Do Studies Show Gun Control Works? No.
Out of 27,900 research publications on gun laws, only 123 tested their effects rigorously.
HD DownloadAfter reaching historic lows in the mid-2010s, gun violence rates in America have gone up in recent years, and they remain higher than in some other parts of the developed world. There are hundreds of laws and regulations at the federal and state level that restrict Americans' access to guns, yet according to some advocates, social science research shows that a few more "simple, commonsense" laws could significantly reduce the number of injuries and deaths attributed to firearms.
There has been a massive research effort going back decades to determine whether gun control measures work. A 2020 analysis by the RAND Corporation, a nonprofit research organization, parsed the results of 27,900 research publications on the effectiveness of gun control laws. From this vast body of work, the RAND authors found only 123 studies, or 0.4 percent, that tested the effects rigorously. Some of the other 27,777 studies may have been useful for non-empirical discussions, but many others were deeply flawed.
We took a look at the significance of the 123 rigorous empirical studies and what they actually say about the efficacy of gun control laws.
The answer: nothing. The 123 studies that met RAND's criteria may have been the best of the 27,900 that were analyzed, but they still had serious statistical defects, such as a lack of controls, too many parameters or hypotheses for the data, undisclosed data, erroneous data, misspecified models, and other problems.
And these glaring methodological flaws are not specific to gun control research; they are typical of how the academic publishing industry responds to demands from political partisans for scientific evidence that does not exist.
Not only is the social science literature on gun control broadly useless, but it provides endless fodder for advocates who say that "studies prove" that a particular favored policy would have beneficial outcomes. This matters because gun laws, even if they don't accomplish their goals, have large costs. They can turn otherwise law-abiding citizens into criminals, they increase prosecutorial power and incarceration, and they exacerbate the racial and socioeconomic inequities in the criminal justice system.
The 123 papers identified by RAND tested 722 separate hypotheses about the impact of gun control policies for "statistical significance." Peer-reviewed journals generally accept a result as statistically significant if it has a one-in-20 chance or less of being due to random chance. So if researchers run 100 tests on the relationship between two things that obviously have no connection to each other at all—say, milk consumption and car crashes—by pure chance, they can be expected to get five statistically significant results that are entirely coincidental, such as that milk drinkers get into more accidents.
In terms of the gun control studies deemed rigorous by RAND, this means that even if there were no relationship between gun laws and violence—much like the relationship between drinking milk and getting into car accidents—we'd nevertheless expect about five percent of the studies' 722 tests, or 36 results, to show that gun regulations had a significant impact. But the actual papers found positive results for only 18 combinations of gun control measure and outcome (such as waiting periods and gun suicides). That's not directly comparable to the 36 expected false positives, since some combinations had the support of multiple studies. But it's not out of line with what we would expect if gun control measures made no difference.
Also concerning is the fact that there was only one negative result in which the researchers reported that a gun control measure seemed to lead to an increase in bad outcomes or more violence. Given the large number of studies done on this topic, there's a high statistical likelihood that researchers would have come up with more such findings just by random chance. This indicates that researchers may have suppressed results that suggest gun control measures are not working as intended.
Most inconclusive studies also never get published, and many inconclusive results are omitted from published studies, so the rarity of pro-gun-control results and the near-total absence of anti-gun-control results is a strong argument that, based on the existing social science, we know nothing about the effects of gun control.
The reasons that we have no good causal evidence about the effectiveness of gun control are fundamental and unlikely to be overcome in the foreseeable future. The data on gun violence are simply too imprecise, and violent events too rare, for any researcher to separate the signal from the noise, or, in other words, to determine if changes in gun violence rates have anything to do with a particular policy.
One common research approach is to compare homicide rates in a state the years before and after gun control legislation was passed. But such legislation can take months or years to be fully implemented and enforced, if ever. Most modern gun control measures only affect a minority of gun sales, and new gun sales are a small proportion of all firearms owned. Very few of the people who would be prevented from buying guns by the legislation were going to kill anyone, and many of the people who were going to kill someone would do it anyway, with another weapon or by getting a gun some other way.
Therefore, the most optimistic projection of the first-year effect of most laws on gun homicides would be a reduction of a fraction of a percent. But gun homicide rates in a state change by an average of six percent in years with no legislative changes, based on FBI Uniform Crime Reporting (UCR) data going back to 1990. As a statistician's rule of thumb, this kind of before-and-after study can only pick up effects about three times the size of the average year-to-year change, meaning that such studies can't say anything about the impact of a gun law unless it leads to an 18 percent change or greater in the gun murder rate in a single year. That's at least an order of magnitude larger than any likely effect of the legislation.
