The Volokh Conspiracy

Mostly law professors | Sometimes contrarian | Often libertarian | Always independent

Volokh Conspiracy

Sam Bray joining our merry band


I'm delighted to report that my UCLA School of Law colleague Sam Bray - one of the top remedies scholars in the nation - is joining the Conspiracy. Sam's recent work (both on remedies and on statutory and constitutional interpretation) includes "Multiple Chancellors: Reforming the National Injunction" (Harvard Law Review forthcoming 2017), " 'Necessary and Proper' and 'Cruel and Unusual': Hendiadys in the Constitution" (Virginia Law Review 2016), "The System of Equitable Remedies" (UCLA Law Review 2016), "The Supreme Court and the New Equity" (Vanderbilt Law Review 2015), "The Myth of the Mild Declaratory Judgment" (Duke Law Review 2014), "Announcing Remedies" (Cornell Law Review 2012), "Power Rules" (Columbia Law Review 2010) and "Preventive Adjudication" (Chicago Law Review 2010). He is also the co-author (together with our co-conspirator Will Baude, as well as Michael Stokes Paulsen, Steve Calabresi, and Michael McConnell) of a constitutional law casebook, and a co-author of a forthcoming translation of Genesis 1-11.

I very much look forward to Sam's posts.