This Just In: Conspiracy Theorists Not Quite as Kooky as Previously Reported
Greetings from the second International Conspiracy Theory Symposium, where one of the most cited findings in the field has been debunked.

If you believe that Princess Diana was assassinated, you almost certainly do not also believe that she is secretly still alive.
That may sound obvious, but there are parts of the academy where it flies in the face of conventional wisdom. In 2012, a much-cited paper in the journal Social Psychological and Personality Science seemed to show that people willing to reject the official story of Di's death—that she had been killed in a car accident—weren't very choosy about which alternative they embraced: "the more participants believed that Princess Diana faked her own death, the more they believed that she was murdered." When the authors asked for opinions about the contradictory rumors surrounding the demise of Osama bin Laden, they got comparable results. So strong was the correlation, they concluded, that it seemed fair to say that "any conspiracy theory that stands in opposition to the official narrative will gain some degree of endorsement from someone who holds a conspiracist worldview, even if it directly contradicts other conspiracy theories that they also find credible." Or as they put it more pithily later in the paper: "Believing that Osama bin Laden is still alive is apparently no obstacle to believing that he has been dead for years."
The press couldn't resist the idea of a kook so divorced from common sense that he thinks someone could be both alive and dead. The study became a staple of pop-science pieces on conspiracy theories, and of pop-intellectual writing by figures such as Cass Sunstein. And when other experimenters followed up on the paper, they replicated its results.
"Journalists love it," declared Jan-Willem van Prooijen, a psychologist from VU Amsterdam, as he addressed the International Conspiracy Theory Symposium at the University of Miami this past weekend. "It's a cool finding. There's just one problem: It's not true."
Van Prooijen is not the first scholar to challenge this idea. Last year, for example, the philosopher Kurtis Hagen noted that the original study did not measure people's beliefs so much as the degree of credence they gave to different possibilities: Rather than simply endorsing or rejecting each theory, participants were asked to rate each story's plausibility on a seven-point scale, an approach that gave room to entertain the ideas as suspicions without embracing them as full-fledged beliefs. But van Prooijen was discussing a more fundamental problem. The whole phenomenon, he told the Miami audience, could just be a statistical artifact.
Most people, after all, don't believe that Diana was assassinated or that she faked her death. If you're just looking at the overall numbers, that huge correlation between the participants who disbelieve both stories could create the illusion of a correlation where participants believe both. So van Prooijen and four colleagues ran their own series of experiments, this time paying closer attention to who was endorsing and rejecting each yarn.
The results, which will soon appear in the journal Psychological Science, showed that people who endorsed one conspiracy story were generally less likely, not more likely, to endorse an apparently contradictory narrative. There were a few exceptions, but these involved questions where, on closer examination, the theories weren't necessarily contradictory after all. For example: After the first experiment showed people maintaining that pharmaceutical companies were both obstructing research to find a cancer cure and withholding a cure they already possessed, the authors realized that these could be reconciled if you believe Big Pharma is hiding a cure for one type of cancer and blocking research on another. Whatever else you might think of that belief system, it is not as irrational as the Schrödinger's Princess scenario.
Van Prooijen's team doesn't deny that some people hold contradictory views on Osama's or Diana's death. The world is vast and strange, and all sorts of odd ideas can be found in it. But such people are not typical, even of conspiracists. If they once seemed more common than they really are, that makes van Prooijen and his colleagues wonder what else their field might have gotten wrong. "For instance," they ask, "to what extent is the correlation between conspiracy beliefs that are not mutually incompatible (often seen as reflecting a conspiratorial mindset) actually due to those who disbelieve both conspiracy theories?"
The conference organizers tapped Joanne Miller, a psychologist and political scientist at the University of Delaware, to comment on van Prooijen's paper. After endorsing his findings, she looked back at a study she had recently done on COVID theories, underlining some other ways that results that may seem contradictory might not actually reflect confused thinking at all. She had run her survey in the early days of the pandemic, when no one really had a good grasp on what was going on; all sorts of possibilities were being seriously considered. And her study had been set up in a way that prevented people from going back and changing their answers when they saw the next question. So she wasn't surprised when people agreed with one theory about the pandemic's origins and then expressed agreement with a mutually exclusive theory.
At a time of intense uncertainty, she said, such answers may be more rational than they look. "Are they really telling us that they believe these things," Miller asked, "or are they telling us that they need to believe something?"
* * * * *
This was the University of Miami's second conference on conspiracism. Like the last meeting, held in 2015, it was primarily organized by Joseph Uscinski, a political scientist at the university who has produced several books on the topic. And like the last meeting, it brought together more than 40 scholars from a grab bag of disciplines: political science, social psychology, history, philosophy, sociology, religious studies, and more.
That 2015 gathering had been rather combative, as academics reacted in surprised and sometimes prickly ways to the discovery that other scholars were approaching their area of expertise in alien ways. On the first evening of the 2023 conference, I asked one young psychologist if he had heard tales from his colleagues of those eight-year-old clashes with professors from other fields.
"Ah," he said with a knowing smile. "You mean the philosophers."
The biggest battles in 2015 had indeed pit the philosophers against the psychologists. The former kept accusing the latter of treating ideas—the philosophers' stock in trade—as signs of some underlying pathology. The psychologists, in turn, sometimes griped between panels that the philosophers' guild was better at poking holes in arguments than in devising a scientifically sound research plan.
But now the mood was much more collegial. As the assembled academics interacted from March 16 to 19, everyone seemed far more eager to learn from each other's approaches this time around. That was partly a product of who was there and who wasn't. The discipline that is most prone to treating conspiracy theories as a pure pestilence—the burgeoning new field of "disinformation studies"—was almost entirely absent. The philosophers who were most inclined in 2015 to stick up for conspiracy theorists were not able to make it to Miami this time. (There was, indeed, a lot of turnover in general. The vast majority of this year's attendees were not there in 2015.) And the philosophers who did come were less interested in defending conspiracy theories per se than in figuring out which ones were worth taking seriously.
