Anthony Fauci, the Man Who Thought He Was Science
On Call, Anthony Fauci's new memoir, can't disguise the damage caused by his COVID-19 policies.

On Call: A Doctor's Journey in Public Service, by Anthony Fauci, Viking, 480 pages, $36
As a young medical student, I admired Tony Fauci. I bought and read Harrison's Principles of Internal Medicine, a vital textbook that Fauci co-edited. In reading his new memoir, On Call, I remembered why I admired him. His concern about his patients' plights, especially HIV patients, comes through clearly.
Unfortunately, Fauci's memoir omits vital details about his failures as an administrator, an adviser to politicians, and a key figure in America's public health response to infectious disease threats over the past 40 years. His life story is a Greek tragedy. Fauci's evident intelligence and diligence are why the country and the world expected so much of him, but his hubris caused his failure as a public servant.
It is impossible to read Fauci's memoir and not believe he was genuinely moved by the plight of AIDS patients. Since the first time he learned of the illness from a puzzling and alarming case report, his laudable ambition has been to conquer the disease with drugs and vaccines, cure every patient, and wipe the syndrome from the face of the earth. He is both sincere and correct when he writes that "history will judge us harshly if we don't end HIV."
When an aide in 1985 offered to quit when he contracted AIDS for fear of scandal at Fauci's beloved National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), Fauci hugged him, declaring "Jim, you crazy son of a bitch, there is no way in the world I would ever let you go." This was Fauci at his best.
But Fauci paints an incomplete picture of his attitude toward AIDS patients in its early days. In 1983, in response to a case report of an infant with AIDS published in The Journal of the American Medical Association, Fauci told the press that AIDS might be spread by routine household contact. There was no good evidence then and is none now to suggest that HIV is transmitted that way. But Fauci's statement, prominently echoed in the media, panicked the American people, almost certainly leading many to physically shun AIDS patients out of an unfounded fear of catching the disease.
Fauci does not address this incident, so one is left to speculate about why he was attracted to this theory. One possibility is that there was little political support for government spending on AIDS when the public thought it only affected gay men. As the public came to understand AIDS impacted broader populations, such as hemophiliacs and IV drug users, public support for funding HIV research expanded.
Fauci was tremendously successful in eventually building public support for government spending on treating and trying to prevent the spread of AIDS. Likely no other scientist in history moved more money and resources to accomplish a scientific and medical goal than Fauci, and his memoir proves he was highly skilled in managing bureaucracy and getting his way both from politicians and from an activist movement that was at first highly skeptical about him. (One prominent AIDS activist, playwright Larry Kramer, once called Fauci a murderer.)
Fauci's response to activist criticism was to build relationships and use them as a tool to push for more government funding. Fauci's activist allies seemed to understand the game, staging attacks on Fauci, both playing their part to gain more money for HIV research.
By contrast, his treatment of scientific critics is harsh, crossing lines that federal science bureaucrats should not cross. In 1991, when University of California, Berkeley, professor and wunderkind cancer biologist Peter Duesberg put forward a (false) hypothesis that the virus, HIV, is not the cause of AIDS, Fauci did everything in his power to destroy him. In his memoir, Fauci writes about debating Duesberg, writing papers, and giving talks to counter his ideas. But Fauci did more, isolating Duesberg, destroying his reputation in the press, and making him a pariah in the scientific community. Though Fauci was right and Duesberg wrong about the scientific question, the scientific community learned it was dangerous to cross Fauci.
Fauci's HIV record is mixed. The great news is that, because of tremendous advances in treatment, a diagnosis of HIV is no longer the death sentence it was in the 1980s or 1990s. Fauci claims credit in his memoir, pointing out that the NIAID developed a clinical trial network that made it easier for researchers at pharmaceutical companies to conduct randomized studies of the effectiveness of HIV medications. But any competent National Institutes of Health (NIH) director would have directed NIAID resources this way. Furthermore, many in the HIV community have criticized Fauci for not using this network to test treatment ideas developed within the community—especially off-patent medications. Fauci is more reasonable when he takes credit for the 2003 creation of the President's Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief program (PEPFAR), through which the U.S. sent effective HIV medications to several African nations.
Despite billions of dollars spent on the task, no one to date has produced an effective HIV vaccine or a definitive cure, and the virus remains a threat to the health and well-being of the world population. By Fauci's own high standard, there is still a long way to go.
In the early days of the war on terror, Fauci became head of civilian biodefense, with the mandate to develop and stockpile countermeasures to biowarfare agents. This appointment made Fauci one of the most well-paid and powerful figures in the U.S. government. Fauci leveraged his deep knowledge of the federal bureaucracy, streamlining federal contracting rules to issue "sole source contracts" and "rapid research grants" to create constituencies of companies and scientists who depended on Fauci for their success.
In 2005, avian flu emerged and spread among birds, chickens, and livestock. Also spreading were worries that the virus could evolve to become more transmissible among human beings. Fauci deployed NIAID money to develop an avian flu vaccine, leading the government to stockpile tens of millions of ultimately unused and unnecessary doses.
At this point, virologists persuaded Fauci's NIAID to support dangerous scientific lab experiments designed to make the avian flu virus more easily transmissible among humans.
In 2011, NIAID-funded scientists in Wisconsin and the Netherlands succeeded. They published their results in a prestigious scientific journal, so that anyone with the knowledge and resources could replicate their steps. They effectively weaponized the avian flu virus and shared the recipe with the world, with Fauci and his agency in full support.
The idea behind this gain-of-function research was that we would learn which pathogens might leap into human beings, and that knowing that would help scientists develop vaccines and treatments for these prospective possible pandemics. Fauci, writing to molecular biologists in 2012, downplayed the possibility that laboratory workers or scientists studying these dangerous pathogens might cause the pandemic they were working to prevent. He also argued that the risk of such an accident was worth it: "In an unlikely but conceivable turn of events, what if that scientist becomes infected with the virus, which leads to an outbreak and ultimately triggers a pandemic? Many ask reasonable questions: given the possibility of such a scenario—however remote—should the initial experiments have been performed and or published in the first place, and what were the processes involved in this decision? Scientists working in this field might say—as indeed I have said—that the benefits of such experiments and the resulting knowledge outweigh the risks. It is more likely that a pandemic would occur in nature, and the need to stay ahead of such a threat is a primary reason for performing an experiment that might appear to be risky."
The NIH did pause funding gain-of-function work aimed at increasing germs' pathogenicity. The pause didn't last long, though. In the waning days of the Obama administration, the government implemented a bureaucratic process to permit NIH and NIAID to fund gain-of-function work again. Fauci played a pivotal behind-the-scenes role in reversing the pause, but his memoir provides almost no information about what he did. This is a gaping, telling hole, given subsequent history with COVID-19.
Among the projects Fauci and the NIAID funded during these years was research to identify coronaviruses in the wild and bring them into laboratories to study their potential for causing a human pandemic. The work encompassed laboratories worldwide. Fauci's organization funded an American outfit, EcoHealth Alliance, which worked with scientists at the Wuhan Institute of Virology.
In his memoir, Fauci goes out of his way to deny that any NIH money went to any activities that might have led to the creation of the SARS-CoV-2 virus that causes COVID. When Sen. Rand Paul (R–Ky.) in July 2021 confronted Fauci with the possibility that Fauci's NIAID had funded this work, Fauci resorted to cheap debate tactics to obfuscate his and the NIH's responsibility in supporting this work. It is undeniable that Fauci championed pathogen enhancement for a decade or more.
While the molecular biological and genetic evidence for a laboratory origin of SARS-CoV-2 is strong, many virologists disagree. (Their entire field would come under a cloud were it true, and many virologists' careers have been generously supported by Fauci's NIAID.) The debate on this topic rages on. A review of Fauci's memoir is not the place to settle the dispute.
But in judging Fauci's record as a scientist and a bureaucrat, it's worth knowing that in 2020, Fauci and his boss, Francis Collins, failed to empanel public discussions and debates on this vital topic. Instead, they created an environment where any scientist voicing the lab leak hypothesis came under a cloud of suspicion, accused of advancing unfounded conspiracy theories. As with Duesberg, Fauci sought to destroy the careers of dissenting scientists.
In his memoir, Fauci writes of a "right-wing…smear campaign [that] soon boiled over into conspiracy theories." He asserts, "One of the most appalling examples of this was the allegation, without a shred of evidence, that an NIAID grant to the EcoHealth Alliance with a sub-grant to the Wuhan Institute of Virology in China funded research that caused the COVID pandemic."
But in congressional testimony in 2024, Fauci denied that he had called the idea of a lab leak a conspiracy theory: "Actually, I've also been very, very clear and said multiple times that I don't think the 'concept' of there being a lab leak is inherently a conspiracy theory."
This self-serving denial makes a lawyerly distinction between the possibility of a lab origin of the COVID pandemic and the NIH's funding of EcoHealth Alliance to work with the Wuhan Institute of Virology on coronaviruses. These are neither "right-wing" nor "conspiracy theories," and the likelihood of a connection between the two is, for good reason, the subject of active bipartisan congressional investigation.
