What Will Recreational Marijuana Legalization Mean for California?

Q&A with Lynne Lyman of the Drug Policy Alliance.


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"This [marijuana legalization] initiative goes further than any initiative in the world," says Lynne Lyman, California state director for the Drug Policy Alliance, speaking of Prop 64, the 2016 ballot initiative calling for the legalization of commerical marijuana sales in California. "We're really setting a new floor for what marijuana legalization should include."

Lyman sat down with Reason TV's Zach Weissmueller to discuss the details of Prop 64, from taxation and regulation to criminal justice reforms to resolving the tension between medical and commercial marijuana. They also took general questions about marijuana from viewers of the Facebook Live stream and speculated about what legalization in the most populous state in the union might mean for the future of drug policy in America.

This video originally aired live on Reason's Facebook page on August 10, 2016.

Approximately 20 minutes. Shot by Alex Manning and Justin Monticello. Music by Jazzhar.

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