Take Maarten Boudry, a philosopher from Ghent University. His paper acknowledged that many conspiracies are real, but it also argued that there is a very common style of conspiracy thinking that it is fair to reject on its face. (If "at some point your conspiracy hypothesis can only be rescued from refutation by making the alleged conspirators preternaturally intelligent and powerful," he wrote, "then you have entered the realm of unfounded [conspiracy theories].") Another philosopher, Brian Keeley of Pitzer College, argued that we should try to distinguish conspiracy theorists from conspiracy liars. The former, he explained, are sincere. The latter are propagandists and snake-oil salesmen who promote stories they don't genuinely believe.
If the philosophers were now more accommodating of the social scientists, many of the social scientists were in a mood for self-correction. When Uscinski introduced van Prooijen's panel, he stressed the importance of looking back to see what scholars had gotten wrong in the past. After van Prooijen did exactly that, the panel's second presenter—Adam Enders, a political scientist from the University of Louisville—continued in the same critical spirit. Many scholars, he noted, had found a relationship between conspiracy thinking and "extreme" political orientations. Some of those results suggest that conspiracism is more closely associated with the political right. Others show a U shape, with the far left and far right both adopting more conspiracy theories than the center. But what if neither group was correct?
Enders' paper-in-progress, which he is working on with Uscinski and Miller, reexamines some of those older studies' data with a different set of regression models. Looking at the results, he found that it isn't just leftists and rightists who hold conspiracy theories: A lot of centrists do too. "On balance," the paper's current draft says, "all of these groups are slightly more conspiratorial than not…and none are extremely conspiratorial." Conspiracy thinking might be "simply a fact of life—a disposition that non-trivially afflicts most, regardless of political persuasion, at least under certain circumstances."
Out in the audience, Moreno Mancosu, a sociologist from the University of Turin, raised his hand and reported that in Italy right now, conspiracism does seem more closely associated with the right. But he wasn't arguing with Enders. He was agreeing that conspiracy thinking is not immutably associated with just one political faction. If the Italian right currently has more conspiracy theories than the Italian left, he said, that reflects factors specific to that particular country at this particular time. Context matters.
Drinking with Mancosu later that night and chatting about the days of the Red Brigades, I asked if he thought he would have found more conspiracism on the Italian left than the right if he had been working 45 years ago. "Absolutely," he answered. He also nodded to the cloak-and-dagger politics of that era—terror plots, mafia plots, Operation Gladio—and conceded that sometimes the conspiracists would have had a point.
The psychologists still tended to frame conspiracy theories as a problem to be corrected. (As van Prooijen observed on one panel, some of them have worked with governments and tech companies looking for ways to stop such theories from spreading.) But no one seemed visibly taken aback when Sarah Halford, a sociologist from Brandeis, took a rather different approach in her presentation. Halford, who has been doing fieldwork among activists opposed to 5G wireless technologies, pointed out that the anti-5G community consists of two broad groups: the people who think 5G is a covert weapon, a view that is clearly conspiracist, and the people who think it represents a health hazard, a view that becomes conspiracist only when it starts invoking corporate cover-ups. The second group is larger than the first group, and it also tends to find the first group embarrassing. Without taking a stand on whether the activists' health arguments are actually true, Halford argued that the industry had found it useful to focus on its more paranoid opponents—a case study, she said, in how institutions can use "anti-conspiracy discourse" to undermine their opponents.
So in Halford's study, the central social problem isn't conspiracy theories. It's the people invoking "conspiracy theories" as a threat. (I probably ought to mention that when her article discusses the broader phenomenon of using the "conspiracy theory" label to discredit someone, Halford takes a slap at my Reason colleague Eric Boehm for a short piece deriding Elizabeth Warren's "cockamamie conspiracy theory" about the sources of inflation. When I showed that part of the paper to Eric, he replied: "that's sloppy of me. should have been 'cockamamie theories.'")
I should note that one psychologist at the conference had a rather different approach from her colleagues. Yzar Wehbe, an evolutionary psychologist working on a Ph.D. at Oakland University, presented a paper arguing that paranoia emerged as an adaptive response to real threats. That doesn't mean, of course, that any given paranoiac must be right. It "would not be reasonable to expect paranoia be well-designed to detect and defend against modern threats," she writes, since such threats "diverge markedly from the recurrent kinds of conspirators that our ancestors faced during the Pleistocene." But it does mean that our fears could serve a function. She went on to propose 60 hypotheses about how that might work in practice—an extended proposal for a new research program.
Wehbe told me later that she wasn't enthusiastic about institutional "interventions" to stop conspiracism. "We don't yet know enough about the psychological mechanisms that drive such beliefs," she elaborated in an email, adding: "What if decreasing levels of paranoia 'too much' renders people more vulnerable to actual conspiracies?" She also offered a civil libertarian concern: "I especially worry about institutional interventions that involve censorship, as limitations on free speech are rarely warranted."
* * * * *
The participants represented not just a variety of fields but a variety of places, from Turkey to Indiana and from Serbia to Georgia. Several had hard-core conspiracists in their families, and at least two presenters had flirted with 9/11 trutherism in their youth. The crowd did tend overwhelmingly to be academics, but there was one presentation by a guy who never went to grad school—namely me, discussing a history paper I've been writing. (It's called "The Great Groomer Panic of 1968–70: Birchers, Discordians, and the Sex Ed Wars." I'll publish it eventually.)
I don't have space to summarize all the studies shared over the course of the weekend. But here are a few more highlights:
• David Romney, a political scientist at Brigham Young University, presented an article titled "The Supply of Conspiracy Theories in State-Controlled Media." He and two colleagues had examined two decades' worth of articles in Egypt's chief government-controlled newspaper, Al-Ahram, and its leading independent competitor, Al-Masry Al-Youm. A distinct pattern emerged in which the regime was much more likely to endorse conspiracy narratives when it was under threat. Or at least that's how Egypt's more autocratic governments behaved: There was a rupture in the pattern during the brief democratic interval that followed the Arab Spring.