Fauci was quick to gather all the glory of administrative achievements like PEPFAR to himself while decrying any possibility of blame for the origin of COVID. But if he is responsible for the consequences of one (the millions of Africans saved because of PEPFAR), he is responsible for the consequences of the other. This includes the tens of millions who have died due to the COVID pandemic and the catastrophically harmful lockdowns used to manage it. This is Fauci at his worst.
By any measure, the American COVID response was a catastrophic failure. More than 1.2 million deaths have been attributed to COVID itself, and deaths from all causes have stayed high long after the number of COVID deaths themselves diminished. In many states, particularly blue states, children were kept out of school for a year and a half or longer, with devastating effects on their learning and future health and prosperity.
Coercive policy regarding COVID vaccination, recommended by Fauci on the false premise that vaccinated people could not get or spread the virus, collapsed public trust in other vaccines and led the media and public health officials to gaslight individuals who had suffered legitimate vaccine injuries. To pay for the lockdowns recommended by Fauci, the U.S. government spent trillions of dollars, causing high unemployment in the most locked-down states and a hangover of higher prices for consumer goods that continues to this day. Who is to blame?
Fauci served as a key adviser to both President Donald Trump and President Joe Biden, and was a central figure on Trump's COVID task force that determined federal policy. If Fauci has no responsibility for the outcomes of the pandemic, nobody does. Yet in his memoir's chapters on COVID, he simultaneously takes credit for advising leaders while disclaiming any responsibility for policy failures.
Fauci implausibly writes that he "was not locking down the country" and "had no power to control anything." These statements are belied by Fauci's own bragging about his influence on a host of policy responses, including convincing Trump to lock the country down in March 2020 and extend the lockdown in April.
He discusses the extended closure of schools, now almost universally seen as a bad idea, in the passive voice, as if the virus caused the school closures on its own. In congressional testimony in 2020, Fauci exaggerated the harm to children from getting infected with COVID, instilling fear in parents that their kids might suffer from a rare complication of COVID infection if they sent them to school. It is impossible not to recall Fauci exaggerating the risk of children contracting HIV from casual contact.
In May 2020, Fauci said that schools should reopen, conditional on "the landscape of infection with regard to testing." But he also recommended six-foot social distancing, based on no evidence—a policy that made it nearly impossible to open schools. Fauci opposed churches holding services and mass, even outdoors, despite the lack of evidence that the disease spread there. His memoir provides little detail about the scientific data he relied on to support these policies.
All this background makes his discussion of the Great Barrington Declaration all the more galling. The Declaration is a short policy document I wrote along with Martin Kulldorff (then of Harvard University) and Sunetra Gupta (of the University of Oxford) in October 2020. Motivated by recognizing that the lethality and hospitalization risk from COVID was 1,000 times lower in younger populations than in older, the document had two recommendations: (1) focused protection of vulnerable older populations, and (2) lifting lockdowns and reopening schools. It balanced the harms of the lockdowns against the risks of the disease in a way that recognized that COVID was not the only threat to human well-being and that the lockdowns themselves did considerable harm.
Fauci denigrates the Great Barrington Declaration as being filled with "fake signatures," though FOIAed emails from the era make it clear he knew tens of thousands of prominent scientists, doctors, and epidemiologists had co-signed it. In his memoir, he repeats a propaganda talking point about the Declaration, falsely claiming the document called for letting the virus "rip." In reality, it called for better protection of vulnerable elderly people.
Fauci asserted it was impossible to "sequester to protect the vulnerable" while simultaneously calling for the whole world to sequester for his lockdowns. His rhetoric about the Great Barrington Declaration poisoned the well of scientific consideration of our ideas. With brass-knuckle tactics, he won the policy fight, and many states locked down in late 2020 and into 2021.
The virus spread anyway.
Fauci does not mention the success of Swedish COVID policy, which eschewed lockdowns and instead—after some early errors—focused on protection of the vulnerable. Swedish all-cause excess death rates in the COVID era are among the lowest in Europe and much lower than American all-cause excess deaths. The Swedish health authorities never recommended closing schools for children 16 and under, and Swedish children, unlike American children, have no learning loss.
If lockdowns were necessary to protect the population, as Fauci claims, Swedish outcomes should have been worse than American ones. Even within the United States, locked-down California had worse all-cause excess deaths numbers and economic outcomes than Florida, which opened in the summer of 2020. It is shocking that Fauci still does not seem to know these facts.
Near the end of his memoir, Fauci writes that by March 2022, he knew "there would not be a clear end to the pandemic"; the world would need to learn to "live indefinitely with COVID." He reasons that "perhaps the vaccine and prior infection had created a degree of background immunity." This is as close as he comes in the book to admitting error.
A part of me cannot help but admire Fauci, but the extent of damage caused by his hubris gets in the way. He once told an interviewer, "If you are trying to get at me as a public health official and a scientist, you're really attacking not only Dr. Anthony Fauci, you're attacking science….Science and the truth are being attacked." Despite his career accomplishments, no one should give any man, much less Fauci, credit for being the embodiment of science itself.
If Fauci's goal in writing this memoir is to guide how historians write about him toward the positive, I do not think he succeeded. He will be remembered as a consequential figure for his contributions to the American approach to the HIV and COVID pandemics. But he will also be remembered as a cautionary tale of what can happen when too much power is invested in a single person for far too long.
This article originally appeared in print under the headline "The Man Who Thought He Was Science."
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Stop pretending this was a noble effort with the best of intentions.
I remember the statistics really well, that HIV/AIDS was, and is, such a small problem compared to cancer and heart disease. I also remember the scorn heaped on smokers with lung cancer and fat people with heart problems, yet someone we were supposed to feel sorry for gay men having unprotected promiscuous orgies and spend billions and billions which would have saved more cancer and heart disease victims.
I usually rant about
* Fire KMW
* Get out of DC and NYC
* Liberty first, pragmatism second
but here you aren't even doing pragmatism at all, let alone first.
Government sucks. Its priorities are either cronies or politically correct. Stop applauding a corrupt scientist who knows better than everybody else how to spend their money.
The thing about AIDS was that like with Covid, Fauci steered the preferred treatment to figure cost new medications under patent that ended up killing people. There was a lower cost treatment available that ended up actually becoming the preferred treatment after years if death, but there was less profit for pharma and NIH patents. So Fauci extended the AIDS crisis to enrich his friends with terrible downsides.
Fauci also pushed vad science that had schools disable water fountains. Just like with Covid. The Fauci response to AIDS was just as bad as his response to Covid.
Blame the government. Blame lying.
Lies just keep growing until they’re exposed by truth. Liars advocate censorship. EVERYTHING wrong with this broken world can be blamed on lying.
Since the early 2000’s the leading Chinese virologist Doctor Shi Zhengli had been engineering Coronaviruses working in North Carolina with millions in US grants.
In 2014 the Obama administration initiated a temporary moratorium on “gain of function” engineering which enhances virus communicability and lethality. The COVID virus.
Shi moved back to Wuhan China with the virus to continue the engineering still with the US grants as funding.
In 2015 their careless behaviour released a SARS variant killing several people.
In 2017 the Trump administration rescinded the moratorium, which enabled new grants for gain of function engineering.
In 2018 US embassy inspectors were allowed to review the work in China’s only p4 virus lab which was located in Wuhan. They reported back that it was not secure and a SARS like global pandemic was likely to originate there.
The US government funded the development of COVID19, sent it to China and ignored their own warnings.
Are you commenting from the front Iranian front lines? I figured you went to Iran, to help with their Jihad to exterminate the Jews.
The fact he hasn’t grown a beard and joined Hezbollah yet, makes me wonder if he’s really as committed to this kill-all-the-Jews proposal as he claims.
J(ew)Free too.
Misek is part of the Jizzbollah Auxiliaries, serving the fighters as a goat substitute.
If we held Liars responsible for their misdeeds, you would be the first lined up against the wall.
The whole world is finally seeing what Jews really are as they commit their holocaust in Gaza.
The lying wastes of skin will have only themselves to blame for losing their shitty apartheid state.
Did you turn off your pager?
It's just surreal seeing things that I know to have been confirmed and provably true cited in a post by Misek. Not everything in the post, but just the presence of one or two accurate and objectively verifiable facts which aren't being spun completely out of their relevant context is just disorienting.
There's no mention of any personal notes or "diary entries" from long dead obscure British Bureaucrats though. Maybe someone hacked the account and is trying to "catfish" Misek onto the correct side of an issue for once?
Fauci communicated the implication that AIDS was transmittable through casual contact thus turning a generation of gay men into defacto lepers.
Then intentionally wanting to bring medical staff exposed to Ebola back to the US without a quarantine.
Then his funding of previously prohibited gain of function research that may have culminated with COVID.
The motherfucker not masking at a baseball game when he promoted that shit and taking the side of mostly peaceful political protesters publicly gathering when banning churches from doing so just helps show this was power and not public health.
Fauci communicated the implication that AIDS was transmittable through casual contact thus turning a generation of gay men into defacto lepers.
