Tim Cavanaugh Talks Fake Budget and Fake Trains with KGO's Chris Reed, 6:04pm Pacific


Reason Senior Editor will talk about the pending California budget deal and the with the San Diego Union Tribune's Chris Reed tonight on San Diego's KOGO 600 AM.

Topics: Golden State Democrats say they have a budget plan that doesn't rely on the "smoke and mirrors" Gov. Jerry Brown denounced last week. A closer look at the plan's details doesn't exactly support that claim. Will this one sink too? Will legislators ever get paid again? Will anything good come of the deal? if Brown signs another unbalanced budget, will Controller John Chiang stick to his promise to judge the numbers accurately?

Also, the state's high-speed rail dream is breaking down even faster than the Acela. Will Iraq end up being the only country with HSR? Haven't the Iraqis suffered enough? 

Time: Tonight, 6:04pm Pacific, 9:04pm Eastern

Place: San Diegans (Dieglettes?) can tune their sets to 600 on the AM dial.

Others can listen live on the international computerwebs.