One way to try to get around these limitations is to use what statisticians call "controls," which are mathematical tools that allow them to compare two things that are different in many ways, and isolate just the effect they're looking for. In this case, gun control studies often compare the violence rates in two or more states that have stricter versus more lax gun laws, and they try to control for all the differences between the states except for these policies.
Another option for researchers is to compare violence rates in a single state with national averages. The idea is that factors that change homicide rates other than the legislation will affect both state and national numbers in the same way. Comparing changes in the state rate to changes in the national rate supposedly controls for other factors that are affecting rates of violence, such as a nationwide crime wave or an overall decline in shootings.
The problem here is that national violence rates actually don't track well with individual states' violence rates. Based on the FBI's UCR data, annual changes within states have only about a 0.4 correlation with national rates when there is no change in legislation. That means the difference between any individual state's rate and the national rate is more volatile than the change in the state's rate on its own. The control adds noise to the study rather than filtering noise out. The same problem exists if you try to compare the state to similar or neighboring states. We just don't have good controls for state homicide rates.
To find an effect large enough to be measured, gun control researchers sometimes group together dozens or hundreds of state legislative initiatives and then look for changes in homicide rates. But states with strong gun control regulations are different from states with weaker gun control regulations: they're generally richer, more liberal, more urban, and they have lower murder and suicide rates. The cultural differences are too big and there's just too much uncertainty in the data to say anything about what would happen if we enforced Greenwich, Connecticut, laws in Festus, Missouri.
Researchers try to avoid the pitfalls of before-and-after studies or inter-state comparisons by using longer periods of time—say, by studying the change in gun homicide rates in the 10 years after legislation was enacted compared to the 10 years before. Now you might plausibly get an effect size large enough to be distinguished from one year's noise, but not from 20 years' noise.
Another limitation on the usefulness of all gun control studies is that the underlying data are incomplete and unreliable. Estimates of the number of working firearms in the U.S. differ by a factor of two—from around 250 million to 600 million—and most uses of firearms go unreported unless someone is killed or injured. We have some information on gun sales, but only from licensed dealers, and on gun crimes, but not all crimes are reported to the police, not all police report to the FBI, many non-crimes are reported, and reported crimes often have missing or erroneous details.
Even if you could somehow assemble convincing statistical evidence that gun violence declined after the passage of gun control legislation, there are always many other things that happened around the same time that could plausibly explain the change.
The solution is more basic research on crime and violence, rather than more specific studies on gun control legislation. Better understanding can lead to precise experimentation and measurement to detect changes too small to find in aggregate statistical analyses.
By way of comparison, take the contribution of cigarette smoking to cancer. For years, smoking was alleged to cause cancer on the basis of aggregate statistics, and the studies were deeply flawed. Eventually, however, medical researchers—not statisticians or policy analysts—figured out how cigarette smoking affected cells in the lungs, and how that developed into cancer. Certain types of cancer and other lung problems were identified that were virtually only found in smokers. With this more precise understanding, it was possible to find overwhelming statistical evidence for each link in the chain.
In terms of studies on gun violence, suppose someday psychological researchers can demonstrate empirically the effect that being abused as a child has on the probability a person will commit a gun homicide. This more specific understanding of why violent crime occurs would allow precise, focused studies on the effect of gun control legislation. Instead of comparing large populations of diverse individuals, researchers could focus on specific groups with high propensities for gun violence.
Only when we know much more about why people kill themselves and each other, and how the presence or absence of guns affects rape, assault, robbery and other crimes, can we hope to tease out the effect of gun control measures.
It's not just gun control. Nearly all similar research into the effects of specific legislation suffers from the same sort of problem: too much complexity for the available data. Political partisans yearn for statistical backing for their views, but scientists can't deliver it. Yet researchers flood to favored fields because there is plenty of funding and interest in results, and they peer review each other's papers without applying the sort of rigor required to draw actual policy conclusions.
This doesn't mean that gun control legislation is necessarily ineffective. But short of legitimate scientific evidence, belief in the efficacy of additional gun control laws is, and will remain, a matter of faith, not reason.
Tellingly, the studies that have gotten the most media or legislative attention aren't among the 123 that met RAND's approval. The best studies made claims that were too mild, tenuous, and qualified to satisfy partisans and sensationalist media outlets. It was the worst studies, with the most outrageous claims, that made headlines.