Fauci was essentially regarded (rightfully) as Hitler by the gay community for decades, and then *poof* the political messaging and narratives changed around him instantly with Covid and they were all thanking him with tears in their eyes. Professional homosexuals are some of the easiest people to gaslight ever.
Didn’t Ron Bailey pen Fauci friendly articles during the whole COVID crisis?
What JD Vance got wrong about Ron Bailey.
JD Vance is wrong about Anthony Fauci. Also weird.
Hang Anthony Fauci!!!
Hang Mike Pence!!!
WHEN will the sheeple FINALLY at long last LISTEN to The ASSpiring Queen of the Internet Cesspools, AKA Marxist Moose-Mammary-Bahn-Farter-Fuhrer The MagnifiCunt Necrophiliac?!?! WHEN will they LISTEN?!?!@%&*(@^%*@?
Meanwhile back at the raunchy...
Marxist Mammary-Necrophilia-Fuhrer, if, ass You Say So Perfectly Well, COVID vaccines are sooo BAD-BAD-BAD… Then SURELY it is NOT asking too much of Perfect Doctor You, to ask of You, can YOU find for us, a credible graph that shows (anything even close to) the OPPOSITE of the below? That shows COVID-plus-vaccine deaths among the VACCINATED being significantly higher than COVID deaths among the UN-vaccinated? If I may add, “credible” does NOT include the likes of Alex Jones or Sidney Powell!!!
Unread ya not once but TWICE!!! Trumped ya, ye Trumpalishitic TrumpalPoooo you!!!!
(PLUS you are PervFectly Icky-Pooo, AND my fellow grade-sckuulers agree with MEEEE!!!)
JD Vance is wrong to keep squirrel unmuted
Yawn, Sqrlsy. That's barely a sleepwalking effort for derangement. F-
"Trumpalishitic TrumpalPoooo you!!!! you are PervFectly Icky-Pooo, AND my fellow grade-sckuulers agree with MEEEE!!!"
Fascinating. The voice of today's progressive. Tell us more.
The sound of one loon quacking.
The appalling way the feds handled and politicized AIDS should have been enough nails for Fauci's coffin. As a layman who did just a little reading about the nature of HIV, I understood how badly the public was being educated on the realities of the disease and the dangers of transmission. It was always extremely difficult to catch, meaning it was limited to those engaged in activities that mixed blood (gay men, drug addicts that shared needles, hemophiliacs getting tainted blood transfusions etc.) but we were told that hey, EVERYBODY was at equal risk. NO reason to close bathhouses (how many thousands caught HIV and/or died because of this) but straight people and lesbians need to protect themselves from an almost nonexistent danger. I remember seeing a booth in West Hollywood with women helpfully demonstrating how to cut up a condom to perform oral sex on other women.
The point is, that Fauci has always been a political animal more interested in himself than the public. He should be shunned and eliminated from the public.
Yes, but why deny the tiny specificity of some maladies and exaggerate universal risks?
1. Idiotic dedication to "equity"
2. Manipulation of public perception and behavior
3. Promotion of fear and existential threats
4. Desire for power
5. Hatred of non-believers
Sound familiar?
"...It was always extremely difficult to catch, meaning it was limited to those engaged in activities that mixed blood (gay men, drug addicts that shared needles, hemophiliacs getting tainted blood transfusions etc.) but we were told that hey, EVERYBODY was at equal risk..."
Seems buried on a Bing search, but Oprah predicted 'millions' of hetero AIDs deaths in the '70s.
1980s. No one really knew what it even was until 1981.
68 members of Far Right gang knows as the "Peckerwoods" arrested
68 members of Peckerwoods neo-Nazi gang indicted in wide-reaching racketeering case: Feds
“By allegedly engaging in everything from drug-trafficking to firearms offenses to identity theft to COVID fraud, and through their alliance with a neo-Nazi prison gang, the Peckerwoods are a destructive force,” he said in the press release. “In prosecuting the members of the Peckerwoods criminal organization, our office is carrying out its mission to protect the public from the most dangerous threats.”
Literally zero mention of political affiliation on your article shrike.
I get you're desperate, but linking street gangs to political parties is a little obvious lol.
Your article even says they are linked to the Mexican Mafia. Must be Trump supporters right? Lol.
The steaming pile of lefty shit does lie. It's what turd does.
He must have missed Richard Spencer endorsing Kamala.
I wonder if they hang out together and talk smack about blacks. Dick and Pluggo, sitting on the porch, sharing a cold one and hating on the "lawn jockeys".
The story about this mentions some anti Jewish rhetoric including one member reportedly wanting to “Bake every single Jew” as a New Year’s Resolution. Which commenters does that dovetail with here?
Gosh, I don't know. Which political party's supporters are currently attacking random Jews in the streets, and breaking the windows of Jewish owned businesses in New York?
Maybe Buttplug can help identify them?
Which political affiliation invited Jaroslav Hunka to be recognized by Canada’s House of Commons? Must have been all those MaCaGA types in Ottawa.
It was a secret Conservative plot to embarrass Trudeau, by having him invite and applaud actual WW2 Nazis.
The Canadian cheesy poofs cartel, a pro Trump international organization, was the mastermind behind that. Like how two Act Blue donors that attempted to assassinate Trump were actually conservatives.
What JD Vance got wrong about Act Blue.
What JD Vance got wrong about Trudeau and the Nazis.
Is Canada going to release the info on the hundreds of Ukrainian national socialist war criminals it took in post WW2 or will Trudeau’s regime keep that a secret?
Conservatives? Who donated to Biden? That kind of conservative?
I also want to bake every single Jew. And I know just the strain of weed to get it done.
Good old "New Mexico Nuclear".
L'Chaim, bro!
That's stupid, they should bake pizza, it doesn't scream when you put it in the oven
The Jews were gassed, so they did no screaming when their dead bodies were put in the ovens.
turd, the ass-clown of the commentariat, lies; it’s all he ever does. turd is a kiddie diddler, and a pathological liar, entirely too stupid to remember which lies he posted even minutes ago, and also too stupid to understand we all know he’s a liar.
If anything he posts isn’t a lie, it’s totally accidental.
turd lies; it’s what he does. turd is a lying pile of lefty shit
he gang is allied with the Aryan Brotherhood, a neo-Nazi prison gang and the Mexican Mafia prison gang, which controls most Latino street gangs in California.
As usual Pluggo doesn't actually read his own links and barely makes it past the headline.
Low-effort trolls like this aren't going to get you back into Open Society's good graces, Buttplug.
He needs to do better, otherwise Soros won’t reward him with 72 prepubescent virgin boys.
Nazis, OG or neo, are all far left. Just like you Shrike.
Poor Turdo. He tries so hard to make Trump looks bad, and like Wylie E. Coyote, it always blows up in his face.
OT: I had some fried “chicken” at a Haitian restaurant in Springfield , it was purrfect.
It was the cat's meow.
Oh good. That had the potential to be a real cat-astrophe.
Did you goose the cook afterwards? And did you have to duck the retaliatory strike? That sort of thing can really dog you for a long time.
I passed out afterwards. Everyone was afraid I might be catatonic. It really made me dog-gone mad. Sort of a pet peeve I have.
Next time try the Siamese.
That took a lot of scrolling when he could have said Fauci is a lying weasel who helped ruin the United States.
(that is to say, helped un-unite the states)
Never forget that the official (government policy and "science") and semi-official (state media) treatment of COIVD was at least as determined to defeat Trump as it was dedicated to defeating the virus. If anyone has read Fauci's book, please tell us if he even mentions the 2020 election.
The FOIA lady who apparently helped NIH avoid FOIA had her lawyers say she would take the fifth for any interviews.
Jeffsarc nod in agreement.
Tom Elliott
Hillary: “We should be in my view, repealing something called Section 230, which gave platforms on the internet immunity … Whether it‘s Facebook or Twitter or X or Instagram, or TikTok, whatever they are, if they don‘t moderate & monitor the content we lose total control”
Duh. How can we have "democracy" if the elites lose control?
The plebs can't be trusted to know what's actually best for them. That's why you need a patrician ruling class.
Voting is an impediment to democracy.
It's not who votes, it's who counts the votes.
JD Vance got it wrong on Section 230 and Hillary explains why.
The day after tomorrow, you get a jury summons. You will be asked to rule in the following case: A poster posted the following to social media: “Government Almighty LOVES US ALL, FAR more than we can EVER know!”
This attracted protests from liberals, who thought that they may have detected hints of sarcasm, which was hurtful, and invalidated the personhoods of a few Sensitive Souls. It ALSO attracted protests from conservatives, who were miffed that this was a PARTIAL truth only (thereby being at least partially a lie), with the REAL, full TRUTH AND ONLY THE TRUTH being, “Government Almighty of Der TrumpfenFuhrer ONLY, LOVES US ALL, FAR more than we can EVER know! Thou shalt have NO Government Almighty without Der TrumpfenFuhrer, for Our TrumpfenFuhrer is a jealous Government Almighty!”
Ministry of Truth, and Ministry of Hurt Baby Feelings, officials were consulted. Now there are charges!
“Government Almighty LOVES US ALL”, true or false?
