J.D. Vance Promoted Rumors of Pet-Eating Immigrants Even After Learning They Were 'Baseless'
To justify his misinformation, the Republican vice presidential candidate cited a report from a woman whose lost cat turned up, very much alive, in her own basement.
"Reports now show that people have had their pets abducted and eaten by people who shouldn't be in this country," Sen. J.D. Vance (R–Ohio), Donald Trump's running mate, averred on X the morning of September 9, referring to rumors that Haitian immigrants were eating stolen cats and dogs in Springfield, Ohio. That same morning, Springfield City Manager Bryan Heck told The Wall Street Journal, a Vance staffer called to ask him, "Are the rumors true of pets being taken and eaten?"
Heck's response was unequivocal: "I told him no. There was no verifiable evidence or reports to show this was true. I told them these claims were baseless."
Heck's rebuttal did not stop Vance from re-upping those claims the very next day. "My office has received many inquiries from actual residents of Springfield who've said their neighbors' pets or local wildlife were abducted by Haitian migrants," he wrote on the morning of September 10. Perhaps based on his staffer's belated attempt at fact checking, Vance acknowledged that "it's possible, of course, that all of these rumors will turn out to be false." Still, he said, that possibility should not dissuade his "fellow patriots" from spreading those rumors: "Keep the cat memes flowing."
Trump did that in a big way during his ABC debate with Vice President Kamala Harris that night. "In Springfield," he complained, "they're eating the dogs, the people that came in; they're eating the cats. They're eating the pets of the people that live there, and this is what's happening in our country, and it's a shame."
Moderator David Muir jumped in to note that ABC News, like Vance's staffer, had consulted with Heck, who "told us there had been no credible reports of specific claims of pets being harmed, injured, or abused by individuals within the immigrant community." Like Vance, Trump was unfazed. "Maybe that's a good thing to say for a city manager," he replied, "but the people on television say their dog was eaten by the people who went there."
In a CNN interview last Sunday, Vance was still doubting the denials from sources such as Heck; Springfield's police department; Ohio's Republican governor, Mike DeWine, who condemned the pet-eating migrant story as "a piece of garbage that was simply not true"; and Springfield's Republican mayor, Rob Rue. "We have told those at the national level that they are speaking these things that are untrue," Rue told the Journal, but those claims have been "repeated and doubled down on."
To justify Vance's continued promotion of what he himself had described as "rumors" that might not be true, the candidate's staff on Tuesday gave the Journal "a police report in which a resident had claimed her pet might have been taken by Haitian neighbors." But "when a reporter went to Anna Kilgore's house Tuesday evening, she said her cat Miss Sassy, which went missing in late August, had actually returned a few days later—found safe in her own basement." Kilgore, who was "wearing a Trump shirt and hat," said "she apologized to her Haitian neighbors with the help of her daughter and a mobile-phone translation app."
The "cat-eating rumors," the Journal notes, "started with a post by a Springfield woman on a private Facebook page." That account "turned out to be third-hand" and was "subsequently disavowed by the original poster, according to NewsGuard, a company that tracks online misinformation."
This is the sort of evidence that Vance apparently had in mind when he told CNN's Dana Bash that his information about pet-eating immigrants "comes from firsthand accounts from my constituents." But Vance made it clear that he thought it did not really matter whether these stories were true.
"I've been trying to talk about the problems in Springfield for months," he told Bash. "The American media totally ignored this stuff until Donald Trump and I started talking about cat memes. If I have to create stories so that the American media actually pays attention to the suffering of the American people, then that's what I'm going to do."
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JD Vance. Vance refrigeration.
Just go with the humour in all this. I have gotten a few laughs over this.
Sullum is lying. I can't laugh about that.
There's video, photos, testimony, police reports, 911 calls, etc. but because a single city manager said claims were baseless, we're supposed to believe they don't exist.
It's frankly disgusting. Pathological journalism.
Yup, Sullum is lying as usual.
They aren't rumors and they aren't baseless. They are facts .
Well, alternative facts are still facts, right?
According to Trump, alternative facts are definitely facts. So there you are. In spite of the admission of lying by the person who started all this, it's still "Trump's truth."
The sad part is, that as much of a pathological liar, economic illiterate, and shameless panderer he is, he would still be a better President that Kamala Harris, although that's an extremely low bar to clear. I can think of almost no one, including my (seriously) brain damaged neighbor, who wouldn't be a better President than Harris.