One prominent study, which was touted from the debate stage by Sen. Cory Booker (D–N.J.) when he was running for president in the 2016 election, made the astounding claim that a permit requirement for handgun purchases in Connecticut reduced their gun murder rate by 40 percent. It is true that the state's gun murder rate fell rapidly after that law was passed in 1995, but so did gun murder rates throughout the country. The study's 40 percent claim is the actual murder rate in Connecticut compared to something the researchers call "synthetic Connecticut," which they constructed for the purpose of their study—a combination of mostly Rhode Island, but also Maryland, California, Nevada, and New Hampshire.
As it turns out, the authors' entire claimed effect (the 40 percent reduction they reported) was due to the fact that Rhode Island experienced a temporary spate of about 20 extra murders between 1999 and 2003, and synthetic Connecticut was more than 72 percent Rhode Island.
Even compared to synthetic Connecticut, the decline the authors found didn't last. Although the law remained on the books, by 2006, the gun murder rate in real Connecticut had surpassed synthetic Connecticut, and then continued to increase to the point where it was 46 percent higher. The authors, despite publishing in 2015, elected to ignore data from 2006 and afterwards.
This study is typical of the field: strong claims based on complex models and uncertain data. Worse, researchers often cherry pick outcome measures, time periods, and locations to get their preferred results.
For example, take the studies that look at whether bans on assault-style weapons and large-capacity magazines, which are often passed together, have reduced the frequency or deadliness of mass shootings. Researchers define basic terms like "assault weapons" and "mass shootings" differently. They limit their data by time, place, or other factors, such as classifying an event as an act of terror or gang violence and therefore not considering it a mass shooting.
These studies suffer from even greater data issues than other gun violence research. Mass shootings are extremely rare relative to other forms of gun violence, and most of them don't involve assault weapons. Though estimates vary depending on the definitions used, mass shootings involving assault weapons constitute a small fraction of one percent of all gun homicides.
The U.S. federal ban on assault weapons and large capacity magazines, which was the subject of numerous studies that reached widely varying and often contradictory conclusions about its efficacy, was in place for 10 years, from 1994 to 2004. Before, during, and after the time the law was in effect, many societal factors caused crime rates to vary widely, making it impossible to draw useful conclusions about the effect of the ban on anything, and in particular on something as rare as mass shootings. But with all the noise in the data, it is easy for researchers to find weak results that support any conclusion they hope to reach.
Moreover, states and countries with bans define assault weapons and other key elements of laws differently. Combined with the data problems inherent in comparing different populations of people over different periods of time, comparisons between states and countries are almost meaningless.
Another RAND Corporation meta-analysis updated in 2020 found inconclusive evidence that bans on assault weapons and large-capacity magazines have any effect on mass shootings or violent crime.
But how about the more straightforward question of whether owning a gun makes you more or less safe? One widely influential study that has constantly resurfaced in headlines since it was published in the New England Journal of Medicine in 1993 concluded that, "rather than confer protection, guns kept in the home are associated with an increase in the risk of homicide by a family member or intimate acquaintance."
There are major problems with this study. First of all, the researchers concluded that keeping a gun at home increases a person's risk of being killed, but nearly half the murders they included in their analysis were not committed with a firearm. And among gun owners who were killed with a gun, the authors didn't establish whether the weapon used was the victim's own gun or if it belonged to another person.
This points to another explanation for why research on this topic is so often inconclusive: individual differences can't easily be controlled for in social science research. A gun expert with a gun safe in a high crime neighborhood may well be safer with a gun, whereas a careless alcoholic living in a low crime area who keeps loaded guns in his kids' closet is certainly going to be less safe. People want a simple overall answer to whether guns make you less safe or more safe in order to inform legislation, but social science cannot deliver that.
Population averages can be useful when one rule has to be applied to everyone—for example, estimating how many lives would be saved by a pollution control regulation, or how many dental cavities are prevented by fluoridating the water supply. But with guns and personal safety, the relevant question is not whether guns make the average gun owner safer, but which people guns make safer and which people guns make less safe.
Anyone basing a gun control position on scientific evidence of any kind is building on sand. We have no useful empirical data on the subject, no body of work that rises above the level we would expect based on random chance, either for or against gun control measures. And the claim that there are "simple, commonsense" laws we could pass that would significantly reduce gun violence, if only we had the political will to go through with them, is simply false.
These are complex issues that require rigorous scientific investigation to come to any kind of useful conclusion, and they depend far more on individual variation and broad social and cultural factors than on any regulation. We should not look to pass laws that sweep up innocent victims while potentially doing more harm than good, all with the alleged backing of science that can't possibly tell us what we need to know.