Romney's paper is as notable for its method as it is for its conclusions: Computer-assisted text searches are allowing scholars to explore much larger sets of documents than ever before, opening the door to similar studies in other countries. Is Egypt's experience unique, or will follow-up research reveal recurring patterns across several societies? Hopefully we'll find out soon.
• Casey Klofstad, a political scientist at the University of Miami, presented "The New Satanic Panic," a gigantic study written by 14 authors from multiple disciplines. (Four of them attended the conference: Klofstad, Uscinski, Olyvia Christley, and Michelle Seelig.) Among other results, their survey found 33 percent of Americans agreeing that Satanic cults secretly abuse thousands of children each year, 30 percent agreeing that Washington and Hollywood elites are "engaged in a massive child sex trafficking racket," 28 percent agreeing that there is a secret "gay agenda" to make young people gay or trans, and 26 agreeing that Disney "grooms" children into sexualized lifestyles.
The point here wasn't just to put numbers on these beliefs, but to determine who is more likely to hold them. And here is where things get really interesting. Some of the correlations match what you likely expect: People with an anti-establishment orientation are much more likely to endorse these ideas, for example, and "Satanic Panic beliefs are associated with positive feelings toward Donald Trump, but negative feelings toward Joe Biden." But in terms of general partisan identity, the results were close to a wash: Whether you were a Republican or a Democrat didn't strongly predict whether you were more likely to believe any of this. And while believers were generally more likely to endorse "extremist" groups, this wasn't limited to groups on the right: There was, surprisingly, a positive correlation between Satanic Panic beliefs and favorable feelings about antifa. Clearly, there was more going on here than the familiar left/right sorting.
• My favorite paper of the weekend was "Presencing, Immersion, & Community," in which T. Kenny Fountain and Chandler Jennings of the University of Virginia examined conspiracy theories through the lens of religious studies. Conspiracy beliefs, they argued, can resemble "religious and aesthetic experiences often valued as meaningful and even pleasurable," making conspiracism "more contiguous with ordinary experience than the literature often suggests."
Much of their paper draws on the thinking of Tanya Luhrmann, an anthropologist whose work explores, in Fountain and Jennings's words, "the processes by which invisible spirits or gods become tangibly real to religious believers." This is not just an individual process, they note, but a social one: Believers develop a paracosm—a "private-but-shared imaginative world." And while a conspiracy belief is not the same thing as a spiritual belief, a similar process can be seen in conspiracist communities. Indeed, it can be seen among all sorts of groups built around immersive experiences, from literary storyworlds to video games.
Fountain and Jennings don't say it, but this isn't entirely different from the process by which scholars develop the ideas and rituals that form the scaffolding for their respective disciplines. Eight years after the first Miami conspiracy conference, the boundaries between these academic paracosms feel more permeable than before: the participants seem more open to signals from other disciplines' shared imaginative worlds. They have, after all, at least one goal in common: to better understand the mosaic of storyworlds that make up a society, no matter how weird or paranoid those paracosms might be.
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Facts evolved!!!!
Rough times for a cabal sucking little bitch like Jesse walker
Journalists love anything that fits their world view. They are among the most gullible of in the country.
Mark this on your calendar folks, at least one Reason writer finally figured out the official story is not the actual story. A big step for a liberal propagandist.
(I probably ought to mention that when her article discusses the broader phenomenon of using the “conspiracy theory” label to discredit someone, Halford takes a slap at my Reason colleague Eric Boehm for a short piece deriding Elizabeth Warren’s “cockamamie conspiracy theory” about the sources of inflation. When I showed that part of the paper to Eric, he replied: “that’s sloppy of me. should have been ‘cockamamie theories.'”)
Yum, no. Eric was right. It is a cockamamie theory about a conspiracy. Just because some conspiracies are real doesn’t mean every conspiracy theory is equally valid. If you have a wacky theory about a conspiracy that aliens murdered JFK to prevent him revealing the truth and that the CIA has been hiding evidence ever since, it’s still a conspiracy theory and a wacky one.
It’s not wrong to use the label when it’s accurate. It’s wrong to call something a conspiracy theory when it’s actually proven; like claiming that government using Twitter to censor is just a conspiracy theory despite the evidence it was actually happening.
EDIT: and that woman called out Boehm probably because she completely believes there’s evidence of big businesses collaborating to drive up prices and cause inflation, and that the increase of monetary supply by writing big checks was just incidental.
I think you missed the joke. All he did was correct it to be Warren's cockamamie "theory" to "theories" -- singular to plural. As though she has several misguided statements about why there is inflation, not just the one.
No, the word conspiracy was removed, and given the context, I assume that was the point.
The propagandists could get people to stop 'believing in conspiracy theories' pretty easily...
They would just have to stop labeling blatantly obvious and easily observable facts as conspiracy theories. Problem solved
+100000000 Well Said!
Or maybe even stop conspiring in such obvious and idiotic ways...
Most conspiracy theories are spread by propagandists, aren't they?
Perhaps, but it’s also equally true that propagandists instinctively try to cloak inconvenient truth by labeling it a conspiracy theory. I wonder if there is some “golden ratio” determining how many times they use “conspiracy theory” to cloak truth to the number of times they promulgate a false conspiracy theory to promote a lie? And, is maintaining that optimum ratio across the propaganda industry a conspiracy?
November 1963 would be an interesting briar patch to compare.
Somewhat long running joke/meme on Twitface is “They’re not conspiracy theories; they’re spoiler alerts.”
A few examples cited:
Doesn’t stop infection
Doesn’t stop transmission
Vax passes
Climate lockdowns (15 minute cities)
Censorship regime
" . . . a kook so divorced from common sense that he thinks someone could be both alive and dead."
Schrodinger hardest hit.
Is it so hard to believe that someone staged their own death and is in fact still alive?
Hey, it worked for Tom Sawyer.
Exit the warrior
Today's Tom Sawyer
He gets high on you
And the energy you trade
He gets right on to
The friction of the day
Right. Like how do you classify my belief regarding the death of John Kennedy: that he was killed by accident? It does require a conspiracy to cover it up, which I believe there was. My idea probably gets put in a trash-bin category like the belief that he didn’t die at all on that day, but later, or earlier…or that he’s still alive.