“Government Almighty LOVES US ALL”, hurtful sarcasm or not?
Will you be utterly delighted to serve on this jury? Keep in mind that OJ Simpson got an 11-month criminal trial! And a 4-month civil trial!
Stop summoning the retard squirrel by saying 230.
It will be interesting to watch his views spin on a dime when Sqrlsy realizes that Hillary wants to scrap all of 230 and not just the Good Samaritan clause.
"Good Samaritan clause" makes YOU PervFectly CRY like the PervFect WHINER-sore-loser-baby that You are, because I kicked Your PervFectly Ignorant ASS about that shit!
She is, beyond any question, the most evil person in US politics today. I don't think anyone else is even close.
Some new interesting no downsides studies regarding children and the covid "vaccine."
4.7% of COVID-19 infected children without vaccination developed new-onset asthma, versus 2.0% in their non-COVID-19 counterparts within a year (HR = 2.26; 95% CI = 2.158–2.367). For Cohort 2, COVID-19 infected children with vaccination showed an 8.3% incidence of new-onset asthma,
They show that 354 of the 64,000 children and teenagers who received a Covid mRNA shot died within a year after vaccination - a death rate of almost six kids per 1,000.
In contrast, only 309 out of 320,000 unvaccinated kids died, fewer than one per 1,000.
The media and government is in complete denial about Covid vax injuries.
Long Vax
What JD Vax got wrong on the Vance.
Just LOOK at the (interactive) graph right at the top of this link!!!! COVID deaths among the unvaccinated VASTLY outnumbered, and still outnumber, the deaths among the vaccinated!!! WHY do You PervFectly Lust SOOOO Much for death, disease, and suffering?!?!
At least 7 conservative radio hosts and anti-mask advocates have died from COVID-19 after bashing the vaccines
Intergalactic or Cosmic-Karmic ironic coincidence, maybe? Or candidates for Darwin Awards?
BTW, I am STILL waiting for “the science” concerning sneeze guards at the salad bars, to be settled! Meanwhile, “R” party governors are FORBIDDING sneeze guards at the salad bars!!!
Who volunteers to eat what MAY be mucus from strangers, on their salads, in double-blind, MASSIVELY statistically significant studies, to settle this, for once and for all? Because I just KNOW, oh so VERY well, that once the “science” is settled, there will be NO tribalistic ideologues who will dispute these findings! We are ALL data-driven now!
In more seriousness, my wife (now deceased) and I live in Texas, and she faced bone marrow transplants. They took down her immune system for that. Governor Abbot has just decided that HE knows BETTER than doctors and hospitals, and so He FORBIDS the hospital from firing cootie-bags of un-vaccinated doctors and nurses who reject vaccines and “germ theories” of disease! We may NOT chose a hospital where medical barbarians and savages are EXCLUDED! ‘Cause HE knows better than we, and our doctors, do!
THEY, businesses, and NOT the government, should be making the decisions! So we don’t have firm “science” about masks? No VAST databases and double-blind studies? Well, we’ve not done that with sneeze-guards at the salad bar either! I would LIKE to be able to freely choose to eat at salad bars with sneeze-guards, and not have the Governor double-guessing on me, and minding my business! If OTHER people want to eat at salad bars WITHOUT sneeze guards, they, too, should be free!
What gets “lost in the sauce” here is people (who are IDEOLOGICALLY motivated) want to “debate the science” about vaccines and masks, and mandates, and what they REALLY want to do, is “capture” government policies… NOT really giving us individual FREEDOM. And Trumps, and Governors, and Emperor-Wannabees tap into that , and make slaves out of us, using our own power-hungers!
I want to choose salad bars with sneeze guards, and hospitals with vaccinated staffs, for my wife, while her immune system is down. Others should be free to choose otherwise. But what I see all around me, is people GROWING Government Almighty, under the illusion that THEY, not others, will be The Chosen Pussy Grabbers!
(And I really don’t care how many studies have found what, about sneeze guards at the salad bars. I don’t want too much mucus from strangers, on my salad, is all).
Who volunteers to eat what MAY be mucus from strangers, on their salads, in double-blind, MASSIVELY statistically significant studies, to settle this, for once and for all? Because I just KNOW, oh so VERY well, that once the “science” is settled, there will be NO tribalistic ideologues who will dispute these findings! We are ALL data-driven now!
In more seriousness, my wife and I live in Texas, and she faces bone marrow transplants soon. They will take down her immune system for that. Governor Abbot has just decided that HE knows BETTER than doctors and hospitals, and so He FORBIDS the hospital from firing cootie-bags of un-vaccinated doctors and nurses who reject vaccines and “germ theories” of disease! We may NOT chose a hospital where medical barbarians and savages are EXCLUDED! ‘Cause HE knows better than we, and our doctors, do!
THEY, businesses, and NOT the government, should be making the decisions! So we don’t have firm “science” about masks? No VAST databases and double-blind studies? Well, we’ve not done that with sneeze-guards at the salad bar either! I would LIKE to be able to freely choose to eat at salad bars with sneeze-guards, and not have the Governor double-guessing on me, and minding my business! If OTHER people want to eat at salad bars WITHOUT sneeze guards, they, too, should be free!
What gets “lost in the sauce” here is people (who are IDEOLOGICALLY motivated) want to “debate the science” about vaccines and masks, and mandates, and what they REALLY want to do, is “capture” government policies… NOT really giving us individual FREEDOM. And Trumps, and Governors, and Emperor-Wannabees tap into that , and make slaves out of us, using our own power-hungers!
I want to choose salad bars with sneeze guards, and hospitals with vaccinated staffs, for my wife, while her immune system is down. Others should be free to choose otherwise. But what I see all around me, is people GROWING Government Almighty, under the illusion that THEY, not others, will be The Chosen Pussy Grabbers!
(And I really don’t care how many studies have found what, about sneeze guards at the salad bars. I don’t want too much mucus from strangers, on my salad, is all).
Do you ever see mucus on sneeze guards?
Plus, they don’t use them in Europe. Everyone is fine.
So then sneeze guards should be OUTLAWED in the USA? Since "the data" says that they are SNOT needed?
You don't even wash your hands, so why are you fussing over the sneezeguard?
We're talking about children. There is no evidence that the vaccines do more good than harm for children. It is absolutely despicable that they are still recommended for children as it becomes more and more clear that is does more harm than good.
"But if he is responsible for the consequences of one (the millions of Africans saved because of PEPFAR), he is responsible for the consequences of the other. This includes the tens of millions who have died due to the COVID pandemic and the catastrophically harmful lockdowns used to manage it. This is Fauci at his worst."
No, this is you at your worst (I hope). There is no reason for the truth of the two statements to be linked. There is no question that Fauci deserves great credit for reducing the impact of AIDS in Africa. But the argument that Fauci "caused" COVID, by sponsoring a funding program that provided funding to a project that ultimately developed COVID and, by mishandling the virus, caused the world-wide epidemic amounts to at least ten degrees of speculation. And, in addition, as I already said, there is no necessary connection between the truth of the two. You just refuted yourself.
"...There is no question that Fauci deserves great credit for reducing the impact of AIDS in Africa..."
You are dumber than a random handful of mud, or a lying pile of shit. Which is it?
What legislation did Fauci pass to push the aid that went to Africa for AIDS? Fauci delayed AIDS medicine that worked to enrich his allies. Stop falling for propaganda.
"amounts to at least ten degrees of speculation."
Speculation? What the hell, do you live under a rock?
Anal Vanman bringing the stupid.
The man should be in jail.
Awaiting execution.
Anthony Fauci was wrong about COVID. Progressive media outlets such as KMW’s Reason got it wrong about Fauci.
The big question is how wrong was JD Vance about Covid?
JD Vance Was Wrong!
Wrong about ID theft? Or wrong about pushing people towards suicide, Oh Ye PervFected Necrophiliac Servant and Serpent of the Evil One?
Wrong about E-VER-Y-THING!
The YouTube algo keeps trying to force Professor Dave Explains down my throat. I bit on the recent one which pegged the Weinstein brothers as frauds. L If you ever wanted to know where people with Fauci bumper stickers go to vent an hour or so of hate within the shroud of Scientism, there you go.
So, they forced Professor Dave down your throat, and you bit on it? Phrasing!
We’re still doing phrasing, right?
You missed “pegged the Weinstein brothers”
I felt raped by Bill Nye fan boys after I watched it. If that helps.
Edit: I guess I should clarify that’s a bad thing. A very bad thing.
Ukraine snatching citizens off the street in forced conscription. Reason ignores.
This has been going on for over a year. Get to see videos of this weekly, and if I looked hard, likely daily. A more recent trend has been for Ukrainian partisans to burn the Einsatzgruppen pressing into conscription gangs’ vehicles.
All the Ukrainian blood is worth all the Russian blood to our amoral betters.
“The blood of Ukraine youth will help us weaken Russia” – Mitt Romney (paraphrased)
Reason printed an article by a full on wack job neocon a few weeks ago who claims Ukraine will beat Putin if they lower their draft age. Not only do the Koch libertarians not give a shit how many Ukrainians are run through the NATO meat grinder, they advocate for more.