Produced and edited by Justin Monticello. Written by Monticello and Aaron Brown. Graphics by Adani Samat and Isaac Reese. Audio production by Ian Keyser.
Music: Aerial Cliff by Michele Nobler, Land of the Lion by C.K. Martin, The Plan's Working by Cooper Cannell, Thoughts by ANBR, Flight of the Inner Bird by Sivan Talmor and Yehezkel Raz, and Run by Tristan Barton.
Photos: Hollandse-Hoogte/ZUMA Press/Newscom; Robin Rayne/ZUMAPRESS/Newscom; Ted Soqui/Sipa USA/Newscom; YES Market Media/Yaroslav Sabitov/YES Market Medi/Newscom; Chuck Liddy/TNS/Newscom; YES Market Media/Yaroslav Sabitov/YES Market Medi/Newscom; Brett Coomer/Rapport Press/Newscom; Martha Asencio-Rhine/ZUMAPRESS/Newscom; Jebb Harris/ZUMA Press/Newscom; John Gastaldo/ZUMA Press/Newscom; Greg Smith/ZUMA Press/Newscom; Richard Ellis/ZUMA Press/Newscom; Matthew McDermott/Polaris/Newscom; KEVIN DIETSCH/UPI/Newscom; Bill Clark/CQ Roll Call/Newscom; Michael Brochstein/ZUMAPRESS/Newscom; Sandy Macys / UPI Photo Service/Newscom; E. Jason Wambsgans/TNS/Newscom; Eye Ubiquitous/Newscom; Matthew McDermott/Polaris/Newscom
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But if you have a gun you can fight back. Hand it over.
Governments have always frowned upon the peasants' ability to be armed.
It's more basic than just being armed. It's the independent personal responsibility that scares them so much.
Me, personally, I am a terrible boss; I detest delegating what I can do myself, and end up either micromanaging or ignoring those who I should be supervising. I would be ok running a business myself, if it had no employees and had no need to deal with government laws and regulations. I could deal with insurance companies and other bureaucracies, because they can be held responsible for fucking things up.
So I project that attitude on statists, that they are scared to death of even trying to do anything useful, because they are scared to death of being blamed for its flaws, and they know it will be flawed because they know they are incompetent. Therefore they think that everyone else needs to be led around by the nose too, and no one can be allowed any independent unsupervised action. It's the precautionary principle in spades (don't do anything for the first time).
i believe its the case that there are simply people out there who need the comfort of believing there is some higher authority steering the ship, despite any and all evidence contrary to the existence of such a thing..
For some people that's god, for others its government.
Not if you cross state lines.
works for the Controllers.
This article coincides with my general analysis of the effectiveness of gun control laws - mainly, that they aren't. Of course, Gary Kleck pretty much wrote the bible on back in 1993.
Gun control can be summed up in a single sentence: criminals don't obey the law.
But criminals are armed by generally law-abiding citizens with weapons obtained from legitimate sellers and manufacturers. If we want to use laws and regulations to reduce criminal use of firearms, we need to focus them on interrupting the flow of handguns from legitimate purchasers to criminals.
Certainly it is important that firearm owners must treat their weapons as objects to be handled, traded or otherwise sold in a careful manner. This is yet one more reason that Hunter Biden and his mishandling of the disposal of his weapon should be such an important story, as the neglectful way in which it was thrown away could easily have enabled criminal conduct.
You are generally speaking correct. However, the goal is not to reduce criminal use of firearms. The goal is to ban firearms.
In a sick twisted way, if gun crime was reduced, then the arguments for gun control go away.
For example, back when Virginia instituted its carry permit requirements. There were lots of quick studies on the change in crime.
The gun control advocates said "Ah HA! No change in crime" They were of course oblivious to the irony of that statement. A more permissive law (clawing back some rights under the 2nd Amendment) had no affect on crime... meaning the more restrictive state had no affect on crime either. So the 2nd Amendment was violated for no legitimate reason (strict scrutiny).
Now, if you want to factor in socio-economics (poor people, in poor neighborhoods are more affected by violent crime) then you might actually improve things.
The odds of the average white male getting murdered by a gun in the USA is about the same as it is in Sweden or some of the other norther European countries.
Simple solutions rarely work in the real world. Stricter gun control, because you feel like it make sense, is about as smart as building a wall to control immigration - especially a long one for $100 Billion.
Don't be a Trump, look at the real science.