This is a good article to email Reason during the next webathon.
There’s video, photos, testimony, police reports, 911 calls, etc.
Provide one single first-hand account. You do know what "first-hand" means, right? Hell, your boy JD Vance, who has every incentive to provide the evidence you claim exists hasn't done so and merely indicates he's willing to lie about it. Which means he'd fit in well here as a right-wing poster. fwiw.
I saw a comment on TikToc from a man who said he'd seen it first hand. So...proof, right? I'm SURE he wasn't a Russian troll. 😉
I agree completely. And just this 9/19 AM, I heard on Fox news a guy on the east coast who said there's a lot of pet animal carcasses on the beach.
A government official trying to make their territory look better than it really is, due to pressure from his higher level superiors to make it look safe and respectable (that's how they cover up their lies), because there's an election coming up, is the last person to believe. I believe it just like Hillary and Biden say Trump is an existential threat to the country (imagine saying that about other former presidents - it's just nuts). The real threat to the country is a more powerful political class: they've already captured most of the MSM via their censorship and pressure/threats to let the government dogs go after them.
Plus, NewsGuard? Seriously? Uber-lefty pseudo-fact checkers.
Sullum. Please define the word baseless for us.
Citizen testimony is not baseless.
A call into police is not baseless.
Reminder, your colleague called Balsey Ford credible despite all apparent witnesses denying her account. You yourself defended the Trump civil rape claim as credible despite evidence showing their claims as false.
By the way... why are there more articles about this single topic than any other corporate media/politician lie?
Don't blame him; he is just following orders - - - - - - -
On the bright side we haven't seen a DeSantis screed in weeks.
Fixed right now!
Ass POTUS, DeSatan will be forcing USA taxpayers to trick and ferry billions upon brazilians of sub-Brazilians from Brazil to Botswana, and to deport illegal sub-Martians from Mars to Uranus! Ass long ass the illegal Martians SUFFER-SUFFER-SUFFER, red-meat-hungry socons and troglodytes will be DELIGHTED to spend those extra tax dollars! Butt I for one think that illegal Martians are intelligent beings, too, and hope that they will NOT suffer on Uranus, from too many foul odors, etc.!
DeSatan… SPEAKS to me! Get Thee behind me, DeSatan!
Scienfoology Song… GAWD = Government Almighty’s Wrath Delivers
DeSatan loves me, This I know,
For DeSatan tells me so,
Little ones to GAWD belong,
We are weak, but GAWD is strong!
Yes, DeSatan loves me!
Yes, DeSatan loves me!
Yes, DeSatan loves me!
DeSatan tells me so!
DeSatan loves me, yes indeed,
Makes the illegal sub-humans bleed,
Protects me for geeks and freaks,
I LOVE to pay taxes, till my wallet squeaks!
PUNISH Disney, I’ll PAY for their pains,
Ass long ass DeSatan Blesses our gains!
Yes, DeSatan loves me!
Yes, DeSatan loves me!
Yes, DeSatan loves me!
DeSatan tells me so!
DeSatan expels the low-lifes to Venus,
Moves them ANYWHERE, with His Penis!
His Penis throbs with His Righteousness,
Take no heed, He says, of His Frighteousness!
ALL must be PUNISHED, they say!
So never, EVER be or say gay!
Yes, DeSatan loves me!
Yes, DeSatan loves me!
Yes, DeSatan loves me!
DeSatan tells me so!
Our USA taxes must PAY The Way, He may say,
To EXPORT the illegal Mars aliens, every day!
To Pluto, Jupiter, or Uranus, they must ALL go!
Oh, the places that the low-lifes will go, you must know!
The taxes we shall pay? Through the money, we must BLOW!
Yes, DeSatan loves me!
Yes, DeSatan loves me!
Yes, DeSatan loves me!
DeSatan tells me so!
(If we did NOT do-doo, doo-doo-doo, ALL of this, then that them thar illegal Mars aliens WILL show up on OUR doors, in the formerly pure USA!!! We MUST keep them AWAY, far away, out in the Deep Dark Yonder!)
DeSatan tis of Thee,
Sweet Man of tyranny!
From every mountainside,
You can smell Him for free!
