Budget Deal Headed to Obama, EU Parliament Wants Members to Protect Snowden, D.C. Dance Cop Goes Viral: A.M. Links


  • In the wee hours of Friday morning, the Senate gave final approval to a budget and debt deal, passing it 64-35. Republican presidential candidates Rand Paul, Marco Rubio, and Ted Cruz all voted against the deal, which is aimed at avoiding partial government shutdown. It's now been sent to President Obama to sign. 
  • The European Parliament voted Thursday to ask EU member states "to drop any criminal charges against Edward Snowden, grant him protection and consequently prevent extradition or rendition by third parties, in recognition of his status as whistle-blower and international human rights defender."
  • CNN has obtained footage of the May biker shootout in Waco, Texas, in which nine people were killed and 18 wounded; previously the footage had been placed under a gag order. (More from Reason's Brian Doherty on the story here.)
  • Victorian-era diseases are making a comeback. (Does this count as cultural appropriation?) 
  • The New York Times takes a look at state policies for sex offenders post-prison. 
  • "The moral crusade against (Germaine) Greer has provided a disturbing snapshot of the new intolerance," writes Spiked editor Brendan O'Neill
  • "Is Operation Cross Country the best way to fight child sex trafficking?" Probably not
  • The rogue Army blimp that drifted from Maryland to Pennsylvania Thursday has been shot down
  • A cop's interaction with a group of teenagers has gone viral, and for once the reason isn't awful: the D.C. officer defused a potential confrontation with a dance off

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