Most gun crime is committed by jackbooted minions of the political state. If a cop wearing a pistol, with armed backup glaring at you, reaches into your car and confiscates your life savings saying thought he smelt a plant leaf, that's gun crime. Looters with guns and badges teach other looters that the initiation of force pays!
The average length of time between a given legal purchase of a firearm and its use in a crime is, IIRC, 8 years. Making it harder to buy and own isn't legitimately connected to preventing crime. The purpose of gun purchase restrictions is to discourage the first time gun owner from ever buying a gun.
In the intervening 8 years, how many times was the gun stolen and resold illegally?
If it isn't used to shoot somebody, why does it matter. The original gun owner is not liable for what happens after it leaves their hands. Especially if the average time between being stolen and showing up at a crime scene is 8 years.
The original gun owner is not liable for what happens after it leaves their hands.
Perhaps they should be under some circumstances.
Perhaps you should go fuck yourself.
Oh, so much THIS. ^^^
"But criminals are armed by generally law-abiding citizens with weapons obtained from legitimate sellers and manufacturers."
How do you think this? The only part you have right is the "manufacturers". If someone is buying weapons for criminals they are not "generally law-abiding". If someone is selling weapons to criminals they are not a "legitimate seller".
Sarcasmic has it exactly right. How about enforcing the current laws before adding any new ones. The Virginia Tech shooter should have never been able to purchase the weapons that he used. The School's Medical Department was required by Law to have him placed on the background check database that would have prevented him from buying the weapons. They DIDN'T.
The only people that gun laws affect are people that you don't have to worry about in the first place.
10% got guns at retail.
25% got them from friends/family.
46% bought them on the street (black market).
6% stole them.
7% got them on the scene of the crime.
5% used a gun that someone else brought to the crime.
6% "other".
Note the retail aspect a) is small, and b) may include illegal sales that corrupt retailers were in on, or c) may have simply failed to detect prohibited person, or d) person was perfectly legal AT THE TIME.
Compare Australia amd Jamaica.
Why Australia and Jamaica? Why not compare two “Blue” States? (Okay, CA is a bit more”Blue” than OR)
California likes to claim it has the toughest gun laws in the USA. They are too numerous to list here.
Oregon laws:
NO waiting period.
NO “test” to purchase a firearm
NO “large magazine” laws
NO assault weapon laws
NO firearms licensing
Open, loaded carry permitted in 90% of the State
Open, unloaded carry permitted in 100% of the State (government buildings, etc, excepted)
CCP are “shall issue”
In an automobile, a handgun can be carried open, or locked in the glove compartment or other container
Rifles can be carried loaded or transported in an auto loaded.
Now lets look at the some stats in CA and OR”
Firearm Ownership Rates
CA: 28%
OR: 48%
*Homicide Rates
CA homicide rate: 4.8
OR homicide rate: 2.43
Homicide by firearms rates:
CA firearm homicide: 3.22 /100.000
OR firearm homicide: 1.60/100,000
Gun ownership rates:
CA: 28%
OR: 48%
Please explain how the myriad gun laws in CA have made it "safer?"
*Homicide stats from WISQARS. Ownership rates from a couple of different surveys, averaged)
Much as I'd like to believe that those statistics made the case, they don't. As the article says repeatedly, there are far too many confounding factors to assert causation. Oregon has (by comparison) a far more rural population with no cities of the size seen in CA. CA has far higher immigration, and significantly greater problems with homelessness. And while many of those problems are self-inflicted, they nevertheless interfere with the ability to draw causal conclusions about gun control.
In other words, it could be that CA's laws actually make it safer all else held constant but that OR has better results because of the "all else" that's not constant at all. I don't think that's the case. I think that CA's laws are stupid and counter-productive - but I can't prove it and neither can you (or anyone else).
2/3 of Oregonians live in the Portland/Salem metro. One city to rule them all.
I am not "proving" anything. It is not my place to declare that guns laws make any particular place "better" than another, the issue is far more complex -- I agree with you.
How complex? I've been looking at stats of this nature for over twenty years, including the relationship between homicide rates, the GINI index, poverty rates, etc., and haven't found even a moderate correlation between them and the homicide rate. Population density seems to give a weak-to-moderate correlation, at least in CA, where the State Attorney General conducted some research a few years back.
But there is virtually NO correlation between harsh gun laws and the homicide rates. It seems rather, that harsh gun laws are in "response" to high homicide rates.
Damn, that post was supposed to be in response to Rossami.
Have you though about corralatong based on demographics?
