Lena Dunham Had Private Misgivings About Hillary Clinton, Will Chris Rock Boycott the Oscars? A.M. Links


  • According to The New York Times, Lena Dunham's vigorous public support for Hillary Clinton is at odds with her private misgivings about how Hillary covered for Bill's mistreatment of women.

  • Teresa Buchanan, the Louisiana State University instructor fired for using inappropriate language in the classroom, has filed a lawsuit alleging that LSU wrongly applied Title IX guidance in her case. I previously wrote about her situation here.
  • The Flint water crisis may be a scandal, but it's not one primarily caused by Republicans.
  • Chris Rock is under pressure to boycott the Oscars.
  • The Hulk Hogan lawsuit has prompted Gawker to take on a new investor.
  • Thousands of students are asking the federal government to forgive their loans on the grounds that colleges deceived them about their post-graduation career possibilities.

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