DeLand where de eagles glide!
DeLand where de illegals hide!
DeSatan, tis of Thee I sing,
To the liberals, tears You bring!
You make the proggies cry!
Talk with THEM?! Don’t even try!
DeSatan, tis of Thee I praise!
For the woke, Holy Hell You raise!
Illegal Martians? Low-life scum, You catch and send,
To Uranus with them! Ignore tax dollars You spend!
We must punish ALL, who to USA might sail,
At ALL costs, DeSatanism MUST prevail!
Fucking hell, you just won’t shut up today. Crushing up and snorting your meds again, or have you moved on to street uppers?
Other than the spambots (haven’t seen one of those for a good long time), and occassionaly Hank, I’ve never muted anyone here, but your recent screeds have become particularly insufferable.
Maybe take a nap, have a stroke, fling yourself from a balcony, or engage in any other activity other than your present, useless, unreadable shitflinging of words.
It should be put down. Too many grey boxes.
Being a piece of shit is his actual goal.
Conservaturds making friends, gathering votes, and influencing people by... PEDDLING KOOL-AID AND SUICIDE!!! How's it workin' for ya, servant and serpent of the Evil One?
EvilBahnFuhrer, drinking EvilBahnFuhrer Kool-Aid in a spiraling vortex of darkness, cannot or will not see the Light… It’s a VERY sad song! Kinda like this…
He’s a real Kool-Aid Man,
Sitting in his Kool-Aid Land,
Playing with his Kool-Aid Gland,
His Hero is Jimmy Jones,
Loves death and the dying moans,
Then he likes to munch their bones!
He’s truly, completely a necrophiliac,
His brain, squirming toad-like, is REALY, really whack!
Has no thoughts that help the people,
He wants to turn them all to sheeple!
On the sheeple, his Master would feast,
Master? A disaster! Just the nastiest Beast!
Kool-Aid man, please listen,
You don’t know, what you’re missin’,
Kool-Aid man, better thoughts are at hand,
The Beast, to LEAVE, you must COMMAND!
A helpful book is to be found here: M. Scott Peck, Glimpses of the Devil
Hey EvilBahnFuhrer …
If EVERYONE who makes you look bad, by being smarter and better-looking than you, killed themselves, per your wishes, then there would be NO ONE left!
Who would feed you? Who’s tits would you suck at, to make a living? WHO would change your perpetually-smelly DIAPERS?!!?
You’d better come up with a better plan, Stan!
DeSantis stopped looking like a threat to the establishment about 3 weeks after launching his campaign and the well just dried up.
"By the way… why are there more articles about this single topic than any other corporate media/politician lie?"
Yeah it's not like Kameltoe claims she grew up middle class or that she never opposed fracking or that she never supported taxpayer paid transgender surgery for illegal immigrants or that she never supported gun confiscation or that she was never the border czar and... Well I don't know about you but there's no way I can vote for a guy who repeated a story about a cat.
The “I grew up middle class” one fucking slays me.
Great progress. Before y'all were doubling down and claiming it was true.
Now it's moved on to the Stage 2, Meta-excuses:
"It's false, but it's not baseless!"
"You can't talk about our lies if anyone else ever lied."
"We lied but it's wrong to have too many stories about it."
We're waiting for inevitable next stages:
Stage 3: "It's old news"
Stage 4: "We never said that."
Stage 5: "Kids, do you know Democrats once accused Haitians of cat eating!"
You don’t know it’s not. All you see are elite democrats ordering you not to believe it. As you are a lower form of life, and a drone for the democrat hive mind, you mindlessly obey.
None of which debunks anything.
He is another dem that found the LPe 4 years ago and has never bothered to educate himself. An open borders acolyte who goes out of his way to push DNC/gov narratives in order to ignore the costs with his Marxist open border demands.
Also it is Mike
I miss when Mike used to sea lion Ken. Also appreciated when he warmed us to stay away from that GMO food turducken.
I enjoyed learning about how the chemical formula for water was actually different than what the scientists say.
In the comments, he would occasionally cosplay that truck driver during the Rodney King riots.
Nelson is now carrying that torch.
Nelson is probably Mike... or DOL.
Hey. DemSalad is back. Your comment this morning proved you never read Hoppe nor understood what he wrote. Hilarious though.
