4 Loko Tacos & Other Illicit Foods - Kennedy w/ Keep Food Legal's Baylen Linnekin
HD Download"[Four Loko] is truly vile to drink," admits Baylen Linnekin, executive director of Keep Food Legal, "but I'm not the arbiter of taste and neither should the government."
Be it unpasteurized, caffeinated, or sodium-enriched, government inevitably finds excuse to regulate and even ban food and drink that they say risk public health or safety. Keep Food Legal fights to keep the nanny state from ossifying the American palette by promoting people's right to grow, cook, and consume the edibles of their choosing.
Reason contributor Kennedy dished with Linnekin about Big Government threats to culinary versatility, over some delicious and illegal Four Loko tacos cooked up by Linnekin himself.
About 25 minutes. Filmed by Joshua Swain and Anthony Fisher. Edited by Zach Weissmueller.
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