Are you a fast, careful editor who loves free minds and free markets? Reason wants to hire you. The ideal candidate will have experience making story assignments for both staffers and freelancers, as well as the ability to do meticulous line edits, proofreading, and fact-checking on deadline. He or she will also have an in-depth understanding of politics and public policy, and an appreciation for the libertarian worldview. Fluency in A.P. style is a major plus. The job includes opportunities to write for Reason's online and print publications. This position is based in Washington, D.C., with some flexibility on location. 

Job duties include:

  • Assigning and editing stories for Reason magazine and
  • Liaising with freelancers 
  • Collaborating with editorial staff to help refine longer-form pieces for Reason's print edition
  • Copy-editing quick-turnaround news items for


  • Previous journalism and/or editing experience
  • Solid grasp of journalistic practices
  • Sharp organizational and writing skills
  • Obsessive attention to detail

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