Or like the idea that the mysterious airships of the late 19th and early 20th Century were not alien craft, not transdimensional apparitions, not all hoaxes, but rather human-made experimental dirigibles, just as accounts at the time said.
We already know it was Ted Cruz's dad on the grassy knoll.
How do you figure he was killed by accident? Like Oswald was aiming for Jackie or something? Or the CIA agent on the grassy knoll was just trying to wound him? I'm interested in hearing more about this one.
As for airships, a small percentage were human-made dirigibles, but most were just completely fabricated stories put in newspapers in order to sell more copies.
Not for Jackie, but Connally.
Note that my claim was that they were not all hoaxes.
I would also argue that the right-left divide shifts a bit when the opposite party is in power. Right now, a lot of the right thinks the leftist media is out to get them. But when the right is ascendant the left suddenly goes bonkers.
You mean like how the left simultaneously regarded our previous president as both a complete moron and a diabolically evil genius super-villain?
I think that had to be my most favorite idiotic hypocrisy from the media during the Trump years.
And I still see people claiming Trump is "functionally illiterate" while at the same time warning about "the dire tenets of Trumpism", as if it were a political platform driven by research and white papers.
Can't have both, libtards. Unless you want to explain to me how Trump is just a puppet, being handled by shadowy figures behind the scenes blahdeblah. What conspiracy theory, you ask?
Except, the leftist media (the vast majority vote for and are registered Democrats) is actually out to get those on the right.
Just because you're paranoid doesn't mean they aren't actually out to get you.
I wonder what the breakdown of the media is among the 5-10% who aren't Democrats. Democratic Socialists? Green Party?
It's not like the NY DA withheld 600 pages of exculpatory evidence
The left is ascendant and they're still going bonkers.
They are enjoying unprecedented control and influence. Their dominance is so overwhelming that the biggest fight of the day is over whether not it's ok for grown men to lapdance for kids. Seriously. The fact this is the hill they want to die on now shows how dominant they really are. "haha we're going to fight a culture war over trannies shaking booty in your kids faces for dollars and grooming them right in fronto f you" and that is actually turning into a battle instead of everyone just laughing them out of the room.
It's not the hill they want to die on. They don't think they're going to lose the fight there.
Besides, the whole point of the exercise is to cause an uproar. Nothing more. It's similar to how Antifa will throw bottles of piss at a line of protestors, all their big dudes up front, shout vile statements, then when someone goes to confront them they shove all the women up front so the pictures look like thugs attacking poor little girls.
Cause an uproar, wait for the response, then use your control of media to spin that response as the moral panic.
The purpose of gaining power is to enable the gathering unto oneself even more power.
~Somebody, probably.
The trouble is some things labeled "conspiracy theories" today seem to have a 6 to 24 month latency period in which we find out the "conspiracy theory" is true and the official narrative was dead wrong. May I start with the Covid lab leak, then go on to the effectiveness of the vaccines, then we have the use of CRT and pornography in schools.
"The trouble is some things labeled “conspiracy theories” today seem to have a 6 to 24 month latency period in which we find out the “conspiracy theory” is true and the official narrative was dead wrong."
Arguably accurate, but so it also arguably accurate that '"things labeled “conspiracy theories” today seem to have a 6 to 24 month latency period in which we find out the “conspiracy theory”' is false.
Seriously? All I am trying to point out that many conspiracy theories are false. Some turn out to be true, as you say. And some have "staying power" seemingly beyond all logical explanation.
What are some popular ones proven false?
Most race hoax conspiracies.
The polar ice caps will disappear by 2005
You haven't proven Pepe the frog isn't ACTUALLY racist, have you?
The Earth is flat and NASA was created to discredit the bible is my favorite.
What's the theory, and when/how was it proven false?
Conspiricy theory : quanon is a 4chan meme used to scare wine mom's.
Truth: quanan is an all powerful organization that can alter reality and summon the equivalent of cuthulu breed with godzilla.
Damn, I might have to get on the Qanon bandwagon if they can pull off Cthulhu Kaiju.
Honestly, the entire "far left"/"far right" versus "sensible middle" dichotomy seems suspect to me. Both the right and left are probably a lot more likely to take interest in the news. While I'm not denying the existence of truly committed ideological centrists, a lot of people in the middle are people who simply aren't paying much attention and are inclined to accept the official narrative only as a consequence ("everyone says this is the case, why should I disagree?").
"While I’m not denying the existence of truly committed ideological centrists, a lot of people in the middle are people who simply aren’t paying much attention and are inclined to accept the official narrative only as a consequence."
That is most likely true. But why aren't they paying attention? Perhaps because they are doing the same thing that most people do most the time: they are busy making ends meet, bettering themselves, taking care of their families, and trying to get ahead, planning for the future, or sometimes, believe it or not, just busy enjoying life.
Oh, absolutely. I'm in no way denigrating those who engage in rational ignorance. If anything, its us loons bothering about something we have no control over who are the weirdos.
"Oh, absolutely. I’m in no way denigrating those who engage in rational ignorance. If anything, its us loons bothering about something we have no control over who are the weirdos."
Yeah, but the loons can be, at the least, entertaining, even to those who don't drink the Kool-Aid. And sometimes they are correct. These comment sections provide me with endless entertainment, and sometimes, a bit of education.
Once upon a time Gov-Guns weren’t the center of the universe.
...but the (Pro/A)ggressives made sure that didn't last long.
a lot of people in the middle are people who simply aren’t paying much attention and are inclined to accept the official narrative only as a consequence,
Otherwise known as NPCs in right wing meme land.
Hmm. "Non-playing character.” Interesting.
No, NPCs do more than accept, they parrot the official narrative and get upset if it is challenged
Most self-described "centrists" are either leftists lying to give credibility to their positions, for which they have no valid argument, or narcissistic cowards to afraid to take a side or examine their vapid, midwitted, servile "boaf sidez!" faith and value their pretentious "above the fray" pose/self-conceit above all else.
