Good Terror


Having wasted several hours there, I must give a strong recommendation to, "a comprehensive horror website specializing in horror 1925-1987." Though I searched in vain for an entry on Vampyros Lesbos (the works of Jesus Franco could stand to get some more representation), "Hunter" and "Jason" make a pretty fair claim to comprehensiveness, and their appreciations are written with a true fan's loving attention to detail. The review of Silent Night, Deadly Night singles out the only scene I remember from that film: "A hilarious montage includes a sequence of Billy turning down some liquor because he's drinking milk… " (Little did I know that the SNDN series went on to generate four sequels, "culminating with legendary Mickey Rooney as a mad toy maker in the fifth installment.") If you too thought you were the only person who had ever seen Alice, Sweet Alice—a wonderful mid-70s Paterson NJ period picture, Catholic horror travesty and pre-adolescent Brooke Shields vehicle—be of good cheer: Hunter and Jason saw it and loved it. Even more gratifying is an analysis of the Monstrous Old Broads genre that began with Whatever Happened to Baby Jane? and continued through the early 70s. If you are a fan of Italian giallo pictures (I'm indifferent), you'll find special attractions here. In any event, it's good to see our culture's less celebrated orifices are still attracting dedicated spelunkers.