Because proxy wars are mega libertarian. The current unipolar globohom model requires forever wars. The brief pause a few years ago was miraculously saved by a worldwide, global, total planet pandemic.
Ukraine losing a generation of men will have repercussions for decades. The financial damage to the western globohomo backers of the bandera regime in Kiev could fundamentally change or even end their governments.
The number of illegal aliens being dropped into swing states is jaw-dropping.
Illegal immigration populations have increased by hundreds of percent in swing states during the Biden-Harris administration, according to court filings.
Georgia - 401%
North Carolina - 446%
Pennsylvania - 241%
Arizona - 734%
Nevada - 562%
Michigan - 775%
Wisconsin - 467%
Elon Musk - Here is a detailed explanation of how the Democratic Party is turning all swing states, and thereby the whole country, into a permanent one-party state.
One could perhaps debate whether this is deliberate or accidental, but not that it is occurring.
The migrant settlement numbers and locations come from US government data under a Democratic administration!
Speaker Mike Johnson - Democrats have tried to mislead the American people about our efforts to prevent noncitizens from voting.
Why? Because they want illegals to vote in our elections.
We must protect American elections by passing @chiproytx's SAVE Act.
In Arizona alone, 78,000 non-citizens are registered to vote.
We are suing every county in Arizona for refusing to purge illegal aliens from their voter rolls. All fifteen counties have defied state law by willfully declining to remove ineligible non-citizen voters.
Migrants are not illegal aliens. Quite the opposite. They’re in the country legally, awaiting a court date. Whether they should be in the country is a different matter entirely. But the fact is that they’re legal.
You can’t type four words without lying.
In the immortal words of Moe Howard to Curley Howard, "I'll explain this so even YOU can understand it."
A person is in this country either legally or illegally.
A person is in this country is either a citizen or an alien.
If a person who is not a citizen and is here illegally, then the person is an illegal alien.
This is like talking to a three-year-old.
Stupid and dishonest people intentionally conflate asylum seekers and migrants all the time. Looks like Musk is being fed numbers by liars and passing them along.
Doesn’t mean they should vote.
Except in California where it is illegal to ask for ID.
Can there be a more obvious attempt to steal an election?
Stupid and dishonest people intentionally lie about illegal aliens all the time.
Looks like Harris is being fed numbers by liars and passing them along because they're so stupid they don't know the difference between an illegal alien invading our country and an American citizen.
You care about her a lot more than I do.
"Migrants are not illegal aliens. Quite the opposite."
No you lying fuck. I'm not letting you get away with inventing your own weaselly definitions again. What you are unofficially labeling "miGrAnTS" are called illegal aliens in law.
" illegal aliens, are foreign-born people who do not possess a valid visa or other immigration documentation, because they entered the U.S. without inspection, stayed longer than their temporary visa permitted, or otherwise violated the terms under which they were admitted.",their%20temporary%20visa%20permitted,%20or
Fucking dishonest drunken retard.
Illegals aliens are wrong about migration.
Jeff tried this too. Does sarc get all his talking points from the Marxist fatty now? Explains a lot.
Also yet another example of him just repeating the MSNBC narrative. Psarcasmic is a Democrat.
The lying, steaming pile of lefty shit sarc is not up to Curley's intellectual level.
The soused retard just made up a baldfaced lie and thought nobody with access to a dictionary or the internet would call him out on it.
What's a dictionary - Psarcasmic
The word “migrant” literally means “someone or something who migrates”. It has nothing to do with the migrant’s legal status. A person can be a legal migrant, a person can also be an illegal migrant.
It completely boggles the mind why you all have a cow when using a neutral, grammatically correct term to describe people who migrate across a border.
Oh knock it off with the pedantic persnickety shit.
No shit, Sherlock. Thank goodness you're here to point out the obvious, but Sarckles was claiming they WEREN'T illegal aliens BECAUSE they were "migrants".
Stop listening to Psaki psarc. There are legal migrants 1.2M plus around 400k a year on TPS type programs, but also 2M a year illegals falsely claiming amnesty. NGOs paid by State tell them how to get around the system. The Amnesty rejection rate is hovering over 90%. They are illegals you fucking retard.
It is amazing watching someone who used to be homeless cheer so loudly for 150B a year spending on these groups even overwhelming Maines homeless system.
You're a thief. You celebrate gov theft to fund migrants. I doubt you give a single cent of your own money to charity.
You're a standard Democrat thief at this point.
Now this is when you drop your mask and start screaming racist like the good democrat you are.
Everything that follows a false premise is a fallacy, and your first two sentences are false. The third is half true in that these people are discouraged from working due to policies you support, leaving them little choice but to go on welfare which you oppose.
You don’t want them to support themselves, and you don’t want anyone to help them.
Looks to me like you want them to starve to death. I bet I just made you smile at the thought of millions of people you hate starving to death. That would make you happy. Only thing that would make you happier would be them starving to death in camps, with you as a guard so you could watch.
You should really stop trying to call put fallacies when you prove over and over you don't understand them.
Back to the "they can't work idiocy." People under TPS can work. What is their rate of employment buddy? You'd think you'd be embarrassed to keep repeating this retarded talking point, but you aren't.
And then you go to false empathy. How many have you helped buddy? I don't want tax dollars going to them, you are correct. I don't want to use government force to take from some to give to others. You do as a loyal democrat.
Then more false empathetic lies like a standard big Democrat. Lol. I want them to starve? You really have no intent to even have an intelligent conversation do you? Just straight to think of the children, I mean migrants, bullshit. Again. How many have you supported buddy?
Then you go back to concentration ap rhetoric. Mirroring the narratives of MSNBC. LOL.
God damn you've become a joke of a person without a shred of shame or intelligence. Retreat to appeal to emotion because every one of your supposed intelligent arguments are bullshit and you know it.
So a final time. How many have you personally chosen to support?
More lies and pathetic attempts at gaslighting.
Just admit your hatred. Embrace it. It’s who and what you are. You hate Democrats. You hate anyone you perceive as supporting Democrats. You feel anyone who doesn’t support Trump is a Democrat. You feel anyone who didn’t enter the country the way you want them to enter is a Democrat. You hate them all, and you’re never denounced language of mass murder from people in the comments or from Trump.
The only conclusion is that you want tens of millions of people you hate to die.
You won’t deny it. Never have. No. You just go on the attack.
How is your record on calling out fallacies correctly 0%?
How many have you helped sarc? You joining democrats to promote open theft of taxpayers says a lot about you.
Answers you refuse to adress:
How many gave you helped?
What's the employment rate of TPS workers?
How can even the fed chief say it is dumb to import 7M foreigners for 1M jobs, but you can't figure it out?
Why are you using standard dem appeals to emotion?
How much should government steal to save just one life?
Is forced government takings yo give charity to the world libertarian?
And finally... why are you intentionally retarded?
No denouncement of the language of mass murder. No denial of wanting to murder tens of millions over politics.
Just attacks and tacit approval.
You’re committed now. You and your Canadian comrade . Too late to backpedal.
The only political murders being attempted right now have been two Act Blue donors.
You are conflating lone wackos who contributed money with people who get paid.
Two attempted murders (plus the 10,000+ illegal aliens that are murders) and that’s it. The rest is your wishful thinking. Evicting squatters ≠ murder.
How much should government steal to save just one life?
How much should government spend in order to stop illegal migration across the border? What is your upper limit figure here? Is any amount at all justified, if it stops just one illegal?
Why are you using standard dem appeals to emotion?
lol, "appeals to emotion" is your team too. Just about every story having to do with immigration from your team is purposefully designed to appeal to some combination of fear, anger and hatred. This is because it's your team's intentional strategy to drive people to the polls by making them afraid and angry at the illegulz.
No. You're the only fucking liar here, you idiot fetal alcohol syndromed piece of garbage.
Everyone on the entire fucking planet knows that illegal aliens are foreign-born people who do not have formal permission to be in the country, and yet you stupidly thought if you applied the name "migrant" instead you could trick everyone.
A migrant is simply a person that travels to a different country or place. That's it, and it applies to everyone who's ever moved anywhere before. If you move down the street you're technically a migrant. You don't get to sub that word in for "illegal immigrant" you fuck, which has a real legal definition.
The term “migrant” is an umbrella term that includes asylum seekers (who are legal), migrant workers with visas (who are legal) as well as others with arguable status.
You of course lie and say they are all illegal. Because everything you say is predicated on lies.
I never once said "legal immigrants" were "illegal immigrants" you stupid fuck.
And you didn't claim migrant” is an umbrella term. You claimed that they weren't illegal aliens because they were “migrants”.
Sarckles - "Migrants are not illegal aliens. Quite the opposite. They’re in the country legally, awaiting a court date."
Not only is that a lie, and not only are you making up new definitions, it's also nonsensical.
It never ceases to amaze me how you forget your own bullshit in a matter of hours. The miracle of a bottle of Everclear I guess.
