Stossel: Hot Air on the Hill
Politicians use congressional hearings to score cheap points and bully productive people.
Politicians use congressional hearings to score cheap points and bully productive people.
Rand Paul takes on socialist arguments about Venezuela, Scandinavia, and fairness.
35 states have laws that let established businesses block new businesses. This hurts consumers.
Regulators hate Facebook's proposed "Libra” currency. They may kill it. But they can't kill Bitcoin so easily.
The Kentucky senator makes the case for less American military involvement abroad.
It's politically correct to say men and women are mentally the same, but Stossel lays out science that says otherwise.
Stossel's full interview with Tulsi Gabbard covering war, drugs, free healthcare, free college, the minimum wage, and more.
Tulsi Gabbard and Stossel discuss war, drug legalization, and government spending.
Glenn Beck says social media outlets are biased against conservatives.
Maybe the ocean is a place where we can experiment with new ways of living.
Don't believe news reports—we're healthier, richer, and safer than ever before.
Governments limit charter schools, even though charters often do better than government-run schools.
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