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"In any compromise between good and evil, it is only evil that can profit." -Ayn Rand
Now apply this to alleged 'centrists.' Centrism as presented in the mainstream is nothing more than corporate leftist globalism presented to suckers as normal and acceptable. John McCain was presented as a centrist maverick when he was nothing more than an establishment shill. Manchin and Sinema are called 'centrist' while voting with far left Dems 95% of the time and getting rolled (or more likely just going along while feigning ignorance) regularly.
So what exactly defines something as a conspiracy theory? Outlandishness? Merely being unlikely?
One of the things mentioned as a conspiracy theory to secretly make kids gay or trans. Except there is evidence thar at least some allegedly trans children are coming from a social contagion, there is an open movement to make gender affirming care the only legal medical treatment as well as school officials keeping such things secret from a child's parents. Perhaps there is a conspiracy theory that conflate too much, but dismissing every criticism as such is gaslighting the public on actual policies which are being put in place.
The teacher who brags that 40% of her class are LGBT…
And you know the teachers that say their goal is to queer children
There are probably thousands of pages in academic journals explicitly stating that the goal is to queer kids.
"dismissing every criticism as such is gaslighting the public on actual policies which are being put in place"
That's JW's job, and he's happy to serve his masters.
"Journalists love it, [...] It's a cool finding. There's just one problem: It's not true."
this is the journalism class in a nutshell. They are the biggest purveyors of so called "misinformation". And it's often intentional
It's almost like journalists are bad at reporting science news. Reason is no exception.
They're bad at reporting all sorts of news.
For instance, for the last 5 years running, Pulitzers have been awarded to stories that were actually, literally, misinformation. Fake news, as some people call it.
this is just the meat of The Gell-Mann amnesia effect
Perhaps because the kind of person most likely motivated to go into journalism are also the least likely to enjoy, and therefore be motivated to understand. science and mathematics?
They're bad at everything. Crichton's Gell-Mann Amnesia Effect is a solid description of the problem with the press and the people.
It’s pretty remarkable how astonishingly lazy most journalists are these days. They mainly just regurgitate whatever they happened to see on an AP story or Twitter, and do the least amount of effort to try and talk to the people they’re reporting on. And then you have scumbags like Taylor Lorenz, Aaron Rupar, and Ben Collins, who are really nothing more than information commissars for the DNC.
At this point, the mainstream narrative *is* the conspiracy theory. If you believe what they're telling us you have to believe in a whole lot of lunacy and nonsense.
Sounds like something a lizard person would say...
What are you even talking about?! COVID came from a wet market bat / pangolin soup that was eaten by a raccoon dog that was eaten by some poor chinaman...not the COVID lab next door!
COVID came from a farmers market
Conservatives are all terrorists
Ivermectin is horsepaste
Biden doesn't have dementia
The mRNA jab isn't giving kids myocarditus and elevated spike proteins two months in
Masks and COVID passports work
Cuomo didn't kill old people
Trump colluded with Russia
Jan 06 was an insurrection
Sicknick killed by a fire extinguisher
Transwoman are real women
BLM is mostly peaceful
Trump had a pee pee tape
Antifa is an idea
George Floyd didn't overdose
Advanced coursework is racist
1619 is real history
Hunter Laptop wasn't real
Trump caused asian hate
White rage is the problem
CRT isn't poisonous
All white people are racist
Jussie Smollet was attacked
China travel ban was racist
Words are violence
The military isn't woke
The FBI is apolitical
Iran never got cash pallets
The border is under control
Voter ID is racist
Blasey Ford was credible
WHO is an independent body
Gain of Function wasn't funded
A video caused Benghazi
Trump camp wasn't spied on by Obama
Hands up Don't Shoot happened
Bubba Wallace noose was real
Covington Catholic kid is racist
Trump will start WW3
If you like your Dr., Keep your Dr.
Trump said drink bleach
Assange is a criminal
Putin hacked VT electric grid
Trump threw out MLK, Jr bust
Kushner never got a Peace Deal
Mueller proved Trump-Cohen lie
Trump Jr had WikiLeaks access
Arkancides are a myth
Iraq had WMD'S
Russia hacked DNC
There are no Uyghur camps
Elizabeth Warren is native
Steele Dossier is bulletproof
Bernie lost primary fair&square
Russian bounties were real
Kavanaugh is a drunk rapist
Wildfires are bc climate change
Gen Flynn is a traitor
Omar didn't marry her brother
Trump called Nazis fine people
Trump tried to nuke a hurricane
IRS never targeted Tea Party
CIA doesn't plant news stories
NSA isn't spying on your calls
5 people murdered at Capitol
No immunity via C19 infection
Trump tear gassed Lafayette Square
Hillary didn't hide any emails
Its illegal to view Wikileaks
Trump had secret Russia server
Feinstein's staffer wasn't CCP
Podesta emails were doctored
Omar didn't pay husband $2.8M
Nothing was on Weiner's laptop
Nike doesn't use slave labor
The Asymptomatic spread C-19
Baturina never wired Hunter $$
Schiff didn't leak classified info
Joy Reid's blog was hacked
Tucker wasn't spied on
The GOP opposed Civil Rights
The parties flipped
Math is Racist
Some of these (e.g.: "Iran never got cash pallets," "Trump camp wasn’t spied on by Obama") are not so much conspiracy theories as gaslighting -- calling you a conspiracy theorist for talking about real events (that they'd rather not talk about).
Standing ovation...
You just summarized the last 4 years of the New York Times.
You just summarized the last 4 years of the New York Time's Lies!
Conspiracy theory = prophecy.
Just wait a few months - - - - - -
Of course. How else would you explain Steve Gutenberg's stardom?
His star has definitely faded a bit recently, coinciding with the electric car no longer being held back.