It is amazing watching someone who used to be homeless cheer so loudly for 150B a year
LOL what you never admit is that a large portion of that $150B figure that you love to cite consists of law enforcement directed against the migrants themselves. Which is spending that YOU SUPPORT. You are literally labeling spending that you support as 'welfare' in order to demonize the migrants, falsely implying that it is a type of welfare that they are just lounging around collecting.
YOUR TEAM supports spending on illegal immigrants, not me.
Not only should the illegals allowed to remain in the US, but they shouldn’t be subject to the rules of the land? Those many thousands of rapists and murders should just be allowed to walk around free and so what they do?
People who violate the rights of others, such as with rape and murder, should of course be prosecuted, but not because they are illegal migrants, because they violated other people's rights.
Peaceful migrants - meaning, ones who don't violate the rights of others - ought to be able to come and go as they please. Let them have the legal authority to work in this country. What is wrong with that?
What is wrong with that?
They have no right to try if we say so.
Maybe if none of them broke the law and respected the immigration process, none of that $150B would be spent.
I see. So how do you plan to convince all of those migrants not to try to come here in the first place, without spending a bunch of money to try to prevent them from coming here?
You do understand that a large chunk of that $150B figure is money spent on law enforcement trying to keep those illegulz out, right?
I see. So how do you plan to convince all of those migrants not to try to come here in the first place, without spending a bunch of money to try to prevent them from coming here?
No more welfare. Actually saves money.
It is amazing how the two dem retards can't figure out that they are coming here precisely for the benefits. They even say so publicly.
The only reason any of these migrants are eligible for any federal benefits is because they are claiming asylum, and as such, they are entitled to some benefits while they are awaiting their asylum hearing. They are only claiming asylum because the usual immigration process is so broken.
And some of them might get benefits for a while, because the asylum system is so backlogged, so it can take years and years before the asylum hearing occurs.
So let's try this. Make it easier for peaceful migrants to travel across the border, without abusing the asylum system, so that they don't clog the system with bogus claims of asylum. At the same time, hire the personnel needed to clear the backlog, so that an asylum decision doesn't take years and years, it takes only maybe a couple of weeks tops.
That way, a migrant with a bogus claim of asylum could still try to game the system, but then they would only be able to for a short while, and then they would be kicked out once the claim is denied. Or, a migrant could come here and not have to worry about fake claims of asylum, not have to worry about getting kicked out, and just live their lives.
What do you say?
So how do you plan to convince all of those migrants not to try to come here in the first place, without spending a bunch of money to try to prevent them from coming here?
Maybe set up an agreement with the Mexican govt to keep them there while their status is adjudicated here?
Maybe make it much more difficult to sneak in?
Maybe not invite illegals to come here?
i.e. Do what Trump has done and NOT what Biden/Harris have done.
Eliminate all forms of government welfare. It is called libertarianism. The productive ones that aren’t rapists, murderers, etc would make a business decision about visiting for work.
The majority of the money is spent on welfare.
Eliminate all forms of government welfare.
So you are going with the "when pigs fly" answer. Got it.
By the way, why should the state continue to violate the liberty of other citizens, by denying them freedom of association, until your policy preferences are met? Why are your policy preferences more important than their liberty?
The majority of the money is spent on welfare.
About 1/3 of the $150B figure is spent on law enforcement to try to keep the migrants out in the first place. That portion is not welfare, should not be labeled as welfare, and is spending that you and your team fully support so you don't get to bitch about it.
About 1/2 of that figure is spent on education. Also not really fair to call it "welfare for illegals" because most of the recipients of that money are US citizens, born here to parents of immigrants.
That leaves about 1/6th that might fairly be called "welfare for illegals", and even that portion overwhelmingly consists of health care, since by law, hospitals are forbidden from turning away grievously sick patients, citizens or not. Very, very little of it is stuff like food stamps or housing vouchers. Because - get this - they're not eligible for it.
Now, ask yourself why people like Jesse would throw around that $150B figure without any context or nuance about the spending components that go into that figure. It is because he and his team lie by omission and want to push a narrative that migrants are lazy welfare moochers prospering on the backs of the American worker. They do it precisely to try to make people angry and outraged, and to point the finger at illegals as the "real problem".
The US is on an unsustainable trajectory due in large part to the current government welfare system. The Madison Ave boomer groomer model is broken. The sunset of government welfare will happen either voluntarily or when the system collapses. All empires fall. The US is currently in the age of decadence, which usually portends the end.
When the illegals have access to stealing goods and services that others have paid for, that access should be denied. You don’t want your bank allowing random people to have access to your accounts. Even if they are “peaceful migrants.” Why should a fund manager violate the contract it had with those forced to pay into it where they are paying out to folks that have not paid in? You run out or money doing that (qv, FEMA).
Liberty ≠ allowing hundreds of billions of dollars in theft by foreign nationals. I have already articulated how post govt welfare, the non criminal types can visit as they like. The history of the nation includes times without all these govt ponzi schemes now being used and abused by foreign nationals.
Govt taking $Y from productive people X and spending it to educate Z people that did not fund the programs is welfare. That, with the other forms of welfare, comes to about two thirds of the reported spending.
Let's assume that you are serious for a moment, and that you really are motivated to restrict immigration because of welfare concerns.
By your definition of "welfare", i.e., "stealing goods and services that others have paid for", then yes 2/3rds of that figure is welfare, about $100 billion. But also, again by your definition, Social Security is welfare, Medicare is welfare, all public education is welfare. About 55% of the federal budget is welfare. So by your standards, while the illegulz cost $100 billion in welfare per year, Social Security costs $1.4 trillion per year, and Medicare + Medicaid cost $1.6 trillion per year.
So just to be clear, you are spending endless hours complaining about all the 'welfare' that the illegulz get, when it is literally less than 3% of the problem. Your attention to this tiny portion of the budget is disproportionate to its actual impact.
Why is that? If you are to be believed, that the real reason that you are opposed to immigration is because of welfare, then why don't you spend a more proportionate amount of time discussing the REAL PROBLEM, which is NOT the welfare that the illegals get? The real problem is the welfare that the Boomers get.
Again, if your big concern here is welfare, why do you mock and ridicule the one candidate in the race who has pledged to do something about the real welfare problem, entitlements, and why do you support one of the two candidates who openly declare that they won't touch entitlements at all? Hmm?
So I'm having a hard time taking you seriously here. What's going on?
I am serious but always assume you are only after furthering Open Society initiatives as well as indulging in your pedophilic urges.
End government welfare. The country had existed without it and it can only be a going concern by sunsetting it. Adding millions of additional free riders to an unsustainable Ponzi scheme while expanding what gets doled out to illegals crashes the system quicker. FEMA is a microcosm of this. FEMA has billions for illegals buy only $750 for people forced to fund FEMA?
They’re illegals. That the federal government is intentionally violating immigration law doesn’t change that.
Now fuck off Drunky.
Sarc is fine with any immigrants not named Trump committing fraud and then sucking up taxpayer funds taken at the behest of government. He is a good little Democrat fascist.
I have said, hundreds of times, that I want to make it as was as possible for them to work.
Yet you will always deny I said that and instead lie and say I want them on welfare.
At least you’re consistent.
You don’t care how it works as omg as we have open borders. Just like your pedo pal, and your other friend, the morbidly obese pedo.
He doesn’t actually give a shit about open borders or not. He’s not smart or sober enough to care. Rather he's just half trolling, half sucking up to Lying Jeffy.
Notice what the leftist retard does.
He claims anybody who doesn't want to give welfare to the globe racist and wanting them to die.
Then when you point out the reality of the system he tries saying he wants a magic utopia where every illegal comes over and a job magically appears, ignoring the unemployment rate of legal immigrants on TPS.
Sarc is a retarded leftist.
No. I claim that people like you who oppose allowing them to work while opposing them getting assistance want them to die.
As always you lie by ignoring the fact that I want them to work and support themselves while you want to stop them from stealing jobs in what you feel is a zero-sum job market.
No. I claim that people like you who oppose allowing them to work while opposing them getting assistance want them to die.
Just the other day, Jesse was literally calling it 'welfare' when the government gave assistance to migrants who were IN THEIR CUSTODY. Apparently, a starving migrant who is apprehended by the authorities should just eat their bootstraps or something.
So if Jesse is going to bitch and moan about the government giving food to starving migrants while they are being held in detention, then yeah, at the very minimum, he doesn't give a shit if the migrants live or die.
To him they aren’t people. Why not let them starve in cages? They’re animals.
I assume you two live in poverty so you can send all your money to needy people everywhere, inside US borders or not. Otherwise you don't give a shit if they live or die, right?
I assume you have adopted an entire orphanage's worth of children, because otherwise you only really oppose abortion not because of some bullshit belief in 'life', but because you want to control the sex lives of women. Isn't that right?
Earth-based - “I assume you two live in poverty”
Sarc was a homeless fry cook and Jeff still lives in his mom’s basement and makes his money posting talking-points and key messages on the internet, so they’re not exactly the 1%.
Jeffy - because you want to control the sex lives of women. Isn’t that right?”
They have to make up nefarious reasons like this, Earth-based, because if they didn’t their stance is defenseless and and actually kind of immoral.
Oh poor ML. He is too dumb to realize what I did.