At some point in the 1970s, as I recall, William F. Buckley noted the argument that Japan, with very strict gun-control law, had a much lower homicide racist than the gun-ridden United States. He then pointed out that the homicide rate was similarly low among Japanese-Americans (whether as victims or perps, I don't recall; I suspect the figures would be similar in both cases). He concluded that the reason Japan has such a low homicide rate is not its gun-control laws, but the fact that it's got so many Japanese living there.
Yep. Regarding the statement by Buckley, Kleck discovered the same thing in his research. International comparisons of homicide rates are pretty much useless.
It's a much better policy, and much more useful, to compare State-to-State rates. At least we are dealing with cultures which are sort-of similar.
For instance: Why does New Hampshire have a homicide rate of 0.9 per 100,000 residents (lower than Canada)? And, why does Louisiana has a homicide rate of 15.8 per 100,000?
The problem is that states are made out of local areas, and when you look at the local areas, you find hugely greater variations in homicide rates than between states.
And when you look at neighborhoods, the variations get even bigger. Street level, they reach thousand fold differences, sometimes. All under the same gun laws! Really, the neighborhoods have different rates because they do or don't have bad streets, the cities have different rates because they do or don't have bad neighborhoods, the states have different rates because they do or don't have bad cities...
It's a standard rule of statistical analysis that you can't isolate a cause unless you can identify and control for confounding variables, and the stronger those confounding variables are, the more precisely you have to control for them.
With the variations you're seeing at the local level, obviously NOT caused by uniform gun laws, you'd need to have an almost god-like understanding of the causes of crime before you could tease out the effects of gun laws. It's hopeless to even get started.
Which is why attempting to do so is usually a good sign somebody is a hack manufacturing propaganda, not a serious researcher... Because they're all aware of this problem.
I could guess, but some of the likely answers are probably "racist".
Percentage of Oregonians with CCPs: 6%
Percentage of Californians with CCPs: 0.2%
Don't forget the gun ownership rates. We need to know that too.
Yep. Twice as high. But not 6 for every 100 residents vs 2 out of every 1000 residents as high 🙂
Also don't forget the scarry ghost guns.
I saw one at the end of a scooby doo episode, they pulled the mask off of the ghost gun and it was old rusty knife all along
Gee. I used to own three "ghost guns," if you mean guns that were never registered with any governmental agency: two shotguns and a rifle (originally sold in 1912, 1914, and 1919, respectively, and passed along through family members until they reached me. They were really scary. I had to store them out-of-sight because they spooked the cats.
And you would have gotten away with it too, if it weren't for those pesky kids.
“And it would have worked too, if it wasn’t for you nosy kids!….So, you like sticking your nose where it don’t belong?”
“Mr Polanski, OW!!!!”
That last sentence can be used as a reminder of why Roman can’t go to Hollywood anymore…
The national average for homicide rates for white is about 1.8 (Oregon has very little data on black deaths by gun). I would suspect that much of the difference is sociology-economic. Meaning gun ownership rates don't make a difference.
And lets be real, when we are talking about poor neighborhoods with gangs, poor education, etc. we all recognize that the population is largely minority.
Invest in public education in the poorer neighborhoods as a long term solution. Short term, get as much opportunity in the neighborhood as possible.
"(Oregon has very little data on black deaths by gun)."
The CDC has that info, on WISQARS -- The homicide rates for minority groups, higher or lower, depending on the group, are similar to CA, but tend a bit lower, in keeping with the overall lower rate. Note when using WISQARS: the date available is provided by the States, at their leisure, so, to get the best "picture" for a particular State or Metro Area, I try to use data at least three years old.
my takeaway over the years has been that the only thing you can really learn from the conclusions of a 'gun control' study is the bent of who paid for it.
Now do masks and lockdowns.
Science and due process.
Um, one of those should have THE in front of it!
How about follow the best science we know at the time. COVID is known as a contagious (much like the flu) disease that at first, we though could be avoided by social distancing, and later quarantine. As COVID mutated and as the population became vaccinated... THINGS CHANGED (shocker! I know!). So best practices should change alongside.
And BTW, masks have been shown to be effective - less so against Omicron, but reasonably effective against the earlier, including Delta strains. So, yeah, as part of social distancing...
Don't blame Trump for being ignorant about COVID, we were all ignorant to some extent.
Well, I remember when Fauci flat out lied to us about masks. There were a number of "noble lies" told, that were retconned to be all about the "science" but simply were about power and control, or at best, public image to be seen as "doing something".
