Thar She Blows!


With the dual caveats that it's yet another post about Pajamas Media Open Source Media OSM, and written by one of my best friends, this Jim Lowney account of the new website's launch party is a very entertaining and enlightening read, and not just because of the hooker.

In the interest of treating the new million-dollar group-blog venture the same way I treated the million-dollar Huffington Post, what are some of site's early high points? Well, there's the first sentence of OSM's first news item:

The historic Gaza border deal reached yesterday between Israel and the Palestinian Authority (Associated Press, Christian Science Monitor), brokered by US Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice in marathon negotiations, has been received by the blogosphere with a far greater amount of skepticism than it has where the mainstream media are concerned.

Not exactly "Lolita, light of my life, fire of my loins," but it was only Opening Day. Then there was the late Bob Woodward post, comprising entirely of this:

The Washington Post has revealed that the dean of investigative reporting, Robert Woodward, knew the identity of Valerie Plame more than two years ago. Bloggers are going wild.

Throw 'em some beads! Meanwhile, NASDAQ's heating up again, Google shares are running wilder than Yahoo employees at an Arianna Huffington party, and all signs are pointing to the blog bubble I predicted in July.

Which is, of course, great news.