A.M. Links: Poll Show Most Americans Believe Too Many Rely on Government, John Lewis Says Edward Snowden Actions "Civil Disobedience," Military Spent Hundreds of Thousands of Dollars Reading, Analyzing Bradley Manning Leaks
A new poll shows 74 percent of Americans, including 87 percent of Republicans and 58 percent of Democrats, believe people rely on government too much.
- Congressman John Lewis, who worked with Martin Luther King during the civil rights movement, compared Edward Snowden's actions to the civil disobedience of his generation. What does that make Barack Obama?
- A retired Colonel testifying in the Bradley Manning sentencing hearing said the military spent hundreds of thousands of dollars trying to assess the damage done by the private's leaks. They even wrote a program to sift through the disclosures.
- Senator Obama supported substantive restrictions on mass data collection by the NSA. He hoped, he changed.
- The FBI connected a bomb threat to a flight from Ireland to Philadelphia. Where's Peter King?
- Governor Jerry Brown is dealing with problems in California he helped create when he was governor in the 70s.
- The Syrian government denies rebel claims that they were able to hit Bashar Assad's convoy.
- Bill Clinton says he's staying away from the New York City mayor's race because he and his wife know of five of the candidates, including the Republican. Before Bloomberg changed the law to be allowed to pursue a third term, Clinton's name was floated as a mayoral candidate for the 2009 election.
- Time flies like an arrow, fruit flies like California.
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