Have you tried reading an actual book before?
Where did I claim it was true? Are you as dumb as sarc, seeing as you claim to be his mentor I feel bad for him. My post is in regards to the word baseless you illiterate moron. Lol.
But like sarc, as soon as a government official tells you something you treat it as fact. Truly the intellect of a genius there buddy. Lol.
Thanks for once again proving only government set narratives are your concern Mike.
That’s a ridiculous inversion of the standard Democrat playbook.
They're at "The government knows it's true and they're conspiring to keep it a secret because they're all evil Democrats" and that's where they're going to stay.
Just like with the election.
How about this stage, dumbass:
No one has denied the geese and duck eating claims. These people are fucking feral and shouldn’t be in Springfield. Send them to LA or NY where they might just blend in with the masses of feral homeless losers there.
Maybe they’ll learn how to shoplift from a Walgreens like civilized losers.
"The American media totally ignored this stuff until Donald Trump and I started talking about cat memes. If I have to create stories so that the American media actually pays attention to the suffering of the American people, then that's what I'm going to do."
Maybe you should ask Shady Vance why he won't just let this story die?
Technically, right now it’s Reason who won’t let this story die.
I figured the armed gangs terrorizing apartment buildings was a little more on the nose, but that got mostly ignored for some reason.
By the way… why are there more articles about this single topic than any other corporate media/politician lie?
#1 tell tale sign tall tales are being narrated. This will be the next conspiracy theory proven correct.
"Baseless" means there is no first hand eyewitness account. The sole report which has been traced to ground zero was second hand and false. No one ate the cat; it was in the basement of the house. No one has found another first hand witness. 1,000 phone calls to the police are not first hand evidence. The first hand evidence is the owner coming forward and saying which pet was taken and the eye witness account that a Haitian took it and ate it. Vance and Trump have not found a single eyewitness, but everyone in Springfield say it the story is totally false. Also, there is no problem with the Haitians, who have benefited Springfield.
The sole problem was that the Feds did not give Springfield advance notice of the Haitians, and thus, it was hard for Springfield to make arrangements for a population increase almost over night. Back then Springfield has about 50,000 residents and the Feds dropped another 10,000 on them. There was no disaster; there was a lot of hard work and scrambling to make the best of a bad situation which the Haitians did not cause.
There's testimony under oath? Prove it.
Well it turns out childless cat ladies are a bipartisan constituency. Anyway i posted this earlier but here ya go,
"Blow Your Mind": Ex-WSJ Journo Uncovers Hub Of An Alleged Migrant Trafficking Network In Springfield, Ohio"
Wall Street Journal reporter Asra Nomani has published a shocking report that could soon change the national discussion from Haitians and other migrants eating cats or dogs in Springfield, Ohio, to one that is more sinister: The hub of a complex "hidden human trafficking network" in the tiny rust belt town.
"The story in this town is not about cats or dogs. It's about mules. It's a twin tragedy of migrant workers from Haiti exploited and locals from Springfield marginalized," Nomani wrote in the Jewish Journal.
She said, "Just about every week since 2019, First Diversity Staffing Group Inc. has shuttled vulnerable Haitian migrants in unmarked white Ford and Chevy vans from Florida to Ohio, where they are allegedly exploited for cheap labor by companies like Dole Food Company Inc.," adding, "It is a secretive and sinister operation that has gone unchecked for more than five years."
NEW: Federal and State agents are reportedly investigating Springfield, Ohio for a potential human trafficking operation responsible for the importing and exploiting of Haitians run by a local business owner referred to as "King George."
Nomani revealed FBI anti-trafficking agents and Ohio Attorney General Dave Yost are now investigating allegations of human trafficking in Springfield.
What began as my efforts to track down a rumor about animal cruelty has turned into an investigation that reveals a malignant system of labor exploitation involving a local businessman, George Ten, whom Haitians and local residents call "King George," the chief executive at First Diversity Staffing Group Inc., a Springfield company that has been the tip of the spear in the alleged trafficking operation of Haitians to the town.
This is a story of unchecked greed and cruelty, committed not by the immigrants, but to the immigrants, with local residents of Springfield also a casualty.
Reason approves. The federal government is subsidizing the businesses hiring Haitians with tax credits.
