What We Saw at the Eric Garner Protest

Demonstrators pack the streets of Midtown Manhattan.


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Protestors packed the streets of Midtown Manhattan on December 3, 2014 to protest the news that a grand jury had declined to indict the NYPD officer who killed an unarmed man named Eric Garner last July by choking him with a nightstick after he resisted arrest.

The protest began at 4:30pm with a "die-in" staged at Grand Central Terminal, in which about 20 people lay down on the floor in the middle of the commuter hub. The demonstration moved to Times Square, and then towards Rockefeller Center, where protesters blocked traffic and attempted to disrupt the annual Christmas tree lighting ceremony, but the NYPD kept them at bay by throwing up gates around the site.

More of Reason's coverage of the Eric Garner case.

Shot and edited by Jim Epstein.

Approximately 2 minutes.

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