The Agency's Gone, But it's Not Forgotten


One of the few Contract With America-targeted federal government agencies actually shut down was the U.S. Travel and Tourism Administration, which was euthanized in 1996. But as the Arizona Republic reports, you don't necessarily need a federal agency to spend federal tax dollars:

[T]he United States is spending $8 million in a television, billboard and Internet campaign that plays off United Kingdom interest in the U.S. entertainment industry.

The advertisements, which began Dec. 19 and run through mid-February, say: "You've seen the film, now visit the set," and shows iconic U.S. scenes, including Arizona's Grand Canyon.

Congress allocated $6 million of the money ($2 million came from destinations) for the pilot international campaign, the first money dedicated for international marketing since elimination of the U.S. Travel and Tourism Administration in 1996. […]

Congress allocated another $9.8 million for international marketing this fiscal year, which will be divided among the United Kingdom and Canada and/or Japan

Link via Highways West.