The Stonecutters, duh.
spared me having to post a link
This Just In: Conspiracy Theorists Not Quite as Kooky as Previously Reported
Oh my God...THEY got to Jesse Walker.
i think the issue is that the world of conspiracy theories has exploded and intermingled with the world of tribalism to create something new that we don't really have a good name for. as social media and the internet have become parts of our daily lives, and hyper-partisanship has so many people searching for confirmation bias and hyperbole..... theories that would not have gone mainstream decades ago are now.
we saw it with 9/11 truthers, then the birthers, then the russia russia russia nonsense under trump. then the pandemic hit, and pretty much nobody gave a damn about whether anything was true or not. what people want to believe has quite frequently become far more important than the truth of the situation.
and, since painting the "enemy" as utterly evil is why many people want to believe the conspiracy theories, those theories tend to jump right past the potential kernels of truth to impossible hyperbole. the basic core of most modern conspiracy theories is "my group is righteous and the other group is pure evil." this is why the lab leak theory is important to so many people..... to the left, it can't be possible that a government sponsored program could screw up and bring us a pandemic early without the very early warning they were supposed to find..... it had to come from somewhere else. to those on the right, it can't JUST be that the lab screwed up, the Chinese MUST have been deliberately creating the virus.
in short, the main issue with modern conspiracy theories is not that the deviate from the accepted story, it is that they deviate so far in such a manic way that is beyond what can be taken seriously. the lab leak theory is probably the clearest example that those who care about it will probably never understand. the lab leak theory always was reasonable. it always was reasonable to ask those questions and consider if there should be consequences for China. but those who pushed that theory the hardest almost always added on the charge that it was deliberate/engineered/bio-weapon research..... they took a reasonable point of discussion and ran with it to a point where it was no longer reasonable....
The propaganda is many /most:
the lab leak theory always was reasonable. it always was reasonable to ask those questions and consider if there should be consequences for China. but those who pushed that theory the hardest almost always added on the charge that it was deliberate/engineered/bio-weapon research….. they took a reasonable point of discussion and ran with it to a point where it was no longer reasonable….
The reality is almost none of the assertions include the bioweapon charge, but almost all the rebuttals include it.
Without taking a stand on whether the activists' health arguments are actually true, Halford argued that the industry had found it useful to focus on its more paranoid opponents—a case study, she said, in how institutions can use "anti-conspiracy discourse" to undermine their opponents.
it is true that the existence of the more paranoid elements shapes the discussion.... that is why we hear about the lab leak theory being racist. there were racists pushing it just to justify being racist. (but, you might note.... i didn't say anything about it being racist and did mock the side that was using that argument for failing to understand that it could have come from the lab.)
but whether you are willing to accept it or not, the idea that the virus was deliberately/directly made/engineered is a MAJOR factor for those pushing the lab leak theory. if you don't think that is true, then you have got some pretty impressive blinders on. (the bio-weapon part is not mentioned often, but is implied by the answer to the obvious question of why the Chinese would make this virus on purpose..... and them making it on purpose is nearly universal for the lab leak proponents.)
That's the thing. The weaponization isn't a required component. They were researching coronaviruses. This isn't in question. They had terrible sanitation controls. That isn't in question either. Even if it was completely accidental leak of a normal, if rare, virus, that still qualifies, and yet it was officially considered a crazed misinformation worthy of being censored.
I'd like to know why "covid as deliberately engineered bioweapon" isn't a reasonable suspicion?
thanks for dropping in an demonstrating my point......
first, to answer your question, answer the following:
why would they do that? as a weapon, it sucks. it isn't fatal enough to be a good weapon, and it is so transmissible that any damage you inflict on your "enemies" will end up also being inflicted on you.
if you can find an answer to that question that does not make your question look stupid..... it probably includes words like "evil" and "communist" and pretty much underscores the partisan and hate driven aspect i was describing. you don't actually have any reason to think the bio-weapon charge is reasonable, you just WANT to believe it because it demonstrates how your team is honorable and the "other" team is evil.
Why do you assume a bioweapon has to cause mass fatalities? Killing a bunch of people isn’t the only path toward world domination. The covid panic destabilized the entire world economy. Maybe that’s enough. And why would you assume that China has any problem killing off a large amount of its excess population, especially since the ones who are most likely to die are also the least productive members of the population AND the most likely to consume huge amounts of public resources: the sick and the elderly. China is not internationally renowned for its respect for the sanctity of life.
I don’t believe it was a deliberately engineered bioweapon, but it’s not impossible. In fact, it’s MORE possible than the stupid wet market theory, which was ALWAYS far-fetched. It was most likely an accidental leak of a virus designed by a bunch of arrogant and unethical mad scientists who outsourced dangerous research to a Chinese lab with a shoddy safety record, in order to skirt US law. They didn’t make it as a weapon, they made it to see if they could and they fucked up.
Also, you’re proving the point. MOST people who posited the lab leak theory from the beginning said nothing about a bioweapon. They *did* point to plenty of evidence of the mad scientist theory, though.
I’m agnostic on the intentional bioweapon theory, but it’s certainly plausible and also extremely likely that the possibility of producing one was in the back of some minds.
To your point about fatalities, if producing a bioweapon it’s also entirely possible that they just screwed up. I imagine (beyond just doing the genetic engineering in the first place) it’s pretty difficult to find that viral sweet spot of highly contagious and highly lethal. Those two qualities tend to work against each other for viruses.
They could’ve simply missed their target.
Someone's going to have to fill me in on what the fat clump of cancer cells replied with.
guess muting anyone who makes sense is a good way to avoid seeing how dumb your position is.
"guess muting anyone who makes sense is a good way to avoid seeing how dumb your position is."
Guess you're posting from experience.
The Woke’s weaponization of the education system is by design. Don’t take our word for it. They will happily explain it for you.
Corporate media: Critical Race Theory isn’t Marxist
Critical Race Theorist: Gramsci said we need a revolution
The education system IS a weapon. Couldn't be otherwise.
BREAKING NEWS: Just when you think DOJ can't get any dirtier--
New motion just filed by defense in Proud Boys trial accusing DOJ of using an FBI informant to spy on and infiltrate the defense team
Holy sh*t this is beyond dirty.
DC US Attorney Matthew Graves' office notified defense team TODAY that a defense witnesses has been an FBI informant since the BEGINNING of the case thru start of trial.
