The Volokh Conspiracy

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Volokh Conspiracy

5 Black Lives Matter protesters shot and wounded in Minneapolis


The Post reports:

Simmering racial tensions have boiled over yet again after several men shot five people who had been protesting the recent police killing of an African American man in Minneapolis. …

Police said on social media that five people suffered non-life-threatening gunshot wounds and that officers were searching for "3 white male suspects" who fled the scene.

I'm glad there were no deaths, and I hope the small-time terrorists who did this are promptly caught.

UPDATE: The Post (Alex Baumhardt, Lindsey Bever & Michael E. Miller) updates: "[P]olice said they had arrested a 32-year-old Hispanic man in South Minneapolis and a 23-year-old white man."

FURTHER UPDATE: Minnesota Public Radio (Peter Cox & Doualy Xaykaothao) reports, "Three white men - ages 21, 23 and 26 - are in custody as part of an investigation into the shooting of 5 Monday night. A fourth, 32-year-old Hispanic man has been released." The Minnesota Star Tribune account (Karen Zamora & Libor Jany) is consistent with that.