The Volokh Conspiracy
Mostly law professors | Sometimes contrarian | Often libertarian | Always independent
Upcoming radio appearances and 'Lawless' roundup
Here's a roundup of what's been going on with my new book "Lawless" over the past two weeks or so. If you're interested in more frequent updates or just want to do me a good turn, you can like the book's Facebook page.
I'll be a guest on the Janet Mefferd show today at 2 p.m. [update: we recorded the show today, it won't air until December, sorry for the misunderstanding] and on WBZ radio in Boston with Dan Rea at 9 p.m. on Monday.
George Leef reviews "Lawless" in Forbes, joining Mark Pulliam's review at the Library of Law & Liberty.
A video of my talk at the Heritage Foundation on Tuesday can be found here.
Here's a podcast with Richard Reinsch of the Library of Law and Liberty.
I answer 10 questions posed by Josh Blackman's blog here.
Audio of a talk I gave at the University of Chicago on behalf of the Federalist Society can be found here.
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