Protest Humor


The Sacramento Bee reports that a man carrying a parody protest sign at the Ministerial Conference and Expo on Agricultural Science and Technology was arrested for violating an ordinance "that prohibits people in parades from carrying dangerous items or wearing a gas mask or other 'filters' over the face."

Paul Choate's crime? Carrying a sign posted on 4-inch wide lumber, rather than the allowable 2 inches. His message?:

"We were just goofing off," the Curtis Park resident said Wednesday. "My buddy and I thought it would be fun to make some parody signs and go out and march with protesters. Mine was about freeing Naboo from the Imperial Federation. He was protesting the incorrect spelling of vegetables, like KORN."

About 60 protestors have been arrested at the conference so far and civil libertarians rightly fear that Sacramento's ordinance will be used selectively to punish unpopular speech.

Choate will go to court later in July.

[link via Free-Market.Net]