If EBHS can make an appeal to hypocrisy and an ad hominem attack at the same time, then so can I.
His argument is just as false as the one I presented, and for the same reasons.
So ML unwittingly agrees with me that EBHS made up nefarious reasons for my position "because if they didn’t their stance is defenseless and and actually kind of immoral."
Sarc should play chicken with a freight train.
He will do anything they want as omg as they keep sending him welfare checks.
They still have no business registering to vote or voting, retard.
734% increase... is that from existing population or yearly? Because if it is 700% of the population as of 2020...
It’s actually a percent increase since 2021, which makes it even crazier.
For example in the last three years you got a known 24,563 new 'voters' in Arizona. How many unknown new 'voters' there are in addition to that is, well, unknown.
I love how your only sources for these claims are partisan right-wing sites.
Where do those statistics come from? What is meant by "unauthorized migrant population"? Illegal immigrants? Asylum seekers? Haitians with TPS status (who are also eating cats, naturally)?
There is no reason to believe that any of your claims are legitimate here. There is probably some tiny kernel of truth buried somewhere underneath all of the narratives and propaganda, but your team makes it difficult to find what it is.
This is just more scapegoating and fearmongering based on narratives and propaganda. This is why YOUR team is a lot closer to 1930 Nazis than the other team. Your team is doing to illegal immigrants what the Nazis did to the Jews - scapegoat them and blame them for all the problems of the country. The only question that remains is whether your team is going to implement your own version of the Final Solution.
They want to give absolute power to the police so they can round up 11,000,000 scapegoats, and they call us Nazis.
Ain’t that special.
Ha-ha. I was waiting for our resident Act Blue shill and his pet drunk to pull that. I knew you were going to try to be a weasel, which is why I held some links back just waiting for you to try a dissemble.
This is all the federal government’s own data from court records with nothing altered.
We’ll start off with an article from the fAr-riGhT-eXtreMiST MarketWatch who has compiled a summary: Illegal-immigration surge has cost these swing-state taxpayers billions, study says
Now here is a link to the court data at the Transactional Records Access Clearinghouse (TRAC) at Syracuse University (call them a “partisan right-wing source” you fucking clown. I dare you: TRAC, Syracuse University.
All the documentation and information are compiled in links right there.
Now, come-on, give me another retarded accusation. I’m ready for your prevarications today, Lying Jeffy.
No one doubts that there is a cost to illegal immigration. Congratulations, you have demonstrated something that there is little disagreement on.
The claim was about what your team plans to do about it. I seem to remember hearing the phrase "mass deportations". Tell us how this will work in practice.
No. You just fucking said "I love how your only sources for these claims are partisan right-wing sites, when in fact everything was US Government Data.
Now here's the Congressional Budget Office again backing up the data that I listed: Effects of the Immigration Surge on the Federal Budget and the Economy
This is a pathetic misdirection even for you.
I am referring to THESE CLAIMS. Remember these?
What is your source for these claims?
And once you're done with that, perhaps you could then move on to the claim that this is some type of deliberate strategy by Team Blue to place these migrants into swing states for the purpose of manipulating the vote in 2024 in some way.
Looks like the link isn't working in the last post:
Scroll half way down.
Still doesn't say what precisely the term 'unauthorized migrant' means.
So now you can move on to the next part, which is trying to show that this is some deliberate strategy by Team Blue to somehow affect the vote in 2024.
Still doesn’t say what precisely the term ‘unauthorized migrant’ means.
Hahahahahahahahahahahahahaha... whew.
Okay sealion, I'm just going to let your statement there sit on it's own merit. I hope your boss sees it.
“then move on to the claim that this is some type of deliberate strategy by Team Blue to place these migrants into swing states for the purpose of manipulating the vote in 2024 in some way.”
Kamala Harris.
She wants to provide a pathway to citizenship for illegal migrants if she is elected. That’s right. This has nothing to do with trying to use migrants *in 2024* to manipulate the vote.
I mean, that is what your team is claiming, right? That Biden & co. are deliberately bussing in migrants into swing states so as to throw those states to Team Blue and get KamKam elected in 2024? Where is the evidence for this claim? Or, are you prepared to admit that this type of claim is paranoid nonsense?
That god damned right-wing partisan Congressional Budget Office...
Ultra-right-wing extremists.
This is all the federal government’s own data
Also, please explain why this data should be regarded as trustworthy, when in the past you and your team has gone to great lengths to try to convince us all that federal government data should not be believed.
If they feel that the data supports their argument then it can’t be questioned.
If not then you’re a leftist who blindly accepts the government narrative.
They are liars through and through.
Did you really think that this was an argument? You’re doubting data from a government now that it’s inconvenient to your narratives, when you condemned people for the same before?
Hope you didn’t get fifty cents for that one.
The projection is strong in this one.
You don't know what that means either, from the looks of it.
The two retarded Marxist shit weasels have no shame do they.
I thought only leftists trust government data.
Apparently only when it's convenient to your narratives, Sarckles.
No principles or honesty whatsoever.
That is literally you and your team. You will trust government data when it says nice things about your team, and you will find every excuse you can think of to throw shade on government data when it says mean things about your team.
Close but not quite.
They don’t attack government data. They attack the people who cite it Remember all their arguments are against people.
Got mirror, Sarc?
"They attack the people who cite it"
Literally what you two were doing to me this whole thread, clowntits.
Lying Jeffy - I love how your only sources for these claims are partisan right-wing sites.
Where do those statistics come from? What is meant by “unauthorized migrant population”? Illegal immigrants? Asylum seekers? Haitians with TPS status (who are also eating cats, naturally)?
There is no reason to believe that any of your claims are legitimate here. There is probably some tiny kernel of truth buried somewhere underneath all of the narratives and propaganda, but your team makes it difficult to find what it is.
This is just more scapegoating and fearmongering based on narratives and propaganda. This is why YOUR team is a lot closer to 1930 Nazis than the other team. Your team is doing to illegal immigrants what the Nazis did to the Jews – scapegoat them and blame them for all the problems of the country. The only question that remains is whether your team is going to implement your own version of the Final Solution.
sarcasmic - They want to give absolute power to the police so they can round up 11,000,000 scapegoats, and they call us Nazis.
I've said it a million times before. Self-awareness isn't Sarcasmic's superpower.
The Team Red playbook this time around can be summarized as:
1. Copy batshit crazy policy ideas from Team Blue, and
2. Blame everything on the illegals.
Out of control government spending? Illegals.
High welfare costs? Illegals.
High energy costs? Illegals.
High housing costs? Illegals.
Trump has a bad day on the golf course? Illegals.
Fuck you and fuck your demonization of a population of powerless penniless people who overwhelmingly just want to escape poverty and oppression and work for a better life for themselves and their families. If you had any shame, you'd quit it, but you don't.
It’s not just demonization, it’s dehumanization as well. They feel no shame or guilt just like concentration camp guards felt no guilt or shame. In their minds these scapegoats are animals. Not people.
A really fat, stinky, retarded strawman. Torching that might smell like a dumpster fire.
How JD Vance was wrong about strawmen.
It's not as much of a strawman as you'd like it to be.
Did you watch the VP debate? When JD Vance was asked about high housing costs, what was his response? Oh, it's because of the illegals. Also he said this about KamKam:
Get that? According to JD Vance, the reason why YOUR costs are so high is because of those damn illegals. Not inflation, not trade policy, not regulations, but because penniless Guatemalans are coming here. There is a word for this, and that is called scapegoating. He does this over and over again.
Did you listen to Trump's convention acceptance speech? The entire second half was a rambling complaint about illegals. They're horrible people doing horrible things, including....cannibalism, evidently. And of course we all know about the 'eating cats and dogs' bit. Why would Trump even repeat such a scurrilous poorly sourced rumor? Why would his defenders cling to it and work so hard to try to 'prove' it? Because they want to blame illegals. They WANT to do it.
It still made more sense than the shit you post here day-in and day-out.
Steaming pile of immolated, saturated shit infused straw.
"Because they want to blame illegals. They WANT to do it."
No, you evil lying fuck! Because we're blaming your neo-aristocratic masters. The illegals are just tools in their population replacement game.
That's why you and your pet drunk have to lie about our motives. Because what you soulless money-grubbing, power-mad bosses are doing is purposefully destroying Western civilization.
Your stance is so monstrous that if you didn't project your motivations on the victims everyone would recognize you as evil.
Oh I see. So when the Facebook lady in Springfield, the one who first claimed that the Haitians were eating cats, she was thinking that "neo-aristocratic masters" put them up to it, or something?
When Trump called them "vermin", compared them to cannibals, and said they were "poisoning the blood of the nation", that's not scapegoating and vilifying the migrants, that is blaming the "neo-aristocratic masters". I guess?
Your claim doesn't hold up to even the weakest scrutiny. Your team doesn't think that the migrants are mere pawns. Your team thinks that the migrants are in fact active participants in causing harm.