I believe Red Rocks was saying that the Chamber of Commerce Republicans were up in arms about the whole car story because it was going to shine a light on their shenanigans. Seems he was right on the money.
I have believed from the beginning this pet eating story was a miss direction. Vance himself has said the story may be false but it has focused national attention on the real problem of stuffing 20,000 plus who are dependent on government money into a town of less than 60,000.
Are we just completely disregarding the meaning of words now? The rumors could well have been false, they could have been true, they could have been overblown or the result of a misunderstanding, but there was definitely a basis for them.
Great point!
After all, "based on lies" is virtually the same as "based on facts"!
Keep obfuscating Sullum’s obvious lies for him, ObviouslyATroll
No, there was zero basis. There was one mistake, when the cat was in the house the entire time and the owner corrected the story before Trump said it.
Let’s assume one Haitian ate a cat; that would not mean that Haitians as a community are stealing lots of pets and eating them.
They're baseless because, upon scrutiny, the claims are obviously incorrect/lies. This isn't a difficult concept.
Fuck off Jacob you leftist hack. Please cover an actual topic of importance (truthfully for once) and quit picking at your TDS.
Doing that isn't going to convince Charles Koch to pay for a new roof on Jacob's garage.
By roof I believe you mean his mom's floor
Stop exposing the lies, Jacob! Shhhhh...
Charles Krauthammer wrote of Bush Derangement Syndrome in 2003, now we have TDS. Republicans don't even have to change their phrasing to manipulate low-information voters. Nice work being such a freethinker.
So he checked with a government official and got an official denial, thus providing the basis for the claim. Mind you, I don't think an official denial is conclusive proof that something is happening (I'd want to see more evidence that it is first), but it's certainly evidence suggesting that it is.
Our gullible Trump cultists like Jesse still believe this crap. They have shut up about Hunter Bidens dick pics though. Maybe there is hope for them.
Irony as you still believe: Trump Russia, amazing biden economy, no inflation, you're not a democrat...
You are first on Pluggo’s list…let me rephrase that. A 12 year old boy is first on Pluggo’s list, but you are first on his persona non grata a Reason list.
Yeah. The liberals here hate me.
Was hoping he would talk about his son meeting a Russian for opposing research so I could post this.
Meg Kinnard
WASHINGTON (AP) — FBI: Iranian hackers sent unsolicited information stolen from Trump campaign to people associated with Biden's campaign
I need to take some notes. They don’t hate me nearly enough. Although Sarc appears to live in mortal terror of me (as he should).
Well, because you laughed when he threatened you.
How can I get an evil shill like Buttplug to hate me too, Jesse Sensei?
Hmmm. Now what does "unsolicited" mean, I wonder?
“Russia, if you’re listening..."
Why was your original account banned?
Sadly, he stills draws breath.
I love that you are obsessed with dick pics. It really puts the cherry on top of why your handle was nuked. Fuck off, Bushpig.
"They're eating the dogs. They're eating the cats. They're eating the pets of the people who live there." DJT
Why shouldn't Vance say this, is it because it may help the ticket win?
Vance says it because that’s his job. And that job is back up DJT no matter what. If it happens to help the ticket, and it very well might, so much the better.
Of course the point here is not to make people believe the story. It’s purely signal, the real message is “We’re the ones willing to get tough on immigrants. We’ll say and do whatever it takes to make it happen.”
The way the JesseAz’s of the world process info is like this:
Yes on the cat story = Right attitude on immigration.
No on the cat story = Open borders socialist.
Every question is not about what happened, it’s about signaling what side you are on.
Your point here is to distract from the other issues of the migrants such as increased costs, increased accidents and insurance, driving without licenses, social disruption, depleting social services…
Because you want open borders at the expense of citizens like a good Lil Marxist. Do you find it odd your open border desires more align with Marxist.org including applauding social disorder?
We get it. Dem corporate media only wants to talk about a small part of the story for distraction. So you run on here with the same concern.
Doing well Mike.
You even got the strawman arguments down. Are there citizen claims an an audio recording? Yes or no? If yes, how did the mayor investigate to claim the reports were nor credible. Weird how you demand different levels of evidence for government as compared to citizens. Typical statist though lol.
Notice you even keep responding to me or bringing me up... almost like a signal.
Usual leftist hypocrite lol.