In March 2020, as the pandemic began, Anthony Fauci, the chief medical adviser to the president of the United States, explained in a 60 Minutes interview that he felt community use of masks was unnecessary. A few months later, he argued that his statements were not meant to imply that he felt the data to justify the use of cloth masks was insufficient. Rather, he said, had he endorsed mask wearing (of any kind), mass panic would ensue and lead to a surgical and N95 mask shortage among health care workers, who needed the masks more. Yet, emails from a Freedom of Information Act request revealed that Fauci privately gave the same advice—against mask use—suggesting it was not merely his outward stance to the broader public.
Although some have claimed that the evidence changed substantively in the early weeks of March, our assessment of the literature does not concur. We believe the evidence at the time of Fauci’s 60 Minutes interview was largely similar to that in April 2020. Thus, there are two ways to consider Fauci’s statement. One possibility is, as he says, that his initial statement was dishonest but motivated to avoid a run on masks needed by health care workers. The other is that he believed his initial statements were accurate, and he subsequently decided to advocate for cloth masks to divert attention from surgical or N95 masks, or to provide a sense of hope and control to a fearful and anxious public.
Slates conclusion:
We worry that vaccine policy among supporters of vaccines is increasingly anchored to the irrational views of those who oppose them—by always pursuing the opposite. Exaggerating the risk of the virus in the moment and failing to explore middle ground positions appear to be the antithesis of the anti-vax movement, which is an extremist effort to refuse vaccination. This seems a reflexive attempt to vaccinate at all costs—by creating fear in the public (despite falling adolescent rates) and pushing the notion that two doses of mRNA at the current dose level or nothing at all are the only two choices—a logical error called the fallacy of the excluded middle.
Noble lies—small untruths—yield unpredictable outcomes. Nietzsche once wrote, “Not that you lied to me, but that I no longer believe you, has shaken me.” Public health messaging is predicated on trust, which overcomes the enormous complexity of the scientific literature, creating an opportunity to communicate initiatives effectively. Still, violation of this trust renders the communication unreliable. When trust is shattered, messaging is no longer clear and straightforward, and instead results in the audience trying to reverse-engineer the statement based on their view of the speaker’s intent. Simply put, noble lies can rob confidence from the public, leading to confusion, a loss of credibility, conspiracy theories, and obfuscated policy.
Noble lies are a trap. We cannot predict the public’s behavior, and loss of trust is devastating. The general population is far too skeptical to blindly follow the advice of experts, and far too intelligent to be easily duped.
And BTW, masks have been shown to be effective
Nope. The preponderance of the research is that they are not.
Who gives a damn?
The constitution (theoretically) trumps the studies, no matter what they "say".
(and yes, it was intentional)
But this is Reason magazine. The Statist ground has been ceded and only the quibbling over the details remains.
Singular they or plural they?
They is not sure.
define "works".
If the goal is to harass and pester and inconvenience and stigmatize non-criminal gun owners, the laws work great.
So, in my state I can walk to the local store and buy a rifle without a license, but need to undergo a nearly impossible application process to buy a handgun(unless I bribe a cop).
Yet, 3/4 of homicides are made with the less regulated firearm. That's the only study I really need.
Where are you getting that from? As far as I know a tiny proportion of homicides are committed with long guns. Almost all homicides by gun are with handguns.
Or did you just type "less" when you meant "more"?
Blunt weapons like hammers and fists, kill more people each year than the blanket category of "rifles."
That's not right at all! Handguns are by far the most common weapon used in murders.
The 2018 homicide data from the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) shows that more people were murdered with knives (1,515) and “blunt objects” such as hammers (443) than with rifles (297). The numbers also show that fewer people were killed with shotguns (235) than with knives or blunt objects.
However, the vast majority of homicides (6,603) were committed with handguns.
The FBI crime statistics show that 10,265 murders were committed by firearms, all types, in 2018: 6,603 murders by handguns; 297 by rifles; 235 by shotguns; 167 by “other guns”; and 2,963 by “firearms, type not stated.”
(FBI, Criminal Justice Information Services Division)
While there were 1,515 homicides by “knives or cutting instruments” in 2018, there were 1,698 knife murders in 2017, 1,558 in 2016, and 1,525 in 2015.
Stick with the narrative! It's crazy white boys with rifles that are causing the Epidemic of Gun Violence. Black boys with handguns have nothing to do with it.
But people are dying, bleat the sheep.
The human mortality rate is holding steady at 100%.
I plan to live forever. So far, so good.
Regarding Does Gun Control Work? If one desires to disarm the law abiding, the answer would be YES, at least to some extent. Does Gun Control, as usually offered work to disarm criminals? Not in the least.