And let's just pretend for a moment that you really do think that the migrants are not actually cannibals, but instead are mere pawns in a "population replacement" scheme. Why would this so-called "population replacement" lead to the "destruction of Western civilization"? Only if you assume the migrants have no real agency of their own. They come here and do whatever their 'neo-aristocratic masters' tell them to do, I suppose. So they are wholly incapable of coming here and contributing to Western civilization instead of trying to destroy it. Is that what you think? They are brainless robots doing what they are told?
And of course left unsaid is why anyone would purposefully want to 'destroy Western civilization'. Sounds cartoonishly evil.
Either way it doesn't really look good for your team.
Oh incidentally. I also love how you claimed that I was lying about your motives, when you devoted almost your entire response lying about my motives. You really don't have any capability of self-reflection, do you?
Fuck you and your population replacement and fuck your demonization of a population of powerless penniless victims who are being overwhelmed and destroyed as your psychopath masters move a new class of serfs, the populations of Central American prisons and the international drug gangs into their neighborhoods, and hand the victims own money to the importees so that these "miGrAnTs" can live wealthier lives.
I don't call you a monster without good reason.
"population replacement"
Oh here it comes finally. The racist Great Replacement Theory garbage. And yes, it is bigoted crap because it implicitly assumes migrants have no agency and are basically robots or zombies or something.
How does peaceful migration "destroy" native-born citizens? How does that work exactly?
Furthermore I note in your response the complete absence of phrases like "because they're on welfare" or "because they're stealing jobs" or "because they're breaking the law". As I have long suspected, those are mere rationalizations for the underlying reason for why your team so strenuously objects to immigration (yes, both legal and illegal now). It is because of the identity of the migrants. In your team's opinion, they are the wrong kind of migrants. It is your team's version of identity politics.
I don’t call you a monster without good reason.
The only monster in this discussion is the person who refuses to recognize the agency, dignity and humanity of migrants, treats them like they are brainless robots, and invents ridiculous conspiracy theories to justify why it's okay to keep them out.
The only monster in this discussion is the person who cannot bring himself to recognize the liberty of *all human beings* as their birthright, and will dehumanize, degrade and otherwise claim the migrants are not worthy of liberty because they don't rise to the level of rich Westerners.
How many of you know that Fauci got the idea for lockdowns from a 14--year-old girl's science fair project?
The six foot rule was also traced back to a little kid if memory serves.
There was this meme going around four years ago featuring a man in a lab coat, telling us we need to leave research to the experts.
They eventually admitted, they pulled the six foot ruling out of their arse.
6 foot rule was based on 1920s photographs measuring the distance visible particles of a sneeze traveled. Not joking. Of course since then we've had dozens of studies showing sneezing is not the main vector of an air borne virus.
yeah, the little kid one was the three hundred million straws a day causing the pacific garbage pack nonsense.
Just like masks was an organization called "Masks for All" making up and promoting slogans. And so much more we all already know. I sometimes wonder if it's not too conspiracy theoristy of me to think some of these powerful people were TRYING to destroy faith in science, it was all so bad.
There was also some high school science fair project behind some of the social distancing and school closure stuff too.
And it worked to some degree. Arizona that did the fewest mitigation measures in 2020 ended up with the highest Covid death rate while Hawaii that did the most ended up with the lowest Covid death rate.
Face diapers were a thing too. People wore branded signaling on their face as their masters demanded. It didn’t provide protection against the cough, but they displayed their willingness to bend the knee.
Fauci , so far has managed to kill millions of people with his death shots and destroy the lives of millions more. Small businesses gone, elderly left to die alone, schools closed for two years. That so many brain dead Americans went along with the government's decrees says a great deal about the intelligence of the American people, Some continue to wear the face diaper. The Branch Covidians continue to preach their sorry gospel.
As for Fauci, he has managed to eclipse Dr. Mengele in lives ruined.
Fauci needs to stand trial in an international court much like the Nazi war criminals did.
He should be given the same verdict and punishment.
Fauci ain't no hero. He's a scum sucking money grabbing little bureaucrat with a narcissistic personality disorder and possibly a psychopath.
narcissistic personality disorder and possibly a psychopath.
Why are you comparing him to the two presidential candidates?
You mean Chase and Kalama?
Did you know Chase was gay? One of the other identitarian factoids from the left sarc relies on.
What JD Vance got wrong about Chase.
If you look up the word "quack" in the dictionary, you'll see a picture of Fauci.
He'd better be cautious around Haitians.
BTW, a neighborhood free newspaper is featuring a new candidate for SF Mayor. He has two MIT Batchelor's degrees, a Doctorate in neuroscience from an un-named school and he's proposing to solve the SF bum problem by providing them with a UBI!
It's hard to imagine a more over-credentialed ignoramus than that.
By his logic, prosperity would ensue if we just gave everyone $250k per year.
Pfft! 250 ain’t gonna buy me that new McLaren. It’s a human right to have a street car with formula one engineering and performance.
This is so 1980's. AIDIES. I remember this. In high school it was Anal Injected Death Syndrome. I worked in a VA hospital around 1987 while going engineering college. Several of the patients were dying of AIDS and it was my job to deliver food. Mask worn to protect them. I did my job and understood the limited risks. A fellow worker who was a nursing student refused.
I remember the news reporting on the hopes for a vaccine for AIDS. I'm like, no way, I can easily avoid it. The alphabet people are still trying to get high risk people to have the ability to donate blood. Nothing like providing for a very logical reason to dislike a group of people who actively encourage bad things for others. I have donated blood on a frequent basis as I am very low risk.
Nope; 'Guns' didn't cure AIDS either.
The only human asset 'Gov-Guns' has the ability to provide is ensuring Individual Liberty and Justice for all. Any other attempted use of the 'tool' is the wrong approach.
The Five Types of Conspiracy Theorists who spread conspiracy theories that they know to be false
So, which one is our tribe of mean grrls? I would say ML is definitely a "common conspiracist", just doing it for attention.
The vax is 100% safe and effective.
Face diapers are effective prophylaxis.
Russia was colliding with Trump.
The two Trump assassins are conservative due to donating to Act Blue.
Trump faked being shot and smeared ketchup on his ear.
Trump hired a sniper to just graze him.
An unarmed protest is an insurrection.
Iraq had WMDs.
Biden is as sharp as a tack.
JD Vance is wrong.
What's the Rare Pokemon theory of COVID, chopped liver?
Cleanest election ever
The list wasn’t intended to be exhaustive. Just having fun with fatty’s Talking Points Matter broken narrative.
Jay Bhattacharya has done an outstanding job of promoting and defending the truth, science and public health, and is a true American hero.
We owe him many thanks.
He is both sincere and correct when he writes that "history will judge us harshly if we don't end HIV."
I mean, it was really only a gay disease back in his heyday. Nobody cared. Because, why should they. It was darn near 100% preventable. Don't bang other dudes in the butt, and you pretty much guaranteed you avoided it. (Like monkeypox today.) Any normal person could avoid that pretty naturally.
Then the worthless, useless, contemptible, degenerate drug users got in on it (they're always such a net positive for society), and helped spread it even more.
And then the normal people started getting it, and that's when it ACTUALLY began to matter. Especially in the mother-to-child transmission - which wasn't preventable. And thus a legitimate concern.
The problem with Fauci then is the problem with Fauci now - he refused to identify the cause, to place the blame where it properly belonged, to properly identify is causes and transmission, and to clearly articulate how to avoid it. Instead, he used the disease for political ends. The exact same way he did with COVID.
Like literally any other leftist, his goal was always control. All the while profiting off panic and insecurity.
Special hell waiting for that dude.
Been a couple of day, so I thought I'd check in with local headlines:
And last but not least, the leader of the free world and sitting President of the United States, J Biden:
So Harris is spending a lot more per vote than Trump. Same thing as in 2016 and 2020 with the wealthy prog donors trying to buy the election despite all their whining about citizens united.
Huh, Sweet Baby Inc. employee admits, on camera and with a powerpoint slide that the goal of his company is to "burn the games industry to the ground".
My list of shit I said that came absolutely 100% true grows volumetrically.
Fauci personifies the progressive’s desire for an “enlightened dictator”. They do NOT want democracy. So many of them loved being locked down and having to wear masks.
(One prominent AIDS activist, playwright Larry Kramer, once called Fauci a murderer.)
Some of us still do.
Harsh but fair.
The author is one of the worst COVID disinformationiats. His policies, had they been followed, would have resulted in the deaths of.milliona more people. There is no freedom are dead.
So don’t go outside dumb*ss. YOU are responsible for YOU.
Need you be reminded this nation was founded on dead people because they insisted on ‘freedom’?
What are your kind even doing in this nation? Wouldn’t you be much more happy in North Korea, Cuba, Venezuela, China etc, etc, etc? If you don’t like the ‘freedom’ GET THE F’OUT!!!
Need I remind you your [Na]tional So[zi]alist beliefs are the VERY reason the very research that created COVID was funded?
Justice would be Fauci charged, convicted, fined massive amounts, publicly disgraced, be remembered in history as a tyrannical villain, stripped of his medical degrees, serve hard time in prison, and then eventually have his sentence commuted by Donald Trump in the final moments of the last year of his second term, but only because he's an old man.