of the law means that it only covers narrow situations, and not one that I think should be covered" is not the same thing as "this interpretation of the law is absurd because it doesn't cover anything."
Yeah, but a lot of nude photos are shared by people with their mates. That's a huge portion of revenge porn.
And its absurd to think the legislature did not want to cover that.
"Yeah, but a lot of nude photos are shared by people with their mates. That’s a huge portion of revenge porn.
And its absurd to think the legislature did not want to cover that."
I dunno. I don't see anywhere in the statute that distinguishes between willing and semi-willing or unwilling recipients, and it's not absurd to think that the legislature didn't want to wade into that whole area.
I'd note the post is explicitly discussing only the media defendants, but it's still an interesting question.
Yet whether or not the legislature wanted to cover that, the explicit "previously distributed" exception cannot be eviscerated by that intent; the legislature obviously intended to make that exception.
I would suggest the proper interpretation, balancing both concerns, is that direct, consensual transmission by the subject to a limited circle of intimates does not constitute "distribution" under the statute, but that transmission to a person who the subject did not specifically intend to receive it is "distribution" under the statute. In which case sending of a selfie to a boyfriend is not "previously distributed", but the moment the boyfriend sends it on to someone else without consent, it is "previously distributed".
To try another way of phrasing:
If the picture has only been sent to people who have an implied duty of non-distribution, then it's reasonable to say it hasn't been distributed. As soon as it's sent to someone who does not have such an implied duty, it has been distributed. A significant other under normal circumstances has such a duty, a stranger to the subject under normal circumstances does not.
The value of an event should be deducted from any damage claim. This publication made her notorious, and got her into the national media. That added $millions in advertising value. She wrote a book. All proceeds from those sales should be deducted from any claimed damages ahead of the start of the case.
By that account, she owes the newspaper and her boyfriend, $millions, not the other way around.
This is common sense, and is beyond the understanding of the dumbass lawyer.
Defense counsel will be too stupid to get the value of her publicity in discovery.
Actually, this is very lawyer-like thinking.
Are you sure you're not some disgruntled, disbarred, or disturbed lawyer?
Ape. I am a civilian. I had some legal training in old age, and did not have my high school education eradicated by it. Every turn of every page of every law book had the same shock value as the shower scene from Psycho. You people are crazy. Not, I disagree with you, I mean certifiably insane, delusional, and highly dangerous. You have fixed, false, supernatural beliefs. Your hierarchy needs to be locked up, not be running the US Government. No wonder, government does nothing right. It is run by delusional people.
That shower scene itself was the result of lawyer failure, with a deranged psycho killer loosed by the lawyer on hapless murder victims. Professional courtesy, perhaps.
IANAL so you can shove those you's up your ass.
So dick picks are now matters of Public Concern, so long as the boner in question is attached to a sufficiently important Member.
Good to know.
I believe the term is meta-Member.
Anthony Wieiner
"Now it may well be that the unredacted depiction of the breast below the top of the areola was not itself necessary for that purpose: A bit more redaction (just blacking out the rest of the breast) would not have changed the public value or effectiveness of the photos."
Part of the scandal is that her breasts were exposed in circumstances where they arguably shouldn't have been. You can't depict that if you black out the breast.
It's also unlikely that the fact that one small portion of her breast was not blacked out caused emotional distress.
Her pleading doesn't say anything about her distress stemming from the few square inches of skin unredacted skin being exposed, and it seems more likely that the stress was caused by her controversial private conduct becoming known to the public.
ISTM that you create a chilling effect on speech if you have to start asking what portion of the damages were caused by the constitutionally protected portion of the photo vs which portions were caused by the unprotected portions.
It's a standard argument tactic, admit some inconsequential part of your opponent's argument is completely true, but then explain how it doesn't matter.
It’s also unlikely that the fact that one small portion of her breast was not blacked out caused emotional distress.
So you're building your argument on the idea that people don't feel emotional distress if a photo of a "small portion" of their naked body is made public?
I'm not sure I even need an example to point out how ridiculous your claim is.
"So you’re building your argument on the idea that people don’t feel emotional distress if a photo of a “small portion” of their naked body is made public?"
I'm building my argument on the fact that in this case it's likely that her distress was caused by exposure of the fact that she was engaged in conduct that many consider abuse of power, and not by the fact that a small portion of breast skin was exposed.
Do you think she resigned from Congress because people saw that little patch of breast skin below the areola that wasn't redacted, or because people saw that she was having an affair with her staffer?
I'm sure she felt distress at the inappropriate relationships being exposed as well.
But assuming she is a normal human being the vast majority of her distress would have been caused by the publication of the nude photos.
Now, as to the nude photos there again is a difference between publishing properly redacted and improperly redacted nude photos. How much of her distress is due to the publication of the photos vs the improper redaction in those photos is hard to say and to a large part depends on her feelings around her body and privacy.
