Know Your Islamofascists


Here's a surprise: World-renowned Middle East expert Sen. Rick Santorum can't tell the difference between the al-Jazeera network and a lefty website.

"Don't ask Santorum to 'apologize,' folks. Vote Democratic," stated the commentary from [], which denounced the senator's July 20 speech describing the United States as fighting a war on Islamic fascism, not terror.

Santorum referenced it himself Thursday on Fox's O'Reilly Factor.

But there was one little wrinkle.

The Web site was not related to the Arabic TV network based in the Middle East—spelled al-Jazeera, no h.

It's really not hard to sell pro-war blogs on the idea that an Arab network would endorse the Democrat running against a kooky American senator. From Captain's Quarters:

Casey did not pursue this particular seal of approval, obviously, but the terror apologists' appeal to readers to "vote Democratic" doesn't portend a groundswell of support in any case.

From "Conservative Outpost":

That was Al Jazeera…getting on the Democrat bandwagon. What more do you need to know?

From Blue State Conservatives:

If there ever was a reason to vote for Santorum, this is it: Al-Jazeera endorses Casey against Santorum.

This needs to be plastered all over the blogosphere.

Captain's Quarters has corrected the post; the other blogs haven't. But raise your hands: Who thinks this is the last time this year that a war supporter will claim his opponent has been endorsed by terrorists/scary Muslim journalists?