Reason Podcast

Remy: Jim Carrey's Cold Dead Hand - A Rebuttal


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Remy's rebuttal to Jim Carrey's anti-gun song, Cold Dead Hand.

About 2 minutes.

Music written and performed by Remy. Video by Meredith Bragg.

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Sometimes dudes minds are skewed
and they choose to go a-killin'
Because they saw a Batman villain
killing, well…ring a bell?

Sometimes stars get armed guards
When they make a million buck-ers
Then call you heartless mother fuckers
to want the same…as those with fame?

Polio and smallpox they no longer kill en masse
Because of vaccinations they are a thing of the past
But you tell parents to skip them and the science you contrast
Because just like in your movies…you're talking our your ass

It takes a talking ass
to oppose a vaccination
when your PhD is in
making funny faces

It takes a talking ass
to tell people they can't arm when
You don't walk around
without an armed bodyguard

It takes a talking ass
to call fans dumb and demented
When you are the one
who wants something uninvented

It takes a talking ass
to be out there passing blame
when you've shot someone
on every TV ever made