Distracting from other issues? You bigots have distracted from any legitimate issues by yapping lies about pets
The left made this a meme, dude. Wrote a song about it and everything. and now it’s backfiring.
"Dogs and cats...living together...mass hysteria!!!"
It wasn't "baseless". There were police reports filed. Do you have to be full of shit on EVERY story, Jacob?
Don't tell DemSalad.
Hold on. If I remember correctly it was the mayor who said the citizen reports were "baseless." I also have seen things claiming that he is personally benefitting financially from importing Hatians into the community because the government/NGOs are funding their housing (which he happens to own a large stake in.)
The biggest part of the story is that roughly a third of a town's population was added to its total from a different culture. They have crime issues because of this. There is a culture shock from the immigrants because they actually do eat cats, practice voodoo, etc.
A curious person would ask why a large foreign population is being dumped on a small town. Asking "who benefits" should be an immediate question and lead to answers of corruption and political malfeasance.
If Sullum was actually a reporter then he would already know that the Haitians eating cats and geese statement seems to be correct or at least plausible and widely claimed. He would be aware of the mayor he is citing being compromised by his own financial interests. He would be digging into that story as well as the businesses that seem to be abusing labor laws and taking advantage of some of these Haitians.
Sullum is not a journalist and not honest. He is a left-wing propagandist and Democrat partisan. He and Reason are severely dishonest actors any time immigration is even a tangential topic.
Mayor didn't even say baseless he said no credible.
I don't think it was even the mayor, it was the city manager / city administrator.
Fair point.
Luckily we require less evidence for government claims that we do citizens.
Touche. Couldn't recall the specific position.
Regardless, the incurious reporting and taking appeal to authority statements at face value don't inspire confidence.
I know Sullum is on Twitter. He can see all sorts of videos and documents that dispute his stance. Has he curated his experience to block out all contrary politics or is he avoiding that information
That's right. No one appears to be asking how 20,000 Haitians make their way to Springfield, Ohio. In fact, in the one town hall meeting where the guy was complaining about the geese being taken from the park, at the end he was asking "who is getting paid" for all of this.
Apparently that's not a question worth asking since it might actually help Trump and particularly Vance. If the discussion shifts from Democrats "allowing illegal immigration" to Democrats "facilitating and subsidizing illegal immigration" things could go quite badly for them. As I can't imagine the percentage of Americans who would be okay with such a thing would be above 10%.
From the post up above: “Federal and State agents are reportedly investigating Springfield, Ohio for a potential human trafficking operation responsible for the importing and exploiting of Haitians run by a local business owner referred to as “King George.””
Dollars to donuts George turns out to be the City Manager.
All this proves is that Ohio hasn't been enriched by a foreign culture.
Some people, like slum landlords and sweatshop employers, ARE being enriched.
I’m glad the cat made it.
But “unsubstantiated rumors” do not rise to the level of “false claims” or “misinformation” or “conspiracy theories,” until the fate of the feared fricasseed feline was confirmed, but that didn’t stop multiple news media outlets from calling them such from the start.
And technically, it was never a “conspiracy theory.” No one was alleging that anyone had conspired to import Haitians to reduce the pet population and to augment their protein intake.
Maybe not for that reason, but clearly there was a conspiracy to flood this particular city with Haitians. They didn't head there en masse for no reason.
Does it really matter?
Support the 'Invade the Nation' agenda because there haven't been a certified list of pet eating prosecutions?
Is that suppose to be the take-away from Sullum yelling FIRE?
Amazing how one woman in August apparently time traveled back to March to make a police report regarding four legged animals being eaten and the Springfield City Manager apparently forgot it happened.
Nuh uh - DemSalad.
The AI generated Trump memes with the cats is starting to remind me of 2016. I think this might actually help Trump quite a bit as he'd lost some of that edgelord support over the years.
Is this the real reason why California is going to pass a law making it illegal to use AI to generate images containing a politician? I think California has forgotten what it means to be American.
Who the fuck cares?
Why is this an every day news thing? On a "libertarian" site, no less?
Aren't there other things writers could be journolisting about? Like multiple assassination attempts on a presidential candidate if you want politics, or on the idiocy of the other candidate. Or if you want actual libertarian topics... fucking anything else?