"The CHS participated in prayer meetings with...the defendants' families."
This is starting to sound worse than Whitmer fednapping hoax.
Graves' office continues to mislead court and defendants about actual number of FBI informants (CHS).
Could be dozens as far as anyone knows.
Motion filed by public defender for Zachary Rehl. Rehl is the nonviolent defendant denied bail for 2 years by Judge Tim Kelly.
Hernandez today asked Kelly to reconsider Rehl's incarceration since he has a daughter he's never held since she was born after he was arrested.
As I reported a few weeks ago, FBI caught red-handed spying on Rehl's communications with his then-attorney. DOJ continues to argue those communications are not privileged bc Rehl is behind bars. Also appeared FBI sharing that info with lead prosecutors:
So prosecutors knew back in December that defense planned to call this person as a witness. For 3 months, not only did Graves' office refuse to disclose the witness was an FBI informant, the individual continued to work as an informant, spying on defense, during trial prep.
Fox News Digital reviewed Yale’s tightly-guarded and emotionally-invasive @rulerapproach K-12 curriculum, which has been accused of “social engineering” millions of kids into raging activists.
Used on millions of children at 4,500 schools, Yale asks teachers to cultivate rage among their students by using emotional persuasion.
The lessons probed deeply and, oftentimes intrusively, into the student's emotions, personal relationships, traumas, beliefs and triggers.
"[E]mploy strategies to nudge your students towards feeling red when you are preparing to discuss topics such as injustice. To shift your students into the red, consider showing them controversial photographs or news headlines,” it said.
Another section focused on aiding students to recognize societal rules, and taught them those can be defied. "Make sure to explain that even though we call these patters 'rules,' we do not need to follow them."
The curriculum had students enact emotionally distressing scenarios, including those relating to microaggressions.
“Students should go beyond explaining… and actually practice it with their facial expressions, vocal tones and body language.”
The curriculum said kids should be burdened to feel responsible for the emotional safety of others.
“It's important to note that activation may be triggering to some students. Teachers should be aware of the potential effects… on students with traumatic backgrounds.”
The exercise to teach students an emotional lesson included "focused breaths," which is "what puts our lizard brain… to sleep.”
The Dhillon Law Group — @pnjaban has argued in a complaint to one of @YaleMed’s clients, Newport-Mesa, that the curriculum is essentially mental health counseling run by unlicensed practitioners — teachers.
The curriculum is based on what is known as social and emotional learning (SEL), a multi-billion-dollar industry in K-12 education which claims to develop students' self-awareness, self-control and interpersonal skills.
"When all of the answers to these questions get decided by… a specific political agenda, SEL becomes less about character education and more about ‘people fixing’ to create… citizens… influenced to think… through the indoctrination techniques,” said SEL critic @iamlisalogan.
Yale and its Center for Emotional Intelligence Program Director @marcbrackett did not respond to a request for comment.
.@SenJohnKennedy: “Do you know what a Brady motion is?”
Biden federal trial court nominee Kato Crews: “It’s not coming to mind at the moment what a Brady motion is.”
Everyone knows that - it's when a woman with several children from a previous marriage marries a man in the same situation.
I hold a conspiracist worldview.
Hell, just on the strength of MY OWN conspiracies.
In 2016, Victoria Nuland told Congress that US advisors serve in 12 Ukrainian ministries, US-trained police operate in 18 Ukrainian cities, the US Treasury helped close 60 Ukrainian banks while protecting depositors, and the US spent $266 million on training Ukrainian soldiers.
Very entertaining, thought-provoking and informative summary. One thing I did not find covered, though: I would emphasize the actual conspiracies – mostly failed attempts to cover up policy catastrophes and corporate torts – and try to correlate people who were labeled conspiracy nuts at the time and later vindicated by serious investigations to see if they are a sub-population of “conspiracy theorists” more generally. Recent examples include tobacco companies dodging cancer risk; and the evolving CDC coverup of funding high-risk gain-of-function virology studies at Wuhan, whether of not the pandemic started from an “oopsie” there. Also, it sounds like you have more fun at your conferences than I have at my Occupational and Environmental Health conferences. Just sayin'
One of the most important things I ever read is from a book about "Global Citizenship Education and Education for Sustainable Development."
On what rights "global citizens" have, it says, "Global citizenship is not as concerned with rights as it is with responsibilities."
"Global citizenship" responsibilities begin with having critical consciousness (being Woke) and proceed into full commitment to the 17 Sustainable Development Goals of the United Nations Agenda 2030. This isn't speculation on my part. It's explicit. It's defined that way.
When Social-Emotional Learning under CASEL lists "responsible decision-making" as a competency area, and UNESCO explains SEL is for SDGs and global citizenship education, we can understand that to mean SEL is for brainwashing kids into global citizenship critical consciousness.
Maybe you're like, yeah right James! This is a huge push. Big target to hit this year is exposing and destroying the trustworthiness of this agenda to millions more people.
And yes, they really say that about no rights, just responsibilities to the global Regime and its goals.
And yes, UNESCO really is pushing SEL for SDGs because SEL allows them to overcome the stress and cognitive dissonance caused by brainwashing kids.
And yes this is already moving into education for real, not just in the imaginations of demons posing as bureaucrats.
"any conspiracy theory that stands in opposition to the official narrative will gain some degree of endorsement from someone who holds a conspiracist worldview, even if it directly contradicts other conspiracy theories that they also find credible."
No, what it REALLY means is that Governments, politicians, and media have so poisoned the conversation that EVERY time they say ANYTHING, most people automatically assume they are LYING and are asking for actual EVIDENCE!
Pro tip; Disney *is* sexualizing children.
Powerful people in Hollywood do systemically molest vulnerable women, children, and teens.
A significant percentage, though likely a minority, of politicians are sexual deviants who use their power to get away with sex crimes. Those crimes are likely facilitated by groomers such as Jeffery Epstein, who might have been an asset of an intelligence agency or two.
None of these ideas should be controversial. We see these things happening in real time.
