The Volokh Conspiracy

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Volokh Conspiracy

It's Just Like Saying the N***** Word

The flag of those who supported the dissolution of the Union.


OK, I'm reusing the gag, but I can't help it; see this post from WILX (Maureen Holliday):

Bed and breakfast Nordic Pineapple in Saint Johns has removed their Norwegian flag after dozens of people confuse[d] it for the Confederate flag.

Greg and Kjersten Offbecker moved into the historic mansion two years ago and turned it into a bed and breakfast. As decoration, they hung a Norwegian flag next to the American flag at the front entrance of the inn, but dozens of guests and people driving by have accused the couple of flying a Confederate flag.

"They are the same color, but there are no stars on the Norwegian flag, and the Confederate flag is a big 'x' and the Norwegian flag is part of the Nordic countries, they're all crosses," Offbecker said.

Last week, the couple decided to remove the flag as they were updating their marketing materials….

Thanks to Iain Murray at InstaPundit for the pointer.

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