The Volokh Conspiracy

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Volokh Conspiracy

Anti-white racial insults allegedly fly at library protest by Dartmouth NAACP chapter


The Dartmouth (Rachel Favors) reports on a protest organized by the Dartmouth NAACP chapter in a Dartmouth library. The protest, according to NAACP vice president Tsion Abera, "was meant to shut down the library" - bad enough on its own - but it apparently involved more than just that:

Several students interviewed by The Dartmouth reported witnessing chants including expletives, such as "F**k your white privilege" and "F**k your comfort." …

Two students reported that demonstrators entered their private study rooms and blocked the doorway, while others said that demonstrators singled out some students by name and circled around others' desks while chanting. No students reported witnessing or experiencing any sort of physical violence, though some expressed that they felt uncomfortable or intimidated by the protest.

NAACP president Jonathan Diakanwa '16 said there were incidents of close verbal confrontations between individuals, and that although these students could have been uncomfortable or scared, there was no physical violence of any kind. …

[Tsion] Abera denied that there were any physical assaults perpetrated by the demonstrators, but some protesters did use profanity in their chants, she said. …

On First Floor Berry [the library building], many demonstrators spoke about their struggles at Dartmouth as a students of color and challenged and yelled at students who were sitting on the other side of the library to stand up and support the movement.

Many of the demonstrators then approached the sitting students and chanted "F**k your white privilege" and "F**k your white asses," demonstrator Dan Korff-Korn '19 said.

"It was important to point out that the students sitting there in the library at the computers represented this greater degree of ignorance, apathy and privilege that you see at Dartmouth, but the way it was done by personally attacking people was counterproductive," Korff-Korn said.

The Dartmouth Review (Mene O. Ukueberuwa, Brandon G. Gill, Sandor Farkas, Charles C. W. Jang and Vibhor Khanna), a conservative publication, was the first (or among the first) to write about the protest, and also reported on allegations that some of the protesters said "F*** you, you filthy white f***s!," "F*** you and your comfort!," "F*** you, you racist s***!," "Stand the f*** up!," "You filthy racist white piece of s***!," and "filthy white b****!" Charlie Lundquist (the Tab), who had been involved with part of the protest, has more.