"30 percent agreeing that Washington and Hollywood elites are 'engaged in a massive child sex trafficking racket,' 28 percent agreeing that there is a secret 'gay agenda' to make young people gay or trans, and 26 agreeing that Disney 'grooms' children into sexualized lifestyles."
I mean, do you want the proof of all these? Technically speaking, I don't know if the child sex trafficking is "massive", but it does exist (Epstein). Also, the "gay agenda" was theoretically secret but now they've admitted it. Other than those nitpicks, yes, these are all easily provable.
Do you remember when people were saying that mass domestic surveillance by our own gov’t was a crazy conspiracy theory?
Pep’ridge Fahm remembahs.
There’s a neat little form you can fill out to petition The Conspiracy that magically compels them to spill their secrets. Sometimes The Conspiracy releases stuff, sometimes they don’t. Sometimes they redact everything, but it isn’t a conspiracy The Conspiracy assures us. It is for our own security. COMPLETELY DIFFERENT.
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There's an annual conspiracy nut convention that is only a couple miles away from me. Not everyone there is nuts, but a few are so bonkers they will literally believe that Diana is both alive and dead.
But in general, conspiratards tends to form cliques and factions. When I was running the local Ron Paul group, the 911Troofers had their own factions. Those who believed that Cheny was behind it all were their own faction, and the other loons did not talk to them. And the Lizard People believers did not talk to the "US Gold Reserves were underneath WTC7" did not necessarily overlap with the "steel can't burn" people.
Okay sure, believers in woo and quackery seem to believe anything everywhere all at once, but in truth they just drift from one psychic guru to another, or one miracle goop cure to another. For the most part, conspiraloons get off being kneejerk contrarians to the obvious, so it doesn't matter what it is, they will still latch on to it. Like a toddler who will let go of his favorite toy to grab onto his new favorite toy.
But eventually, all conspiracy theories eventually lead to the Jewish Blood Libel. Because at heart they are all vile anti-semitics. As one David Ickes fan told me, "They're not really lizard people. We just have to say that because we're not allowed to talk about the Jews tha run everything." (She was one of those who beleived that US gold reserves were under WTC7, but were moved along the secret underground tunnel to Denver International Airport where the Lizards, er, Jews, had their headquarters. I shit you not. She actually believed all that.
"But eventually, all conspiracy theories eventually lead to the Jewish Blood Libel. Because at heart they are all vile anti-semitics."
You just called the majority of free thinkers anti-Semites.
So, anyone who doesn't believe the following is an anti-Semite (thanks to "Mother's Lament" for the list):
COVID came from a farmers market
Conservatives are all terrorists
Ivermectin is horsepaste
Biden doesn’t have dementia
The mRNA jab isn’t giving kids myocarditus and elevated spike proteins two months in
Masks and COVID passports work
Cuomo didn’t kill old people
Trump colluded with Russia
Jan 06 was an insurrection
Sicknick killed by a fire extinguisher
Transwoman are real women
BLM is mostly peaceful
Trump had a pee pee tape
Antifa is an idea
George Floyd didn’t overdose
Advanced coursework is racist
1619 is real history
Hunter Laptop wasn’t real
Trump caused asian hate
White rage is the problem
CRT isn’t poisonous
All white people are racist
Jussie Smollet was attacked
China travel ban was racist
Words are violence
The military isn’t woke
The FBI is apolitical
Iran never got cash pallets
The border is under control
Voter ID is racist
Blasey Ford was credible
WHO is an independent body
Gain of Function wasn’t funded
A video caused Benghazi
Trump camp wasn’t spied on by Obama
Hands up Don’t Shoot happened
Bubba Wallace noose was real
Covington Catholic kid is racist
Trump will start WW3
If you like your Dr., Keep your Dr.
Trump said drink bleach
Assange is a criminal
Putin hacked VT electric grid
Trump threw out MLK, Jr bust
Kushner never got a Peace Deal
Mueller proved Trump-Cohen lie
Trump Jr had WikiLeaks access
Arkancides are a myth
Iraq had WMD’S
Russia hacked DNC
There are no Uyghur camps
Elizabeth Warren is native
Steele Dossier is bulletproof
Bernie lost primary fair&square
Russian bounties were real
Kavanaugh is a drunk rapist
Wildfires are bc climate change
Gen Flynn is a traitor
Omar didn’t marry her brother
Trump called Nazis fine people
Trump tried to nuke a hurricane
IRS never targeted Tea Party
CIA doesn’t plant news stories
NSA isn’t spying on your calls
5 people murdered at Capitol
No immunity via C19 infection
Trump tear gassed Lafayette Square
Hillary didn’t hide any emails
Its illegal to view Wikileaks
Trump had secret Russia server
Feinstein’s staffer wasn’t CCP
Podesta emails were doctored
Omar didn’t pay husband $2.8M
Nothing was on Weiner’s laptop
Nike doesn’t use slave labor
The Asymptomatic spread C-19
Baturina never wired Hunter $$
Schiff didn’t leak classified info
Joy Reid’s blog was hacked
Tucker wasn’t spied on
The GOP opposed Civil Rights
The parties flipped
Math is Racist
When you label everyone anti-semitic it loses it’s meaning.
There is a group of 3500+ architects, engineers, and controlled demolition specialists who believe and show evidence that 9/11 was an inside job. Many of the experts on the list are college and university professors and working professionals at elite institutions. Cognitive dissonance is powerful especially when it’s an emotionally charged topic like 9/11.
“Believing that Osama bin Laden is still alive is apparently no obstacle to believing that he has been dead for years.”
Schrödinger’s terrorist.
Psychology is not science.
Good, but scattery compared to most Jesse judgments. So... is it still OK to be uncertain whether, say, a cat is both alive and dead, or not exactly either?
The original claim equated believing that either of two conflicting theories COULD be true with believing both ARE true. It is entirely possible to believe both are POSSIBLE and still understand that if one it true, the other must be false.
News flash! The difference between a conspiracy theory and conspiracy is proof that two or more people shared a lie.
Not so much of a news flash.