They're so unbelievably desperate to try and find that "potato
e" or "binders full of women" thing, the thing that means nothing in the real world but that they can harp on endlessly, that it's just ridiculous.This dude shouldn't have a job here. Seriously. How the fuck is he published every day?
Reason needs to attack Trump/Vance at every opportunity. So as to ‘reluctantly and strategically’ work to get neo Marxists Harris and Walz elected.
If they aren't elected then people 50 years into the future won't be able to make memes about going back in time to kill Baby Walz.
What assassination attempts? Old news.
Open Borders Uber Alles?
Triggering the Ids isn't justification enough?
Heck’s response was unequivocal: “I told him no. There was no verifiable evidence or reports to show this was true. I told them these claims were baseless.”
Heck’s rebuttal did not stop Vance from re-upping those claims the very next day.
Do you know why?
Because the word of a government bureaucrat, whose only statement on the subject is one claiming ignorance, means jack squat to the American people anymore. The State threw their honor, integrity, and trustworthiness out the window a LONG time ago, and now We The People have no reason at all to believe anything they say. Same goes with the media. And, frankly, same goes with most minority groups who apparently never learned what happens to the boy who cries wolf (or racism, or transphobia).
Further, “I have no reports of…” is not the same thing as, “It’s unequivocally not happening.”
“Billy, did your sister crayon all over the walls?”
“I have no evidence of that.”
Guess what – question’s still open about Billy’s sister. And it’s ESPECIALLY still open when Jimmy, Tommy, Lucy, and Sally say things like, “Well, I saw her with a box of crayons” and “She was definitely in that room at one point,” and “I heard her say she was going to make the room pretty.”
This is what Vance has re-iterated over and over, and pricks like Jakey Jakey News Is Fakey just want to ignore it. It’s simple: Vance believes his constituents more than he does a lying government lapdog.
And why the heck shouldn’t he.
...which is exactly what Vlad wants Americans to believe (or, more appropriately, not believe).
The Russian people, er, Vlad and his gang, thank you for your service!
I never get tired of that.
"What you said didn't conform to my narrative, therefore it must be Russian misinformation, which I'm against, even though my narrative constantly serves the Russians."
Lol. Vlad has bigger problems, you idiot.
This isn’t that different from BS we have heard from progs, including:
Your gas stove is killing you
There are 47 genders
Vapes are deadlier than cigarettes
Vance is just following their “never let facts get in the way of a good narrative” playbook.
Democrats did it first, so that makes it ok! /s
If you don’t have any principles of your own, those of your opponents will have to do…
Vance is just accepting that the videos of cats on the grill and geese from the park getting necks wrung is more credible that a city mayor saying he has no proof that it has taken place.
Even the $hit of a mayor did not DENY it took place, just that he could not CONFIRM it.
The question isn't if the Haitians are eating pets (which I doubt).
The question is what are they doing in our country illegally?
They're in a program that delays prosecution or deportation after illegal entry pending adjudication of their claims for refugee status. It's called "Temporary Protected Status".
In other words, they're not in our country illegally.
They entered the country illegally, but action against them for that is being postponed pending a decision on their refugee status. Parse that as you wish.
Hmmm, "delays prosecution or deportation after illegal entry". how did you get "they’re not in our country illegally" from that?
By definition they're here illegally. When they're under Temporary Protected Status, prosecution or deportation due to their illegal status is what they are being temporarily protected from.
May I point out the elephant in the room? Low-wage employers in Ohio cities want Haitian immigrants because they don't want to hire Black Americans.
Low-wage employers in Ohio want Haitian immigrants because low-wage workers aren’t worth $10/hr. Haitians want this too, because they can work full time and still collect government benefits. Democrats especially want this because it creates two groups loyal to and dependent on them.
Black Americans don’t want this because black America is sick of being screwed over by the “progressive” policies of a Democrat government that enslaved, oppressed, encourages the killing of their babies, and has destroyed their community for centuries.
So I haven't been following this story, but what I understand is, various top political figures have claimed that a Haitian pet died, bleeding in a parking lot after being denied a morning after plan B coathanger-from-a-vending-machine-that's-regulated-by-the-usda-so-we-know-what's-in-it abortion because the Patriarchy that time warped into the present from the year 1619 doesn't want to see a necrotic clump of cells be buried without a 21 gun Russian salute performed by Vladimir Putin, as it was reported in the Steele Dossier after Hillary delivered it by dodging sniper fire on the tarmac in Vietnam... do I have that about right?
