Rabbi Fights Feds to Open Pot Shop
Rabbi will open a medical marijuana dispensary in the nation's capitol
"[The federal government] should know who is a pot dealer and who is not. For them to pretend otherwise is ridiculous," says Rabbi Jeffrey Kahn. Kahn, an ordained rabbi who has served congregations for over 30 years, is opening a medical marijuana dispensary in Washington, D.C. this summer alongside his wife. Kahn says the federal government has made it impossible for him to get a bank account for his small business.
Medical marijuana is legal in D.C. and 18 states, but it's still illegal under federal law. This means that even though Kahn is abiding by D.C. law, banks won't work with his business for fear of losing FDIC protection--or worse. Kahn says he has not been able to open a bank account with any financial institution. If he is forced to be a cash-only business, he will be more vulnerable to crime and IRS auditing.
About 4 minutes.
Produced by Amanda Winkler. Shot by Todd Krainin and Winkler. Narrated by Krainin. Additional help by Joshua Swain.
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