Harriet Miers and Exodus Ministries?


When I listened to President Bush introduce Harriet Miers this morning as his new Supreme Court nominee, I heard him list among her affiliations Exodus Ministries. Puzzled I asked my wife if this could be what I thought it was? We both dismissed the possibility, but it keeps nagging at me.

Ms. Mier's resume lists her as a former board member of Exodus Ministry, Inc. Googling "Exodus Ministry, Inc.," brings up the website of Exodus International which notoriously bills itself as "a nonprofit, interdenominational Christian organization promoting the message of 'Freedom from homosexuality through the power of Jesus Christ.'"

Perhaps there is another Exodus Ministry Inc., that I have somehow missed, but if Ms. Miers was a board member of the ex-gay ministry, the next few weeks should feature some pretty spectacular fireworks on Capitol Hill.

Update: Thanks to alert Reason Online readers, my confusion over Miers and Exodus Ministries has been cleared up. The ministry she worked with is an ex-offender organization.