No, you don't, but it's easy to see how someone would get that impression from just skimming the news...
Lol. Hey buttplug! This ^ is how you clever. Not “Dickless Cheney”, you moron.
Yep. Very unlike the false story that Trump suggested injecting bleach to cure Covid, which is still around.
"Fine people on both sides" - still being said to this day
There is no reason to trust Springfield City Manager Bryan Heck, the Springfield mayor or the Ohio Governor anymore than Vice Presidential candidate JD Vance or any other politician from either side of the aisle.
It would not surprise me if there are some instances of cats, dogs, and geese have been eaten in Springfield. It also would not surprise me if the story is blown out of proportion.
The problem is not that cats, dogs, and geese have been eaten in Springfield, but rather that Springfield is recoiling from a massive population swing to levels that cause conflict.
The sheer levels of new residents as reflected in the large percentage change should be enough for even semi-reasonable people, however we have a lot of unreasonable people on both sides.
If a deep blue liberal town such as Portland Oregon with along history of voting solidly blue suddenly increased in population by 20% with a huge group of MAGA supporters, there would be some resistance by the residents.
Why would you expect a different reaction from many people in Springfield Ohio? Regardless of how the Haitians got to Springfield, the reality is that the influx was too large and too fast to allow assimilation to occur.
While immigrant groups take comfort being surrounded by fellow immigrants, the model of building a country within a country is counter-productive related to being accepted and incorporated into the existing culture. The model ensures isolation and maintains separation which will inspire some us vs them mentality.
The story about the cats and dogs is just a distraction from the real story, but is helpful in gaining some traction if the real story is now told. Instead of the typical anal-retentive nitpicking kinds of articles that are pretending that only politicians on the right side of the aisle tell lies or distort the truth.
Thing is Sullum - we don't know they were 'baseless'.
They're not confirmed, certainly - but some government apparatchik saying 'I got no reports' is not the same as it not happening. Especially when the police have reports.
Again - police reports are not confirmation either. But its not a 'baseless' claim as far as anyone knows right now.
Conservatives just like Progressives: "It fits our narrative therefore it must be true."
These reports are baseless because there is literally no basis in fact. But conservatives (and progressives boaf) hate facts.
"These reports are baseless because there is literally no basis in fact." Of course, you haven't looked, and won't, because you might learn something you did not want to know.
Vance is supposed to call his voters liar's right?
You do realize there is video of the town over cooking a cat right?
What you and Reason seem to ignore is how did 20k immigrants get moved to a 60K person town? Also, I'll await the talk about the facts that the mayor is making a ton of money on this.
Once again, here comes the STUPID, DISHONEST articles of Reason.
Look dumb a$$, VIDEO OF THE CAT ON THE GRILL got posted on the internet. Video of the goose from the park getting his neck wrung also got posted. There is ZERO legitimate debate on whether this took place.
If you want to debate whether you CARE about the pets being killed and eaten, I will hold you in disgust, but it is something you can debate without being a lying sack of $hit.
Whether it’s reported or not, on the news or to the police, bringing in millions from third-world countries guarantees that cats and dogs will be eaten. They eat them back home; why would they not eat them here?
Eat the cats, eat eat the cats!!!!
Can someone here direct me to a Reason article on Harris flipping positions or Waltz/Harris/Clinton wanting to lock people because the government doesn't like what they say?
If you want to see some of the most wretched, loathsome people on earth, just check the comments on the rare occasions a Reason writer criticizes Trump or Vance for racism. The Mises Caucus isn't sending its best, apparently.
Just did. Where’s the racism?
How many true claims about Establishment policies have been called "baseless"?? Gosh, I'd better believe the possibly corrupt mayor is the source of all truth, not Springfield citizens.
It's bad policy and you know it. A crazy Haitian driver also caused a school bus to turn over, killing a child. Apparently, a large percentage of native Springfield citizens cared about this, but no one else did until Vance provided a voice for his constituents (his actual ffing job). Want something to worry about? Worry about Biden/Harris/Nuland starting WW3.
More on this story:
Jacob, as usual, just making stuff up. He is a closet radical leftist posing as a libertarian. I have no doubt he has Marx's book in his office and hopes for the day despotic international communism takes over.