Bjorn Lomborg: How Our Climate Fixation Hurts the World's Poor
The 'skeptical environmentalist' offers 12 low-cost, proven policies that he says could save 4.2 million lives and generate $1.1 trillion in new wealth every year.
The 'skeptical environmentalist' offers 12 low-cost, proven policies that he says could save 4.2 million lives and generate $1.1 trillion in new wealth every year.
The 'Skeptical Environmentalist' offers 12 low-cost, proven policies that he says would save 4.2 million lives and generate $1.1 trillion in new wealth every year.
Cites MIT "expert" who has apparently not read the work of his colleagues who agree with Lomborg
Paris Climate Change Conference
Plenty of economic pain for a likely reduction in global temperature rise of about -0.17°C in 2100