A.M. Links: President, Congressional Leaders to Meet About Sequester Today, Bradley Manning Says He Leaked Secrets to Start War Debate, F-35 Cleared to Fly After Crack in Engine Found
The president will meet with congressional leaders today to talk about the sequester, which is supposed to start kicking in some time today.
- Bradley Manning says he leaked government secrets to start a debate on the U.S. wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.
- The Pentagon's fleet of F-35s are cleared to fly again after the engine maker said it was confident it could fix a crack appearing in some engines.
- China claims the U.S. is hacking its military systems.
- John Kerry says he's going to talk to Turkey's prime minister about the latter calling Zionism a "crime against humanity."
- Mitt Romney sat down for an interview with Fox News Sunday's Chris Wallace set to air Sunday. He says he's glad the election's over.
- Girls Gone Wild is filing for bankruptcy.
- SpaceX is preparing for its third launch to the International Space Station.
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