Do Studies Show Gun Control Works? No.
If studies showed gun control worked, would it matter? No.
The studies that show gun control worked would also show that government-enforced inequality worked. They would lend credence to studies that speech control worked, that centralized authoritative national (with imaginary borders!) governments worked. They would continue to do this until the pile of bodies generated by centralized authoritative national governments exceeded the living and, potentially, well after.
Strangely, western countries like Australia, Japan, Germany, Canada, etc where there is low gun ownership seem to have fewer shootings. I just can't get my head around that. Don't they pretend to have freedom and democaracy ? Oh well.
Don't they pretend to have freedom and democaracy ?
Yes, they do. Recent events in Australia and Canada have shown vividly that they are just pretending.
He talks above about confounding variables, and one of the biggest is race. In this country, roughly half the violent crime is committed by one racial group that constitutes roughly 12% of the population. That racial group is essentially missing in those other countries. On the flip side, as the OP pointed out, it’s not just Japan that has a low incidence of violent crime, but the Japanese in general, wherever they reside. And that is likely because they racially evolved in a cold unforgiving climate where cooperation is key to survival.
they racially evolved in a cold unforgiving climate
Like Northern Europeans.
Strangely, in Japan, the police can legally beat a confession out of you, question you without a lawyer present, and if they don't like the outcome of a trial, they can try you again.
Perhaps this has something to do with their low crime rates, too.
Even if this is, indeed, a reason why they have low crime, I don't particularly want to adopt these policies in America.
At the moment, I'm not willing to go into cultural reasons why these other places seem to have lower shooting rates, but I will observe this: when you cut out the major cities that have the worst crime, and the lowest gun ownership rates, and look at the rest of the country that has particularly high gun ownership rates, they have even fewer shootings than Australia, Japan, Germany, Canada, etc.
An article on violent crime that doesn't mention demographics or the black homicide rate is really just dancing around the subject.
No, no, no. Firearms violence is entirely a problem of crazy white boys with rifles. Black boys with handguns is a racist myth.
It is a mistake to assume a disarmed society will be a peaceful one. Eliminate guns and you will still have a crime problem. Eliminate the criminals and you won't have a gun problem.
It is a mistake to assume and not experiment. There was no U.S. gun control when the entire world wanted to flee to America, so the experiment has been made and proved its worth. Armed society is peaceful compared to that of rightless amputees. “It doesn't matter how beautiful your theory is, it doesn't matter how smart you are. If it doesn't agree with experiment, it's wrong.” Richard Feynman
Amazed the authors didn't discuss one of the key reasons we don't have good evidence on whether and what type of gun control may reduce gun violence: the Dickey Amendment.
The federal government stopped funding gun-violence research after Congress passed the rule in 1996. It barred the CDC from using funds “to advocate or promote gun control”. That was widely interpreted as prohibiting the funding of research into gun violence. Jay Dickey, the congressman (R -AR) who wrote the amendment, reversed his position in the years before his death. “Both of us now believe strongly that federal funding for research into gun-violence prevention should be dramatically increased,” Dickey wrote in 2015.
So that's what Cockneys really mean by "don't believe a dicky-bird!"
If only there were billionaires like Mike Bloomberg, who might oppose gun ownership, to fund those kinds of studies. It's a pity that all the billionaires in the United States is in favor of complete gun anarchy, otherwise we might get to the bottom of these things! It's a pity, in particular, that Mike Bloomberg has only funded pro-gun groups like [checks notes] "Everytown for Gun Safety" and "Moms Demand Action".
Also, the fact that the CDC stopped funding gun studies when Congress banned them from using funds “to advocate or promote gun control”: it's what some of us might call a clue. It's a clue that the CDC wasn't interested in understanding gun violence for the sake of gun violence -- they were studying it in an effort to push for gun control.
Government "studies" never mention the *initiation* of actual or threatened deadly force as an instigator of violence. But as long as superstition and pseudoscience combine to legislate by equivocating vices with crimes, enforcers set the example by instigating yet evade recrimination in hand-wringing "studies" or true bills.
It's funny how so many of these studies assume that all life is equal -- and that, in particular, the life of a burglar, mugger, or rapist killed while threatening the life of their victims is just as important as the victims themselves -- if not more so.
Why talk about studies? They do not care about violence, terrorism, or criminal activity. They want to transform an effectively armed citizenry, into an INEFFECTIVELY armed citizenry, that can no longer be an effective resistance to their power and mandates. This is about shifting the "balance of power" FIRMLY to government advantage.