Note, I haven't seen the photos and have zero interest in seeing them.
I've seen the photos, and I'm certain that her distress, and I'm certain that her distress didn't come from the fact that the photos were improperly redacted.
OK, say that Katie Hill instead was the minister of some small church and the aide was instead the church secretary -- an employee paid for a few hours of work per week.
By the definition I think you are leaning toward, this wouldn't be a matter of public concern -- but to the church's congregation, it very much would be. Likewise, let's say that Katie Hill was the chair of the local PTA (or PTO) or a youth sports coach -- I can see parents believing that these pictures were very much of public concern to them.
Hence, I can't see a situation where (a) anyone would care about it being Katie Hill's breasts *and* (b) it not being a matter of public concern -- at least (c) to the public who knew who Katie Hill was.
Besides, am I the only one who found that photo genuinely creepy?
And not mentioned in any of this is copyright -- didn't the ex-husband, who (presumably) took the picture, own it? And if so, wouldn't the "taking" clause apply here?
The fact is that the sexual misconduct (sex in a grossly power imbalanced context) of a public official IS a matter of public concern. If she did not want a problem, she should not have been f*cking around.
BTW don't give me the "consensual behavior" BS. In this gave the power imbalance is so great that "consent" is at best highly questionable
"The fact is that the sexual misconduct (sex in a grossly power imbalanced context)"
Are you accusing Mckenzie Bezos of sexual misconduct because she's a billionaire sleeping with a science teacher?
Sexual misconduct as "sex in a grossly power imbalanced context" isn't really a thing.
The congresswoman broke house ethics rules, that is what she did wrong.
In a legalistic sense regarding misconduct by a House member, you are correct.
However you're not correct about “sex in a grossly power imbalanced context” isn’t really a thing." in the employment situation when one party has hire/fire power over the other party, any notion of "consent" is grossly distorted if it can exist at all.
It is per se misconduct because the Congressional rules say "thou shalt not sleep with thy staff."
The original "sin", in my IANAL legal sense, was taking the damn pictures. Why take the pictures if not to share them with someone?
The second sin was sharing the damn pictures with someone untrustworthy, her future ex-husband. If she had a contract with him to not share them, sue him for violating the contract.
Two people can keep a secret if one is dead. Otherwise, forget it, Jake, it's ShareTown.
Are folks telling me that adding a copy of photoshop pasties would have made the law clearer. If so, it is a damned stupid law.
I saw the unredacted pictures in the British tabloid. The female body is not obscene. I thought she was cute before the publication. I thought she was adorable after the publication. The publication made me like her more, not hate her more. I hate her when she speaks that standard, harridan, supercilious, Democrat, Commie bilge.
Only the dumbass lawyer would criminalize and tortify the publication of the human body. We are sick of this pestilential vermin plague on our nation.
"Then why did she wear that short dress???"
If only she had worn a short dress, all this could have been avoided ....
Yes, breaking House ethics rules in the nude should give her immunity, otherwise she is the victim.
As I understand it one of the pictures shows her naked brushing the hair of a staffer and was probably taken by her former husband who was apparently a participant in that relationship.
The other photo shows her naked holding a water pipe and exposes a tattoo purported to be an Iron Cross.
Both seem to depict maters of public concern including an extramarital relationship, sexual relationship with a staff member, drug use and a symbol of potential sympathies with various unsavory groups including Nazis and bikers who use the Iron Cross symbol.
The Iron Cross (cross pattée) is not exclusively a Nazi symbol having it roots in the medieval Teutonic Order, a still existent Catholic Order now called The German Order. The Iron Cross or cross pattée was adopted as a symbol by Prussia as early as the Napoleonic Wars. It was used by the German Empire. The cross pattée is also part of The Victoria Cross, the highest military award of the British Empire and continues in Great Britian, Australia, Canada and New Zealand. The present day German Military awards the Bundeswehr Cross of Honour which incorporates the cross pattée and German Military personnel are permitted to wear WWII military awards with the Nazi symbols removed including the Iron Cross. The German Air force uses it as a roundel on it's aircraft.
I doubt many people in the US are familiar with it's history.
I can't say whether the original published photographs included a "nip slip" or not but is seems clear the issues raised were matters of public concern, especially since her district had previously elected a Republican and therefor probably includes many would would find some of the above disqualifying.
"her district had previously elected a Republican"
And did again after she quit.
This story is useless without pictures.
“the world is watching her ex-husband's "revenge vendetta."“
That doesn’t make him wrong.
There is the Republicans Pounce exception, which provides statutory immunity.
"This is indeed a perplexing case presenting many difficult issues, etc. etc. What we are saying is that the Court needs more time to study the exhibits in more detail. The Court will be in its bunk."
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