Plan B First, Cancer Vaccine Next…


And HIV Vaccines eventually. Reuters reports:

A former U.S. Food and Drug Administration official who quit the agency because it failed to make a "morning after" contraceptive available without a prescription said on Wednesday she fears other health advances could also be sidetracked.

Susan Wood, who headed the FDA's Office of Women's Health, said she was "very worried" political pressure on the agency from the same conservative groups who opposed wider availability of the contraceptive could also result in a delay for a new vaccine that protects against cervical cancer…

She said some of the same forces who opposed over-the-counter sales for Barr Pharmaceuticals' Plan B emergency contraceptive are suggesting that reducing one of the risks involved in sexual contact could lead to promiscuity among young women—the same argument they used against Plan B.

"That appalls me." she said. "I also worry when and if we reach an HIV vaccine" that the same argument will be raised, she said.

Whole article here. My own earlier worries about the FDA's new efforts to regulate morality here.